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/fit/ - Fitness

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supposedly the pics are only about 6 months apart
No way did this son of abraham achieve this without some sort of juice
Cutting and lighting
he already had the muscle, just cut some fat and posed in good lighting then touched it up in photoshoot
if you think roids are required for his current physique you are terribly poisoned
never has the neckpill been more apparent than this picture
Id bet money hes sucking his cheeks in. Also flexing hard vs relaxed and obvious light and contrast frauding. He has 2 different complexions
Swear snowboarding made my neck bigger. Also grew my hair out which fleshes out your neckline quite a bit
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>he already had the muscle
my man he was already fat as fuck less than a year ago. how did he even acquire the muscle?
muscle memory, watch his earlier videos
is this the guy who got raped in a mental asylum or is that another cooking rabbit
>muscle memory, watch his earlier videos
IIRC he used to be fat as a teenager and started a ca career out of losing weight by cooking and eating healthy food. Not sure how much I believe him, with such an interesting sounding last name
by what? making cringy youtube vids?
Well this is him 10 years ago

thats good
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>no shoulders
>no traps
>still has hair
>still has fat on cheeks
oh yeah he's on 5grams of test, 5 grams of equipoise, 2 grams of tren, 4 grams of anavar etc etc
he literally just lost weight while keeping the msucle he already had. how are people this clueless still?

how often can you go snowboarding? do you live in permasnowy mountains or are there cooled indoor facilities?
I mean i work a not total ski bum job but i got over 30 days in last year. I also ate shit a lot for sick neck and concussion gains
Its edited dumbass
Everyone in this thread is a fucking retard. Including me for replying
>he must have juiced to uncross his arms
joshua weisman is so fucking annoying, it pisses me off that hes one of the most popular youtube chef faggots

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