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/fit/ - Fitness

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Wait wait wait. You skipped breakfast? You what? Huh? You skipped breakfast? But you still had lunch, right? WHAT? You didn't eat lunch? And you haven't had any snacks? No breakfast? You only eat dinner? How ... how are you alive? Are you light-headed? Do you have low blood pressure? Do you have low blood sugar? Do you not get dizzy? Are you anorex- do you have an eating disorder? This is not unhealthy. No no no no, this is not healthy. No no no, stop doing that. You are making me uncomfortable. I am crying. I am crying.
you can’t skip breakfast
the first meal you have during the day is “breaking your fast” hence breakfast
if your first meal is a burger at 2 PM it’s still breakfast
shut the fuck up
I just smoke cigarettes when my blood pressure feels low and add lemon juice to water for sugar
doesn’t the lemon juice make the cigarettes wet?
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I bet you felt smart writing this, huh?
it amazes me how much people panic when they learn you don't have breakfast and then you can even lift heavy shit.
Noone uses the word 'hence' lacking the intent to sound smart kek
It serves as a very harsh reminder to them of how little they try to be anything other than a sack of shit
If I don't eat all day then I've skipped breakfast for that day, idiot
In fairness we're told our entire lives how breakfast is so important and most people consume constantly; 3 meals a day plus snacks plus desert plus tip.

When they miss their morning coffee, food, and maybe lunch too most people do feel like shit, lethargic, and tired. They probably assume it's the same for you.
>falling for the meme
shut the fuck up you gigantic faggot.
Noone uses the words 'lacking the intent' lacking the intent to sound smart kek
I do have low blood pressure, actually. 105/65 most mornings. No dizzy spells or anything tho, so I guess its fine.

Carnivore omad for 3 months now, best decision ever.
That‘s a boy
>fast from now on
>ACK self
fast maintained. checkmate
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they hated him because he told the truth
I love how you reiterated the schizo babble you heard on tiktok and completely fucked it up
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based and correct opinion. Notice all the npcs seething in the replies
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Literally this
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Don't worry about it.
Just because you're too mentally challenged to use normal words doesn't mean others can't do it without ulterior intentions.
Nah, it's something different. It's food (carb) addiction.
>eat a steak at 7am
>not a breakfast food
>eat buttered toast with shredded turkey breast and orange juice at noon
>not lunch foods
>eat soup at 6pm
>not a dinner food
A 24 hour fast is literally this easy. I skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Why can't fat people do something so shrimple?
>implying I would ever talk to a woman
fellow hencesigma, thuschad reporting in
Look, your idea was funny in a way, but soup is absolutely a dinner food. So, you fail.
Also, toast and turkey breast and orange juice is perfectly fine as a lunch food.

You were on the right track with the steak, but you failed with the rest.
Here's my advice for people who want to OMAD:
> just ease into it: try pushing your regular breakfast and lunch later in the day
> its all about habit and when your body has been conditioned to make you feel hungry
> occasionally try to sit and let yourself be hungry, focusing on the feeling of hunger and trying to understand it
> the point is to have mastery over yourself, and you do that through "exercising" your abilities to control yourself, learning to recognize when your body is trying to control you, and learning how to shift your bodies unconscious natural rhythms
The more you do this kind of stuff the greater your future skills with it will be. So do it as much as possible. And remember: ANY expression of control builds your abilities to control yourself, so deliberately shifting your diet any way (even deliberately making it worse (then back again, hopefully)) builds your ability to control your diet

Also: there is a feeling you get when you're burning fat that is really nice but that I can't really describe, so there are positive sensations for being in negative CICO mode! Try it and see!
Here's my advice for people that aren't fat retards:
>just eat, lift and make some gains lmao
Who is this Noone?
/fit/ btfo
He's the guy who just stabbed my eye out!

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