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I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
You may ask why, well, the mental difference between having 300~900ng/dL test and having the test of 5 men is freaking awesome.
You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do, not to mention the muscle building benefits.
This shit is like using cheats in real life, you are ahead of 99% of men, you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday. Every man deserves to get that feeling atleast 1 time in his life.
Plus 1 cycle won't do shit to you if you just stick to test only, you can always just hop off after 1 year.
You also suck cock for steroids. Total inferior loser.
Awww the proud natty cuck is upset? That's a sign of low test
>You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life,
Don't need any more of that shit, already want to get violent when all 5 little suvs in front of me take 5 seconds each to start moving at a green light.
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Lol, pipe down natty. Everyone shouldn't start blasting 1.5g of test on their first cycle. 500mg for your first, broken up into 2-3 pins.

The mental effects are horniness. You want to jerk off all day and you imagine fucking every woman you see. It doesn't make you sharper or turn on your killer instincts. Roid rage isn't cold, calculating anger. You blow up because you didn't like someone's tone, or someone cuts you off and you feel like they did it to you personally.
>just do drugs once you won't get addicted
>every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life
nice try kike
Fuck those suv's. And fuck prius drivers. They're all trash. I already yell at them. Gonna be fun when the test kicks in
Sounds about right
>permanently fuck up your bodies ability to produce testosterone naturally
No thanks
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>drug-addicted tranny talking about how hecking gender euphoric his drugs make him feel
I hear heroin also feels great. Guess I'll try that too. Just once, right? Retard.
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I want to jump on TRT when I'm in my mid to late 40s anyway. I'd be interested in running a 12 week cycle just to see how it effects me. Probably wouldn't do 500mg a week tho that just seems like madness.
>you can always just hop off after 1 year
Best to do it after 6 months honestly, but yeah one steroid cycle to get yourself in good shape isn't a bad idea. If you transition off of them with the right supplements your test will be exactly the same as before (sometimes higher if you had low test). The only real issue is they are so awesome you will probably want to do it again. A cycle every 5 years until you are over 35 is again not going to hurt you in the slightest. Every man could realistically have 2-3 cycles in their life and they probably should.
It doesn't with a short cycle and the right supplements to get off of them. OP is actually on to something.
Just seems like you're a bitch made faggot.
Right are the right supplements? And how do you know there won’t be like term effects like increased risk of cancer or heart disease?
how do you get steroids bossman.
plus if im rapidly losing weight, should i start now or after i lose the weight.
also curious about drug tests.
>6'5" 283lb
>33% bfp
>lift 3-4 times per week
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You won't feel much different on a trt dose. Maybe a bit more pep, but even that would take 4 weeks to set in. A cycle would be pointless. Your balls are going to shut down completely whether you take 100mg or 500mg so might as well make it count. Same PCT too.

500mg is a small cycle. If you aren't fat the sides are mild. 16 weeks and the transformation will blow your mind. It's mostly water and glycogen, but still fun to quickly put on mass.
>you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday
A Successful male lion doesn't hunt. Hunting is the job of his concubine. Male lions who hunt are mocked as frilly clown collar wearing tranny lions.
What is it with beta males getting on test and then enthusiastically describing to you this new feeling of being a normal red blooded man?
>You want to jerk off all day and you imagine fucking every woman you see.
I'm 39 natty and this is a big problem for me. I can't imagine being so little a man you're at a prime age and wishing for a higher sex drive, how did you fuck up? oh yeah...
Ashwagandha root, finasteride, and boron citrate are the most commonly used and guaranteed to work. You can get off of them after two months. Start taking these supplements for a month before you get off the test. If you are on high dose of test half the amount for a month before you get off and take the supplements for that month too. Risk of heart disease is extremely low for short term use as long as you don't have a pre-existing condition or aren't extremely fat. Cancer risk is very low with test and can actually help out long term as you will burn a lot of fat inside of your organs inhibiting your immune system. HGH is what has a huge cancer risk. Research thoroughly what you are taking and how to take it.
>You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do
what a load of shit. I've done a few test + cycles and I don't feel like that at all. I have more drive for the gym and sex but that's it
Loads of conflicting info out there tho. Lots of experienced users recommend 200mg a week for babbys first cycle.

And nah I'm not fat at all. What interests me as much as anything is better recovery times. I notice as I get older it takes me a little longer to recover from lifting and sports. Adding mass would be playing second fiddle to better recovery for me personally. I do a lot of bouldering so I need to balance my strength to weight ratio and avoid getting too heavy.
>the right suppliments
>nolva and clomid bring back natty test
Retard alert retard alert. PCT doesn't do shit and just acts as a bridge while your natty t comes back
200mg test for a cycle and not trt would be stupid and a complete waste of time. Whoever told you that knows nothing
I'm at 650-750 naturally. Went to 3000+ with my 500mg week test. I'm not experiencing the mental boost at all. I just feel normal. Training does feel good though.

It's kind of a bummer, I did it mostly becaused I was hoping for the motivation/confidence gain
How's coming off it, do you get moody? How long till you feel normal?
its never just 1 cycle. you become a literal drug addict with sever body dysmorphia. no thanks tranny
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Congratulations coomer

No serious person recommends that. There are influencers that lie about their routines and secretly take lots of gear. Liver King being the prime example. Even after he got caught he claimed he was only doing trt.

200mg is a high TRT dose. It will put you somewhere around 1000-1500 ng/dl. Above reference range, but the effects really won't be noticeable above good diet and exercise. 500mg will put you 2500-3000 ng/dl. You will see a large bump on that.

12 weeks is also a short cycle. Unless you are taking a fast acting ester, it takes 4 weeks to saturate, so you'd only be doing 8 weeks fully enhanced. Most people go 16-20, even first cycle.
Not talking about nolva or clomid. Ashwagandha root, finasteride, and boron citrate. All of these boost your endocrine system and get it working again.
It's not that great
>Feel like you're burning up all the time
>Constant horniness, sucks if you're incel
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>If you transition off of them with the right supplements your test will be exactly the same as before (sometimes higher if you had low test)

False nigger. Exogenous test doesn't increase your natural production.

As long as you aren't blasting grams for decades your test production will return to baseline once you stop. What long term roiders and trtfags don't take into account is if you take gear for 20 years, when you stop you are 20 years older and naturally produce less test.

>muh hypogonadism
Treatments for true hypogonadism are for life

Unfortunately this. I've helped it a lot by switching to a leaner look, but the thought of stopping has me antsy. I'm in my 40s and I know I can't ride this forever.
My normal test levels can vary so that the high is approx 3x times the baseline or lowest baseline. I know what the test high feels but I will not become a roid monkey jestermaxxer just to get pussy more often. I'm not a soldier or work for a cartel so no need to.
It's pretty unlikely that you become irreversible fucked after doing roids or drugs for a year or two because apparently that's a phase for lot of people these days and they can recover from it. I just don't feel like being a clown for other people's entertainment or risk getting serious addictions and withdrawals.
Mental difference - you mean being annoying?
Grow the fuck up.
You never developed into a man mentally and thus jam roids into your body under a pretense that you suddenly are somewhhat better. It is literal cokehead talk.
Tell me why I dont roid and can work and focus better, go to gym 4 to 5x week for now 20 years, fuck women I want and manage people I need, why roidees work for me and not vice versa, why I came from literal poorest of poors countryaide and now manage over 500 people? It is not roids that makes man a man. It's discipline.
Roids are for already disciplined men to enjoy a hobby or competition betyer.
It's not for boys to have a rollercoaster of emotions and end up miserable.

you are promoting something really really stupid.
yeah until you fuck up your body permanently and die at age 50 lmao. loser retard
What I meant by sometimes higher is that the right supplements can permanently help out your test production. Not the actual test injections.
Name 3 goals that you have so aggressivelly achieved.
>The mental effects are horniness. You want to jerk off all day and you imagine fucking every woman you see. It doesn't make you sharper or turn on your killer instincts. Roid rage isn't cold, calculating anger. You blow up because you didn't like someone's tone, or someone cuts you off and you feel like they did it to you personally.
So, a big dose of meth
Least cognitively impaired /fit/izen
>It is literal cokehead talk.
I feel like OP when I take speed. Except I'm only 10x more productive when I start and a week later I'm shit posting and getting scattered all over.
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>everyone should try heroin at least once in their life. You may ask why, well, it just feels amazing.
You know what feels amazing? Being a big natty lifter who has been training for 10 years, can run miles no problem, and eats healthy.
>yeah until you fuck up your body permanently and die at age 50 lmao. loser retard
>one cycle is going to kill you!!! your test is gonna shut doooown!!!
lol, the reefer madness of our times
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yeah it does, still doesnt seem to stop people slamming h, its just the difference between instant gratification or long run benefits. some just got no patience, even if they know it would be better to take the healthy route
coming off for me personally (and everyone I know irl who's done it) is grim as fuck. Every time I get depressed, fat and my dick doesn't work for 2 months. Not worth it anymore for me imo
I'm a full believer in those supps and I cycle boron often but I don't believe they do anything when you're shutdown. Have you actually tried that and how long + what compounds was the cycle before it?

Did you PCT? My first two cycles I didn't PCT off and it sucked, but I was young and bounced back quickly. First one was test only 500mg. Cold turkey off. Then a year later, because I'm a full bore retard, I did an 8 week cycle of winstrol only. Made it 7 weeks and gave up. Both times I bounced back fine after a month.

I've PCTed a few times. With Nolva and HCG, it's not hard. Lose more gains than cruising, but still kept a lot.
of course did pct each time. One of the times I had to nuke my estro for an entire month because my nips were going wild and ended up ending a relationship and quit my job. I could stomach feeling shit for a month or two when I was younger but as an adult I can't do it. How do you tell your wife you'll have no sex and you'll be a bitch for a couple of months because you want to come off steroids that you didn't need to take in the first place. My balls also never recovered their teenage size after gear

One year of altering your hormones will permanently fuck your natural ability to produce testosterone. You'll also likely get addicted to easy gains and become a full blown bloat turtle. You may think it looks cool but normal people look at you like a tryhard retard. Accept your natural limitations, they are in place for a reason and everybody looks best at their natty peak.
I agree with this, there is no real reason not to try. Sides are massively overblown and so are the peer reviewed long term implications. You have like a 1% chance of having a poor recovery and a 99% chance of effortless recovery. And then you have the permanently increased muscle mass from roiding which will stick with you for the rest of your life.
megamanlet or fake natty, pick one.
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stay beta
>never try
>never take any risk, no matter how limited
>You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do, not to mention the muscle building benefits.
I already have that without steroids. It's called discipline and ambition you gigantic dick swallowing faggot
Pinning your delt like this is insane

Sorry, you're the 1 in 10000. I've blasted multiple times, extended cruises, and pcted off. Had two kids along the way. Wife knows I pin, but not the fill extent. I'm currently trt cruising and resting. I've been in beast mode libido wise as I recovered from a hard recomp over the summer.
Yours dips lower at times
This but amphetamines
>You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do,
lmao no you dont, you larping natty faggot.
I've blasted 1000mg/week and you dont "feel" anything except high blood pressure and maybe some libido increase.
And 99.9% of people have no business taking roids. Its not a fucking game.
lmao says some 4chan virgin with anime posters on the walls of his messy room.
You people are a hoot.
And by that I mean pathetic.
you know what feels even better? me surpassing your 10 years of natty lifting in 4 months. LMAO!
So real
I would put 100lbs on my bench in 2 months and then become orochimaru with arms that just flop around.
>do roids
>be at the top of your game!
>argue with people on 4chan all day
Strong pitch Pyotr
roiders are generally very insecure and try to justify it whenever they can
>the mental difference between having 300~900ng/dL test and having the test of 5 men is freaking awesome.
i had no mental effects but i was never low t. Hopefully i have a high tolerance im gonna run tren soon.
most people have higher t levels after stopping roiding. roids are not going anywhere anyway there's no reason to hop off
>but not the extent
do you think keeping secrets like that is healthy for you both?
Everyone I know basically gets depressed when they come off and stops going to the gym for a bit, you can even notice that stuff in other guys in the gym who clearly do a cycle and then disappear. If your hormones bounce back like that then you're blessed I suppose and I'm jealous
i was at 650ng natty too, and did 500mg with a single pin only ( i split it to both glutes at the day of injection which might also speed up absorption ) and i also didn't feel any effects mentally. The guys that feel it are low T naturally
but "doctor" kike israeli looks completely fine and definitely doesn't have a larger sized head (and probably larger organs too) and definitely doesn't look grotesque—and HE does steroids!
depends on the ester anyway. You won't feel anything for like 7 weeks on test e regardless
Should it be going into your thigh or somewhere instead?
Is the delt an unsafe spot to do that?
by week two you're at peak concentration on any ester
you're talking shit honestly. You don't see any changes for at least 6 weeks on test e except maybe being more horny
ive been on 3 months and if you're not a low T fucking bitch you're not gonna feel ANY effects but some faster gains
yeah and you won't even see any gains for at least 6 weeks on test e
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5'11 stay mad
You think this is gonna make me feel a certain way? Do you think I dread going to the gym? I love pumping myself at the gym everyday blasting metal. You're robbing yourself of enjoyment, years of your life, and you're a cheater. You get bald while my head is full or hair like tarzan, your skin is fucked up, your dick and balls don't work.

By all means, continue doing steroids and living in your own clown world.
extremely based.
are you fucking stupid? gains take time it's not magic. Your libido change doesn't
> like Tarzan
kek swarthoid detected. lol. lmao even. Enjoying "pumping yourself" every day to your totally badass metal playlist while enjoying nogains in wheresville, thirdworldistan.
>You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do
>you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday
Natties actually believe this shit lmao. How pathetic are you that you're 10x more productive on roids?
You're likely to hit a nerve at that angle.
Obviously. They all have body dysmorphia & act self-obsessed like actual women
>I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
it's called puberty bot :D
>having the test of 5 men is freaking awesome.
castrating oneself is awesome? how?
>Plus 1 cycle won't do shit to you if you just stick to test only, you can always just hop off after 1 year.
lies, big fat LIES
bot wants u to castrate yourself lol, boto idioto :D botardo retardo :D botino cretino :D xD

if u pin, take orals whatever - u have no guarantee you will ever come back, none whatsoever

and if u feel the need to
> like using cheats in real life, you are ahead of 99% of men
ur gonads are frail already and u most probably won't come back, and u'll deflate get fat and alcoholic or sth
Taking test is gender affirming care for men, faggots.
eroids, its a source review site, i use pureanabolics personally
I've never done steroids or research into it. Couple of questions:
Is steroids and test the same? It seems you're using them interchangeably.
I did not realize 1 cycle is that long? 1 year?
based, I just got my test e recently, just need to go in for a blood panel then we're ready to fucking go, planning on just starting with 250mg per week to start, im 19yrs old 100kg @ 195cm and have a year and a bit worth of nattycuck gym gains.
>I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
I actually did several steroid cycles and the mental effects you describe are 99% placebo. The only thing steroids gave me was mild irritation while driving (and big muscles).

For a lot of guys, taking steroids is like carrying a gun. It's a way to feel more like a man without actually changing anything about you to be more manly. Ironically, steroids can actually be emasculating - bitch tits, small balls, infertility, erectile dysfunction, etcetera.

I'm not saying don't take steroids. I take steroids. But don't fucking mythologize about it. It's no different to taking fucking panadol. But there are a lot of people who WANT it to be different, because there's a status or self-concept bound up in it for them.
Who the fuck doses in front of the weight rack?
Why would you do it for a year? Max is 20 weeks
None of this is true. You’re average 500mg cycle isnt going to change your life. This is such a retarded post.
I bet you more people blast and cruise than cycle off honestly
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35 here. I want to do a cycle, come off, and have my natty test back in the spring.

What do I do, EXACTLY. Baby's first.
>read r/steroids
Ah i thought you meant blast for a year. Maybe, I can see it. I've done one cycle and pct does kind of suck. But once you start cruising I agree with you, you're basically locked in forever.

Imagine being 70 having to inject test.
>I want to do steroids
>I can't read

Yeah, checks out.
>But once you start cruising I agree with you, you're basically locked in forever.
so how can you say that if you've literally only done one cycle.
How can I say what? That once you cruise your locked in? Because there's a lot of studies that show the longer you're concurrently on exogenous Test the less likely your natural levels restore properly.

Basically I've read it, I can't confirm it personally. But read peer-reviewed studies.

Thanks for coming to my reddit post
>This shit is like using cheats in real life, you are ahead of 99% of men, you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday. Every man deserves to get that feeling atleast 1 time in his life.
you guys may think that shrooms turn you into a stupid hippy but on random occasions of low dose shrooms it feels EXACTLY like this. I feel like an absolute monster. Confidence I never even knew I was missing. It's like spending you're whole life thinking you are confident and don't give a fuck then you realise oh shit that is what it really feels like. Blows my mind. Unfortunately it's kind of random when it happens.
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there's also studies on male birth control and all subjects restarted natural production when they stopped
it took longer the older the subject, but otherwise no one was permanently suppressed and they took test for years
pic unrelated
>I'm in my 40s and I know I can't ride this forever
Why. Late 40s, been bnc for over ten years, never coming off
Low dose test with low dose eq or mast has been a great feel good, healthy, athletic crusie. Quality of life and health are way better than when I was natty. Should have started when I was 25
All that being said, if someone's already healthy and doesn't see themselves in a gym or being athletic in the future then there's no point screwing around with your hormones
> Lots of experienced users recommend 200mg a week for babbys first cycle.
Lol, no they don’t. A few internet guru grifters and their sycophants recommend this and no one else. Anyone who has actual experience and nothing to sell you will tell you 500mg for 12-16 weeks for your first cycle.
that's in two injections/week, right? do you need PCT?
You should read a wiki you got a lot to learn boyo but yes 250mg (the usual dosage, some are 200, 300 etc) test e x2 a week = 500 and PCT is always recommended
Never said that they didnt restart, just thar levels were lower. Look into it, trust homie. If you're gonna bnc you're committed.
Not him but I told my wife I was going to start blasting and she told me to do what I want, she just doesn’t want to know any specifics. She generally knows when I’m on cycle and helps me check my BP and stuff. Not everything is some dark secret.

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