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/fit/ - Fitness

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I have lost 50 pounds over the last year (220 to 170) and I still have a visible belly. How much lower do I need to cut before I have a flat stomach and abs?
that girls looks pretty young op
Impossible to tell you with only that information.
When I lost a shitload of weight, the belly didn't disappear until aroud 25 BMI, which is coincidentally the BMI number that is the threshold between "healthy" and "overweight." There's really no way for us to guess in your case.
I went from 200 to 140 and still had a slight belly at 5'4. It never goes away.
>Impossible to tell you with only that information
What more information do you need?
Post pic of your belly fatass
There's only one way to find out. Keep cutting, fatass.
Is 170lbs at 6ft really fat?
It can be. You have to have a lot of muscle to be lean at 170 and 6'0. If you are asking these questions you probably don't have much muscle.
I didn't have visible abs at 140 at 6'1 so you do the math. You need to really train your core and get to a fairly low body fat percentage to actually see your abs. I can feel them individually now at 150 after bulking and training hard the last few months but there's still a thick enough layer of fat that covers them.
By building core muscles
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She's only 18 you sick fuck!
Won’t building core muscle without losing weight give you a bigger belly as you’re just adding another layer under the fat pushing it out more?
gib source
Foot fetishists deserve to be tortured to death
You have to lose way more than you think until that last bit of belly starts going away. It's likely going to be the very last thing after all the lower back fat etc. starts going.
Until you make it.
Millions must be colonized.
fucking kill yourself
Or bulk then cut when deload to limit getting pointlessly fat
>without losing weight
You're fuckin around you can put like 10lbs on your bench once you're rested, I've done 15lbs 2 months in a row(1rm calc). Either cut or bulk, peak dirty bulk you're doing nearly 2x volume and frequency to a moderate cut.
>no height
you could be either rail skinny or still a fatass depending on your height
worthless post
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Please stop. I'm at my absolute limit of falling in love with girls I'll never meet. The blurry photos are fucking killing me.
stop posting cats

shit tier pet and a shit tier animal, take that shit to reddit
how did u find image
>you're not exclusively attracted to post wall landwhales so you must be a pedophile
would rape!

haitian much, niggerfag?
Imagine calling someone a nigger while in the same post talking about wanting to rape a girl
I was the same. you still have fat. you're probably at a healthy range so it's up to you if you want to keep trying to cut or try to target abs so they pop out more. it's well known the belly fat is the last to go.
i dont have to imagine it, im the real deal baby
Sadly this. Being cursed with love handles is the fucking worst. I start getting them if I slack off even a little.
Cringe. You got BTFO
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What is the red paint suppose to stand for?
period blood
stairmaster..thank me later
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would you date a 6/10?
Some amazon native tribes paint their faces like this.
The answer is always 5 more pounds
why is she so cute?
lol, manlet
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Who cares?
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women never changed huh

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