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Should filming be banned in gyms?

Not as long as I'm allowed to jerk off in the background of the shot like a gang bang video.
The conclusion I come to is that women should be banned from gyms, not filming, because it’s almost always a woman that makes it the problem it is
Wait till she gets to Matthew 6:5 lol.
I want her to slap me so hard with her boobs that i get knocked out. If you know what I mean.
recording. there is no film involved.
LMAO christian rap commit suicide holyyyyyyy shit. king diamond and hitler speeches rule my workouts what a fucking pleb
You self pitying faggots keep posting and responding to the same exact thread with the same exact ragebait videos and none of you even go to the gym
This one is new to me. Kekarino at this retards life
You can easily read the Bible on your phone. This is pure virtue signaling.
in any decent gym it already is
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For women? Yes.
women dont understand the Bible, thats why it says men are meant to teach the women in their lives. Bible = based
I don’t like eye strain so I prefer books
This one angers me the most, gets me every time.
godamn i hate women so fucking much
Fuckin purity spiral infested cultists and their bizarro virtue signaling rituals
What performative bullshit. I fucking hate fundy evangelists so god damn much.
The video she herself took focuses on her lower body though, what would it matter if someone looks at it in the gym if she is going to publish it publicly for the world to see? Insane bitch.
Yeah, she does none of this shit.
>nothing for upper body
this nigger is the female equivalent of skipping leg day
her bf is so kind and thoughtful
People say like Rednex in the woods with bibles and guns n axes are bad.
1. I have never even seen these people and I have lived in West Virginia and Alabama for 2+ years.
2. Whoever they are they are infinitely preferable compared to whatever that Weebum is about.
Yes, but not a blanket ban; filming in gyms should only be banned if it's clearly being done to cause drama or for OF, like a woman thinly disguising her mimicry of reverse cowgirl by doing squats with a 2" range of motion with the phone pointed directly at her ass or visibly trying to catch a man looking at her funny and making a nuisance of herself. People should be allowed to record to check their form or post their PRs on social media, but nuisance filmers should be kicked out.
>is it for checking your form later?
>is it to show the lads how are you progressing?
>is it for posting on social media
>>is it to show the lads how are you progressing?
>>is it for posting on social media
Fwiw those 2 are often the same
Technically, yes, but there's social media (being used for its intended purpose of making and staying in contact with friends and family) and then there's social media (clout chasing faggotry).
Any gym in the US could ban it, it's just more profitable to allow it I guess.
No, I film my squats and deadlifts to check my form,
>records men when they look at their ass
>records men when they don't look
you can't win
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. But when you pray, go into your room, shut the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.”
I think one or two mirror selfie picks is fine, same with setting up your phone next a squat rack to check up on your form.

if you're bringing a tripod with a professional camera and annoying the fuck out of everyone with your talking and having people in the background that might not want to be plastered on social media then yes, that should be banned.
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This is my vibe. I'd like her to try and fight me off.
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pretty sure all of these are intentionally ragebait
Snapping fingers to get help from simps
>Black man just walking around in between sets
>EWWW what a creep

White women are so racist it's unbelievable. Props to them for doing OHP though. Even with baby weights, I have never seen a woman do barbell OHP in my life.
You can win pretty easily. Just look at her ass blatantly enough for her to say something but not so much as to look bad on camera. Don't accept the shame. Do an amicable but insincere apology with your head held high in a non remorseful tone and slightly derisive undertone. Then look again. This time she's real mad and not camera performance mad. Now you affect being annoyed but trying to politely hide it. It ends up just looking like a crazy girl bothering a cool guy. It's really not that hard.
Pussy pass denied, bitch.
Wow she is legit mentally ill
Love from Kazakhstan.
>Feels unsafe
>Only thrusts when people in her line of sight
I've got one even better.
Just look disgusted. Give a clear, visceral look of revulsion.
Friendly reminder that she got so blown the fuck off she deleted her social media presence
It was that retarded even by normie standards
>Friendly reminder that she got so blown the fuck off she deleted her social media presence
oh, I thought it was parody
but that makes it seem more like she's an actual psycho
she 100% does ass to mouth
>seems ... like she's an actual psycho
Anon is beginning to understand.
Done that to a few girls, it’s hot as fuck
Woah. Double whammy attention whore
Religion and fitness
You run this little fantasy through your mind every night before bed?
Yes but the problem is that people who make life-altering decisions at places like universities, workplaces and even judges quite often are often extremely bitter and dumb people that are often far below normie standards. This is why you often hear of some ridiculous miscarriage of justice and public outcry, and then suddenly everything changes completely due to it going public. How many men's lives have been ruined by it all.
didn't that guy end up being the owner or am I thinking of another dramatic BPD hoe.
Its either that one or >>75138913 this one
Reminder this video made international news
This one infuriates me because she looks like she stinks, maybe it's the mouthbreathing face
kek she deleted all her shit after this
Did she report to the stocks for correction, as well?
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This is so performative I don't know where to start. No one would ever go to this trouble without having a tiktok to post it on. My wife had the same pump and those parts are not sturdy enough for this to be anything but an enormous hassle.
Shes memeing right?
Imagine the audacity of being black in a public place. Jim crow was right
How retarded do you have to be to pull that stunt on a gym employee? kek. Hope the 7k heart emojis was worth losing her gym membership for.
Tiktok is a fucking disease and it's really shown just how narcissistic women truly are.
It's taking something that should be private, though natural, and intentionally making it a spectacle to get a reaction out of someone.
They really want to retort with,
>"Wow this is just all natural, creep. Stop making this weird ew."
No normal person would ever think to fucking pump breast milk while exercising in a public setting....No one.
Like, I could technically clip my nails at the gym or pick my nose. But why would I do that? It's "natural" but I don't. Because it's fucking weird.
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>king diamond and hitler speeches
based man of culture
Bible whores are the worst
>using up a squat rack for that dogshit
she needs to be kicked out
Why is it that women with huge boobs NEVER have a pretty face?
Dont need em
You dont actually believe she has ever read anythig right? Much less the bible?
>THE look
It looks like she is having an IBS attack and holding in the shit.
Guaranteed all of these "creeps" actually keep looking to see if these stupid fucking whores are finally done with the equipment so they can finally use it. Because she has literally taken up time to set up her camera to film instead of exercising.
That's how you get banned dipshit
Is she gonna share?
I cringe so hard from watching christcucks, but maybe it is a fun experience to believe. Just like how it's cringe yet fun to be a weeb.
Yup, her mom or grandmothers didn't need'em either.
Filming women in general needs to be banned. Destroys the mind of both men and women, single most horrendous invention ever.
Well I feel silly now
i would actually lose my shit if i saw someone doing bible study in the squat rack
Im posting in this thread to say based
there is no fucking way these people think they're sane
Yeah you're thinking the latter
She got banned from the gym (the guy he's harassing is an instructor) then disappeared from social media cuz normies didn't back her
the guy *she's harassing
Serious question, what's the point of reading any book for the purposes of Christianity that's not the Bible? Why would I want some random person's intepretation or spin on it rather than just getting it right from the source?
I wish I had the intelligence to understand your technique, I want to win.
>Wait till you hear about YouTube movie breakdown videos.
Most people don't really think for themselves.
The Bible isn't a primer and rulebook on Christianity. It's mythologized history and the ramblings of wigged out mystics. Without the thousands of years of interpretation, application, and philosophy, you don't understand any version of Christianity by just reading the Bible.
...If that was a dude, you WOULDN'T help them escape? You'd just leave them there stuck forever like some sort of tragic Greek morality fable? What difference does it make if it's a girl or a guy? Just spot them and go back to business
If it was a dude, he wouldn't be stuck. She isn't even actually stuck. She's just being a woman and refusing to fix her own problem when there's a man who could fix it for her.
Joey Swole got a hold of her and a couple of others posted here. They rarely survive.
Society exists for powerful men to fuck pretty women. Rules arent made for your benefit pleb.
Typical OHP fans
He looks like he's midset and wearing headphones. Even if he were her husband it would be unreasonable to expect help in the moments this was filmed.

Homegym master race.
Filming is fine. Ban women
>wear clothing specifically designed to showcase ass & notorious for camel toe
>wear clothing specifically designed to showcase tits
>get mad when men stare
She should be gangraped by an entire Gold's Gym.
charismatics are so incredibly cringe
That's what she wants.
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She’s a Jew… her milkers aren’t worth it. And she’s a lesbian that swindled thousands on her TV show and onlyfans
engagement gets cash
it's just money hungry whores a few steps away from opening up an OF (if they haven't already)
Based racist
Ah, jew milkers. Shoulda known
Just say you just started transitioning and are sad you'll never be as beautiful as her.
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What the fuck is wrong with its face?
Im pretty sure women are all retarded and not a bunch of master trolls
religious people are so fucking nutty lmao
Not being treated like a chump isn't a fantasy to me lol.
Higher risk higher reward.
You probably do. Manipulation takes practice regardless of how well you understand it's workings.
>dresses like a total slut
>pretends to love Jesus for the cameras
Women are such a meme.
>LITERALLY has to censor her twat print
At some point I'm left to conclude that these are tricks on people to farm engagement
Real talk why do these people call me racist for pointing out statistical probabilities and IQ differences that are well known but then they're allowed to pull this off? Almost makes me want to root for the trannies.
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>And she’s a lesbian
Lesbians are a meme, everyday she has to resist the urge to fuck cock
It's always the women that are built like pieces of drift wood with arms and legs that get uppity if you even breath near them. No guy is risking getting banned at a gym and/or going to jail for a 4/10 goblina wearing chinese knock off gym shark skank wear.
>Should filming be banned in gyms?
Yes and no.
There's a gym culture and filming is part of it.
Female bodybuilders are also doing it for some time now.
The main problem I think is the gen-z women who make content for tiktok and bother the other gym goers with their shitty attitude.
I'm against banning filming altogether but there should be rules in place on what is allwed and what isn't.
And these tiktokkers should be banned for at least 6 months when they get caught doing it.
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Attention seeking whore behaviour, can guarantee she's a utter cunt behind closed doors, still would at least once though hehe.
spreading my pussy for jesus
>developing your ass so no one will pay attention to it
foid master logicians once again
>guy clearly wearing headphones
>cunt snaps at him like a rich boomer summoning a waiter at a restaurant
A really sad thing about these kind of hags is that PTs used to be so bubbly and keen so be in everyone’s business to hype them up, socialise, give professional tips etc, and now stick their heads down around these women like 9 times out of 10 when they’re not spoken too.
Exhibitionism is based. Stacy behavior
I used to go to a gym years ago and had started going shortly after it opened. Was a cool place. Loads of racks, good selection of heavy dumbbells, large open space, and importantly, the other people lifting there were just lifting weights, working out and shooting the shit. Went back there like 5 years later, as I'd moved back to the same part of the city and the place was totally different. A load of absolute spastics going around filming, half of them were about 19-22 years olds who looked like they'd been lifting a year and hopped straight on gear. There was one particular black fella who had a whole tripod rig and was going around with it filming every inane exercise. The whole vibe was ruined.
im always amazed at how stupid you guys are, especially the 30 year olds.
>women see a trend of any kind
>they hop in
>platforms are engagement based, if you get anyone to talk about your video, comment on it, argue, or whatever you have won.
>do something obviously stupid, other women immitate it because it got so big they know about it.
>this drives the platforms, makes you money directly.
>retards now argue over if its true or not.
>if you avoid this retarded content a dumb fuck will come to this website to repost the content for free and (You)'s
You guys arent even men or humans, just retards who fall for the most surface level normie bait.

I say this genuinely, it is over for you.
>milk already in the bottles at the start of the video
I guess she already pumped all the milk before she even properly set up all the shit for recording and yet she still goes through the whole process and hassle to move around the gym with it just for internet points. This is straight up mental and I hate evry single second of it.
gracias senorina
Pumping milk is bad for your babies btw

Women’s nipples detect nutrition needs from the babies saliva and tailor the milks nutrition profile to their specific needs at the moment. Bottle feeding is barely better than formula.
>The conclusion I come to is that women should be banned from gyms
Sex segregated gyms where you have to be completely naked if you want to enter the training area is the only solution.
She has very nice leg, glute, hamstring and calves, definition.
it's funny how you can tell from a face that someone is annoying and stupid as fuck
Not at the gym, i make it a point to stare down whores visible nipples when they feeem themselves from the bras opression. Even the ugly ones (havent seen a cute one do it)

My mom says they just want attention because they dont get enough of that from their daddies or a boyfriend but shes a woman too so i dont believe her
>Post a video online of your arse jutting out as the sole focus of your content

>Concerned the man behind her is looking at her arse

Being a woman should be classed as a disability
This is definitely the most appropriate and rational reaction and guarantees you won't end up in a video looking stupid. What I posted was black knighting which can be risky and has no practical reason other than the love of the game.
Can you explain the mechanism of action via which the nipple "detects nutrition needs from the saliva"?
What changes occur in the babies saliva to signal these changes?
How are they detected by the breast?
What changes occur in breast milk in response?
How do you explain the roles of HMOs and maternal IgA in the neonate given your assertion that pumped breast milk is "barely better than formula"?
>it’s almost always a woman that makes it the problem it is
Not in my experience, perhaps it's because I usually stay in the free weights area but the only retards I see bringing tripods are men. They are the biggest AW by far
This is proof that women CAN be funny

My fucking side man
It was for thousands of years, and they remedied this by giving every woman a male caretaker. Wait...
Gym owners should just charge an extra monthly fee for filming and require it not be obstructive to other members. Guarantee that would dry up all these cunts filming themselves on every set.
I can simplify your mind games. If you're ever confronted, just say:

"you aren't really hot enough for me or anyone to be doing that to you".

not only is it extremely demoralizing, their mind will accentuate and magnify minor flaws about them giving them weeks of sleeplessness or dysmorphia.
Probably a woman staff member told her that
one of them even says "jail for staring at an underage 21 year old". it's retard bait.
Shout out to all my stare at the floor between sets bros
Great thread
Lmao @ the stick women doing shitty lifts and making themselves victims
Thank God I'm gay
He should have been arrested for rape. This woman felt unsafe
I've seen more high school boys make thirst recordings at the gym but I also live in a tiny ass commuter town. This seems like more of a city issue.
Legitimately what does she need help with? She can't do another rep to get it off but she has a dozen different ways of moving that weight off without using the exhausted muscles. How did she get it in to begin with? Why can't she rest for a minute and do another rep?

This is like a troon saying his arms are sore from curling so you need to come hold his penis and help him take a piss.
>guarantees you won't end up in a video
Hey TikTok look at this absolute GAY FAG. No wonder it's so hard to find a real man these days, everyone at the gym hates women.
He was staring pretty hard, though. They don't have a right to say anything, but it had nothing to do with race, brownie.
>seething blue haired atheist
Admittedly I don't have tiktok. If you're allowed to call people faggots on their that changes everything. I'm not gonna elaborate too much because I don't believe you but my first idea is to throw a roman salute as soon as you find yourself on thotcam.
Yeah right, bro. You're just going to hell because you don't pray before and after every set and this is how you cope. By the way,I said a prayer before and after this post. I'm going, you're not.
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he can't explain because it's the most retarded shit he could make up in the 60 seconds 4chan required him to wait to get his captcha
Highest paid developer at Rockstar
why are hand bras so triggering...just show the nipples or wear a bra >:(
>dresses in underwear
>mad when people look
woman moment
2bh when I post body here and get called daddy and asked to choke faggots I get where she's coming from. Obviously I'm not a woman so I'm smart enough to not post body anymore but I feel her pain. I wish I could just get mires from other lifters without getting creeped on.
I hate women but interestingly I hate right wing and trad women the most.
They should rename that website to OhpFans
>hack squatting
What’s the point of this over real squats?
This, but unironically
If a dude snapped his fingers at me for help on fucking hip thrusts with a pussy pad I would 100% refuse to help him.
He died in Ukraine, btw.
>Hip thrusting 125#
Banned for doing what?
>Nooooo, you cannot hate and pass judgment on retardation, that makes you not a man!!!
Yes. Filming in public should be universally banned.
Shit. Her lower legs are awkward af.
Why do these thots keep using the machine backwards?
>in gyms
Don't care
>In bars / clubs
they should literally confiscate everyone's phones at the door
High IQ troll move, DESU.
This is the ticket if you want to be relatively normal.
That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.
Yes. Beat up surveillance state volunteers on sight.
>I'm so devoted to the teachings of Christ
>Oh by the way here's my ass cheeks
>Anyway reps for Jesus teehee
Stop posting social media diarrhea on 4chan faggot. Im on here specifically because I dont want to interact with that garbage
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I was lifting a few days ago. Asian girl is setting up a squat next to me. She needs my help to reach the clips, I help her out by reaching up and handing them to her after she asked me.

After finishing a set I look over at her setup.
1. She's struggling to put them on the bar.
2. Her bar is set too high, it's at neck level which means if she unracks it with her calves, it's going to be a problem to re-rack.
3. Her safeties were at the lowest level, basically zero protection in the case of failure.
4. I watch her squat depth and it's a half or quarter squat, the weight is too high, and yup she's having a hard time racking it.

What should I have done in this situation? Let her FAFO or correct her?

Being on incel forums for years, I opted to let her injure herself because I don't think I was attractive enough to not come off as creepy.
fafo was the correct option especially if you're not attractive. You can't interact with women at gyms unless you're chad
She already asked for your help, anon. You should have done more. But it's too late, you already missed your chance. If she asks for your help again, offer the pointers.
Leave people alone, if they injure themselves that's between them and the gym's liabilty insurer.
You intervening and not being qualified to assist is a liability in and of itself. It's like breaking up someone else's fight: you don't.
Let her fall. 10 more will rise up in her place and finish her set
>guy is not looking at her
>still posts a video with his face in it kinda shit-talking him
>video is just her ass and legs going up and down when squatting
>sexualises herself for online likes anyway
I'll never get it
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I have found religious women to be freaks in the sheet. Put up with the religious mubo-jumbo and in return you get high libido turbo-freak that will do anything (as long as no one finds out)
What do they even pray for? A new PR? Seems kinda pagan to me, I thought Christianity is about saving your soul not worldly things like bodybuilding.
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she has no ass and you can see how one labia is slightly elongated! Ha ha . Hard pass.
>yeah I'm in totally tolerant
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ask something like "would you like some help/advice" and if she says no just leave it be
Facts and reality doesn't matter, just the attention. If the guy took a peek or actually watched, she'd be "outraged". If there was no guy she'd post about men failing or not being able to find a date in the gym. All jist a vehicle to post her ass without seeming like a whore.
This 100%
Damn bucks
The Romans had it right, women should never leave the household, and the man of the house should have the legal authority to kill any woman in his household for any reason.
What's it like to have tits? It seems incredibly inconvenient
This is an ad for a 'Christian activewear' brand just FYI.
Don't ever ask, just start helping or don't. Women just follow whatever you confidently do around them, if you act almost smug and cocky like you're really helping them out most of the time they'll instinctively thank you before their brain even thinks about the situation.
The "trusting science" discourse is actually a bell curve of how much "science" you actually study
Damn man, you lack some basic critical thinking skills. The beginning of the video could have been filmed at the end of her workout, you know.
I'm starting to wonder how many people are actually even religious. Christians and muslims in the US seem so performative and hockey. Everything is for some dumb cultural or political belief they have and it feels like they are their religion in order to support that belief rather than the other way around
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I need to start hating women more. I thought I hated them enough, but clearly that's not the case.
Eat shit and die, bootlicker.
>Meanwhile men are literally getting blown inside out by suicide drones.
We should force all wars to be fought by women.
Dude dodged a bullet.
So youre a homosexual now.
should not have tried that with a black guy lmoa
Good to know that there are females autists out there, jesus christ lmao
You mean he dodged TWO bullets. The experimental genetic therapy and this cunt.
1. That's not a hack squat. That's a lever squat
2. She's using the machine backwards because she heard on thot express that it makes your ass bigger
3. When considered for bodybuilding, they are just there to make the quads and the rest of the legs grow bigger without having to deal with the technical concerns of the barbell squat. If all you want are big legs, then they are as good if not better than the barbell squat.
4. From a powerlifting perspective, they are useful as a squat accessories to train weak points in the squat while being able to remove some of the other technical aspects that would interfere effectively addressing those weak points. Also bigger muscles mean a potentially higher squat so those machines are useful for that too.
The amount of hatred within me that I harbor toward the female sex is so great and so powerful it is as if it is from another realm of reality or perhaps even beyond reality itself; that is to say, unreal.
If she doesn’t go to mass and receive the most holy body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ then she’s already in trouble.
Protestants had the same idea and the result is hundreds of different denominations with different interpretations of the same portions of the Bible. The bible is an almost 2 thousand year old text written in classical languages. Neither the average person nor the average well educated college graduate today have the necessary skills to even begin to interpret it with deserved confidence. You would have to either go through a serious Mainline Protestant/Catholic/Orthodx seminary or at least be educated in Greek/Latin and text criticism in one of the fancy English boardschools if you don't major in history/classics/philosophy at uni.
Christian rap? And here I thought Christian rock was the cringiest form of music.
Ironic that all these gym thots who get angry about being looked at are the same people who vote for policies that allow rapists to flood their countries.
*dies of cringe*
This is a classic.
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read on /fit/ and the comptetition is pretty strong
How is this fitness related at all?
You’re just posting videos of women now, off topic
Why is it that when people post women with 'big tits', they're always just fat fucks?
good shit my nigga
I promise that she has an OnlyFans account somewhere and this video is just fishing for more paypiggies
As a Muslim who converted from Christianity I assure you Christianity has WAY more posers than Islam. A solid 90% of Christians in the US are fakes and disgrace Christianity. In Islam the worst offenders are the terrorists in the Middle East who definitely are going to hell and would even be permissible to kill for their crimes against humanity and perversion of Islam according to the Quran yet they claim to be Muslim
Actual knower here, you two are pseuds. It's not your breast sensing what the baby needs, but the foremilk does have a significantly different nutrient profile to the hindmilk. It has a much lower fat content and is more watery. That way the baby gets hydrated first, and by the time they reach the hindmilk it fills them up. Your breastmilk also changes throughout the day and depending on the weather. Bottle feeding is still fine (it's much better than goyslurp), but it takes away some of those nutritional cues for the baby because everything is all mixed together.
100% chance she's looking at nothing.
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>dress like whore
>guy walks by you and glances and your whore ass
I remember the part in the Bible where Jesus said
>make sure to brag about just how devout you are on your social media to thousands of strangers
You can tell she was absolutely seething watching it back that this dude didn't fall for her trap. She'd lost her excuse to post her legs and ass without it just being pure vanity so she goes back to the drawing board and comes up with this bullshit to justify it instead.
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Yes. If you want to film yourself get a fucking home gym.
>Christian (c)rap
This whore deserved to be beaten.
how do burger bros deal with these women
kek my sides
How is the man behind her supposed to see her ass if she uses it the right way? Obviously she needs to face herself to that anyone behind her sees her flexing her anus toward the world.
No. homosexuals love women
>get kicked out and banned from gym for micro aggression
I didn't even know he was sick.
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>Trauma bragging
Never seen this golden nugget?
deep down, you still love girls
you wouldnt get so mad about it if you didnt care
nebbia please
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>retards being baited successfully by a ragebait
Just stop watching tiktok
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Why is it always women?
Rednecks do exist, but they ain't much like the image coastie soys have. Living in the south, one of my favorite social situations is watching a Californian trying to figure out how to interact with a black redneck.
Issue is any time a men's only space is created (especially a gym) you'll get sued into the ground to make in inclusive in America, other countries might be able to do men's only spaces but not my pussy whipped country.

There are women's only gyms here but not men's we can't have any shit to ourselves the women always to to invade it.

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