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/fit/ - Fitness

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Sup /fit/izens. A very good friend of mine started a new diet about 6 months ago. However, he's getting deeply brainwashed and I don't know how to talk to him about it.
For those who don't know, Seygnalet diet is about avoiding dairy, most carbs (except rice), and eating mostly raw or very slightly cooked meat, vegetables, and so on.
He also got a bit crazy on fasting, and started doing week long fasts, and even talks about dry fasts now (note that I'm not against fasting, but he already doesn't eat much).
Some fun facts : he cannot sleep. It's been 3 days he hasn't slept much (like 2-3 hours a night, or even zero).
He's extremely pale and slow to react, and also lost weight (he was already skinny).
But he keeps doing this thing, researching it, and giving me lectures about how his metabolism entered a new state of being or such stuff.

What can I do ? He even is avoidant of medicine and doctors now.
(I'm myself quite skeptic regarding medicine and my diet is normal regarding the standard of /fit/).
>my diet is normal regarding the standard of /fit/
So big fat juicy black cocks?
I don't think brown people can afford being into meme diets, so if you could kindly click on the catalog button I would appreciate it.
Tell him he looks like a weak fag and that he’s being retarded. Honestly just be an asshole until he gives up. It’s really up to him tho. Is your friend Styx? Lmao
Challenge him to arm wrestling every time you see him. Give him scares about cognitive decline.
He will probably argue that he eats fishes and that therefore he's getting smarter. He's not dumb, he's a math major.

I tried, but he keeps lecturing me about how he will live 110 years old and stuff.
>math major
>into schizo shit
not surprising

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