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/fit/ - Fitness

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I literally just want to get as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June).

I used to lift for about 2.5 years from 2017-2020 (until COVID) and started back up last December once I finished grad school and got a real job. I'm looking much better now but honestly I just want to roid troon and cheat.

I don't care ***at all*** if it takes a few years off my lifespan, I just don't want my balls to shrink or hte gyno which can be avoided with PCT on short 8 week first cycle.

Should I just do it even if my diet and exercise aren't completely optimal yet?

For context I'm a skinnyfat (6'2 170 lbs at about 14% BF) 33 year old gay former twink.

I'm thinking of doing an 8-10 week cycle starting in February after the holidays when I won't be traveling and one the new years shitters leave.
real question.
would an openly gay man date a woman on steroids like in this picture?
No gross I want jocks, twunks, twinks
OP here I should add I'm autistically devoted. Like I have no friends and don't miss a day even when I had active tuberculosis.
>"I'd like to speak to the gym manager!"
>8-10 week cycle
Fucking lol. Try 16-20 buckaroo. Why does every natty try and reinvent the wheel?
>literally just want to get as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June)
No fucking way in hell.
>I'm thinking of doing an 8-10 week cycle
Now i consider this post a weak bait.
> as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June).
>short 8 week first cycle.
>I just don't want my balls to shrink
>Should I just do it even if my diet and exercise aren't completely optimal yet?
You haven't even pinned and you're fucking this up already.
Roids arent a fucking game. 99.9% of people have no business roiding, you're already one of them.
You'll look exactly the same as you do now but with a little more muscle mass, and very likely alot fatter.
But you'll probably do some stupid ass "minmaxxing" bullshit 200mg/week and wind up with no gains at all.
People used to take steroids to get fucking huge.
Nowadays faggots are risking their health with this "microdosing" bullshit with just over TRT doses plus 20mg anavar just to look like a slightly better natty.
500 test c/wk for minimum 16 weeks. I guess you could use test p instead or at least for the first few weeks but honestly there’s a 100% chance you’ll fuck it up so I I don’t really recommend it. Really though, almost everyone fucks up the first cycle somehow (I crashed my e2 for like ten weeks lol) and you’ll most likely end up fat as fuck and need to cut hard before your second but I think in12-18 months you could look pretty good. Cruise at 150-200mg test a week for 8-12 weeks between cycles. You basically have to do just test to start because e2 management takes time to figure out and the more compounds you add the more sides you’ll get and it’s good to know what’s causing them. Good luck
You're wasting your time. These faggots arent going to listen.
I gave up on the "concern" shit long ago with this people.
They're going to do whatever Rigorous Larry or some other youtube schmuck told them to do.
Then when they fuck themselves up they come to the /fraud/ thread with their stupid questions instead of asking the person they got these apeshit ideas from.

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