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Debate this.

>nerve ending damage
>only stretches the skin
yea, I already heard these before, but no one has posted a source proving their anecdote correct
Become obese it helps with strengthening erections.
Why would you do that?
There's nothing wrong with having a small dick
Experiment and report back. I'll be waiting
The penis is not a muscle or just skin tissue, it's an organ. You can absolutely stretch the skin tissue but that will likely lead to uncomfortable sex. You can't stretch the mechanism for how it gets hard. You can definitely damage it though. You have to fill those chambers with blood, if you rupture all of them you're gonna fuck your dick up.

Has anyone ever tried injecting HGH/test into their dick or rubbing a typical cream with either of those compounds on it? I'm sure it's been attempted but what would be the results? Doesn't HGH cause organ expansion?
*a topical cream
This is simply just not true. There are tons of PE forums where guys have hundreds of pictures of undeniable proof and documentation spanning over years if not decades. You absolutely can make your cock bigger, usually around 0,5-1 inches but there are freaks out there who have achieved a lot more.

The reason why people think it doesnt work is the same reason why majority of the population dont think working out works because they dont get meaningful results. Its difficult to stick to a routine and do it daily for several years. I'd say 99,999% of people who try PE do it for a week, maybe even a month at most. No shit you dont get results.
When you stretch skin the space is filled with more cellls and it gets longer. Your dick isnt made of cells functionally though, the functional units are spongy networks of blood vessels. If you stretch it you wont grow new sponge, just ideally lengthen sponge you already have and worst case scenario damage it leading it to scar up and lose elasticity, making it smaller. There are people with enlargement fetishes who make wild claims because they get off on it. There are also people with shrinking fetishes who get off on making you infertile. Stay safe
Any way to make your penis longer without these weird extending contraptions? I bought such a thing once but my flaccid penis was too short to use it.
Just like bodybuilding results, it's just inflammation bloat that will wear off within weeks of not doing the exercises.
natty bodybuilding* natties dont grow they just inflammation bloat
if you're so convinced that everyone is wrong, why not just try it out for yourself and report back with the results?
What is the spongy tissue made of, anon...
>The penis is not a muscle or just skin tissue, it's an organ
Penises confirmed disgusting
A very easy solution for bigger and thicker penis (2 times increase flaccid, 1.5 times increase when erect) and rock stiff erections is losing weight and exercise. My theory is that cardio and exercise makes the heart stronger and able to pump more blood and less body fat allows the extra blood pressure to concentrate on the penis and make it bigger, thicker and harder. Also the fact the you won't have a fat beer belly will make the relevant size of penis even larger (up to 2.5 times apparent size difference).
Can I go to the church and play it?
>no one has actually posted a source proving that mutilating your cock stops it from working
They're called trannies
Yes I'm sure your local priest will be more than happy to let you play it for him
Yeah it totally works bro, I have an 11 inch dick now. Go ahead and try it!
You forgot
>There are people that already do this and their dicks look like loose skin hanging off their balls
You should go see the pictures of their results
Most ED is caused by beautiful women. I know people blaming porn and it's sort of the same principle. I'm 43, and I went through a ridiculous amount of beautiful women when I was between 15 and 25. It ruined my sex life in the end. My cock won't get hard for any average woman, including my wife now that she's older and fatter. It's not physiological, because I can load up the internet and get hard immediately for some porn.

There's a reason you pretty much only see ED in men who are in long-term relationships. They would rather say there's something wrong with them than admit to their wives that they don't find them attractive and break their hearts.

ED will continue to grow as a problem as the last two generations who were raised on internet porn get older. Now that I think about it, I should probably be investing in companies that focus on ED treatments.
It's unlikely that rubbing HGH/test into your dick as a healthy, high test guy would do anything,
But if you're asking whether or not Testosterone cream can grow your penis in any case, the answer is a resounding YES!

There is a whole community of weird fetish bitches that like to rub androgen cream onto their clits to make them grow much larger, and it totally works.
They practically grow themselves penises.

I wouldn't look it up if I were you, but if you go on "r/bigclit" you can see pictures. It's crazy shit.
nah. There's some metric for this but I can't be bothered to look it up. It's like for every 100 pounds overweight you are, you lose an inch of length because you get fat in the area at the base of your cock and that fatty flesh protruding overlaps some of the length.
Did they really need it in 3 different colors? Can bitches really not extrapolate?
Why do you care about having a bigger dick? women don't care. Unless you're gay or it's 1 inch, you're retarded.
if you read any PE forum, the vast majority of them are not even doing it to please their gfs/wives, in fact most have average/above average dicks already and they just want hentai tier cocks because they think it's hot or cool to have a horse sized dick
I have a 6.5 incher but I desperately wanna get mine to a 7.
Hence why I jelq everyday with my leg lifted on the chair.
I actually grew from 6.1 to 6.5 from jelqing everyday for the past 100 days. Also it's a bit girthier too.
Same except I'm roughly 7x5.5 and want an 8x6.
Your mind/body adapts. If you stopped stroking your dick to "beautiful" women and instead only ever did sexual things with your ugly wife then within a few days, max 2 weeks, you would once again be able to get hard for your wife.
the difference between 7 and 8 is insignificant, you gotta go for 10 inches
Clearly you've never wrapped your fingers around a size-00 waist. Some shit you just don't forget.
as far as I know, being obese only helps with training calves.
fatties have great calves and still do after they lose weight.
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nah this is know as the coolidge effect
Nah just try to erection max and get good at other aspects of sex.
You just gave me a new fetish god dammit
Bottom is showing a totally different stimulus than the other two. Cut a hole in your dick and insert progressively larger disks instead.
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unless you have like a serious medical issue microdick, why would anyone want a bigger dick anyway? most women don't give a shit, and also who cares what they think
>most women don't give a shit
I'm not doing it for "most women", I'm doing it for sluts with fetishes for big cocks. Not to mention, it's a personal fetish to see my big dick stretch out pussy.
so the exact same reasoning people mutilate their bodies with tattoos, severe mental illness
I guess if you want to lazily dismiss their opinion, sure
I tried one of those extending devices but after about an hour my dick always shrinks and escapes the locking mechanism.

Tried using one of those pumps on minimal setting on another occasion but as soon as I turn it off my dick again shrinks to nothing.

Then it comes back to normal again after a few seconds but seeing it just disappear like that scared the shit out of me I don’t wanna risk it.

Better remain 6x5.5 dicklet with hard healthy erections than getting ED.

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m a grower (1-2 inches soft, 5-6 inches hard) that it is more elastic or something that it can switch like that.
your small dick lineage is trying to express itself
What is it expressing
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>most women don't give a shit, bro, trust me. My wife says she doesn't care, no way she's lying to me.
>1-2 inches soft
kek, you must be pressing that ruler hard into yourself to get that 5-6 inch measurement
>/ss/ kino at the end
Nope. 1-2 inches soft.
5.5 - 6 inch length and 5.5 inch girth non bone pressed erect.
>but no one has posted a source proving their anecdote correct
only basedboy retards ask for sources for shit I already know
i have yet to come across a meatdick owner who is not a complete mouthbreathing nigger retard
there are 2 types of dicks
blood and meat
or more common "shower" and "grower"
90% of porn guys are showers, flaccid is like 80% of erect size
most men are growers, where flaccid can be as low as 1 inch while taking an ice cold shower and then they grow by x6 when hard
>Also the fact the you won't have a fat beer belly will make the relevant size of penis even larger (up to 2.5 times apparent size difference).

Not just that, there's like 2inches of fat on your lower abdomen, if you're going from fat to lean you're effectively adding an inch or more to your dick because the fat is gone
>le woman fantasy
who cares lol
i dream up fantasies about transforming into a massive dog and raping women publicly
fantasy is just that: fantasy
>can women
>does pe and has an animal rape fetish
lay off the porn man
i stopped watching porn years and years ago, like i'm talking at least 4 years ago by now. and by not watching porn, i mean that i also do not jerk off at all either
deranged fetishes don't just go away with abstinence, you just have better control to not linger on them or act upon them (ie: rub one out to them)
True, not with high rep ranges. Roidtroons only grow because no matter what they do they'll stimulate myofibrillogenesis, even if their routine and rep range sucks.
Pussies are an organ too. Don't ever look inside one.
I'm gonna look into this. I have congenital curvature, one side of my dick is longer than the other causing a curve because I only jacked off with one hand during development. If I only rub it on one side maybe I can stimulate that side to catch up and correct the curvature.

I've looked into the Peyronie's disease shots and really just don't think they'd work for me, it doesn't seem to be plaque buildup causing it. One side is legitimately bigger/more developed than the other.
Nigga what?

I swear half the motherfuckers on this board have an IQ comparable to that of a retard.
My dick is 12 centimeters long.
I should have been born in Japan.
HGH only works for women, pubescent kids, and hormonally stunted men. This is because their penises/clits never reached their genetically maximum length because of androgen/hormonal blockage. All that HGH does is simply remove that blockage so the dick grows to it's full potential.

If you are a healthy man then your dick has already grown to it's full potential, and HGH won't do shit except fuck up your hormone production.
>Testosterone cream can grow your penis in any case
Would this also work if used as onahole lube?
What if dick-hang a kilo and ran?
No, thats why nigs have to have nigs in a show to understand it.
>see's diagram of white pussy
>"Nigga, what dis is?"
>see's diagram of black pussy
>"Oh shiiieeet, dats my creamy ahhh pusssy"
Why do roidtrannies organs expand when on test/HGH then?
Will my dick get any bigger with just a bathmate? I'm too lazy to jelq every day
anecdotal evidence from various PE forums say yes.
10-25 minutes on in the shower, 5-6 times a week.
don't go nuts with it though, a small/average super hard is leagues better than some half erect or outright flaccid big hitter
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> Women (N = 75) selected amongst 33, 3D models. Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners.

Why'd you reply to me? My dick is 20cm long. I couldn't care less about a woman's opinion of my oversized dick.
Imagine what their lips or earlobes look like without supporting discs or hoops, and then take a moment to consider if that's really what you want your penis to look like.
You aren't the first person to come up with jelqing, and I don't care whether it works or not. Even if I had a micropenis, I'd be happier to have a functional penis than one I had caused irreparable damage to by doing this kinda nonsense to all because of my fragile ego.
I'm certain jelqing reduces the quality of boners, it's an attempt at growing the dick my damaging it. I did it for a while and my boners are not as hard, I can bend my dick when it's fully hard. It's just a lot more pliable.
It would work and you'd be fine if you went slowly.
get a hobby, op
Any time period where she can have servants will also be one where he would just straight up murder her for shit like this. This is legit forbidden talk.
>no one has posted a source proving their anecdote correct
you expect scientists to research this retarded idea?
Let me approach this from a different angle: The average guy does not fuck well.

Credentials for talking about this: I have slept with 19 women with zero ONS. Women like me, I like women. I don't believe what women say but I do use it to feed my ego.

The average dude is not getting the job done. Or perhaps - women in the market are not getting satisfactory dick. (Women who are satisfied with the dick they're getting are not in the market, obvs)

Anyways - women like that have to be guided or moulded a little, the inexperience always shows through. More than once I've heard "I've waited so long for you."

This should not be. You fucks need to get better. Be confident and consistent. Demand outstrips supply, get moving.

You want to focus on something?
In so many words: be first.
No Hymen No Diamond reigns supreme
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All forms of traditional PE come with serious negative effects and cause erectile dysfunction in exchange for pitiful gains (if any).
You are only stretching the skin and connective tissue, not growing the blood vessels and structures that cause the erection to happen.
It can cause injuries like glans detachment, where it's still attached to your penis but can move unnaturally to each side.
You are forcing blood to go in a direction contrary to the natural flow on your dorsal veins, which damages your circulatory system, causing ED.

The Angion Method is the only thing that properly works, since it mimics the natural process through which the penis grows.
You make large amounts of blood circulate in the natural direction causing shear stress, and your body has the mechanisms (hormones, etc.) to make it grow naturally.
You can literally begin noticing results within the first week (harder and more common erection, more flaccid hang, more vascularity, etc.) and they only get better and better.

Don't (You) me with criticism or negative views if you have zero experience with the method and don't even understand it. I don't argue with brainlets.
eating disorder or erectile dysfunction
which one was you? all those replies are saying there's nothing wrong with a small dick, and >>75145873 said you're mentally ill for wanting to do something about it.
If you want your cock to get jacked look up angion method. That's dick workouts to make your cock get veiny and big, doing the thing in the pic you posted will just pop your dick.
>There's nothing wrong with having a small dick
Literally every single person spouting this bullshit have a long and large dick, and never suffered a single day in their lives.
yeah i'm
and i stand by my statement
some guys swear by hyaluronic acid (girth only).


This guy did PMMA (NOT recommended)


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same but im a genetically regressed human turned into a primordial caveman and use my new donkey dick to destroy women sexually and create a new race cro-magnons children in a wild attempt to recreate the world in flintstones image
Funny thread, girls enjoy big dicks but will never admit it. Unless she's 5'3 and under she's more than likely to enjoy a large size member but the harsh truth is that less than a percent of the population is in that size range. So anyone with a 6-6.5 inch dick is what most girls would consider large and anything over that is an outlier. If you have a dick larger than 7 inches you're consider to have a "monster cock". Anyone who can't believe that look up Jason Luv measured. Girth is the other factor that is as important as length. If you have a perfect mix of those than your dick will like something that you'll see on black.
>less than a percent of the population is in that size range
this can't possibly be true my entire core group of friends are 8" or bigger. (We checked at one of our group functions)
It does work though? But probably only length, not thickness.
This is like thinking you can make a sponge larger by adding more water to it
something about self inserting as a beast/animal feverishly raping a hot fertile woman really does hit different bros
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>anon was neglected as a child
your dick is not a literal sponge you actual retard. the spongy chambers you're referring to are made of, you guessed it, living human cells.
>My opinion is fact
>Just get a boner and you can keep increasing your dick size
>Its fact
Start doing it op and post progress pics. I want to know. Post hard and soft pics. Do it for science. If you start having trouble getting it up you can stop at anytime.
You can't just post that and expect me not to go there.
There was a Mexican dude with an 18 inch dick and it turned out to all be foreskin and he claimed to achieve it through stretching with weights. The actual dick was like 5”
I didn't even say such a thing.
I said that the so called "spongy" tissue in your dick is not a literal sponge like you imply it is.
I'm not even arguing whether or not you can make it grow an appreciable amount.
>I didnt say anything about a solution for a bigger and thicker dick
>I was just talking about a sponge
i was making fun of your retarded sponge analogy lol you fucking sad idiot
It works

I goon and pull on my dick a lot and yes it works
>I said that the so called "spongy" tissue in your dick is not a literal sponge like you imply it is
anon.... it was an analogy. itd be like me comparing you to an elementary school child but we all know you aren't literally an elementary school child
why did you choose that metaphor lol why is that the first thing that came to mind?
>your dick isn't like a sponge where it absorbs blood to grow bigger
>its more like a transformer and you have to say autobots roll out for it to get bigger!
im not the same anon you fuckin moron. holy shit you are extremely dumb
much better anon
I was calling you a pedophile my man
>I was calling you a pedophile my man
because I said you think like a grade school child? sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. i apologize for that
Glad we're on the same page here.
no because that's immediately where your mind went to lmao ill accept your apology though
Never seen one like this.
Jelqing, stretching, pumping, it all works provided you do it religiously everyday with proper warm ups and not expect to see any meaningful gains for at least a year or two.
Big asterisk there being that you can very well break your dick and give yourself soft boners or permanent ED, and as well hard flaccids.
no prob, im just glad you stopped crying.
im glad you care about me anon but you cant buy me a beer or have my phone number
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and yeah there is something for men to do to match womens fantasy?
Would you really want to sacrifice erection quality, sensation, erection duration, lack of pain when erect, penetrating or getting hard, among other concerns like aesthetic ones, when blood vassals rupture and maybe make your dick look weird? Just to have a longer dick, when flaccid, maybe not even when erect?

Why are Americans so obsessed with flaccid penis size? You realize it's completely normal to have a "micro-dick", when you are flaccid, right? White Europeans have a blood penis. Negros have flesh penises. Greek statues do not have small penises, they have flaccid penises.
I'm not going to read any of this thread because it is full of retards who didn't go to thunder's place forums, and they didn't read the science behind penis enlargement

the penis is held inside of your body by connective tissue, specifically a tendon I believe, and one of the main penis enlargement surgeries involves cutting this tendon which lets more of the penis hang outside of the body and then letting it heal back looser

next, the second limiting factor to penis size is the connective tissue matrix, there is a vertical horizontal weave of connective tissues that make up the penis, which surrounds the corpus cavernosum

by stretching the connective tissues of your penis you permenently deform them, allowing there to be less limiting factors on the corpus cavernosum that fill with blood during erections

that's the principle behind hanging weights from your penis, you stretch the connective tissues that limit corpus cavernosum expansion, and you pull on the tendon that holds the penis inside of the body, showing more inner penis

the same is true of jelqing and pumping, though some exercises target different areas of the connective tissue matrix at different intensity

go to thundersplace and read the forums, please for the love of god and stop spewing shit everywhere please
as a side note I pumped for over an hour a day for over 2 years, closer to 3

I used an industrial fuel powered pump that pulled 30hg, I've had multiple blisters on the glans of my penis

I've pumped for up to an hour and a half at a time in the most extreme case at pressures up to 20hg

I have no problems with erection quality, erection fuckups typically are caused by clamping and holding the blood in your penis and fucking up your veins, pumping is less intense in that way but leaves you at higher risk of blisters on the glans

all you fucking retards who don't know shit about the topic just shut up and stop spewing shit like you're a fucking expert, I don't pretend I can deadlift 700, stop pretending you know a single solitary thing about pe when you've never done it
also I only used the fuel pump for like a month or 2, it pulled 30hg full vacuum so you could only do it for a few minutes at a time because the lymph fluid build up was so intense
also the vein injuries are caused by things like, going into a clamp at full erection with no blood flow for 30 minutes or more

if you do sets for 10-20 minutes and stop when you feel numbness you'll never have a problem

and respect your fucking body and don't do things that cause pain, if you're feeling shooting pain during an exercise you stop

when I was pumping at full vacuum with a fuel powered pump and I felt the skin on my glans pinching and kept going, yea of course I was going to get a blister, yea, just don't be a fucking retard and you wont hurt yourself
also the goal of most pe is feeling soreness in the ligaments that are at the base of your penis holding your penis inside your body, and then the connective tissue matrix that covers your corpus cavernosum

if you feel soreness and stretching of the connective tissue you're doing it right

if you feel shooting pain obviously you're doing something wrong
>every dick thread full of 4 inch indians trying to convince everyone PE isnt real
maybe if you tards did it you could actually be average lmao
also, the goal of penis enlargement is permanent deformation of connective tissue if I didn't make that clear

which has nothing to do with blood flow and erection quality, although some forms of pe can improve blood flow and erection quality, that isn't the main scientific process of how and why pe works
its 2024 and there is still nothing out there that can grow erectile tissue? and I mean significantly like 3+ inches and not some placebo shit like erection quality
copium enjoyer
reread what I said and go to the thunder's place forum and read what they say

Insightful posts anon, thank you.
Myself, I bought one of those overpriced german engineered traction racks. I use it on an off, longest streak was about 4 months straight I think. I have a pretty exaggerated bend, wanted to make it straighter (and longer of course).
But I agree, fundamentally, listen to you body. It shouldn't be painful, it should feel sore. Big difference.
Never realized that I should be feeling sore at the base/root though, that's an interesting take.
so thats a no then
stretches and pumping are all temporary
do you think a BBC nigga has to do any of that shit
a "bbc" nigger has to use prosthetics

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