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File: no abs anorexia.jpg (995 KB, 1800x1139)
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If CICO is everything and abs are mad ein the kitchen, then why do starving people and anorexics have no abs?

In fact, they don't even have any muscle definition at all.
Because they have no muscle you fucking retard.

Kill yourself post haste
>Because CICO isn't everything and abs aren't made in the kitchen
Glad we agree, retard.
CICO = if you eat at a deficit you lose weight. That is all CICO means. Note how none of your examples are overweight. You just prove CICO with your posts but I'm sure you are just trolling.
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actually abs are made by not being in the kitchen.
>CICO = if you eat at a deficit you lose weight. That is all CICO means.
The claim is lost fat, not just lost weight. Otherwise, why even do it? Why is it even a thing in fitness circles then?

You're making shit up now bro. Take the L.
Another boring kekke thread, saw this one yesterday
No, the claim is lost weight. You're just making shit up now you fat nigger
CICO is everything, working out is part of CICO.

>abs are made in the kitchen
is keto logic and it's not true.
long term weightloss with high lean mass has always been about food intake + physical activity.
This proves CICO, it doesn't take away from it.
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CICO is everything when it comes to manipulating body weight.
That screenshot LMAO
>CICO is everything, working out is part of CICO.
So CICO isn't everything, got it.
When you are in calorie deficit, your body uses fat and muscle mass for energy. How much of each highly depends on your diet. Once you push the deficit too far for a long time, you can no longer use fat for energy, therefore you keep canibalizing your muscle mass at rapid rate which will result in physique with almost zero muscle definition, sice your body weight is mostly skon, bones and organs.
>It's not only CICO you also gotta work out
CICO is separate from working out, you need both to be ripped
if you had a button to kill everyone in this thread, would you press it?
Probably just to save the taxpayers the neetbux
Based op, but I’d you really wanna BTFO a cicultist, just post this screenshot
They’ve never had a rationale rebuttal kek
correct term should be : abs are made visible in the kitchen
>this stadium burns somewhere around 2000 people a day just to maintain operations
They're leaving through the sky
Working out is the CO part of CICO

Lmaoing at the stadium meme
The argument against CICO isn't that it isn't akschually technically a true mathematical statement. The argument is over whether or not it's useful/practical to simplify diet and exercise to that level, or if it is prudent to take other variables more seriously or even disregard counting entirely.

"Well it's physics, the CO still has to be higher than CI, duh" is not a meaningful counterpoint when people are saying things like, "CO can't even be reliably measured in daily life, and can change dramatically based on food choices that have nothing to do with raw calorie counts - fixating on the equation itself is stupid".
Wrong, you still need to be in the kitchen to eat right and build muscle
As if anything in life was as simple that it could actually be defined with a singular explanation, this is why dum dum stay dum dum
When you don’t eat food you lose muscle and fat, that is perfectly in line with cico

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