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/fit/ - Fitness

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Where do you clock in /fit/?
What kind of retard made this image?

Watching TV is higher engagement that a video game.
boomer or heckin real man
why do I get the feeling that whoever made this facebook graphic knows nothing about dopamine or how the human mind works?
>tv above video games
>old thing good, new thing bad
Is this saying that dopamine quality is affected by whatever method was used to produce it? I don't believe that is true. The issue is its easy to get a hit from scrolling, compared to finishing a project. People get addicted to chasing dopamine highs in the form of tiktok, porn, drugs, food, whatever it is. Then your receptors get fried from too much, so you need to double down and before you know it, nothing makes you happy and you deep throat a 12 gauge.
All the grown ass men who still play video games aren’t gonna like this one bro
this is fucking retarded

t. neuroscientist
Post the one chart where it say doing crystal meth is like 100 time more rush than everything else
chad plays cod and fucks ur oneitis
I am a certified gooner
yeah spot on
This list sucks. Here's the real dopamine tier list:

S tier: Doing nothing, if you can literally do nothing for hours on end you've mastered your own mind

A tier: Reading, Art, writing etc... any type of work that takes 30+ minutes for that slight dopamine boost (ex:Dopamine boost from finishing a drawing you've been working on for an hour)

B-Tier: Movies, documentaries, slow paced video games (Half life, minecraft, God of War, Bioshock etc...) any long form minimally edited content

C-Tier: long form youtube videos, fast-paced games (CSGO, valorant, Overwatch etc...)

D-Tier: Reddit, 4chan, other forums.

F-Tier: Tiktok, Reels, Yt shorts. Extremely short form content that's algorithmic and tailored to your needs.
Where does playing video games while listening to a podcast and on a second monitor watching BBC cuck porn with an auto stroking flesh light jerks me off with a prostate stimulator in my ass while scrolling tik tok and smoking weed also binge watching game of thrones for the 5th time on my laptop rank? S tier right?
kek csgo is anything but fast paced. and u will get 10x the cortisol for each dope molecule from it. pro games are sick to watch tho
its more like tense and exsplosive
Video games give you more dopamine hits with sound effects, points, visual effects, leveling

TV is just telling you a story which people which doesn't have as constant dopamine hits as video games
why watch tv then
Well, yesterday I did two small bags of coke and stroked to scat porn with a limp dick, you tell me.
Your B tier is terrible and so is your C tier. Movies and documentaries are definitely C tier. Documentaries are filled with jump cuts to talking heads, art work, video clips, pictures, and reenactments. They are designed to re-grab your attention every 5-15 minutes. Movies do the same thing if they were made in the last 20-30 years. No scene last longer than 15 minutes. Youtube videos can very a lot so some might be B tier and others like Mr. Beast are F tier. Slow paced video games are completely mindless and usually rely on casino mechanics to keep you engaged. The ultimate dopamine hitters. Little plinks and plonks as you gain xp, level up, kill enemies. Pretty much every action is designed to give you auditory feedback and get a dopamine response. Video games of this nature are D tier. A good turn based or slow rts strategy game like Civ 5 or HOI4 might make it to C tier. A tier definitely needs working out. No better quality dopamine boost than an hour long work out. A true B tier dopamine hit would be mind puzzles or mind games like Chess, crosswords, Go, or sudoku. Something that you think over is mentally stimulating, but the pay off still comes in an hour.
As a writer I can tell you there is no dopamine hit from it. Only a continuous slog.
notice all the zoomers who haven't ever had a woman seething in thread
Guys watch out. I'm about to do some meaningful, DEEP focusing.
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Can you undo the brain damage from E and F?
games have bing bing wahoo, even a slow burn rpg will have ding ding level up.
For a story
I don't like it because it implies you should only be reading and you're getting cucked when you're tired of it and do something mindless. I spent years trying to max out on only the finest ways to pass the time and made myself miserable.

I realized I had inattentive ADHD. I don't treat it with pills or anything; I just stopped demonizing myself for times it felt fucking impossible to be productive/focused and improved my quality of life two-fold.
licking stripper puss that's barely half your age is better than deep focus activities
>TV is just telling you a story which people which doesn't have as constant dopamine hits
>le epic action scenes
>big explosions
>visceral gore
>le shouty shouty "i am acting" drama
it has just as much visual and audio stimuli yet requires less mental effort
>infographic about brainrot that is itself brainrot
Actual S+ tier: heroin, coke, speed, alcohol, nicotine
Lot of coping video game nerds round here lmao
depends on the game
would you also say chess is below watching Friends because it has the bing bing wahoo level-up of capturing your opponent's pieces?
Anons, how do I improve my attention spam and focus? I've been living a sedentary live and doing the bare minimum to get through uni but I want to change. I already started exercising and have been for a few months improving my body. The problem is my mind. that constantly fights against me when it comes to studying. I instantly get sleepy and tired as soon as I touch a book.
A, though I sometimes lose focus still.
So I guess B+
Hearts of iron 4 is E tier regarding this. The dopamine is about as frequent as tiktok once you learn the basics.
I used to be S but now I'm B. Trying to get back to S but it's a struggle.
You probably aren't interested in what you're studying
>Is this saying that dopamine quality is affected by whatever method was used to produce it?
No. They are talking about the quality of the activity and its impact on your life. The valuable of the dopamine. Getting dopamine from useful tasks that helps you IRL is better then getting dopamine from useless tasks that can have negative impacts on your life. The implication is do more of the useful stuff and less of the useless stuff.
You sound like a stupid Westerner idolizing Buddhism.
>attention spam
Something tells me you are beyond all help.
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Jakin off? S tier
Funny you didnt put porn on here, nice try Jew
My dad will whip out the phone and scroll through Facebook while watching a movie, whereas he'd be fully engaged with some sports vidya i put on for him.
I've been at every single stage at one point or another. It's largely dependent on seemingly unrelated factors like how much sleep I got the night before or how well-fed I am. Being physically healthy improves focus.
TV can be consumed actively or passively. It can be binged or watched 1 episode at a time. The graphic was just giving examples. Insert your own examples if you like; the main thrust of it is still accurate.
I remember a Jocko Willink clip where he talked about a meth addict he knew. The guy told him, "When I took that first hit, I immediately knew that that was the only thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life." That scared the shit out of me. Don't do meth, kids.
Yes, but the initial boredom will be painful. And then once you break through to the other side, you'll start enjoying little things again, like a tasty meal or a sunset.
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I had the same problem in college, even though I was top of my class in high school. It turned out I was in the early stages of depression, and my brain was slowly shutting down. You're already exercising, so you've got a leg up on me; I wasn't eating healthy OR exercising during my college days.

Take care of your body first and foremost: eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, get sunlight. Secondly, do NOT procrastinate, ever. Do your schoolwork as soon as it's assigned. If that sounds stupid to you, think of it this way: you're going to spend the same amount of time on any given assignment whether you do it now, 3 hours from now, or tomorrow. But doing it immediately gets it out of the way and frees up the rest of your time for relaxing and doing whatever you want to do. It also frees your mind from the anxiety of having unfinished work.

Thirdly, if you're struggling with the material, make friends with your classmates and do the work together. You can help each other when you get stuck and share your thought-process in real time. You can also see your professor after class and get help with things you're stuck on. Not doing these two things was one of my biggest blunders in college. I was so used to doing everything on my own in high school that the idea of collaboration or asking for help didn't even occur to me.

Fourth, disengage from social media and other distractions. We tend to underestimate the effect these things have on our ability to focus. Even just scrolling through 4chan or TikTok for half an hour in the morning (especially if it's right after waking up) can fuck up your concentration for the day. Leave that stuff for later in the day, after you've finished your schoolwork.

If none of that works, it may be that you just aren't interested in the material, like the other anon stated.
I used to shoot meth and fentanyl in the same syringe like 14 times a day. Years later and I can get immensely “high” just from sex with my girlfriend. Dopamine is relative and if you calm your shitty habits down you can always climb back out of the depths. Most of what we experience is our thoughts and mood rather than the chemicals inside our brains at the time we’re doing something. Just listen to your higher self and what it truly wants and knows to be true and you’ll end up doing okay.
Half-Life is not slow paced you retard, stop playing on Easy
>druggie retard
>has gf
Yep I'm thinking it's over, blackpilled chud
lol I read a shitload and I am definitely not s tier I should be the poster child for needs constant stimulation
The black pill is literally that personality doesn’t matter
>passive entertainment consumption is "engaged"
>active consumption is "low effort"
Binging tv shows without fully paying attention is lower. Actually following the show or movie without distraction is higher
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>I realized I had inattentive ADHD. I don't treat it with pills or anything

So how do you treat it bro?
Depends on what kind of game, really. The more "arcade" it is, the more it relies on short bursts of dopamine through simple triggers.
true. the problem is that we are all prisoners of our own brains which are the very sources of the problem. I thought several times in my life that I have fried my brain and that I could never be happy again. Now I think that's ridiculous and I know now that there are things that are much more important, like our circumstances, our jobs, our friends etc.
I did my fair share of drugs, but not like you... My solution (among other things) was a good LSD trip maybe once a month or so. Nothing else I know of has the same power to give you a different perspective of everything that's going on in your life.
where does porn fit in ? i think i have done irreparable damahe to my mind
Dopamine more the seeking chemical than the reward chemical. I not about take advice from someone who's doesn't know what they're making a chart about.
NTA but whatever you do, don't start jerking off to reels on Instagram. I never used IG until I started doing this recently and that shit is like the crack cocaine of porn. It instantly starts recommending you similar reels (quasi-pornographic vids which are somehow more stimulating than longer proper porn vids). Then you keep getting these little hits from these short vids, and there's always more (maybe even a better one) just one scroll away. It's probably similar to how gambling is addictive (the next reel might be the one which will be even hotter etc.) It sounds fucked up, and it is. I've wasted hours of Instagram doing this and I can feel myself becoming so much more fucking stupider. Quit porn, and never go down the rabbit hole I just described.
meds are the only way really
thats just edging and people have been doing this with normal porn for decades
Some days S some days F.
>the implication....
And it applies to civilization and total war too. Your rewards in those games are when you get stronger which happens with nearly every click. It’s thousands of small goals which are simple to do in order and they lead closer to the longer term goal of being the strongest.
All of those small successes require close to 0 effort.
What are you implying here?
What tier would you put world of Warcraft at?
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Waaaày bellow F tier in its own category anon. Don't believe me?
Completely cut masturbation and porn and see the difference.

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