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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is there any point running a mile every day?
I lift, I don’t cardio other than I do 10-20k steps a day
is adding a mile run in to this a decent boost or a pointless waste of time like going to the gym and doing 1 set?
Where can I buy that's hurt
Whitest American
Celina 52 truck stop
dios mio, el negro albinoooooo
they didn't even put the tendie in a box or something for him damn
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besides being born ugly are there any health issues related to being mixed race?
Pure aryan stock that doesnt tan in the sun because of aryan hyperborean genetics
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ah fuck I did it again
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Please can you make a version of this meme without the cat people? Like can you make it pepe instead?

sadly that monster is very much real
Depends on your fitness goals. Running a mile would do more for your cardio than walking 20k steps, but your time and energy is limited, so choose what best aligns with your goals.
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running kinda sucks because you gotta specialize on it to be good at it. lifting wont help you. you gotta be a skinny ass to be a good runner
try cycling
Every day no.
Running is great and all but it's hardly worth getting shoes on and getting dressed for if it's less than 3 or 4 miles. Then just taking that out of your walking step count/distance. I usually have 3 or 4 runs a week. 2 longer ones 6 miles and one or two shorter 3 mile ones. It's a lot of calories for the time invested compared to running but recovery can be iffy if you're always on your feet and always lifting too.
I run 50k easily and do gym and yoga and so on all on top of that.

You should be able to run at least a half marathon every day don't be a bitch.
I'm 6'5" and martial-arts/rock-climbing/calisthenics/swimmer/bicyclist etc lots of muscle not skinny and I'm good at running. Just need lots of supplements to keep joints and nervous system in good order and really good shoes (I have these Solomon trail runner shoes from Sports Cheque that are very lightweight and high quality). I also recommend running on rubber (treadmill or indoor track) mostly for first year and later outdoors on mixed terrains.
Wait what does this mean? Mutt bodies cant integrate their parents’ organs? Lmao
Mixed race people have a hard time finding donors due to mixed race genetics.
memes aside, /fit/ really needs an upvote button
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Organ donation is by blood type
Dyel nigerian kek
that's 1 mile more than 90% of people run

I ran 1 mile a day for a while, it really made a difference. I hate running but nothing has a bigger effect on my general health so I have to do it
Surprisingly whites are the largest donors of bone marrow, but it's only compatible with other whites. Recently there has been a push for more minorities to donate.

Way to go Ernie!
Nah, I don't want to give the government my seed or marrow. If you niggas stopped eating pork rinds and a bunch fattening slave shit you wouldn't need to ask healhty niggas for their organs. Get your own.
based ernie get that tendie homie
World's smartest jogger
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>I'm something of a human myself
It depends. If you're in zone 3-4 for that mile, there's some benefit I think. If running a leisurely zone 2 mile, not much benefit honestly.
If you're running in zone 2, you'd probably want to make it at least 3 miles for it to be worth your time. You may see benefits in endurance.
well they die of cancer and chronic disease more so yeah, 2nd gen and onwards is a real bucket kicker
Lame image, both shows are lame.
You find mulatto men and/or fried chicken particularly lust provoking?
What if i bike to gym all in 3-4 which also keeps me up there for my lifts?
Depends on if the ride is flat or hilly. I'm also assuming that's 3-4 miles total, and not 3-4 miles one way. Wattage is also a big factor. Do you know your average speed and cadence on those rides?
If mostly flat road, 3-4 miles is not a lot of mileage. I'd say 3-4 miles on a bike is roughly equivalent to a 1 mile light jog, assuming you're mostly in zone 2 for both.
If there's a lot of climbing and elevation gain on your ride to the gym, that's a great habit. Regardless, I'd say that's good but you'd still want to incorporate running with either higher intensity, or more miles in zone 2 than just 1 mile.
I run quite a bit, usually 5 miles 2-3 times per week and 8-12 once a week. You can certainly run 1 mile per day, and it might be good if you are starting running, but more distance or faster pace with a few rest days between may be more sustainable and help you build endurance. Rest is when I feel I am making gains.

As an counterpoint, my wife runs 5 miles minimum every day, 10-20 mile runs frequently, but she's training for a marathon and has been running for decades.
If you have mixed race children, any random person of your race will actually be significantly more genetically similar to you than your kids.
3-4 is my heart zone. 2.2 mi each way.
That's pretty good then. At some point your cardio will improve to a point where it'll be difficult for you to get beyond zone 2 on a normal bike ride. At that point, you usually have to do more intense cardio like running to improve.
IMO you're fine not running regularly if you're consistently in zone 3-4 on those rides. Better for your knees, too.
Was going to say i am afraid for my left knee lately. Also even when I was riding regularly Im always zone 3, I only have 2 settings, stop and sprint.
If I move to anything next itll be HIIT not running just for muh knees.
Gumball never bowed down to the fag agenda which is odd because by 2019 it should have like Adventure Time did.
>Is there any point
no not really
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Does she look like absolute shit?>>75145048
Doing regular cardio reduces inflammation
Inflammation is underrated in its ability to fuck up your organs
Its basically what people die from if they don't have cancer
Also doing cardio makes your muscles have more endurance and makes your dick work better
Me shooting you at the soonest sign of societal breakdown.
>one single tendie
That is just cruel.
I'm 7/3 and I do all that+paddington
I have more muscle tahn you
I'm better at running than you
I take more supplements for my joints and cns
my shoes are more xpensive than yours (gucci)
I also recommend you get gud or Imma keep mogging you into oblivion
a FREE fresh chicken tender
this ogre makes Ernie look like a supermodel.
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here you go
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this is awful
what do you weigh? is it hard on your joints?
You really don't. It isn't doing anything that important you can't get from other routes
Actually I am of the camp that if you lift hard that will be enough cardio for basic health
I looked my best when I jogged in place for 20-30 minutes every morning before breakfast/work. Not a treadmill just moving in place. I broke the habit and tried doing a cardio bike and it didn’t give the same results. Now I have to get my mind reprogrammed to like it again.
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