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/fit/ - Fitness

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people that work out in the mornings before work, what's the shower situation?

I like to shower before bed, don't wana get in bed dirty. But I wana workout in the mornings. That means two showers a day. That's a lot of showers. Is it bad for your skin to shower so much, using body wash each time too? How does /fit/ do it.
I dont shower after working out during a work break and return to work and there's no problem. Women still stand really close to me to talk and seem happy with me. Maybe my natural stench is intoxicating.
why dont white boys evolve?
they are always either lames or wiggers in the same exact way since like the 2000s
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last time we did some gangster shit everybody got mad so
Why are nonwhitecels such natural cucks?

White incels hate women but nonwhite incels redirect all their hatred for being rejected by women onto white men. You ever wonder maybe that is why just be white is a thing, because being a man comes more naturally to white guys?
People are generally nice, you sure you don't be stinkin?
nta but the only time a woman has ever complimented me on my smell was when the pallet jack was broken and I had to unload a hot truck by hand. Some people just like the smell of sweaty guys I guess.
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Explain Stone Cold Steve Austin
I just take the two showers, my skin is fine. Maybe get a softer body wash if you're worried.
that girl wanted to fuck your brains out anon, does she still work there?

I used to work in a warehouse too, hitting your fuckin shins on a pallet jack is one of my favorite memories.

But in all seriousness if you aren't a fragrance guy and some girl complimented your natural body scent after sweating that is some pheromone shit it's pretty normal and natural for people to not smell pleasant after sweating, she probably liked you. There's even some research suggesting those who enjoy each others sweaty smells have sexual and romantic chemistry. They've done studies where women smelled men's shirts after a workout and stuff like that.

all that to say, if she still works there go get your woman brother.
Calm down rajesh
Been doing this for 10yrs.
>get up e.g. 6am
>take cold shower (1minute)
>prep breakfast, clothhes,
>take quick warm rinse (to avoid food smell on clothes
>get to gym
>work out
>shower after
>proceed tk work

I dont see why showers are bad. You dont need to sit in a hot shower for an hour, nor you need to scrub yourself every time. If you rinse yourself regularly (much like if you'd live nead a sea or lake and swam often) youll be perfect.
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Every time we stop being goofy, the whole world suffers. Let us be goofy.

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