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He's finally gotten ripped and shredded in addition to being brutally strong
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This old nigga really deserves an apology
>roiding for this
Who is he what’s the story
Holy shit dude he's almost stage ready
Jason Blaha is an internet famous powerlifter, former bodybuilder, and current elite strength coach. He runs an informational YouTube channel where he posts daily. He often covers scientific studies related to lifting, nutrition, and overall exercise and nutritional science
Nice tits fatty
Very helpful blahino
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The greatest lifter to ever walk this earth
I wish we could have seen janoy cresva make it too
That's my boy hemmingway

I'm definitely a hater of this compulsive liar but he's looking better physically. But I can see what's going on here and it's not pretty. Ignoring his lies about him being super jacked in his youth, which is total bullshit, this is about the best his physique has been, right now. At age 47. Which means he's putting EVERYTHING into this. It's his number one life priority. He knows the ship has sailed with regards to him achieving regular success by getting a normal job and making a good living and having a family. He has to get more jacked than ever & get the coaching to take off with utter urgency because without that, his life becomes suicidally depressing. If any of us had a health problem that meant we couldn't properly work out, it would make our lives a bit worse. For Jason, it'd be the end
Is Hemingway still around? I haven't paid attention since he got stuck in a section 8 apartment and his gf dumped him after laughing at his infertility on video.
You missed his hilarious asmr gamer channel?
Apparently so
Hemmmmingway. There are 4 m's.
To be fair that was around the same time you mentioned and was when I forgot about him too.
Ngl I only found him interesting when he was still larpingn as a former reptilian turned war vet
He peaked when he was on that Tommy’s garage show and looked like a massive pussy lol
Kek, bigger than ryback, she danced a bit, powder wars
He was recently renting his living space from a woman accused of murdering a man
what's wrong with his stomach? it's always looked weird to me
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I resonate with him so much. I've known how to get fit since 2017. I learned everything I needed to know then. But I haven't had the discipline or the motivation to do it. I'd always start and then give up shortly after. I see that whenever I look at his physique. I see a man who has the knowledge, but lacks the discipline required to achieve his goals. Because we all know his goal isn't to look the way he does. He was a wide frame, but overall, he looks like absolute shit. He looks flabby. He's been at it for years and still doesn't look absolutely jacked. I get that. It's hard to do what needs to be done. Especially when you're a social outcast with delusions of grandeur. I used to be like that, too. I wonder if he ever took a good hard look in the mirror and realised how stupid he was for pretending to be some special ops guy and all that other stuff he was doing. But somehow I think he still hasn't.
Looks better than NH now
He's on a ton of gear, probably more than he's ever been on.
Jamie Lewis teased him about it during one of their livestreams.
Blaha's also always been good at filming himself to make himself look bigger (close, centered camera, and a fisheye lens).
95% of posters don't even know who this is, sad.
I'm not hating on him, btw.
I think he just has bad genetics (bad frame, poor response to training & drugs), and probably fucked his endocrine system with gear abuse in his 20s.
he's got the AI fooled
thats classified information my man. consider yourself lucky you arent blackbagged for even asking it
At first I thought op was using a screenshot from gay porn
This dude has a 15 year YouTube career and has nothing to show for it
i kneel, coath
>roiding for this
So he got the perfect excuse
>it was all for self defense
>yes I had to tie her to the bed and rape her several times every day
Coath won.
You have a 4chan posting career and somehow even less to show.
How do avoid ending up with that disgusting physique?
Fuck off Jason, you are a joke.
i got a cooler sticker
still using the same image of himself from 20 years ago I see
Jason Blaha aka the biggest loser in the world. i recommend Natural Hypertrophy videos on him
>12k videos
you paid for it
Bloho is living proof that you wear your sin on your body.
I mean he's strong as shit it's not like he wasn't trying, he just has bad genetics
"le sin"
die christcuck
am I the only one to see his proportions as lanky even though he's pretty short?
He has referred to his 4chan critics as "autistic" (which is true), but it's rich to hear that used as an insult by the ultimate autist. I think he's just an idiot, no semi intelligent person would make up the kind of ridiculous lies he did.
It's only taken my boy Hemmingway 15 years to get here
I'm not Jason, just a big fan of his that watches most of his uploads
Don't even lie. Y'all are mirin'
I'm.... sorry...
>I have the same chest genetics as jason blaho
It's Blahover

He has long arms for his height
Lurk, bitch.
I remember being an edgy pompous teenager.
My boy Hemmmingway and Janoy Cresva should have their own documentaries about their lives. They’ve both jumped through so many different circles and topics it could probably be a miniseries, much more than John Bravo’s stuff

Just a reminder- blahino has been juicing for over a decade
holy shit is that my boy Hemmingway?
going to keep it a buck anon, it's very likely you don't know shit and will struggle to progress once you commit, because lifting on a macro level is very simple, and the details are all to do with what works for you personally. If you haven't put in even a year of consistent work ever, you're not even close to understanding that aspect of it for you, which makes you a novice.
You call a 225 bench and 245 squat novice numbers?
those are ok numbers but not really exceptional. I'm not trying to bag on you anon but if you haven't put the time in it just is what it is. The methodology pales in comparison to the experience of the act in persistence over years.
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This is a natural hypertrophy problem, not a me problem.

French boy getting laid off and begging for scraps, has a wife over his shoulder, but Blahino is free and thriving.

What a turn of events.
So he's the modern day version of a friar spending his time reading the bible and arguing minutia?
He does it for our benefit so that we don't have to. That makes Him a hero in my eyes
I am. Credit where it's due. He has a weird body but shows us that if you get lean and muscular you can make it. Maybe he can fix his shit character and personality but that seems like an uphill battle.
Still looks like shit

Still rambling bullshit

Still spam uploading shitty content

Nothing has changed, if anything, he got even worse
The ultimate gymcel
At least that pathologically broken human being found one good thing to do
He uploads 12 videos a day to YouTube while being alone 24/7 while his ex-gf is on her back getting her insides rearranged by B. B. C. Bulls
He uploads knowledgeable content while backing up what he says with science
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The peak is yet before us.
what took him so long? TRT?
The guy who replied to you isnt me, but yes, I realise learning from experience is as important as knowing the fundamentals to lifting. The more I watch people's videos where they talk about their own experience, the more I understand that there isn't one method or program that works for everyone. At least when the time comes where I start to struggle, I won't be scratching my head wondering what to do and I'll have a long list of things I can do to keep progressing. But I still stand by what I said, because you can see it on his body over the years -- he has always looked like someone who has never been willing to do the work required to look good. In the time he's been lifting, over 10 years, millions of people have done bulk/cut cycles and achieved impressive looking physiques. Even champion bodybuilders have gone from zero to #1 in that time. A lot of people on /fit/ think he just has bad insertions or bad genetics, but if you look at his body closely, you can see he's just not training certain muscles enough, and isn't cutting enough. Putting his focus in the wrong areas, in short.
blaha has always been extremely based.

He never had the discipline to cut. Addicted to food

Bad genetics for BB. Thick waist. Thick joints. Narrow clavicles.

Ugly muscle inserts Especially the arms and chest.

Doesn't like isolations like curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises.
He never got big enough to actually see what he would look like as a successful bodybuilder
People who bitch about their inserts are just fukn smol
There are very few "inserts" that don't fill in at high mass

He has always been big "big" but had too much bodyfat" He was pushing 300 lbs at one point which is obviously waaaaay too big on a 5'9 frame.
So, the man with the world's worst genetics finally started pinning. Happy for him
I always forgot that most guys are fucking short lol
I just like mentally give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume a 6' baseline
but damn
with that in mind
what a disgusting looking nigga lmao
being a midget just makes it funnier, like he can't even big grotesque and imposing, just grotesque and laughable
Pull the stomach out of the shorts, Jason.
All the girls at the gym do the same trick, you aren't fooling anyone.
depends on how big you are, but for an average sized man that's barely past novice to be frank.
is that jason blaha
Yes dude he's unrecognizable with just how much progress he's made
He has better genetics than most of us
Looks like one of those hairless cats
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>20 years of roiding
>literally unemployed so all he does is lift and sleep 10 hours a day
>all for this
>finally started pinning

nigga what? he's been openly on roids for over a decade
Where did the Hemingway moniker come from?
old nickname the other delta squad boys had for him; hemingway was so masculine, so articulate, so philosophical while still being so thorough that it was an obvious moniker for blaha
Lmao thats fucking hilarious hes such a delusional retard
Those drooping pec insertions are horrid.
He's lost over 100 pounds, it's just loose skin dude
Unironically my goal physique
The moniker or alias Hemmmmingway came from an old colleague of his called coppertopp22 where he explains some of Blaha's past as a highly trained mercenary for hire doing snatch and grabs in South America.
I've been here from the start and what little I know about this dysgenic nobody has been learned against my will
You're fucking kidding. If true he's the living embodiment of "roiding for THIS?"
That is pathetic for both his ugly ex AND for the melanin poisoned primitives humping her. What a black hole of utter failure and for them all to be tied back to blahino in some way makes it all even more wretched.
>special forces mercenary
>millionaire war criminal

He keep winning
He never stopped winning
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honestly glad for him. dude has the most garbage genetics but actually finally looks jacked. proves that wagmi
what is his sin? pride?
his entire approach to lifting has been "how to look like a bodybuilder without training or dieting like one"
his body is the consequence of this desire
there is no way to avoid doing the work that must be done if you desire the results the work provides
>not knowing our boy Hemingway
Fucking zoomers.
Fitness slave jason blaha strikes again.
literally who?
Looks better than Dr. Mike now.
Did the frog bullying finally snapped him into reality?
He's 5'4 actually.
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Did he win back Mooncookie? Oh no, wait, she had a kid with someone else.
So hot. Jason Blaha sitting helplessly impotent in his little apartment while Mooncookie got bred and impregnated by a genetically superior BULL
Isn't that our boy Hemmingway?
Post wide hips bb
You can't impregnate a male tho?
She was ruthlessly and savagely bred by a genetically superior male while Jason blaha cried at home alone stroking his half limp, impotent chub
At least Jason gets to watch as the convicted murderer he lives with fucks her boytoys.
Based as fuck. He doesn't get to fuck her, he only gets to watch
His roommate is literal murderer. That's the funniest part.
mooncookie is kinda hot. I'd do if if she had a bag over her head tho. I bet she'd be down to do some freaky shit

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