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/fit/ - Fitness

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>4 years of lifting (natty, no supplement whatsoever)
>manboobs won't go away
>can't even 1-rep 1/2/3/4 pl8 yet
>all in all look like shit
why does it have to be so complicated? do i have to start relying on pharmaceuticals?
its your fault lol
imagine spending 4 years doing something wrong and not once thinking about changing
kill yourself you deadend lazy loser
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My max bench was 200 lb at 180 after 6 years of training as a natty cuck. When I hopped on gear my bench went up to 325x5 at 200 lb. I do 225x20 now
>4 years of lifting (natty, no supplement whatsoever)
This tells me nothing, I know people who go to the gym and do random bullshit with 0 program/tracking, repeat 2-3 times a week, take long ass breaks for months, don't eat properly, and are surprised when they make absolutely no gains whatsoever.

>Manboobs won't go away
Because you've never dieted.

>can't even 1-rep 1/2/3/4 pl8 yet
Unless you're a woman or a twig teenager, this is entirely your fault. Any grown man, no matter how bad his genetics are, can reach 1/2/3/4 in 4 years of consistent dedicated training.

>all in all look like shit
Again, no one else's fault but you
>I know people who go to the gym and do random bullshit with 0 program/tracking, repeat 2-3 times a week, take long ass breaks for months, don't eat properly, and are surprised when they make absolutely no gains whatsoever.
i did switch up the program numerous times, going from push/pull to full body exercise, starting with bench > incline bench > ohp > lat pulldowns > bent over row > upright row
with Squats and deadlifts switched day by day
>Because you've never dieted.
before i started working out routinely in 2021 i dropped from an obese 120 kg (265lbs) to 70-75 kg (155 - 165 lbs) in the span of a year. (a fear-induced diet because of my unhealthy lifestyle)
and because even after the drop everyone was telling me that i looked sickly, i started working out, now i'm at fluctuating between 190-200 lbs, and I have to really flex in order for some semblance of muscle to appear.
man titties never went away.
and since 2021 my longest breaks are usually a week, 2 weeks max per year.
>>manboobs won't go away
I can already tell that you're a little bitch that can't commit to anything. Someone without willpower, unable to push yourself to the limit.

You cannot commit do your diet. Otherwise you would have fixed your man boobs.
You cannot commit to go to bed on time.
You cannot push yourself to failure or beyond consistently on your sets.
You're a loser just going through the motions and walking the hamster wheel of life going nowhere.

It's not complicated, but it is difficult.
You only have yourself to blame for failure.
If you are 200 pounds and can't 1/2/3/4 you have to be like 30%+ bodyfat
yeah lad i didnt read your post, just tell me who is this jap cutie kudasai
Your routine was absolute shit then
All your problems are still your fault and you did something wrong
it's probably frequency if you're going to failure
stick to say push/pull and do it until you start taking longer than 48hrs to recover
do more direct work too, and work bench on higher rep ranges
>im a genetic dead end
>I need to do life altering drugs

Weird flex but okay
I feel like I'm stating the obvious here but you didn't gain lose 100lbs of fat and then put on 40-50lbs of lean muscle in the span of 3 years. Diet back down.
shes beautiful op
do the following:
monday: squat, bench, row, abs (planks and leg raises)
friday: squat, overhead press, deadlift, pull ups, lateral raises
rest on the other days. prioritize rest and diet
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Sounds like a you problem. Which is also related to a skill issue.
Being natty isn't why you look like shit.
Your own inability to train, eat and rest right is why.
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you are fat with zero muscle you fucking retard. you fell for normie gaslighting lol. the absolute pinnacle natty max is something around height in cm - 100 with abs. you looked sickly because you were sickly. terrible diet no nutrients, no muscle, no sleep, high stress etc. the weight wasnt the problem, it was the composition of it.

Cut down till abs, become athletic, just focus on eating as much protein as possible and the rest will naturally fall around your maintenance/TDEE. Dont "bulk" bulk. Just focus on active lifestyle, tons of protein and lifting and you will build the physique overtime.
This is the single biggest tragedy of roids, that absolute losers can fraud and pilfer a small piece of the reproductive pool. Then every 100 years we wonder why our test is going down and our countries are being sold out to foreigners
you dont hit the target muscles, check your form. plus be in cal surplus constantly and 2g/kg protein daily.

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