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/fit/ - Fitness

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I hate my body as is even when I look like this.
whats ur fishing lvl? 99?
No structural issues. You're just tiny and might have gyno (weird to have that fat deposit under the nipple like that at such a low bodyfat%).

Gyno surgery is worth it if you do have it. From there just bulk up your chest/arms/shoulders and back and you'll look great.
When I still played, level 40 or so
Just get bigger, skeletor.
checks out, next time make attention whoring less obvious.
height and weight?

I just got 99 wc today
>shitstained clothes on the left
Stop being gay and stop anal masturbation.
this is ottermode, the most desirable body type.
count yourself lucky

now go out and get laid.
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stop being afraid of gaining body fat if you want to gain weight. there is no way around this. depending on your genetics it'll be distributed in different ways but you WILL gain bodyfat.

So stop being a chicken and start eating more chicken. And carbs.

you have no fucking clue what you are talking about he doesn't have gyno it's just that his BF% is so low that the only noticeable deposit is on his chest.
You look great, although a little skinny! What’s your ab routine?
what the fuck is that?
There is no way to tell if he does not have gyno from this picture. Only the OP can tell us by digging around behind his nipples. I'm kind of a gyno expert.

t. previous gyno haver
>nicely developed arms, chest, and core
>very prominent ribs
What causes this?
wish i was that slim desu
If it's that mild then why would you even give a shit? Don't like 70% of men technically have gyno?
Cuz looks like shit at low bf especially in non natty lighting or shirts that are tight on the chest even if it's mild. Its easy to diminish its appearance in a picture like this by getting your nips hard or whatever before you take the pic but irl or in candid pics it's very noticeable.
Very rapable
Keep up the good work
Its time to transition buddy.
actually fucking body dysmorphia dude, eats some fucking food if you want to be bigger
mate you look fine
you are posting for attention since you have peak body aesthetics, shut the fuck up already

you're insane and don't know what you're talking about
Why does the male body look so disgusting? Seriously I don't understand how a woman or a fag can be attracted to that. Skinny fat, skinny, fat, normal, no mattwr what, men always look so fucking grotesque. Only actual bodybuilders look kinda cool.
this is somehow the gayest post i've read for quite a while
good job
Is someone feeling insulted? I was just stating my opinion.
Kekke thread
yes, you have body dysmorphia, harder to cure that than it is to get in shape in the first place
Post ass
Push-ups and sit-ups.
>don't know what you're talking about

It's an opinion you stupid fucking nigger. Kill yourself.
you have good insertions and fat distribution you just need to bulk until you hit some good milestones like 1/2/3/4 and you're all set
how do i know and what can i do about it?
just actually start to lift.
the reason it looks a bit weird is because you are super low bodyfat, but do not actually have all that many muscles
so you can see every muscle, but it just looks a bit sad
>Auschwitz mode
Eat some more, train some more, and you might end up looking alright.
If your metabolism is anything like mine, losing fat is the hardest part, and you've already done that. Now you just need to get past the twink stage and into adult male territory.
why don't u get a tan whtye boi
you look like a frail female
you need to gain 40 pounds of mostly muscle
Women are the ones that need to be pretty. Men do not.
Man's value is his social status.
Stop falling for incel lies.
gz, im hoping to have 99 mining by the end of the month thanks to afk star mining :D
just gothmaxx and get big tiddy goth hoes
Have the same issue. I have a decent amount of muscle and am very lean but stuck in fridgemode

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