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Will I get bullied at the jim?
I’m in a predominantly white area in Canada (shocking I know) and I’m Indian
Should I be ok?
Meh if you aren't a pajeet that was imported recently from the village, you guys seem to usually not smell like complete shit and have atleast some sort of house training/manners, I don't mind you at all.
Feather or dot?
Feather is fine they're practically scared of you.
Dot yeah they'll put you in the sewer.
I wouldn't go. Ethnic tensions and hate crimes in Canada are increasing and who knows when the first lynchings will begin. Better to prioritize your safety over vanity.
you should go back, but yeah assume everyone there hates you because most likely they do.
>I don't mind you at all.
Don't lie.
Bro obviously dot lol
Do you honestly think a Native American would be that insecure about it here?
>non Native American telling me to “go back”
>predominantly white area in Canada
These still fucking exist?
Well are you a canada born pajeet? They usually fit in pretty well.

Or are you one of these international students, makes me think later if you're insecure about racism
wow a gay race communist and a jeet, you're gonna make a lot of friends
>They usually fit in pretty well.
Uhh they are L I T E R A L L Y brown
Anon most people aren't racists that blame jews for their short comings
Nope natives walk around like they own the place. They'll probably be first in line to flush you.
Just don't be a bitchy whiny Indian and people will like you. Poking fun is part of white culture. Get used to it if you are going to live in white areas and cultures. I have noticed Indians and Asians in general take themselves to seriously and get pissed of easily at harmless jokes. If a white guy is comfortable enough to make fun of you it usually means they like you and think of you as a friend. Just lighten up and don't take it too seriously. It is just part of western culture.
Also to add to this advice if you can't tell if someone is joking or actually being being mean just smile and laugh and tell them they are a funny guy. Either way you will come off as a chad.
You won’t get bullied but everyone is sick of your kind flooding our country. They’ll probably assume you’re the first of many. I swear every time I go to the gym there’s more brown people
If you're in real life and not on 4chan literally nobody will give a shit. Actual adults don't bully people very often
It depends, do you stink of curry and B.O.?
did you redeem?
just try to practice gym etiquette
put away your weights when done
wipe down benches
if someone is clearly using a machine don't ask them if they're done
if someone is sitting next to a barbell don't start taking plates off the barbell
(all these things I've witnessed from jeets)
You should go back to India before we make you
My ancestors have been here for 400 years jeet. We will liberate Canada from the flood of browns
No. Racism has no place at the gym. Just try to behave like everyone else and be polite and no one will care.
Just make sure to regularly have showers and use plenty of deodorant.
I don't know if it's your diet or what but pajeets unironically reek, even the ones born and raised here. I don't think you are self aware about that because every time the subject is brought up you guys get really defensive. So I'm assuming it's not on purpose.
If Canadians have any self-respect left, yes. What you should do is either kill yourself, or hop on the plane to india and kill as many as you can, before then killing yourself.
Bathe before and after
Indians have no place in my gym, or any Canadian gym
I would play it safe and return home to India anon
Whites usually don't assault random people that's nigga/spic shit
I don't know but you sound like a twat so you probably should get bullied
You’re American lol
Take roids and get tattoos
People will think youre a biker/ cop /military/mafia etc
Not an insult. America is one of the greatest countries in the world.
Pakistan and India are shitholes. Pakijeet. America mogs pakistan and india
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Probably not, but you deserve to be

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