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/fit/ - Fitness

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sex with little shota boys
Always do the opposite of what Kikel ben-Israel tells you.
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I think about fucking Alois reverse cowgirl and my lifts instantly jump up 40lbs
Mike Kike says eating shit is bad for you.
Will you start eating shit now?
I've been doing upper (3x)/lower(2x) since forever anyway
Do you realize that "influencers" post controversial shit for the sole reason of getting retards like (You) to repost it and talk about it so it goes viral and they get monitized clicks and views?
All you're doing with this thread is putting money into this guy's pocket while you waste your day arguing with other retarded dyels why your routine is better.
I already have my ticket to India
>PPL only really works if you go to the gym 6/week consistently
How is that even controversial? The study they present is a nothingburger, it's well known shit.
2/w is efficient, less than that wastes growth time, more might be more comfy for really high volumes but only needed in extreme cases.
The guy posting this shit is doing it as his job. They don't openly shill the creator so they do mild negative criticisms of him, see >>>75133687
this and fuck click bait
See what I mean? Here you are arguing about what some internet guy says.
You're also another dyel telling everyone how to lift.
I also think some of these people pay 4chan to post their shit here non-stop.
Veganschizo for example.
He unironically claimed that seed oils were actually totally safe and healthy to eat...
So Dr. Kike Israeli has actually said eating shit is GOOD for you.
1. he's right.
2. you assholes don't even lift.
3. stop talking shit about God's Chosen People or you'll have your eyes, fingers and dick blown off.
Seed oils are safe and healthy to eat and are not shit.
Because most of them are not bad for your health.

There's been so much research on seed oils it's insane how you niggas still talk about them like they're radioactive waste.

even if they were bad, which they very well might be, they're used in such low quantities when cooking at home that they'll have almost no impact on your health
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>There's been so much research on seed oils
Please cite muh peer-reviewed studies.
You mean bought-and-paid-for studies by seed oil companies? You do realize that muh research can be highly compromised, right?
There is a conflict of interest when it comes to goyslop companies and Big Pharma
>(e.g., Coca-Cola & their leading diabetes "research")
But I digress.
>you niggas still talk about them like they're radioactive waste
Cottonseed oil was invented to be used as industrial lubricant in manufacturing. Seed oils were also cheaper alternatives to animal fat. Jews swapped out healthy animal fat with seed oils to save money and then lobbied & paid off scientists & doctors to fearmonger about the dangers of animal fat.
Look at the ingredients labels for a lot of these "LOW FAT" products.
They take out healthy milk fat & pump it full of canola, sunflower, vegetable oil, etc.. Shit that your body was not meant to digest.
So now you have some roided out, HGH'd manlet kike regurgitating disinfo "research" funded by OTHER kikes, telling you that it's actually ok to eat industrial lubricant because...muh studies.
I do upper/lower lol
I have finally had my eyes opened to this shill on his most recent video (click bait) on PPL

They discuss an unpublished meta-analysis where they look at volume controlled splits and find that 2x per week is optimal so PPL is apparently shit.

They talk about how spreading volume into half(?) sets where ancillary muscles are worked as a byproduct (biceps in back training is given as an example) is beneficial when overall volume is controlled.

What annoys me is two fold:

They talk about "muscle"

Quads and delts do not recover as quickly, nor is there any reason to suggest they would respond well to the same "volume" e.g. I cannot fry my delts doing only 3 sets whereas I can my quads. I don't see how this study tells us anything without factoring this in.

Secondly this wedded bullshit to the "7 days" for a split, there is no fucking way the body knows what a week is so why the fuck is it taken into consideration?

These two fucking shills are clearly now just cherry picking the science in order to migrate people only their overly convoluted science based shit which requires their paid for app to understand.

Can someone tell me why either of these programs would be bad for a beginner/intermediate?


Push: Bench, Incline DB, Flyes, Shoulder Press, Tricep Ext, Lateral Raises

Pull: Rows, Pull ups, Pull down, Incline/Preacher curls, hammer curls, shoulder shrugs

Legs: Squat, Leg curls, Calf Raises

Cycle: Push, Pull, Rest, Legs, Push, Pull, Rest, Push, Legs, Pull. (I think the order does not matter if you go with how your body feels it has recovered). Even if you train 4-5x per week you should hit everything 1.75x for pushing and pulling, and 0.75x for legs (if we have to bring the week back into it)


Push: As above with calves and quads
Pull: As above with hamstrings

Push, Pull, Rest, Push, Pull, Rest, Push
>Can someone tell me why either of these programs would be bad for a beginner/intermediate?
There is literally no le SCIENCE™ to a "push/pull" anything. It's all retarded and people just regurgitate it like it means anything.
Just delegate different days to different muscle groups.
Want biceps and forearms M,W,F? Cool, do that.
This whole "push pull push pull" is fucking retarded and should be disregarded as a meme that only highschoolers engage in.
People think there is some magic behind it but there is not.
I would rather take the advice of every youtube fitness shill than the advice pushed on this board.
Imagine being so oriental you have a routine
i wondered why YouTube kept pushing this dipshit on me, then i saw his jew name and it made sense
>can anyone tell me
>no reps and sets posted
noone can tell you
this board pushs ppl, what now?
That would imply people are this board are making their own unique thoughts and not stuff that’s already been shilled a million times
Fucking video says PPL bad if you don't do real PPL (6 days/week). Always was, no shit.

>i do 100% isolations because i'm a weird nerd who lifts weights for some reason
The whole point of PPL is when you do compounds you don't overlap muscles between days. Bench and ohp hit chest delts tris, guess what none of those on pull or leg days.

If you do CHEST and ARMS back to back, you're doing triceps back to back.
600,000+ food products made out of the slop.
The have paid shills on here protecting the slop revenue.
Here's a video about seed oil. A single jew had a heart attack and bullied the fast food industry into using seed oil https://www.bitchute.com/video/To23cUcohFvn/
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>the PPL split is dead
I hate this kike manlet nigger so much is unreal
>>PPL only really works if you go to the gym 6/week consistently
Is that not the whole point of PPL? Like it's 6 days a week routine and you should pick something else if you train less? That's what I thought
Settle down mohammed.
I vary the volume and rep ranges dependent on the muscle worked

I tend to do fewer sets at higher volume for larger muscles eg.

3x 140
10 x 110
10x 110
10x 110

Lat raise
15x 14
15x 14
15x 14
20x 8 (drop set)
20x 6 (seated squeezey milky set)

(also these are euro units)
yes that is ppl i have no idea what the other guy is quoting
>The have paid shills on here protecting the slop revenue.
And I don't doubt that for one second. These goyslop companies have deep, deep pockets
i just go to the gym and work whatever isn't hurting
you guys are so stupid
"Big goyslop" doesnt actually care abput few thousand, at most, 4chan incels most of whom are from India and China.
PPL is fine.
>2/w is efficient, less than that wastes growth time
No reason to believe that.

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