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Finally found a local farmer’s grocery store that carries a lot of raw dairy products (milk, butter, keifer, etc). I’ve heard a lot of good things about raw milk so what can I expect by only drinking raw milk now instead of the pasteurized stuff?

Can anyone give their testimony on how it’s improved their diet/health?
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The real redpill is signing up for a human milk bank. Cows milk is meant for cows.
>drinking unpasteurized milk
Enjoy your aidscancer
its healthy and yummy but expensive
It tastes SIGNIFICANYLY better and i can drink about 20% more before getting gassy
Thats it, never noticed anything else healthwise
you'll be prescribed red pills
For the price of one gallon you can get 10+ of pasteurized milk. It's just another meme made to separate fool's from their money, but anything to feel special and different from everybody else amiright?
Activated almonds for carnivores.
In terms of noticeable benefits you probably not going to see much on a day to day basis. But it’s a fact that it is far healthier with more bioavailable nutrients than pasteurized milk, and anyone who says otherwise is probably paid by bigsoy. Plus contains enzymes and healthy gut bacteria, which are normally killed off in the pasteurization process, to make digestion easier. Meaning you’ll have an easier time absorbing protein and nutrients from other foods you eat.

More expensive, yes. But if you’re not broke then I say your better off drinking raw milk.
a lot of men think they're "based" but are falling for low iq right winger memes. All lot of these gullible are also christ cucks and trad cucks. Most naive demographic
It's fucking stupid. High risk for maybe a 2% nutrition benefit. Just a meme because "natural" makes people feel better about it. Purely emotional
All I know is, the weirdos who drink it seem to worship it like they're in a cult.
Other than vegans, I've never seen anyone get so emotional over a food item as these rawmilkcels
I have the occasional raw milk from the local farmer but it’s more expensive here and I drink a lot of milk so mainly stick to the pasteurised. Plus like others have said, the tiny health benefit is almost always outweighed in my mind by the chance of a slow agonising death.
pasteurized milk outbreaks are larger and more deadly. raw milk is safer
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Oh shit, is that because of the fact that 99.99% of the milk drunk is pasteurised or has the study adjusted for that? May have to rethink my raw:pasteurised ratio.
I need this but i have the misfortune of living in Australia; and so it is over for me, methinks.
Enjoy your gyno phaggot. Milk is for children
its the same but more expensive. some retard named aajonus vonderplanitz got it popularized.
It was popularized before jews ran the government
>I believe heating milk to 160 degrees makes it worse somehow
>I am very intelligent
How does pasteurization work?
You take milk and you heat it to 160 degrees
See what I mean?
>If you dont obsess over my beverage choice to the point it becomes a major part of your personal identity, you are a paid jewish internet shill.
Because some kike in israel cares enough about what milk a cartoon-watching 4chancel drinks that you are the target of international Big Milk espionage.
Cult-like mental illness.
And what happens when you heat it to 160 degrees that makes it more safe?
why dont children get gyno then?
Why dont I have gyno and I drink like a quar tof milk a day.
Oh nevermind, I just replied to the veganschizo
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It’s the best, don’t listen to the homos that say it’s not.
I get it for $4/gallon from an Amish farmer.
++good is to make kefir with it
NTA, but are you really this retarded?
Consider for a moment if I might be asking these questions rhetorically.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded for rhetorical reasons.
Ok retard.

isnt there a way to test raw milk for the bad microbes by now
oh look, another facebook suburban mom health meme that /fit/ latches onto.
consider for a second anon, that *I* might just be coming across as a total imbecile, but I am actually in fact very smart
>Because some kike in israel cares enough about what milk
Yes they care about keeping goyim weak and stupid, first example: you
Of course there is, but is the "Amish farmer" all the rawmilkcels seem to know actually testing their wildly overpriced product before selling it to chumps and suckers?
Post your awesome body and all your life accomplishments that you credit to drinking unpasteurized milk.
Oh wait, you're another cartoon-watching weirdo sitting in your messy room alone in front of an obsolete desktop computer your mom bought for you when you graduated high school with a 2.0 GPA.
Asking valid, albeit simplistic, questions is not, "pretending to be retarded." If someone has never asked themselves the question of how exactly pasteurization works (i.e. denaturing proteins, inactivating enzymes, damaging the cytoplasm, etc. of mesophilic pathogens) then it would never occur to them that the same changes are affected in non-pathogenic elements, including those with nutritional value. In fact, the test for whether or not dairy has been sufficiently pasteurized is measured by the presence (or lack thereof) of something that fits into the latter category: alkaline phosphatase, though it's by no means the only thing in this category.

In the future, you should first wonder if you might be the retarded one before presuming someone else's intentions.
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Imagine being this afraid of heated milk.
Drink raw milk to you puke, faggot. I dont care.
The fact that you weirdos have to constantly shout and yell about your raw milk fetish to the rest world while spouting off about jewish milk lobbyists is the reason everyone avoids you.
Raw mikers, no fappers, vegans. You're all just a bunch of weirdo cultists whose personal identity revolves what ever niche thing you desperately latched onto as the thing that will fix you shitty life.
There's no reason to lash out. You can acknowledge your inability to comprehend the world around you - including the many choices you implicitly make every day - and stop resorting to reflexively contradicting things with which you have associated negative emotions. If you don't want to evaluate things on the basis of their validity, but on their "vibes," then Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
thanks for reminding me. I forgot to mention how you cultists think you're superior to everyone else because of your choice in food items, spirituality etc.
They get delusions of grandeur and think they possess secret knowledge (what 4chan incels call "redpills") because they purchase products or engage in some activity that is different from what the unwashed masses do.
I know I'm superior to you because I don't evaluate things on the basis of who does and does not support them. This is obviously not secret knowledge, because I just expounded on the bare minimum to consider the problem critically here: >>75141832 . If anyone, it's you who has the unwarranted feeling of superiority - you think that you see through these delusions held by others, when in reality you're just as uninformed as your caricature of these "cultists."

I don't even drink raw milk btw
Apparently lactose intolerant people xan drink it just fine
True, but it's far cheaper to just drink regular milk + kefir and greek yogurt for gut health. Until raw milk becomes more widely available it'll remain not worth it
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Imagine being as mad as you are about people drinking milk. What a fucking faggot.
Is this a joke question or are you a pajeet retard that has no idea how anything works
you sound like an obnoxious know-it-all faggot
NTA but the raw milkist is coming across far more angry
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>raw milkist
Wew what a thread
Sounds like projection goldberg
The proper term is raw milkcels
do you even know what projection means is or is it just a cool sounding insult you saw on reddet?
raw kek, even
You can read my subsequent messages to see what I was getting at.

As opposed to you: someone who has discounted large groups of people because they effectively gave you the "ick."
raw milkcels are not a large group of people.
They are a fringe minority who cant stop proselytizing about a glass of unheated milk.
See its not the raw milk itself, no one cares about that. Its just that you cant shut up about it and act like its some magic potion. Just like vegans and no fappers.
Actually some people care about regular milk. They carecabout it a lot in fact. It's illegal in my country, only pre boiled milk here
Here's a list of everyone who you've disqualified:
>raw milk drinkers
>no fappers
>anyone who's redpilled
>anyone with specific nutritional concerns
>anyone with a particular spiritual outlook

You're just a stupid faggot who masquerades as someone "above it all." Case in point: you haven't even updated your priors in response to me saying I don't drink it personally, nor have I once encouraged others to itt.
no I've only "disqualified" people who do those things to cult-like extremes.
Raw milkcels, no fappers and vegans are all obnoxious faggots though. Everyone agrees this is a fact of nature.
So everyone's fine to do something as long as it's like, chill and inoffensive. Just don't take anything too seriously, dude. You are not a man.
you really are a tiresome faggot.
It seems a very strange use of your time to white knight for raw milkcels on an anime pedo image board because I called them cultists for treating it like its holy water.
I actually just dislike you personally completely irrespective of the raw milk position. You were quick to call me "an obnoxious know-it-all faggot" when you're too stupid to recognize that you rely on consensus thinking like a woman. Cowardly fence-sitting will get you nowhere, and looking down on those who refuse to sit with you - doubly so. It would be hard to say you exist at all.
You sound like you take HRT...
Is this really how you live your life?
Some guy says "those people over there are annoying because they do x, y, and z" and then you spout sophistry about consensus thinking, cowardly fence-sitting etc even though nothing I said had anything to with that.
What do you think about people who dont like niggers or she-males? Just curous
I think you're on to something. He comes off as some white knight defender of "marginalized people" i.e some woke moonbat queer
You must be incredibly bad at mentally modeling an argument if you conclude someone telling you that "just be chill about it" is not an argument would be liberal. You are the moderate in this scenario. And moonbat? Get off the computer, grandpa.
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>open thread about heating or not heating milk
>It's full of rage
>Pic related
>Close thread enjoy my day
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>Finally found a local farmer’s grocery store that carries a lot of raw dairy products (milk, butter, keifer, etc).
Honestly, you hit the jackpot. Raw kefir and raw butter improved my health far more than raw milk did. Kefir is great for digestive gains and raw butter is perfect for keeping your energy levels up, not to mention all the fat-soluble nutrients. Raw butter is hard to come by where I live.

Do they have any raw cheese? Highly recommend trying that as well. The raw gouda cheese I eat helped heal my gums (it's very high in vitamin k2).

Raw milk is still great for hydration if you cam tolerate it. And it's way better than pasteurized in very single way.
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Yes, and most raw milk sales are so heavily regulated nowadays that farmers are forced to do these tests, which is probably one of the reasons why it's so expensive. Another case of the (((government))) putting up a bunch of red tape to separate us from nature.

If you get milk from a farmer who's clearly taking care of his cows and feeding them grass/hay (not söy or other grainslop) the milk is gonna be fine. Even if it goes bad, you can smell/taste it, same as literally any other food. I've quite literally had some rancid raw milk before, and I'm still alive; worst that can happen is a little upset stomach (as if that's not possible with pasteurized milk).

Our ancestors drank raw milk for thousands of years. Pasteurization was invented in the 1900s because cows were living in such abhorrent conditions that their milk truly was toxic, and it eas making people sick. With modern transportation and refrigeration techniques, that is simply no longer an issue.
>the tiny health benefit is almost always outweighed in my mind by the chance of a slow agonising death.
Name one time in the past 10 years anyone has died "slowly and painfully" from drinking raw milk.
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Raw milk contains its own lactase. Also, many people who think they're lactose intolerant simply have an autoimmune response to the denatured proteins in pasteurized milk. Raw milk circumvents this problem.
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You kikes give yourselves away by absolutely seething that I choose to drink raw milk. Any mentally healthy person would just close the thread and move on with his day.
>mentally healthy person

raw milkers btfo
Based. You ruined his life.
That's fucking retarded. Maybe Mr. Rothschild (I can't believe we have to take Rothschilds conspiracizing seriously in 2024. Y'all need some new material) cared about all the kids dying of listeria and shit. Maybe he even cared about Jewish kids dying of listeria!
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>I can't believe we have to take Rothschilds conspiracizing seriously in 2024
Facts don't care about your feelings, sweetie
>Maybe he even cared about Jewish kids dying of listeria!
Then he can pasteurize his own milk and leave me alone to drink my raw milk in peace. He wasn't pushing for increased awareness of some listeria problem; he was pushing for the banning of raw milk, and it was a very successful campaign. There are many places in the U.S. where raw milk is either outright illegal or behind so much red tape that the price is artificially inflated. I'm an adult. I don't need big daddy government to tell me what I can and can't consume, so fuck off with your crypto-totalitarian rhetoric.
Ketolards will say and do anything to make you join their cult, even lie.
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Kys Moxyte
got me a little sick the first time. price was outrageous. but I can see why people drink it.
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Whats the fucking point in arguing. This is a nearly 0 cost test. Drink it yourself, if it works for you fine, if it doesn't fine.

Don't argue with the epistemologically myopic about what they can and can't see/think/feel.
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>drank for thousands of years prior to the 19th century
>humanity never dies out in fact quite the opposite
They should really teach the retards they call scientists that can't go five seconds without inventing some new forever chemical or carcinogen to put in the food and water some basic logic
>Facts don't care about your feelings, sweetie
Hey I read this new pamphlet called the protocols of the elders of zion. It raises some great points
>I'm an adult. I don't need big daddy government to tell me what I can and can't consume
That's great but you retards give it to your kids who subsequently die of listeria and shit. Personally I think we should just castrate all you freaks so we avoid that problem, but that's seen as a bit extreme.
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Here have a combined picture
>e. coli, TB used to be way more common
>pasteurisation introduced, rates of e. coli and TB spread through infected dairy products plummets
>this is universally regarded as an accomplishment, and a good thing
>decades pass
>the internet comes into fruition
>stupid ideas spread like wildfire, regardless of scientific merit

I could go on, but you get the idea
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>appeal to authority
I drink raw milk all the time and never get any of these so called diseases, nice try formula baby.
>Hey I read this new pamphlet called the protocols of the elders of zion. It raises some great points
Congrats. I've read it, too. Don't see how it's relevant.
>That's great but you retards give it to your kids who subsequently die of listeria and shit
In other words, you're a commie faggot who thinks the government should be able to control what I feed my children. If the government decrees cardboard, seed oils, and bugs are healthy, they can force me to feed it to my children. If the government decrees that a vegan diet is optimal and meat is a deadly poison, you believe they can force me to feed my children nothing but vegetables. Kill yourself, you totalitarian faggot. If you want to feed your children pasteurized slop, I won't stop you. If you try to stop me from feeding my children raw milk, you will be met with an appropriate response.
>you will be met with an appropriate response.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>>appeal to authority
that's not an appeal to authority you idiot. You could eat raw eggs all the time and raw chicken all the time and never get ill too, but statistically if everyone started doing it there'd be a lot more illness
>what I feed my children
>implying you have children
and if you do by all means feed them your crazy diet, your genetic line can't end soon enough
There would only be illness if the animals were ill themselves it's really that simple and logical. There's really no need to kowtow to this hullabaloo trillion dollar war against the microbe industry when even at this very moment scientists are starting to say uh actually these microbes may have some benefit especially in our gut. You have Ecoli in your gut right now just fyi but please keep buying chlorinated chicken breast to own the microchuds.
Oh man the high concept of the word projection, no one understand that word its too esoteric
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>and if you do by all means feed them your crazy diet, your genetic line can't end soon enough
If you're so confident that raw milk will kill my children, then stop whining about raw milk on 4chan and let my pro-raw milk genes die. And I'll let you feed your kids microplastic-ridden bugslop. Just stop calling for legislation of your retarded opinions and we won't have a problem. My children will utterly mog yours, guaranteed.
Pasteurization is just heating up milk to kill the majority of bacteria within it and doesn't actually do anything negative to it's nutrient profile.

Raw milk is pointless and creates an unnecessary risk of bacterial infection for those who drink it.
Dude, I don't necessarily agree with you on your raw milk stance but you present your arguments soundly. It is blowing my mind that the reading comprehension/literacy here has gotten so bad that multiple people can't understand what you were getting at by asking these things the way you did. What the actual hell
If it helps, I drink raw milk and I clearly understood he was being rhetorical. Maybe pasteurized milk causes brain damage. Or maybe he's just arguing with dishonest shills pretending to be retarded.
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There is still the issue of commutable diseases originating from unhygienic food products. Like the, hmm, let me think of an example, oh yeah... like the GODDAMN CORONA PANDEMIC because some chinaman decided to eat bats. I'd be all in for some national registry and then you all superspreaders can be safely locked in some nice reservate in Montana. Full safety guarantee and no vaccines or antibiotics allowed in there.
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>CORONA PANDEMIC because some chinaman decided to eat bats
>More irrelevant bullshit
I don't care. Fuck you. You have no right to tell me what I can and can't feed my children.
you're a dumb mediocre man falling for instagram memes. Probably saw one of those raw meat and milk eating guys who are on roids and have had a sharp jaw all their life and think you can be just like them. it's not based you're a midwit
Tastes great and fixed my eczema
go drink your raw cow piss and shit in your own countries pajeet. regulations are here for a reason
you're a dumb fag
>agrarian retards keep cows rolling in their own for thousands of years
>everyone is fine
>unscrupulous businessmen stack animals on top of each other in the nastiest petri dish ever devised
>adults get sick
>children die by the thousands
>"just boil the everything bro, it's cool; make it illegal to sell raw steak"
How about you just keep your animals in conditions that aren't cartoonishly evil?
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>you'll do what I think the government should tell you to you... you... pajeet! Reeeeeeeeeee
Npc. Sad.
take your m'ladying tradcuck ass back to redit, normie faggot
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>emotional high estrogen boot licker trying to accuse someone of being a redditer
Yeah that doesn't work here. Stay mad.
Nta, btw
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It's like you arguing you and your kids should be allowed to walk around with asbesto facepaint. Nope. Into the concentration camp erm happy vaxfree reservation with you, anon. I bet fluoride is bad too so no toothpaste for you fucking retards either. What else you believe? Let's make it happen but let's keep you away from humans you fucking monkey ok.
i outperform all of you mediocre trad cucks on the shittiest diet. You saw one Chad on instagram drink milk now you're infatuated with it. Faggot incel. 100% you're a future marraige cuck, gynocentric incel
I will check out raw milk so I don't end up like you.
>You have no right to tell me what I can and can't feed my children.
Well I am. What are you going to do about it? Cry and piss your pants? Also imagine risking your children's life just to stick it to libs and have your freedom milk. You're a fucking terrible parent and I hope you get hit by a car so someone can adopt them and treat them better.
>regular pasteurized milk consumed for decades
>bodybuildings drinking it and absorbing the protein and nutrients just fine
>staple of /fit/ with go-mad being promoted, even if ironically

but now suddenly


It's just another fad. Another thing that will turn you into a giga-chad. The missing piece to having a good life. Yes I'm sure pasteurized milk is the reason the west has fallen. Just like how it was with seed oils. Nothing to do with personal responsibility. You're all victims to government regulation and they are holding you back.
It may or may not be any of that but what it definitely is is reducing my children's risk of developing allergies and asthma.
i already drink 2 liters a day, what exactly do you expect drinking raw milk will give you? I also have a 700lb deadlift. you wish you were me
you're an incel boyo
I'm white (slavic) and I don't process dairy well, I don't understand it..
Drink more until you do
Start with kefir
I had to drink raw kefir for a while to heal my gut. Now I can handle 3 gallons of raw milk a week, no problem.

Other things that help with digesting milk:
>Dissolve some raw honey in the milk
>Drink the milk with a meat meal
based dad
>heal my gut
>Now I can handle
you literally sound like you're on a "detox" lol. Do you put pearls in your vagina too?
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Most people are drawn to nutrition because they suffered some kind of health issue in the past. Mine happened to be digestive issues, which I healed with kefir. Is that evidence that kefir is dangerous, in your mind?

Nice gotcha, bro. You really thought that one through.
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Obvious jewish poster
not any healthier or better for you than pasteurized milk. seriously, there are zero benefits and that's a fact. except apparently some lactose-intolerant people find raw milk easier to drink.
rightoids have latched onto it for some weird fucking reason despite all their claims about it being easily found to be false.

>t. drink gallons of cow and goat milk per week
this tard got btfo, typical of raw milk shills
that microbial load is affecting your cognition moron, go get a parasite cleanse
Milk isn't pasteurized to make it digestive easier retard. It's pasteurized to kill bacteria that kills you
making the same post again lol, those posts hit a nerve
>Redpill me on Raw Milk
There are no health benefits from drinking raw milk instead of pasteurized milk
my sister is in vet school, she literally had a list of shit people got from raw milk (I'm Serbian, people in rural Serbia drink raw milk). The nastiest one was some fucked up form of encephalitis
>Raw milk
Whole-fat yogurt is more digestible and has a nice taste once you realize it's actually supposed to be sour and taste like that, but generally raw milk is easier to digest than pasteurized milk. It probably has more michaelnutrients too due to them not breaking down from the heat.
Who's spending a significant amount of their money on milk? It's like .1% of the budget. This is blatantly manipulative lying to try to pretend like spending an extra 3 dollars somewhere will make you go bankrupt and 50 cents for a multivitamin is also gonna make you go bankrupt.

It's not and this doesn't fool people who can add up 2 numbers in their head.
If you knew anything about cooking you would know this was true. High temperatures (even just 160 degrees) break things down. This is a fact.
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>god you wish you were me
The poor reading comprehension and animosity itt leads to me to believe /fit/ has been overrun by non-Western ESLs. Here is an English lesson:
"...contains enzymes and healthy gut bacteria, which are normally killed off in the pasteurization process, to make digestion easier" can be rephrased as, "...contains enzymes and healthy gut bacteria to make digestion easier, which are normally killed off in the pasteurization process." You are misreading it as, "...contains enzymes and healthy gut bacteria, which are normally killed off in the pasteurization process to make digestion easier." Do you see the difference?
It's based and worth the extra cost. Pasteurized milk is dead sugar water that had to be destroyed because it comes from sick animals fed an unnatural diet. I highly recommend raw goat milk if you can access it, my kefir never came out better.
You have a point. It appears 3rd world parasites, on top of being mentally retarded, are furious they can't drink milk. It's the only way to explain this dismal thread.
>worth the extra cost
While I agree I find it interesting that it's more expensive seemingly everywhere except where I live. I pay a little over half the price of store-bought when buying my milk legally at a farm, and I get 5-6% fat depending on the season as opposed to ≤3.5% (milk price is almost entirely dominated by fat content).
Wow, where are you located? It's easily 5x the price for raw in southern California.
Denmark. Raw milk is legal here but only if sold at a farm for some reason.
because there are way too many fucking people to make that viable.
I'm all for slashing the population of the planet but that's seen as unpopular
While I don't agree with this assessment let's roll with it for a moment.
Why is the answer to make raw milk (but for some reason not raw meat) illegal rather than simply letting people vote with their wallets? I don't understand why I can't buy raw milk from my local farm in my local stores simply because some guys who live 100km away from me who have never even heard of Lars don't trust him on principle.
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>Appeal to authority
You shills are shameless. I don't care. Humans have been drinking raw milk for millennia with no issues. I've been drinking raw milk for over 2 years and haven't had any issues. Plenty of real people nowadays report exactly the same. So shut the fuck up and tell your "sister" to shove her "expertise" up her ass.
I think you should be able to buy and drink raw milk. I also think it's stupid to buy and drink raw milk because there's absolutely no reason to do that, and when the scientific consensus is that pasteurised milk has everything that raw milk has except pathogens it makes perfect practical sense to just ban it from supermarket shelves. It's literally just logistics. Can you not just go buy raw milk from your local farmer? I imagine most don't want to be sued by some moron that gets ill 2 weeks later and holds them accountable.
No, people have been drinking raw milk for millennia WITH issues. You idiot.
> I've been drinking raw milk for over 2 years and haven't had any issues.
Personal anecdotes are not evidence of general safety. You may have been lucky, or your raw milk source might be clean, but that doesn’t eliminate the broader risk.
You're literally appealing to tradition and survivorship bias.
>Personal anecdotes are not evidence
>posts anecdotes of supposed people having issues for a millennia
oh my god your stupidity is palpable
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Oy vey, and will still drink raw milk while you seethe and post fear propaganda goldberg
AHhhhhhhhhhhhh you got me haha
The scientific consensus is that raw milk has borderline magical properties that no one seems to be able to understand or isolate.
As to your second point: that's a complete non-sequitur. If it made no logistical sense then there would be no issue because stores simply don't carry products that don't meet a certain baseline of demand. And there is no shortage of stores in the US that sell raw milk where it is legal and "pet milk" where it isn't. I do buy mine from a local farm, and I know exactly why you have less of a problem with that too. I just want you to admit that you don't want people drinking raw milk and that you and your fellow armchair authoritarians dream up these absurd rules to make it hard enough that practically no one buys it while giving yourself the plausible deniability of "it's not banned though."
Consider that there's (seemingly) no nutritional difference between a medium-rare steak and a well done one, except the medium-rare one might be infected with all manner of disease that didn't get killed because the center only reached 52°C (unlike milk which is taken to 65-72°C). Clearly that means that all steak should be sold pasteurized to 68°C by legal decree for logistical reasons. As a bonus it also has a much longer shelf life that way.
I know this isn't quite related to the subject matter at hand, but I'm trying to get back in the gym and I've realized the only feasible way for me to hit daily protein goals is through powder. Does anyone recommend a specific kind for shakes? Literally never used it before, when I was good about lifting years ago, I'd just drink a gallon of milk a day.
uuuuh it's to defeat these microscopic things that don't get blown around in the air somehow and you aren't constantly breathe in, thank you antibacterial industry for keeping us safe and upholding our democracy
Denmark wins again.
How come jews dont drink raw milk if its some magic potion with all these benefits?
Because they worship Satan and drink childrens blood instead
>It's just another meme made to separate fool's from their money, but anything to feel special and different from everybody else amiright?
Is that what you think we're after? You shouldn't be in the marketing department. You should be in customer service with all the women who only have jobs because of the civil rights act.
If anything, raw milk is a jewish trick.
Some kike figured out he could sell it to suckers and weirdos at triple the price by telling them its extra special super milk
You seem pretty emotional.
Burning the milk ruins the calcium. I eat all foods raw if I can. I will get raw coffee one day. I have eaten raw meat and raw eggs as well and I'm starting to think it should be illegal to cook. God made a garden and put us on it. Why do we burn its fruits?

Also, there's no good reason why raw milk is more expensive than burnt milk.

I hereby banish the synagogue of satan from this thread.
>it's been pasteurized by the heckin jews, that's why we're so sick and why we're not all 6'9" supermodels, it was raw milk all along that's the cure for all my problemssssss!
Higher value does not justify higher cost and you are fooling nobody. When I am Führer of America, I will require that all milk stores sell raw milk and I will make it illegal to make raw milk illegal.
Hello, sir. What is your opinion about faggotry?
>When I rule the world
>Presently sitting alone in my messy room with anime posters on the wall and wearing a dirty batman shirt
>also unable to hold a conversation with people or even look a girl in the eye and say hello
yeah I think we're in no danger of Fuhrer Incel taking power anytime soon
Stop calling kikes jews. They are not jews. They are the mixed-Race offshoot of an ethnicity they destroyed and displaced. They impersonate the jews to this day. The kikes also impersonated goatfuckers so they could do 9/11
oh shit you sound buthurt lmao
I'm not wearing a shirt and your mom has sex with men she just met.
Answer the question, silly boy. See, my assumption is that you think faggotry is ok as long as everybody is consenting. Based on that logic, faggotry is a victimless crime, right? Well I'm the only one who has to consent when I decide to chug raw milk. It's a victimless crime and I'm sure your little sisters have no complaints about smelling the farts of a real man.
And I forgot this part: you get HIV when your landlord (aka your mom's boyfriend) fucks you in the ass, but raw milk has never given anybody HIV.
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>uhhh ackually the jews want you to drink raw milk despite them making it illegal and are the ones who mass produce pasteurized milk
so once again, how come jews dont drink raw milk?
Says DEY DRINK BLOOD HURRR DURRRR isnt an answer retard
Either they can't handle raw milk or we just don't see them drinking it.
>how come jews dont drink raw milk?
How do you know they don't? Do you go to synagogue every Saturday?
Go back to your troony subreddit. Raw milk is not for every race of people.
Heating up a liquid kills most of its nutrients, especially milk. It becomes a sterile indigestible goop
Goldstein is really off his rocks today about raw milk, gee I wonder why jews fervently hate Europeans drink rawmilk, couldn't be their goal at the House of Lords in Britain 1946
do you ever see jews at wherever you buy raw milk? Or do you think they have a secret supply line from mossad in the tunnels under the syngoge?
I buy my raw milk at the LGBTQ+++ community center.
I'm not gay tho.
name one """nutrient""" that is damaged by pasteurization. you won't.
the how come every single food you cook isnt devoid of nutrients?
Jews arent human so why do you think they consume the same things as humans? Its common knowledge they suck on bloody baby dicks yet everyone thinks its normal behavior and dont care
>kills most of its nutrients
It's more along the lines of it denatures the enzymes normally found in raw milk that make it easier to digest.
Yeah bro and the fluoride in the water is to clean my teeth
Not a good analogy
>a chinese powder is added to water because some Jewish businessman wanted an easy way to dispose of waste products
>digestive enzymes present in milk that are not only naturally occurring and help with digestion of milk which your ancestors will have drank for millennia and that a Jewish regulator wants removed from milk in order to cope with their lactose intolerance
oh I see. Your mind is so warped by the internet that you are only able to communicate in memes.
Vitamins B1, B2, B9, B12, C, E, and K. If you broaden the definition of "nutrients" to other things that aid or inhibit the absorption of particular vitamins and minerals, you also lose lactase and alkaline phosphatase. You likewise create an amino acid imbalance by completely destroying lysine and tyrosine.
Are you denying something that already photographed and documented
100,000 years of human agriculture was just a fad bro
why are we considering citydwellers people
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Americans are so devoid of any actual masculinity they think drinking raw milk, eating raw liver and not showering makes you them tough. You're a gynocentric numale faggot
Wow imagine her using that hammer to smash my genitals into paste
Opinion on gun control?
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Raw milk is pretty good. Smells better than pasteurized. I had heard anecdotes about lactose intolerant people being able to digest raw milk much better than pasteurized. My wife is lactose intolerant and had zero issues drinking this
Based. Hook noses don't want us healthy or free
Post your hook nose
Based and truthpilled
>m all for slashing the population of the planet but that's seen as unpopular

How about we just ship out all the orcs and hook noses from our homelands? We have decreasing populations. Let the orcs worry about muh overpopulation and factory farming as a necessity
Hilarious you think this is a gotcha. Opinions on foreskins?
antisemitism becoming mainstream was a mistake now you have absolute white trash like these thinking they're owning the Big jew by their dietary habits
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and shalom to you foreskinless golem :)
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These damn jews and their pasteurized milk!!
Antisemitism isn't mainstream. Touch grass sometime. I once had a funny chat with an american freedom maga man. I said he isn't free, he can't even say nigger. He spent a lot of time making excuses, that it's his personal choice to not say nigger without ever saying nigger just to prove me wrong. SImilarly naming the jew.
oh please stfu. Look at the quaitity of the average post here. Just 4 years ago it was nothing like this
>you eat vegetables??
>you drink pasteurized milk?
>you use shampoo
etc. you faggots are literal cancer on this board. fucking retards
those screaming "jew" as response to everything they don't like are a tiny retarded subclass of a tiny retarded fraction of population and even so they can't do that irl like the maga freedom man can't say nigger. they can't and won't act on their antisemitism so it's the same as antisemitism not existing
go in literally any comment section in any major social media with anything remotely to do with jews. you will always find an antisemitic top comment.
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>all the Jews in the world are in on some conspiracy!!!! Yes even that homeless Jew is a secret member of the the Illuminati!!!

that wasn't my point, idk how you greentexted that other than sheer illtieracy and retatrdation
I been drinking onions milk cause my mammy says with all the chemicals and stuff they put in real milk its bad for me. Yogurt also has too much sugar and other crap. Is goat cheese the only thing left for us diary bros?
4chan is not mainstream
You're completely delusional if you think awareness of jewish power is mainstream
Now go ahead and ignore the obvious truth I just stated and move the goalposts again
you're living under a rock, antisemitism is not a secret club anymore.
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Since drinking raw milk, my hatred of the tribe has increased tenfold. Is this why they want to ban it?
>Yes even that homeless Jew
Find me one homeless jewish guy, nepotism so strong you won't find one homeless jew
Go ye back to red dit. I have been on 4chan since 2005, and I can tell you straight up that 4chan has always been extremely anti-kike. I thought it was just a meme for a VERY long time, until I was out of school long enough, and hadn't watched television long enough that I was deprogrammed and could actually listen to their messages instead of just writing them off as wrongthink. Let me guess - you're Jewish?

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