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/fit/ - Fitness

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My body does not recover the same and i cant do the things i used to.
Anons over 40, how do you cope and adjust your exercise?
Just do gym cardio restday repeat and dont be a powershitter
Always one day of rest between cardio (running in my case). No more than every second day, or else niggling little issues will crop up.
Leave the young buck weightlifting ego behind, that era has passed for us. Only push the envelope ever so slightly. Maintain a journal to track your weights so you can adjust upwards slightly when your body is feeling up to it.
and incorporate a pre and post workout stretching routine, makes a world of difference in recovery and generally feeling good.
Take the swimming pill anon
I do rowing. You can get a pretty brutal workout with great results out of it, but the wear on your joints isn't as heavy as for lifting weights.
You obviously won't reach the same strength levels, but if you're exercising for fitness purposes, it's amazing.
I still do my big lifts in between to supplement the rowing, but I don't bother with trying to go past 1/2/3/4 anymore
same needing longer to recover. i'll adjust for less fatiguing exercises. but i'm still in the finding out phase. tmorrow is legs. gonna reduce heavy squats and volume a bit. hope i'll have some strength left for the weekend.
literally not a issue if ur on PPL
my dad swims a lot, has done for years and keeps reminding me but he's still a fat fuck
>take steroids
>rest more
I'd love to hear about some proven, good stretching routines that are purely pracatical and not full of spiritual shit like yoga is, and not some new fad stuff that you see people doing. I do very standard bodybuilding shit and the only thing I've started to stretch is my psoas.
Not be a faggot? I’m 44 and move between three four and five day splits every three month or so.
ppl, preworkout, all the supplements.

could always be placebo but adding collagen peptides to protein shakes seemed to make muscles resilient.
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toe touches, praise the suns
>not full of spiritual shit
>Do cardio and lifting on different days
>No ego lifting allowed
>Proper form is everything
>Slow reps down, can use lighter weight for similar (or better in some cases) stimulus
>If a certain lift makes joints, etc. feel like shit, even with good form, then replace it with something else
>consider replacing lifts that generate a ton of fatigue (i.e. deadlifts)
>Take one week off followed by a week of 1/3-1/2 normal volume every 6-8 weeks.
Oh yeah, and like others have said, stretching/mobility work is a good idea.
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>niggling little issues

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