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/fit/ - Fitness

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Hey /fit/, I’m looking for some advice from the more experienced lifters here. I’ve been going to the gym since February, following a bro split. While I’ve made some progress, I’ve read that it’s not the most efficient routine, so I’m looking to switch things up.

I usually hit the gym Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, and sometimes weekends, though I’ve been busier lately and occasionally miss a weekend or Friday session. I’m 6’4", 80kg, and bulking (trying to). My girlfriend recently joined the gym, and for reference, she’s 5’6" and around the same weight. She’s in a calorie deficit while I’m in a surplus. We’ve been doing my bro split, but she’s focused on glutes and legs, which my current plan doesn’t cover well.

I think a general strength/hypertrophy program could work for both of us, but her goals are more specific. Any suggestions for a plan that works for our different goals and still fits into my schedule?
“Day 1:
Chest and Calves
Day 2:
Back and Abs
Day 3:
Shoulders and Calves
Day 4:
Upper Body and Abs
Day 5:
Legs and Shoulders”
Excerpt From
Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body (it is easy to pirate a copy of this book)
Or you could do PPL, which is unpopular here but popular in the real world. I would not suggest you try to align your training plan with your girlfriends as men and women go to the gym for different reasons.
If you're a noob a generalized strength program only a few days a week would probably work best until you have some decent numbers. Bro splits can be good but they are better if you actually have a little size/strength before starting them.

My personal recommendation is stronglifts 5x5, and just swap the wednesday squats with some other accessory work that the program doesn't hit adequately enough for your liking.
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Bulking is a meme. Low rep heavy weight is a meme. Skipping cardio is a meme. Overtraining concerns are also a meme. I would post physique and it would bolster my argument but I don't really care enough about what you think, I am just giving you what I have concluded works after 10+ years of lifting.

Basically work out a fuck ton, ray peat ish diet. If you want to ape someone, ape serge nubret (amphetamine, parabolan, t3 cream, exogenous T optional):
- high volume, low weight set (we're talking sets of 30)
- run and get your body fat as low as possible
- workout at least once per day
- focus on your fucking core/abs/back as if it's your biceps. Aside from core strength preventing injury, it is also 50% of your aesthetics.
- I workout full body at least once a day, much of my workout being calisthenics (pullups/pushups/dips/etc) and freeweights.
- vascularity and metabolism, you wanna pump them up.

Serge Playlist. Whole channel is solid.
Sure, I can help answer questions. What was it about the regimens in the sticky that you didn't like?

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