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/fit/ - Fitness

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>be me
>lift and run for 3 years straight
>get a gf
>diet goes to shit, money goes to shit, physique goes to shit
>drop gf
>suddenly my fitness routine gets absolute divine
>everyday I'm looking further to improve myself
She lost 250lbs? Good for her
then your convictions were never that strong to begin with.
No I'm bigger stronger and leaner than ever with my current gf and she pins my roids for me half the time.
Yea I met my gf, now fiance, when I was overweight with no muscle and now I am getting super lean and built. Love getting hotter for her and having her feel up my muscles when we fuck. Feels good man. Also pinning lol.
That frizzy hairstyle on women looks fucking horrible. I see a lot of women in florida with it.
>$100!?!? Think of how much we could buy!!
Bros i have $2k in an old cigar box just chillin. I could really trade that in for 20 zoomer whores? I hope they'll spit in my mouth.
>are women gains goblins
Yes. Unless they can cook. If you find one that cooks, keep her.
isn't working out fun to you? do you really just do it for someone else? that's so gay
she’s still gonna cheat on you
cannot imagine being this much of a blackpilled faggot. you should kill yourself
you were only exercising to get women. So guess what? Once you got your goal, you stopped going hard.
You may not be able to imagine it, but she'll still cheat on you when someone better comes along.
>someone better
sorry gang doesn't exist
i'm pretty sure you are at a very young age and probably unexperienced.
Your time will come don't really need rush things right
>Bros i have $2k in an old cigar box just chillin
Literally me. Why are we hoarding money and we are not spending it?
I am 30
>women that cook
Yes, but only if they can follow your nutritional plan exactly without adding extra seed oils and snacks
Wait a minute, you guys think this clip isn't staged? lmao
>have gf
>constantly skip workouts because gratification of pussy and company > gym time
>become fat and miserable
>break up
>/fit/ and happy, but lonely
as long as i jerk off 4-5x a week, im able to stave off the loneliness enough to get by.
don’t know how long i’ll be able to keep it up but my gains have never been better
And the person who actually posted the original one is 35. I'm old enough to have already gone through my blackpill phase and come out the other side. He's right that you are a huge faggot but you will figure that out in time.
Hey fucking loser you are 35 and getting engaged
stupid fuck news flash for you. pussyless nigger you are trash you can't pull girls thats the whole reason you locking yourself in a marriage fucking retard.
NTA but if you still feel the need for sexual conquest it means you were and probably still are very pussyless. I got that out of my system from ages 18-21. Being monogamous is a lot better anon, maybe you should try it once you actually fulfill whatever sexual fantasies you have.
also nta but once you grow up, you realize companionship and sex with a woman you love and enjoy is better than random hookups which are basically using women as masturbation toys. leave that shit in your 20s and grow up faggot
holy fuck hahaha you guys are absolute fucking losers
the absolute state of this board
epic self projection. do you even lift?
>spent my 20s banging women
>grow up
>get married
post body, poojeet
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>suddenly my fitness routine gets absolute divine
>everyday I'm looking further to improve myself
This has nothing to do with women. The problem is you and how you manage relationships. Next girl you date is gonna be the same and you’ll come back crying again.

>imagine what we can do with $100
Shit does not even pay for a decent ticket concert these days. Cheap whore.
bruh put that shit in a high yield savings account you'll get like 5% interest instead of just sitting there
all women will cheat in the right circumstance, you might try to cope with this but its just reality
Saying this is saying nothing. Any person could be capable of doing anything given the "right circumstances"
you sound like you are 15
>$100? Think of how much we could buy!
Groceries for two days is really worth your relationship, bitch?
And yet the right circumstances seem to hardly ever occur to virgin women, how curious
Found the incel
>be me, 39 years old
>best shape of my life
>had 2 kids, wife gained some wight
>together now for 18 years
If you lift for bitches you will have bitch gains. Real motivation to go further and get real gains comes from the love of the sport itself and wanting to surpass yourself on a daily basis.

Sorry for you OP, but your a cuck
But then I wont have cold hard cash that I can spend on various things that you dont need to be concerned about
Gangs very much do exist
Found the sub 70 whore
At least she isn't cheating for free. My ex would do it for free.
The Raped
My 11th wedding anniversary is next month. My sexual fantasy is having sex with my wife. I have to fantasize about it, because it never happens. I don't follow your logic here
It's not a hairstyle, that's what Florida humidity does to women's hair
>>implying you can't be married and cheat
Guess what, thats what most married men are doing anyway
>its another tiktok account who hires larping drunk people to blackpill you
>making this content is great for algo because it stops people from skipping
>90% of short form content is this
anyway you are a gay nigger. Probably 40 years old and never dated once

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