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Is seafood…le bad?
Nope, among the best food you can eat. Right there with eggs and meat.
Is eating bugs bad? Yeah you mong. There's a reason all religions (which are the oldest stories our civilisation remembers for a reason) forbid eating this trash.
considering mercury takes 27 years to leave your brain, it is probably the worst thing you can eat after sugar
Mercury is only a slight risk in apex predators who live longer than a couple of years.
Riddled with heavy metals
watch Seaspiracy if you want to see a documentary about it
what about love?
is black bass any good or sea bass?
All bass has ass so no.
based sissy
the red snapper looks enough for protein...right?
wait for mecuryschizos to arrive, they are on the same level as ketofags
selenium in fish counteracts the mercury, right?
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thinkin' about that octussy
pigs weren't eaten because they were considered dirty and host to parasites, but then industrialised farming came along and solved that with machines and drugs
so your point is invalid and retarded
you can get norovirus from raw oysters
Do you have any evidence for this? (You don't. You are parroting what you heard)
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to go and do some field research before commenting, you complete fucking moron.
let me guess, only the websites you visit are trustworthy
I'm.still waiting for proof. Your Wikipedia article about religion isnt proof of your statements
>Although Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion,[5] most of its adherents do not follow these aspects of Mosaic law and do consume its meat
>Prophet get food poisoning after eating seafood
>Proclaims it's forbidden to eat seafood
This is a teachable moment. The article that you cited, which you quickly googled without any foresight, provides absolutely zero support for your position. You made a statement with no corroborating evidence because it's something that you overheard a bunch of times from other atheists and you took it for granted without doing any research yourself. You provided your irrelevant Wikipedia article in the context of an angry, pejorative-laden response, because you are unhappy and you were projecting your unhappiness outwards, trying to puff yourself up and tear others down. You should learn some introspection and try and figure out what is making you so upset and unhappy with your life that you decide you need to try and one up people who disagree with you even though you objectively have no supporting evidence for your position. I sincerely hope that things get better for you, and you can live a positive, happy life eventually.
I feel so bad for people who don't like seafood. They're the same ilk of people who make sandwiches with white bread rather than wheat or rye. A pitiful class of humans.
There's a passage in the Quran where after Muhammad's followers show up to his house asking him questions and it visibly bothers him, He has a revelation that you're not allowed to go to his house and ask him questions.
didn't read lol, suck my dick retard
>proved the point in the post to a T despite not reading it
What about the time he gets caught fucking the maid and one of his wives is angry so he says he won't do it again, then he has a revelation that he's allowed to fuck who he wants. Meme religion
Christians don't follow Old Testament laws for Jews. Big shock. That's why they're Christians and not Jews
Yeah I dont need you to yes man my posts.
Kill yourself faggot
Get well soon
This broke me.

For the past 3 years I've been living with an extremely rare heart disease, doctors told me I'd have another 6 months to live. This give me the motivation I needed to push on, this give me hope that things can change. I CAN get well, and it CAN be soon. Tears began flowing as soon as I read your comment.

Thank you. Take an upvote.
I love you
we dont sign our posts here
No, it's...le good.
Wait, what religion/culture forbids eating fish?
Just say you have picky eater autism the religious angle isn’t convincing
redpill me on the center of the octopussy
reddit masculinity diet

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