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The before and afters are all fake for one.

Shitting on millions of years of evolutionary development to read things about people by their face is another.
Plastic surgery is for women and kikes.
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Surgerymax? Talk like a normal fucking human.
If you're a woman sure, women's value is tied to looks. But for men all this achieves is indulging your own vanity. Also your kids will look fucked up and everyone will think you're a cuck raising someone else's offspring.
Because it would be unsettling to look in the mirror and see someone else's face. I can't imagine doing it unless you personally can't stand seeing your own face.
If you're truly ugly and that's an obstacle for you in life go ahead, you only live once and it's your duty to use all the means available to make the most out of it.
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This one was proven to be fake
I saw a video on it a while ago. I forgot the details honestly. I think the guy on the left did go in for the surgery but his after was nothing like the guy on the right... because it was a different person. So he tried suing the surgeon or something.
fucking look at the guy's neck. shit photoshop job
would (both)
>Any reason not to surgerymax
money and pain
I'd have to spend close to a million dollar + 3 years recovery to fix my face.
plus I've been thinking about it and now I think dick is more important
a 10/10 model had his private videos leaked and all women could talk about was his lack of size down there
I'd rather stay a 1/10 and increase my dick dick by 1 inch in lenght and 2 inches in girth than stay with my current dick with a 10/10 face
cost prohibitive
long time to heal, likely need to take off time from work for an extended period of time, which means more money lost
well, those are my reasons, i'm already a 5/10 as a fatty, so might as well just get to sub 12% and jump up to a 7/10
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just be realistic and know if you're a ltn or mtn you'll never be chad or even chadlite, remember harmony is key, ascend at all costs, looks, looks and looks is all that matters.
Who is this model? Say the name nigga
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I wonder how tall the image creator is.
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>AI slop faggot
If we're being actually serious and not larping like 6'7 is the ideal height, I'd say the minimum cutoff is 5'10 for your height to not be necessarily detrimental to getting girls. Anything shorter and your height will be factor that gets you rejected.
Unless the woman is carrying around a measuring tape like some psycho, 5'10 doesn't look short to the vast majority of women.
I say this all as a 6'1 guy.
This is only true in Western society because we are so feminised. And I say this as someone who is a natural aesthete and has been looksmaxxing/bb'ing for over 4 years now with great results. Actually getting a double jaw surgery at the end of this year (for multiple medical reasons but looks is one of them).
In other countries men do not take care of their appearances at all and everyone's married. In Europe young men are attractive but weren't really expected to stay so for long (gen Z is different). Guys who can stay skinny/"fit" (like 20bmi with 15% bf) are the typical "attractive male".
I concur bro, 6'7 morning and 6'6 evening height is the golden spot, I just wear lifts to get to 6'7, are you on org btw ?
I get what you mean, but like I want to be a fucking slayer, im going uni next year, took a year before uni to save for some looksmaxxing shit actually, but it's ascend or die.
Imagine being a weaselly little jew and spending thousands on surgery to still turn out looking worse than me and I am fairly average looking.
Do what you need to do lil bro. I just hope you realise that validation from women isn't everything in life.
never said it is, looks go beyond just getting into some roasties pants easier.
As I said earlier that's only in now, in this society, and it won't last. A society that values its men for their looks and not their competence will not last.
Your children will still be dysgenic mutants. We're going to see some severe abominations in the decades to come when guys like
reproduce with girls like

Surgery can't change your genetics.
no reason desu. just get the money and do it. everyone has to contend with their genetics eventually though. your kids might not be happy.
uh huh, cool bro.
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I have all these except the beard (I shave). Girls rate me 7 or 8 online (the top scores, never saw a male rated 9 or 10). I am rich, well-educated and relatively charismatic (I think) and yet still no gf at the tender age of 32.
>turn your underbite into overbite with this one simple trick!
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>still takes ratings from women seriously

if you were a tried and true chadlite/chad you wouldn't be a virgin, you wouldnt even know what a forum is if im being honest, but yeah keep up the cope, men peak at 50 or so Rich CopER says.
I've always wanted to get my maxilla fixed but I'm already 25 so I don't think mewing will have a significant effect. I grew up with fucked up posture making my maxilla recessed; you cant fully see my upper teeth when I do a normal smile. I'm all for accepting what you look like, but I just can't let go of the thought of how I would gain more benefitsnfrom fixing my maxilla through surgery. I'd like to hear your experiences and input.

All I am saying is that looks and financial success aren't everything. My poor and ugly 5.5 acquaintances have good loking gfs. Those things certainly help, but if you have no experience and/or autistic - you are doomed. The only thing good in my life are ducks in my local lake. Love them.
>want to get jawline surgery to fix bite underbite and poping noise
>they tell me it's 10k
>okay then...
>how about shave off the jew schnozz and fix deviated septum
>that will be 5k for nose and additional 3k for deviated septum
>welll thats a rip
>you know what Ill get the veneers
>that's also 10k
>they offer me braces for 2k
I cannot fathom how these unemployed girls get surgeries done that cost up to like 50k, do they all get morgages? And don't give me the retarded stories about how mid looking girls with no cluot are getting flied over to Dubai and Paris and shit
>looks/money/status don't matter

it's always the normie or subhuman who spews this bullshit, but you're right about the autism part, im unfortunately diagnosed with assburgers, meaning I have to act neurotypical and I need to overcompensate with my looks, sucks ig but it doesn't mean you shouldnt ascend, a good jaw will be more of a statusmaxx/looksmaxx than a nice car or job.
uh simps anon, simps.
Yes, a girl on YikYak at my school said I would be attractive if I did push ups every day.
I've thought about getting rhinoplasty and jaw implants. My nose is a little wonky and my jaw is a little on the below average side of size. But my hesitation really is that despite my wonky nose knocking me down a point or two, I like that it gives me a unique character, so even if I were to ever go for it, I'd hate to have a cookie cutter standard nose, which I think would only make me blend in even more than I already do. As for the jaw implants, I have a peculiar aversion to inserting shit into the body. The only way I'd be comfortable doing that is if it was real jawbone grafted on. Even then, I feel like it'd feel foreign to me.
Needless to say, your average nose job costs something like $10k, and I don't think it's going to particularly help my looks enough, so there's really no point. The amount of things I'd need to do to make myself stand out as good looking while still retaining a unique "me" look would probably cost me well into the 5 figures. At that point, if I'm not legitimately profiting off my looks, albeit through modelling or landing a stupidly high paid job where coasting off my looks were important (media, marketing, sales, etc), then the investment would be a complete waste of money.
>m-muh get wiminz though
This is a terminally online cumbrain take. You really don't need to be all that handsome to get girls. Stay off dating sites and meet girls irl.
Yeah it'll help to an extent, but it's such a braindead meaningless existence to think that the peak of success is to bed more hit girls than anyone else. I guess, if you've never had luck with women, having this as your goal seems desirable.
Making it is having a family with a woman that loves you, not because your sexy chad slayer 1488 beefcake, rather because you carry yourself in such a way that she knows only you can lead her through life. At least to me it is. Everything else is just meaningless vanity, material worship that begets constant novelty.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Women with big chins make me so mad. Whenever I see one in real life I have an urge to say I wish I looked as masculine as them in a fit of pure incel spergery
How is it "dysgenic"? Because it "looks" to you less "good" it means it's dysgenic? Maybe you're full of shit in what you think looks good, maybe you just think a big chin looks good because that's what you were told? Huge chins on a man or a woman actually look abnormal and bad, you and your stupid lookism bros and your stupid ideas when you actually know nothing.

Furthermore, for all truly abnormal stuff, genetics have nothing to do with it. All these abnormalities are due to malformed development caused by environmental toxins, almost without exception. A true genetic abnormality is extremely rare because natural selection would have weeded it out of the genepool long ago. Yet here we are in 2024 and at least a fifth of males are deemed unworthy to reproduce. Wake up idiot.
kinda true only man look good with big chins. and being ugly isnt really ,,dysgenic'' either, thing is good looks just make our brains tingle, and our moral characters down there kek depending what our brain structure is from womb+hormonal development. its all for fun not for work at all.
Why does his hair go from straight to curly? Has Turkish surgery gotten too far?
>and our moral characters down there kek depending what our brain structure is from womb+hormonal development
talking about physical masculinity/femininity amount here btw.
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Yeah and? Its not like they weren't going to look like that pre surgery so what's your point?
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Fucking do it if you can afford it brah, looks help with a lot in life including job interviews. We are all naturally biased towards better looking people whether we like it or not

But I'll say, don't even consider it yet if you're a lardass. And be honest with yourself about it, don't be the guy with the gut tits and love handles who says he's 12% bodyfat. If you're actually fat and get actually lean you can see significant improvements in facial aesthetics. 4 chins and hamster cheeks looks good on nobody, not even chad

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