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ITT:Post the most brutal of mogs
how come asiabros get so much shit from hoes and trolls?
He never stood a chance…
not a single weight has been lifted by any of those bodies lmao, right dude still mogs
These are high school kids
Me on the left. I was that guy
Commencing operation blackpill
Would rape left if stuck in the woods after a plane crash
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Whenever I see these threads it makes me get curious about where I stand. Im always not as handsome as guy a but definitely more handsome than guy b
>tfw no snaggle tooth 18yr old japanese qt gf
Ooo saucy
>the brackstleet boys
>he wonders
Its over boyo
Right still looks like shit. Own goal.
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Maybe he needs to hit the gym
I Asian dude just needs to get some trunks that actually fit him, and maybe a haircut. The dude to his left isn't that much bigger than him.
The asian*
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Hopefully white shirt just kept walking. Would be extremely depressing if he took her back after that
I was gonna say he made the right call but looks like hes havin himself a little melty in the background kek
>Just get a haircut bro
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God why is everyone so fucking fat in this video?
r/asianmasculinity bbc posters brought it down on themselves.
that's bongs for you
>posting a dude they dont know will show them to not demoralize le 4chin aryans
terminally online
Dudes who date Asian women don’t see to me like incels but rather conformists. People who took the safe route and settled with mediocrity, people who don't take any challenges in life.
Either that or low self-esteem.
You don't fight fire with a hose you fight it with fire.
WTF is wrong with that guys face. Looks like a bogged highschooler
There's always a more handsome, taller, more /fit/ guy out there. Every Mogger eventually becomes the Moggee.
And time mogs us all.
>People all hanging together, having fun, posing for a group photo because they're friends.
I can tell you don't go outside much. These people were 1000x happier in that single moment than you will be in your entire life.
fire actually has consequences you're just mentally weak and seething at windmills
chinamen eternally BTFO
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I get what you're saying an all but man, why do you have to pretend to be ignorant as to what the women are doing for everyone else but the asiabro?
You don't have to front as some normalfag to call OP terminally online, you know.
I have the same body type as the Asian dude. I feel like everyone in the world mogs me. Even if I spent 6 months working out to get a decent physique, lean and toned, white guys with great bodies like in the pic would mog me without even having touched a weight in their lives.
>y do you have to pretend to be ignorant as to what the women are doing for everyone else but the asiabro?
are you fucking retarded they're all couples of course they're going to lean on their bfs more than the rice guy
I swear trannime freaks make the worsts posts
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>day at the comic con: ruined
>white guys have 2 women a piece
>coupleid have thought youd be better at math
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try beating this one
1 10 6 4 9 5 8 3 7 2
did you know you can go to a social gathering without necessarily knowing everybody?
Bizarre nonsequiter cope but ok
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>my grandfather
How do I cope bros?
even within friend groups there's friend groups
do you not know this
worst of all is you think you're a having an argument and looking for fallacies when I'm just describing normal behaviour
Girls don't even try to be subtle, do they? Everything about those two girls body language screams "I'M NOT WITH HIM". Poor bastard can't even salvage a cropped photo from this.
>they're all couples
yeah bud, maybe I was wrong with saying you were pretending kek
they're all looksmatched. the guy and the hambeast in the middle look virtually identical.
Idk I love tall women.
Delete this right now
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connor lost his mind and now fucks trannies so guy on the right won
I think the girl in lilac is possibly the Asian guy's sister, they have similar facial features
This guy is not handsome but a better haircut, clothes and working out would do a lot for him
>almost equal female to male ratio
>not gfs
At least the guy on the right doesn't get his hole wrecked daily.
Somebody needs to lose weight.
To be honest, seems the blonde dude is very tall. And the short one dresses like shit for his body.
>attention male-whore
He was from the very beginning.
Based blind autist
Post face
>Time is the alpha-est man of all.
This explains why women are so quick to get fucked by him.
that guy on the right has the worst pecs I've ever seen
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thats what happens if u do dips
>fucks trannies
Based, sounds like he won then
Why would dips do that? I've been doing dips for years and I don't have weird shaped pecs.
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this shit is so gay and childish lol
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Roger roger
If your gonna dress like a buff character gotta be very /fit/ or get mogged.
8 4 5 3 1 2 6 10 7 9
I don't care for tall women at all. Pale pink top and girl to her right and left are objectively hottest. Second girl to right I feel would have a good personality.
He's actually dressed well, but it doesn't help he's a chubby balding manlet. Lose the gut, add some hair, and he's dressed well. Still short though.
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Faggots who care about this shit must be the most annoying people to be around IRL.
Haha you said it man
2 4 1 3
I would with literally any of them
Shut up retard
This looks like the tranny talking to a real woman picture
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woah dude, why so angry?
don't stress man, everything will be okay
Why do men take pictures with random men? I thought that was a lady thing?
Is that Fatty Lofatso
jesus how is this so accurate is that ai
Imagine looking like you're full of botox at your teens or early 20s. Guy on right just looks normal
I'm always amazed how many people look exactly like a chud
It's his weird female nipple placement
I recognize Connor but who’s the guy on the right?
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Why on Earth would they agree to do that picture?
I know, those tats are atrocious. Imagine getting civilization mogged by the Vietnamese.
Damn who the 2 cuties in the back tho? They ff too?
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>I know, those tats are atrocious. Imagine getting civilization mogged by the Vietnamese.
That pic is just bait, there are other shots from the same shoot where the orientals aren't so far in the back and they don't look nearly as small as that particular picture suggests.
They handle the men hoses
God I hope so. Just need the leak
guy on the right looks good wtf
I mean he mogs but the longer you look at it the weirder and more uncanny he looks
the fucked up part is both bodies are accurate... more proof the first few games were pog as fuck
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That's him now. Asianbros we all gonna make it
Now post a photo where they're both standing on the same level.
cus we are hotties
well, -i'm- a hotty, it's true a lot of yellow men dont take care of their bodies *places hand to neck and does a JoJo pose*
Lel my Korean gf is a literal goddess
Porcelaine white skin, big tits and fat ass
Not only do I believe you, I encourage you to post her
The photo is on my hdd, I'm in yurop frog land so there are many skinny Asians here
Even Kazakh, fucked on she was super tight
Most brutal one I’ve seen
this has to be so damn soul crushing for him. going to a convention where you can play and be around all the other dysgenic outcast losers in your social class, and a buff chad jock is waiting there to mog you. did he an hero later in his hotel room?
that's clearly a roidtranny
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mogs you
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God damn that building mogs those tiny humans
Yes but the small guy isn't even athletic by natty standards. High school track kids mog him
Wow you correctly identified a tall person! Please continue to shower this thread, board, and world with your godly wisdom
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You are not curious. You are already know.
Reality always beats itself into men and you're in denial if you even think about it.
You already know your position in the hierarchy. The look women give you is enough.
1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Shame about the uneven number, one of the white dudes got to fuck just one asian pussy
I think you are kinda delusional because ive seen dudes like the bottom pic pull girls easily
I love tall women so much, bros...
1 > 3 > 4 > 2
>bodies apart from boobs
4 > 1 > 2 > 3
in conclusion, 1 it is
I'll say it again, every time this gets posted
they're looksmatched
imagine the sons...
fuck lol
sounds like he lost + you're a faggot jew
Oldfag Pro-tip: You don’t have to reply to every post that angers you. You don’t even need to enter the thread.
>I don't care for tall women at all
Sup shawty
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Reason why I'm only gonna cosplay once I'm finally shredded, got the size but I gotta have the vascularity and shredz going
Lindy man is that you
0 7 7 6 7 7 6 2 1 0
Too late Cheng,you gave yourself away.
Me on the right.
Who mogs who?
Top kek

Sure thing man

No mogging on this picture. All these guys risk their lives for fucking loosers like we, I mean you. They only deserve respect, nothing more. If anybody is mogged, it is your sorry ass in front of the computer.
I will answer you genuinely as a white man.
Bottom line is people suck, people are assholes. Asians are the only non white race other than a few certain Hispanics that I consider real people. The vast majority of asian men want the same shit as white men. Make their money, have their family, provide for their family, be happy, not start or be a part of any drama, just live peacefully.

Yes it is unfortunate that Asian women will often choose a guy who looks like me, however she doesn’t need to be a stuck up slanted pussy having cunt to Asian guys about it.

The flip side of this though is when Asian men get pissy about it and do shit like comment “le oxford study” or join r/Asianmasculinity and begin hating on white men, and start spamming BBC porn on /fit/ thinking they’re somehow getting even because their crush Xuan Wong would rather get destroyed by some white chad. They instantly become actually lower than niggers when they do this, because niggers have no autonomy and are closer to vermin or wild animals whereas Asians who go down this route of insufferability do it maliciously to cope.
Do you know what whites do about women who choose to fuck other races? We laugh at them. Any white man with an ounce of self respect will not get involved with a chick if he finds out she dated outside her race. The weaks who feel attacked by that will call that insecurity but its reality. We call them names like mud sharks. They lose any privileges they may have had. And 90% of the time it’s just a joke to us because it’s usually an obese uggo.
>nuh uh whites hate nigge—
No, we hate niggers because of how they are. As said, 90% of the time when a black dude gets a white girl IRL its an obese uggo. Of course a few of the dorks here who don’t go outside will see the literal porn posted here and think there’s some merit of truth to it.
But my point is, don’t hate white men who have done nothing wrong to you. Shame your own woman for being whores
The actual mog is the insecurity of the Asian male
No these are the type of slaves that go in to the tower just for me to say pull it
I just don't think it's right to put resources into / raise half Asian sons. I think it should be fine for a white guy to breed and Asian woman but it just makes more Asians.
>Korean gf
>Big tits
>fat ass
Yea you lying. Korean women only go for big tits, for some odd reason they want to avoid fat ass at all costs
Even then, when Koreans get fat they turn into big sausage minion bodies with small tits and ass.
How do I acquire a harem or entourage of young mid Asian chicks??
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This board is so fucking dead, the 10 users samefagging still think it's 2018.
It's pajeets posting BBC since last year.
This thread is full of feminine behavior not a single shred of testosterone to be found among any poster here. You are women, spending your time and attention on this nonsense.
That outfit is very nice if you are in shape, in him it looks like shit, baldness sucks but it is what it is.
imagine if the gook had light eyes, like the girl mostly out of frame
would be very cute
Who told him cosplaying as Kratos looking like that was a good idea.
Dude on the left looks fucking retarded. Post body now.
As a semi-oldfag (lurking and occasionally posting since 2013) I noticed that there wasnt really any hate until asians until after the 2016 election. I genuinely believe it's a glowie psyop falseflag divide and conquer to get the two nerd races (whites and asians) to hate eachother since theyre the two races who would otherwise be on the same team of the culture war / gamergate / whatever
this, jawline is everything
what should the short guy wear
t. similar body shape but with less of a beer belly and I exclusively wear tight t-shirts to make my arms look bigger
I am in better shape than the balding manlet and I cannot get a qt taller than me spraytan tattooed bimbo gf what am I doing wrong
>You are women
im glad you noticed bestie!! :3
how much money would I have to make to get a tall gf
t. 1.1million net worth and still can only attract girls shorter than me
If you have to post about how attractive your gf is you are coping and lying to yourself
t. never compliments my FWBs and constantly bemoans not attracting better women
What a pretty girl
I hate fat people so much
There is literally no excuse to be fat when ozempic exists
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rate them /fit/
She looks like a tranny with a big ass
>Bogged by age 20
That doesn't look good...
4; 4; 5; 8; 4; 7; 5; 7; 5; 3
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the guy on the right already has tranny tits
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Posting pics of seid mogging some rando doesnt really prove much
The dude on the left is literally gay and Loki is a heartthrob albeit for a specific type of girl.
it’s the same shit lmfao
You like asians because asian women have no standards for white men and you get away with being mediocre. You are also probably an incel who uses japanese media as a cope. I mean look at how you can't even have a convo about asians without deflecting into being racist towards hispanics and blacks. Just off yourself white retard.
2 > 4 > 5 > 3 >1
how about since the beginning*. pajeets see themselves as "asian" and self insert as the black. at least you can fit the pieces.

some other dudes use the victim card to post out their beliefs, not even caring if their justification makes sense or not.
i genuinely dont think you are white, as your post is genuinely retarded and full of logical gaps in your reasoning.
this dude is still larping as me. and thats the truth - dark races love larping as white or east asian, and most people still havent caught onto this simple fact.
They’re natural dorks. Short, glasses, intellectual, bad haircuts when they’re fotb, cultural isn’t considered “cool” (not necessarily a bad thing considering black culture is considered the peak of this).
alright, as an east asian guy who lifts, im gonna address yet another time:

1. if you think east asian post "bbc" porn are you are white, you are a mutt or a genuine retard. think about it - why would east asians who look nothing like blacks, post blacks.
>its to get back at whites for dating east asian women!
if i actually wanted to do that, i wouldnt post bbc. i dunno what i'd post for that, i'd probably just call them a retard.
2. the fact that i need to address this yet again speaks volumns on the low IQ infestation of the internet, a trait of low IQ dark races.
that's true, the vast majority of other east asian guys i see are dorks, dyel, ugly and all the above - makes for easy pickings. but as me, since i fall into this group, once again i call out the retards here. why would i post "bbc" as some kind of elaborate revenge plot when im not affiliated with them black homies.
Stop stealing Asian women then.
As you said, it’s a form of revenge.
deception is a trait of the weak and feminine. I don’t believe you
From someone who claims to be here on and off for 12 years, you’d have known that non whites are treated as non whites. Fuck off newfag
but it's illogical. if i wanted revenge, i would be posting east asian men with white women and i dont do that because i'm not into white women like that.
of course you dont believe me. if you did, i wouldnt have to make that post in the first place. and, as i mentioned earlier, the vast majority of east asian guys i see are dyel, ugly dorks. so i cant really vouch for what goes on in their heads either because im actually """alpha""", unironically (near 6 figure salaried job, work in DC, 150%+ bodyweight bench press for reps, no gear use in my life).

the shitposting on east asian guys actually helps me because i mog a lot of men and helps me stand out even more. but it's still tiring to see people not using their heads, yet, i also know i'm not like the others. so there you go.
Asiatics aren’t openly hostile to White people in the way browns are so Asian hate has to be manufactured.
I have a better mid face than all of these guys.
My cheeks are wider and sharper and my nose is much sharper and thinner and slightly raised in the center.
That’s the only attractive part about me is my mid face but i will take it.
Yes its because asians are pussies not because they are holier than thou. They're pretty racist towards their own kind as well but do a good job keeping it secret. China is going to be fucking most of you in the ass in the next 20 years, look forward to that.
no, not really. there is committing to pointless street fights that would land a person in jail or in the hospital, something an intelligent person would avoid. as for China, i leave them so as long as they leave me alone, and it's been that way since the beginning, minus the Mongol & Jurchen invasions.

dont try to talk for east asians when you arent one.
and this is what im talking about - dark races -love- pretending to be/speaking for east asians all the time. i usually dont post stuff like this because im not the babysitter for low IQ races, but when people start actually believing their own conspiracy theories then it's a problem for me.
>if you think east asian post "bbc" porn are you are white, you are a mutt or a genuine retard. think about it - why would east asians who look nothing like blacks, post blacks.

Everyone should realize those posts slow down Friday night through Saturday night.
in any case, the fact that i'm "not like the other guys" (unironically im the real pooh bear, some jeet was larping as me for weeks now) is also a sad testament to the current state of east asian guys in the west. 1 time out of every 200, i will see another east asian guy who genuinely body mogs me (but not in face, they look straight mongol where as i'm gorgeous and fit).
yes, i realize that probability is against me when anons talk about east asian men. the probablity is that the anons who know east asian men know them to be DYEL, ugly dorks because that's what i see when i encounter other east asian guys outside. and because i'm unlike the stereotypical east asian guy, i cant even vouch properly on whether they are or arent posting retarded shit online to "get back at the white man".

welp. im just gonna stay lifting and hot, and bitch a little in these threads when they pop up.
i cant believe that i ended up as the mythical "Chad east asian" unicorn when i was incel posting on r9k not 2 years ago. my height prevents me from true model status, but i cant have it all and i'm more than happy with how i look.
i mog a lot of kpop and kdrama stars too (though they are taller, usually kdrama leads will be 180cm+ and I'm only 175cm). my body is better and outclasses them, my face is natural and mogs their bogged looks caked in make up. East asian women are always surprised when i tell them my age and tell me i look young.

and everyone will flame me for my ego but it's the truth. finding other east asian guys who mog me is challenging (Larry Gao is one, but lol at his Johnny Bravo haircut).
Stfu and post mogs, fags
these posts are all me. i will rant and blog.

if i was a little taller, i would/could be a famous model or the King of East Asia. how's that for an ego?
Because they aren’t shut in internet faggots like the people on this board and have confidence in themselves. It’s a very avant-garde concept to /fit/ but what can you do. They put out fires and risk their lives, we browse MOGGED threads to feel better about our inadequacies.
brutal boggings
Literally waited a minute to post that the only hottie is the girl on the left and she ain’t even it all of them are ugly.
T. actually hot red headed 100lb< SAHM
Fucking race mixer!
>even his equipment mogs the other guys
I will answer you genuinely as an Asian man. I have over 1k+ likes on bumble. I have absolutely no problem getting laid. Asian females like Asian males just fine.

The only people who care are flawed men who think their race has any bearings on their level of attractiveness. No. Whether white or asian, if you are good looking and personable then women will be attracted to you.

If you are ugly, and small, and weak, them noone will want you.
Blackpill actually ruined 3D pornography for me, looking at real women flaunting their tits and ass or having sex just makes me angry "I will never have this" I think to myself. I also can't hear women talking about their romantic exploits, again, just makes me mad. I remember watching some vtuber talking about one of their dating experiences and it made me upset, it was a typical chivalrous nice guy story where the guy expected something at the end of a date, she told it as if the guy was a huge creep and a monster, but I just thought "This guy was a bluepilled autistic incel that was lied to" and "if he was a tall chad she'd probably fuck him first date, but all she did was get a free meal and a 'funny' story". I won't ever put myself on a situation to get mogged. Fuck that shit. But at least I get to cope with lifting weights and martial arts, thank god for /fit/
5 > 3 > 4 > 2=1

Rolling (if it's over 5, halve it; 0 counts as 5)
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>"This guy was a bluepilled autistic incel that was lied to"
It's sad but god help the human race if such autists are allowed to procreate willy nilly. Aren't we bad enough already?
7/2=3.5 rounds to 4
I fucked up my rating though, I meant 5 > 2 > 4 > 3 = 1
Does this image "prove much" for you?

And? He still mogs him

Lmao, sure thing buddy

You can also cope with palate expander, myofunctional exercises, general looksmaxxing etc, no?
I started to minoxidil my beard and from keanu reeves style pathy beard I got more fullness and general style
>you like
You're just drawing baseless bullshit assumptions. No where at any point did I claim, state, imply, insinuate, or so much as even allude that I like Asian women. Because I don’t. I mostly only fuck black bitches and latinas.
>you are
You are a fucking loser wrong on all accounts. You are projecting because you are most likely one of the genetic deadends of your race malding over the fact that some dorky white dude has bottomed out your sister, all your crushes, and every women you’ve laid eyes on. I posted the fix in that post (improve yourself) and because you are mentally weak youd rather take the easy route and bitch and cry online posting copes such as this. Post body you little fuckin’ geek or violently throat my pulsating pink cock down to the gooch faggot.
This is what I’m saying dude. I have plenty of Asian bros who pull. They’re also dudes with their shit in order actually trying in life with goals. Theyre all like 5’6”-5’9” I think one may be 5’10” but he’s a little overweight. Strong as hell though. None have problems getting laid, dating, etc. they’re not sitting around on r/Asianmasculinity or throwing pissy fit temper tantrums on /fit/ they actually apply themself in life. One is what I would consider handsome the rest are average and the fatbro is fat. Meeting women just comes naturally when you’re doing the right things. It’s exactly as you said, be personable and have some shit going for yourself.
If you’re short and ugly and weak, okay change what you can. Lift, build a good fizeek, get your money right, socialize, develop basic hygiene (90% of incels literally don’t put in the most minimal mundane efforts such as a routine haircut and some grooming). It’s all shit were all supposed to be doing anyways and the incels fall short here and end up making temper tantrum posts online instead of just trying even when told exactly what to do. It’s so fucking pathetic
Racemixing comes out of pure desperation. In the old times either your tribe is sickly and weak, so you succumb to bigger stronger tribe, or your tribe got conquered by bigger stronger tribe so your hypergamous women jump ship. Theres no ifs or buts. Happened to Paris women when they got conquered by nazis, happened to cro magnon and neanderthals, happened to vietnamese and US troops, happened with Indians and settlers, happened with mestizos and spanish conquistadors, happened with every tribe and place in history.
In fact, it was custom across history to shame these folks when they "came back".
Its literally jumping ship mentality, not seeing any potential mate in your own group so you try to find "better" elsewhere

BUT in search of "better" elsewhere there is blidness between racial groups as to what "makes the race beautiful" in its own right. Not to imply europecentric beauty standards dont exist, or that they're wrong, but to imply that within each racial group there are certain beauty standards of their own, and most cross racial matings occur outside both of these groups beauty standards. Ie bottom of barrel of one group mates with bottom of barrel of another group.

They both hope to gain the best characteristics of that other group, exhibited by personal extreme expressions (best example >>75146823
). However, what these people don't seem to realize is that their offspring will literally be the average of two group averages. Selective breeding works on large timeframes with more closely monitoring for dysgenic traits to be bred out by not letting them breed.
>who’s the guy on the right?
who cares?
it's because you made it up
5 is the only attractive one and even then it's basically just her body, and that's just okay.
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Is getting away with murdering a shitskin the ultimate mog, bros?
Its been Americans since day 1, all other claims are from Americans trying to deflect how degenerate their own culture is.
Guess what, blacked cuck shit comes from 1 country and its America! Wow! Real Africans aren't using the internet and producing blacked porn, they're too busy dying from disease. American Mutts and American Jews and American Niggers are the sole cause of all the worlds issues.
Those blacks had no chance.
She just had an excellent surgeon.
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It proves that you are a schizo
Why would they take this photo? I guess the guy on the left could be gay but what about the chud?
made what up, the name some jeet stole and used for weeks? yeah i did.
>at a popular gym
>full of east azn DYELs tonight, like 8 total.
>theyre all DYEL to maybe he lifts tier
>i mog all of them in my black tank and white shorts
>random fucking dudes eyeing me up, prob think im on gear.
>white bro next to me asks me for a spot
>does 3 clean reps of 245lbs, i dont even touch the bar
continued. im the real "pooh bear" and not the larping jeet who has been posting as me for weeks.
Slavs and viets teaming up to mog westoids
today i was thinking of cold approaching some cute asian girls in the mall in uk but i postponed it until i absmaxx.
any anons tried and got any success from this instead of online apps?
>at a popular gym
>full of white DYELs tonight, like 8 total.
>theyre all DYEL to maybe he lifts tier
>i mog all of them in my black tank and white shorts
>random fucking dudes eyeing me up, prob think im on gear.
>Jeet bro next to me asks me for a spot
>does 3 clean reps of 245lbs, i dont even touch the bar
on my run today i crossed paths with a really cute blonde, so i gave her a high five

we were both running out and back on the same path and she initiated me a high five when we crossed paths on the way back

i ended up catching up with her and asked if she'd take my number but she said she was from out of town and i literally just ran away

should have persisted but i was exhausted after my tempo workout and i had run extra to catch up with her

so 0/1 on the day but in general yeah plenty of success being good looking and fit and talking to women, just remember to have fun and be fun and not scary and weird and it should go fine
right guy honestly just looks normal
those white guys pulled those girls in with their arms around the neck. but if you look at the body language of the girls, they are angling their heads away from the white guys, to increase distance between their heads (reduce intimacy) as they didn't consent to this. they are low key disgusted and avoidant.
everything about their body language shows that the white guys put their arms around the necks of the girls and yanked them in, and the girls tilted their heads away from the guys because they are uncomfortable with what is happening and want to put some distance between their heads.
the tallest guy is asian
me on the right
4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 1
Yummy seethe, my favourite :P
Wow, nothing changed lol
Not a single gook has a physique like the white men.
I will never understand basketball. Looks aight, a good street sport like real football, but it barely has a presence in the uk and looks kinda boring. We have the plymouth raiders who are sposed to be good, I could go and watchml.
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You can be against degenerate race mixing without hating asians you disingenuous faggot
2>3>>>>>1>4 is the objectively correct answer
Irony is most of them are in better shape than 80% of this board I'd wager. They probably also have GFs unlike 98% of this board.

5 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 3
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>Aryan and a Jew
Imagine working for years in the gym and she doesn't even glance at you when you take your shirt off
>neck tattoo
>stupid haircut
>waist to shoulder ratio of extraterrestrial proportions
No surprise
Imagine the 4 foot tall taiwanese firefighter visits the USA for a work trip and realizes that the average American requiring ambulance or firefighter services weighs 275 lbs
>the girls wouldn't take off their shirts
The calendar would've sold 100x more if it did
This actually can even be an issue for the taller White guys, there was a fire on my block 5 years ago and they needed 3 big dudes to pull out this one lard of a woman who might been least 400lbs.
cheers anon waiting to hear for day 2

But he is still Asian...
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>I mostly only fuck black bitches and latinas
god, imagine the pegging
Good morning sir
Do not redeem the pooh bear saar
the Aussies are roidfags
yeah, because he looks good. Jacked AF, which was the ideal on /fit/ before beta zoomers migrated here - and now they think they belong here.
Inspector Han at the freedom block after the Chine takeover of america
imagine being so beta a pajeet steals your name on the internet
go to pattaya meet Tony and the rest of the Enhanced Athlete™ team
Lol pigfat GT-R
if right got rid of the glasses, got a better haircut and stopped making that weird expression with his mouth he would be an 8
White sluts that pretend to be innocent are the worst. I’d rather deal with a ghetto black chick
proof: height > face
true, she's fat, has tattoos on her forearms, and looks like a streetwalker. ofc the tall guy would be dating the thin effortless beauty and not the chunky try-hard.
this is too good lmao
>tattoos and piercings to cope
based not-afraid-to-smile chad
>vulgar cell phone case
you were an asian femboy with a bad attitude?
Why are bongwomen so fucking ugly. Why is he hanging out with 2/10s.
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>Why are bongwomen so fucking ugly. Why is he hanging out with 2/10s.
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I fucking love booba so much
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This relationship... their parents probably pay all their bills.
however much it costs to amputate your legs
>that moment when you realize that white dudes can get insecure over east asian guys
i actually like right
and now gandy looks like a desiccated husk and loki kinda grew into his face and looks much better now
You need to watch two or three games with someone who knows the rules well so that he can explain the fouls to you. That's what I did.
Once you start understanding it, it's a fantastic sport to watch.
>some faggot and his sugar daddy
So the namefag pooh bear is the imposter jeet currently and you don’t trip?
Humble yourself
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Somebody's playing games!
she is half white half asian anon, property of BWC
Brother, I'm a East Asian dude trying to get fit as well, but that is not mog tier. That's at best 1 casual year at the gym.
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might be fun<3
>Hurrr water make fire no no
A bunch of brain dead fags that do nothing but lift all day.
Wow I'm so shocked how jacked they are
I never saw this editing technique. Nice
sars sars no don't call us out sars!!
god i would love to suck on her enormous 6'3 statured mare pussy
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Most of you are too young to even know what 'mogging' means.
lefts biceps are overdeveloped. looks weird
not one woman was involved in the creation of this image. these are all a mans thoughts. think about how sad that is
just a reminder the i ignore women poster is a brown skinnyfat dyel
Some fucking nobody who had the misfortune of appearing in one of his mogging videos
Firefighter here. We don't lift all day. We actually mostly sit around and eat.
Nah, same. You just know a tall girl either a) is massively insecure about it or b) overcompensates and makes being "le epic amazonian babe here to humble le fragile menz" her entire personality
...or one Asian pussy and one Asian bussy
Knowing that Taylor is flat as a board and a Leftist cunt, I'm biased toward the chink
Arr rook same
How are there so many balls in play simultaneously? What a stupid game
You can't steal something that's given away for free
>h-haha seethe
I made a reasonable demand and your only reply is acting like a delusional child. You will sadly die a virgin.
Blind nigger award.
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I kinda see what you mean, but at the same time you gotta pick your battles. It's better to play it safe with your relationships and strive for challenge and greatness in your career/buisness/personnal goals instead. That's why you see most self-impoovers with 5 and 6's instead of smoking hot babes; they spend less time dealing with useless mindgames and more time grinding.
i look good. that's what gearless BB looks like.
post body. i only see goofy mfs like you at the gym
If that's the case women ignore him
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dan is such a faggot kek
I like your lateral thinking
Blonde would be cute without the tats
So is height really more important than face?

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