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/fit/ - Fitness

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What motivates you to lift?
Body dysmorphia
not wanting to be a weak-ass faggot
How do I get a gf like the girl on the right?
be black
what r u a woman?
looking good and health but actually
I compete in judo and not lifting is basically an invitation to get bodied by someone who does
me at the back
I just do it during downtime at work, getting paid $42/hr to lift for 2 hours.
Better than sitting in my car and watching netflix like my coworkers.
Japanese women
Please saars do the needful
i want to kill people and eat them but i also want to feel pain without faggot shit like cutting
I bet you could do btb if you could do like 275 like that
Become a gym chad. Women like that likely have tons of guys chasing her at al times so you have stand above the pack,
grill on the right is so hot
Nah 2pl8s for 10 on the front delt version and that's easy money
if you murder all the men in this video in brutal raw bloody fashion, the women become your property and will be horrified by it, but also submissive and in love
this only works if youre attractive/tall though
OHP her
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So you think they weight 90lbs each?
They might, but with them wiggling around you’ve gotta be able to lift more than that.
I suppose he did one rep though. So 2pl8s for 10 might be enough
I’m very curious bc I wanna be able to do this
i wont date a girl below 110 pounds. preferably they are 5'8 and 135-145 pounds and fit with a flat stomach
>i wont date a girl below 110 pounds
said no man ever
Nice stompa breh
Thats the neat part. You dont.
His right? Or my right?
He didn't pick up anything. Picking up implies they are starting from the ground and he would be cleaning them over his shoulders.

Also never use that narrow grip width if you want to see shoulder gainz. That's what all those niggers complaining about "OHP is all front delt" are doing. Of you're not getting gainz, you're doing an oly lifting accessory for clean&jerk instead of a true shoulder press. That being said, the guy in the .webm needs to work on his rack. Elbows should be open from the front and the forearms should not be in front of the upper arms while the forearms are still vertical at the bottom if you want gainz. If you can't handle that, switch to dumbbells.
You seem insecure
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Thank you
I’m painting it this weekend. After hill sprints
I wanna inflict emotional pain to woman the way they did.
I take them home and fuck them, treating them good, listening to them, cook, clean and show them what a good person I am until they fall in love and wanna take things seriously. That’s when I rip it all away from them to cause emotional damage.
They know they will never find a man like that again and will always compare you to other people but they will never find someone that was as good as you.
For me it's the left
Fuck I need to finish my Bretonnians already
Both of my sons. The older one is 5yo now and still likes to be carried around from time to time. I'd like to be able to do this with just one arm for as long as he wants to.
this ofc
Coping that I will never have sex and what it might have been if I weren't a schizo avoidant that didn't lift until my 30s.
Apparently you suck at judo. Lifting is good but proper judo is supposed to develop the strength to mog any lifter without using weights.
I've always been puny and in my 20s I became skinny fat when I started to eat a lot. I've always wanted to be in shape but I never had the motivation to properly chase after it until the start of this year. I made it my new year's resolution to finally get lean and train for an ottermode physique and I'm well on my way to achieving my goal. I've lost a lot of weight, my gut is almost flat, and my chest and arms are starting to look muscular rather than untrained.

To answer the question more specifically, what motivates me is a few things, in order of importance:
>I want to be in shape to feel confident wearing a t-shirt and going shirtless at the beach
>I want to join the army and want to be in shape before I join
>I want to be physically attractive to women

I'm well aware you don't have to be attractive to get women, but I want to make it easier for when I do decide to put myself out there.
Staying healthy for my son,
Being in better shape than the other slovenly pricks in their mid 30's,
Stress relief,

Could I improve? Yeah of course, I could diet down and get really autistic with tracking macros & calorie counting etc.

But I'm not too concerned with fighting potential body dysmorphia, I'll lift sufficient weights and do sufficient cardio to maintain a healthy balance
The fun of lifting
Ah, this thread again. I'll give the same answer I always give:

I larp about health and fitness, but what I really want is to get juicy enough that my wife gets so horny at the sight of me and so insecure at the sight of me catching mires that she'll let me do absolutely anything I want to her holes. Tired of this 1.5 decade vanilla sex rut. Stretch goals are inspiring her to get back in shape and attracting another woman for a threesome.
>Tired of this 1.5 decade vanilla sex rut

jesus. I think I have sex 1 a month with my gf. we are around each other all day due to work from home. in a 1 bedroom apartment.
Oof. You both need some escape, bro.
THE right, retard.
Having some control over my shitty life
i lol'd
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>What motivates you to lift?
Usually self improvement, but right now?
This cute Japanese girl I started talking to recently.
She's pretty cute, and fucking Japanese.
We've already started flirting. I initiate and she flirts back.

Also, unironically

The only issue is she lives in a different country (UK) than me (France). She's in London and I'm in Paris, that's the only real issue.
But the good news is I'm both French and British and have both nationalities, so no issue going over there if need be. I even got family in the UK.

I came out of a 10+ years relationship a few months back.
I'm still in sort of a "situationship" as the kids say, with my ex.
We do see each other and occasionally have sex. Cute tomboy GFs are the best.
But we broke up because the affection was not there.
She was witholding sex for a while before we broke up, so eventually I stopped being affectionate towards her, and told her she needed to find a new place to stay.
So I'm a bit torn at the moment.
But this feeling of "being in love" is really refreshing when you're 31 like me and spent the last 10 years in a comitted relationship with the same woman.
Cutest Emotional Damage video ever :
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Notice how much more intimate and overtly sexual these kinds of women get with a bbc though.
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Bro is cosplayin Patrick Bateman IRL.
>My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others.

Jesus! My brother in Christ, don't you see the irony?
A Woman or probably multiple, hurt you deeply.
Instead of learning and growing from that experience, you learn nothing and repeat that evil onto others.
You hurt innocent women who've done nothing wrong, blaming all women for the crimes of the ones who hurt you.
This is called Collective Punishment, but what you're doing is even more gay and retarded, because the women who hurt you are not even among the group of women who you are hurting.
This more like Random Punishment. you punish random people who've done nothing to deserve any of this.
The thing is, do you not realize that the women you hurt might become just like you?
They will in turn seek some form of revenge, just like you, punishing innocent young men, just like you were.
And this cycle of evil repeats itself, because you are evil, and you perpetrate that evil onto other women, which they might in turn perpetrate this evil onto other men.

You're either "Evil" or more likely a Sociopath.
The (repeated?) trauma of past experiences turned you into a sociopath.
Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made, usually through traumatic experiences.
You fit the profile.
One last thing, do you have an easy time controling your emotions, but a hard time controling your anger?
That's the telltale sign of a Sociopath.
If you can control all you emotions perfectly, including anger, that's more a sign of Psychopathy.

Either way, you need to go see a Psychiatrist RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!
If I didnt lift I would literally be doing nothing or playing video games. I need something to eat up my time

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