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/fit/ - Fitness

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Worse. It's useless
Worse. It's gay
Open up your butthole chakra and say that to my face, pussy.
A lot of things that can be good for you are gay. Have you ever drank vegetable juice? Definitely on of the gayest ways to eat vegetables, but still good for you. Ever do a warm-up set with lighter weights or stretch. A little gay, but better than being injured. Ever drink flavored whey protein. Much gayer than drinking pure unflavored whey, but you need your protein right? You ever go to a fitness forum to get advice and scroll past dozens of picture of mostly naked men. Very very gay, but you got to get that info. Just because something is a little gay doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.
>Have you ever drank vegetable juice? Definitely on of the gayest ways to eat vegetables, but still good for you.
>take 10 perfectly good carrots and shred them up for a quarter full small glass of juice
All you're doing is taking the fibre and most of the nutrients away dude.
Still better than not getting in your vitamins like the average person surviving on gas station burritos and burgers.
You mean buying a huge blender and then tons of vegetables isn't more of a hassle than just buying one fourth that many vegetables and eating them normally? I don't see how blending is any more convenient.
You can buy vegetable juice which is what I do. Also for the people who use juicers they are usually athletes who have trouble eating enough calories so they have to drink them and can't have all that fiber making it hard to eat more so it has its use cases. If you have a standard 40 hour work week then you have the time cook for yourself. I was working 80 hours a week at night and I didn't usually have time or energy to go to the grocery store so I would drink a lot of V8s from the convenient store by my work. Yeah it was partly due to laziness, but it was better than nothing. Laziness is also a little gay.
Yoga is for midwits
>stretching is good for you because it just is! My hamstrings are so tight bro!
Stretching your hamstring and holding isometric poses for an hour isn’t going to do jack shit, at least not anything good. Neither is attempting to make your joints hypermobile. Most people have anterior pelvic tilt and their hamstrings are already overstretched. It’s just pure midwittery combined with fetishizing the unknown. MMA exposed nearly every eastern martial art and if you could make a fitness equivalent yoga would be exposed as another inferior eastern export loved by western midwits
I sit in the back of the class and look at women's assholes while they bend over in see through leggings. I struggle to conceal my raging boner. I do this twice a week. Not gay
There is no point to eating vegetables whatsoever. Grains at least taste good and are full of calories.
>MMA exposed nearly every eastern martial art
Yoga isn't a martial art, but even still it is useful in conditioning your body for martial arts. A lot of high level guys do it.
Is there just one retard (you) or a team of retards like you that shits up every thread on every trivial fitness topic with obvious and hysterical counterproductive noise?
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Yoga is very gay you'll never catch me doing it. There's no way whatsoever to make it look Manley, you'd always look queer.
I'm building a team.
There is when you are eating junk food and aren't get your vitamins elsewhere.
i have anterior pelvic tilt and my hanstrungs are so tight i cant even touch my toes. how fucked am i
But anon yoy can go to yoga studio and see cute milf butts in shapewear
No it’s based kys
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Open your pussy chakra and say that to my butthole, face.
I think it's pretty fun. I'd be embarrassed to be out in public doing it but I do it at home and I enjoy it. My shoulders and traps get really sore. Idrc if it's gay, it's pretty fun
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I think stretching and yoga can be good to keep your muscles from being too tense and keeping flexible. you don't want to be too stiff, even body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger used to do stuff like ballet to stay flexible during his roid days.
You can do the same at a gym. No need to embarrass yourself to some cardio bunny in tight yoga pants
>missing out on the test boost
No it’s not ur fuckin gay
reddit moment
It's not inherently gay, it's great for stretching and relieving muscle tension. My studio is in a gayborhood though and we often fool around a bit after class.
No, it’s stretching
Kind of. It's where I acquired a foot fetish though.
he did ballet to fuck ballet girls idiot
no but you are for asking this gay question
thats cool, we should make out
Yoga is essentially nattymaxing.
>Cardio (if you do Vinyasa)
Lifting won't make you that much bigger unless you're using steroids. Fatties and skeletons at the gym are in denial.
If you don't look like Arnold by the time you're 25 then you're ngmi.
Is having full mobility in your 40s and 50s gay?
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If that shit is gau, call me OP
Watching my dad fall the fuck apart at 55 is what got me to turn my life around.
"yoga" is an anagram for "o gay"
Not useless if you fuck hot yoga chicks right in their poop hole face down ass up.
No, the breathing control and flexibility gains are extremely useful, especially if you actually do a sport. /fit/ is just filled with fags who live for aesthics though and never played a sport in their life, which is why yoga never gets talked about
Yoga was originally conceived as training to endure discomfort during long meditations on the path to Enlightenment and Nirvana. Modern women have co-opted yoga as a form of exercise because they can be naturally good at it without trying - they are flexible to start with, the extreme endurance aspect has been dropped, and they get to claim "muh spirituality" if they want without understanding what that means. The yoga you see on offer at your gym is nothing more than women training to endure getting fucked in interesting positions.

For all of these reasons, I will never criticize a woman for practicing yoga to her face, but I will ask any man interested in yoga, do you want to get fucked, or do you want to do the fucking?

I suggest Tai Chi as an alternative. Tai Chi is an actual martial art and can be thought of as the grappling side of Kung Fu. You do have to find a school that will teach it as such, which may be difficult. As a soft martial art (low emphasis on striking) it may be practiced well into old age, and it will provide all the flexibility and coordination benefits of yoga as well judo, bjj, or whatever other grappling discipline you can name.
Same. My boomer parents are extremely immobile; it's very motivating for me. I've also had my own mobility issues (even at 30) because of years of inactivity. Not to mention stretching makes recovery faster and reduces the chance of injury.
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lifting IS stretching you low-iq sub-humans.
>he doesn't enjoy the flavor of vegetables
18+ website, kiddo
Oh my sweat summer child, why do you care if he uses reddit? Let people enjoy things
>hot yoga chick
never met one
Really really.
Yes, so call it stretching.
I love vegetables. Try not eating doughnuts for a month.
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Leafy green vegetables are rabbit food. Root vegetables are famine food. Meat is human food.
Enjoy your triple bypass and constipation. Fr00t is delicious and an important source of nutrients. Leafy vegetables are a nice pairing with a heavy meat dish.
Fruit =/= vegetables
Fruit is an acceptable human food
>Enjoy your triple bypass
Delusional. Meat doesn't cause heart disease.
Yoga is based. If you are worried about doing something because it may look gay it means you know you look gay as fuck.
>Arguing with quints
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
Don't care. Your opinion is wrong and you're a homosexual.
I've never done yoga or even stretched more than a few minutes, where do I start?
Worse. It's for girls
> worrying if something looks gay --> you are gay

Simple as that anon
>human practice thousands of years old with heaps of scientific data behind the health benefits.

Look up yoga on YouTube or google to get an idea of the poses. For example, if you have tight hips, look up "yoga poses for hip mobility." Think of it as advanced stretching. Don't worry about doing any particular pose perfectly; get as deep as you can into a pose so that it doesn't hurt but you can feel a stretch in the correct muscles. Breathe in deeply as you stretch to oxygenate the muscles and promote healing.
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No it's actually genuinely good for you.
If I went to a yoga class, would I be the only guy there?
Quint quads confirm. Veggies rock.
Post body, queer.
Is that a tattoo of fucking Africa? The memes write themselves.
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>Is yoga gay
Does this look gay to you.
I'm pretty sure that's ballet anon
...anyways would

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