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/fit/ - Fitness

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Does architecting a fat girl work?
>that awkward kiss and hug at the end
He doesn't love her, he just wants to make her fit before he moves on to the next fatso. Fucking BASED.
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>she becomes more attractive physically due to his help
>they are no longer looks matched
>she has so much more options now and leaves/cucks him

A tale as old as time, also even funnier is the dumb femoid gets fat after she no longer has him holding them whip.
I've never actually seen a fat person become actually slim or fit IRL. They either become less fat (like 30-35%bf to 20%) or take the powershitting route. I've seen a lot of skinny dudes become buff however.
This girl already has been architected anon
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Have fun with that nigga
Do you not consider women to be people, because 20%bf is just fine for a woman.
why are all the plapjak memes doggystyle? I thought it was more difficult with fatties because of their fat asses
I have 5 inches on a good day and I wonder if I could even reach the puss
yeah you got it bro
fucking fat girls in missionary is gross. you see how lopsided and sad their tits look. you see the double chin. the fupa. god forbid you try to throw their legs up, then you’re basically fucking a ball of fat at that point. at least doggy style gives the illusion of a sexy ass
> A little out of shape. Has an interest in fitness, just not in a place to pursue it when you met her

> Fat lazy bitch that you think you can fix
No. People don't change unless they choose to anon. Find a good girl and encourage her to stay good, don't find a bad one and then try to unbad her.
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>weird kissing and hugging at the end
These two don’t fuck.
I see potential too tho.
>have 5 inches on a good day
Well, that was self-explanatory, wasn’t it?
>tfw you know a potential amazonian, but she'll never fix her lifestyle
feels bad man.
Kidnap her.
I've witnessed this multiple time IRL so let me explain what goes through the girl's head:
>girl gets fit
>more men start paying attention to her
>she thinks "Anon liked me when I was a 5, now that I'm a 9.9999 there are much hotter guys after me"
>"He was the right person for that season of my life, but I've outgrown him"
>she finds a reason to break up with you
Seriously, former fatties are the most arrogant type of girl. You're better off going with someone who has always been hot, they often yearn for true connection
Thinly veiled plapjacks thread
Nothing thin about this thread, brother
>the right person for that season of my life
Amen to that one, every fucking anon should learn that love, for a woman, is a situational feeling, that only matters on the very moment she says it, and could be gone 1h after.
>she thinks "Anon liked me when I was a 5, now that I'm a 9.9999 there are much hotter guys after me"
Another, even worse option, is "Anon thinks he owns me because he found me at my weakest and thought he could manipulate me. Now that I've finally become my true self, I need someone who matches my energy. I won't be his little project"
>Anon thinks he owns me because he found me at my weakest and thought he could manipulate me
that part would be true in my case to be honest
>love, for a woman, is a situational feeling
I've found it useful to add the words "fight now" when a woman says anything about her feelings. It helps put things into perspective.

>I love you
Right now

>Chad is such an asshole, I hate him
Right now

>he's literally like a brother to me, I have no romantic feelings for him
Right now

>ai have no feelings for my ex
Right now
In the words of Sassy and Opinionated:
>Women are like monkeys, they won't let go of one branch till they have a firm grasp of another.
Meaning, you'll be making her standards higher and she'll go and fuck someone else.
a new one to the collection...
Women like this consider themselves fit in america
>"fight now" when a woman says anything about her feelings. It helps put things into perspective.
>I love you
Fight now
>>Chad is such an asshole, I hate him
Fight now
>>he's literally like a brother to me, I have no romantic feelings for him
Fight now
>>ai have no feelings for my ex
Fight now

Woman beater i...
> they often yearn for true connection

because they spent 15-whatever age you meet them getting pumped and dumped constantly
No. Fat people won't lose weight unless they want to lose weight. And fat people like food more than they like the idea of not being fat
>cheek peck
In theory, it's really only something chad can pull off. This "jacked" manlet will be single the moment a slightly less fit but taller man wants her.
>because they spent 15-whatever age you meet them getting pumped and dumped constantly
Not true for all of them. I saw this with my sister, who is probably a 8.5-9/10. She had a hard time getting a boyfriend because guys would go for more "approachable" girls and assume she would snub them. She finally got her first boyfriend at 24 and ended up marrying him
Why would you let your sister cuck you? Are you demented?
I was talking about dudes.
Women don't stay in my gym, 99% come for a few months, make no progress and quit. The ones who look decent looked like that before they even started gymming.
>Do you not consider women to be people
Where do you think you are brother
White people really be fuckin wit there dogs in the same room?
Your first thread didn't work so you just made another one?
If you think you can turn a fatty into a fit girl you're retarded, even if she manages to go through with it there's a 99.99% chance that she's ballooning back up first chance she gets.
These fantasies are virgin shit, you should know by 18 that you do not get with someone in hopes of changing them because it does not work and is very selfish.
This, it's a business thing for him, if the fatties feel good by getting attention from him they'll pay for his overpriced training for decades
>there's a 99.99% chance that she's ballooning back up first chance she gets
That's the better outcome, more likely she will dump him
Thats a win win then cause you know she'll balloon up to 300+ lbs without his help and come crawling back
>> 8.5-9/10. She had a hard time getting a boyfriend because guys would go for more "approachable" girls
Yea thats just what she told you, true 8s and 9s get tons of male attention
>>men are too intimidated by me!
Is feminist copes
You can but the rest is psychological. You have to get her addicted to you like a drug.
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss but male
Men have always been better at that shit than dumb femoids
Do fat girls want this? I would think they'd be offended if someone told them they need to lose weight or was obviously trying to get them to. I'd definitely help them out if they were open to it. I know one girl who likes me that's fat who thinks cheez-its are a meal. Her entire dinner one time was a box of cheez-its. I told her it was unhealthy and she agreed, but I've seen her still eating cheez-its and other goyslop after that strong suggestion I gave her. Some are set in their ways and simply put they don't understand food or the need for exercise. They're stuck in bad habits and it will be hard to break them out of that, especially to radically shift them to a healthy lifestyle which requires consistent effort.
>sassy and opinionated
Damn that's some obscure reference. Whatever happened to that guy anyway?
I went from like 27% bf to 12%
So? how does this stuff end?
i thought we would see her get fit

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