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You have literally no excuse to not be taking it every single day for the rest of your gym life.
You have been conditioned so hard into "le drugs and le supplements are... LE BAD" that you are missing out on genuinely good stuff that only brings benefits, especially long term.
penis not work so good?
The risks are low but so are the benefits so it's not worth it
What does this do to you exactly?

It's a meme for working out, but it works great in bed. Multiple pops and doesn't numb your dick like viagra. Guys get psychology hooked after one use.
Not a meme for working out ime. I fucking love it. Ironically doesn't do much for me in bed I just hate my wife so it's hard for me to get it up for her regardless.
It's expensive and I get sides from using tadalafil daily, so I only use it 2-3x a week.
gives you a reason to return to 4chin and keep making autistic comments you've been ruminating on for the past 5 hours
What is it about your wife that you hate? Damn
>hate my wife
most pathetic low test shit I've read all day
Has anyone ever tried this and or tell me what the difference is between regular tadalafil and aminotadalafil?
...ill i could really gather is that its a agonist
Im curious about the quality
i've used it. it works, but in my subjective experience it seems to not produce as strong of a dick result while still causing acid reflux at higher doses.
Interesting....thank you
Though now that I think about it I should add that that aminotadalafil I’ve used is a liquid, and the 5mg tadalafil I’ve used to compare similar doses to is a tablet that will dissolve
I use both sublingually but with a liquid it’s hard to know if it ever really fully incorporates sublingually because the liquid will remain and you have to swallow it eventually, whereas a dissolving tablet will actually dissolve under your tongue so it happens quickly and you know it probably went in instead of just mixing with saliva like a liquid

So it’s possible the difference I’ve noticed is 5mg sublingual vs. oral
> just hate my wife so it's hard for me to get it up for her regardless.
My test just dropped, just fuck her lmao
she's manipulative in the way that women are and refuses to take accountability for her emotions, has outbursts constantly and yells at me, blames me for making her upset, then needs hours of soothing to feel better. Constantly corrects me for being imprecise or using the wrong words and then exaggerates and embellishes things herself. Makes pointless comparisons about things that aren't comparable just because she wants to feel justified in throwing some tantrum. I'm tired as fuck of her but I can't leave for a few reasons.

why? I know there's that meme about boomers hating their wives but I think you should consider that some women genuinely treat men like absolute shit.
boomers are also the last generation to marry by default
Why can't you leave her, kids? Tbh while I despise divorce (my didn't didn't btw), children are probably better off in shared custody, where they aren't exposed to constant arguments between parents.
This is ofc the nuclear option assuming your differences are truly irreconcilable.
Cialis shills are worse than stoners
This thread escalated into a winefest quickly
ok where can i buy this if i live in EU
Uh so I really want to know more? What benefits?
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His penis didn't work so good! Who wants to try next?
I feel your pain anon.

I just got out of a 5 year relationship with a female like this. Everything was perfect year one. The more bad behavior I let her get away with the more it amplified.

I wish I would have corrected her behavior earlier or at least communicated it wasn’t ok with me instead of being easy going.

I hope you can find a way to separate, life is to short to live around someone like that
I feel your pain anon.

I just got out of a relationship for 5 years with a female like this.

I hope you find a way out. Life is truly to short to be surrounded with someone like that
i feel your pain anon
what a pussy
It's actually incredibly cheap
>It's a meme for working out
only if you're a powerlard who refuses to do cardio
tadalafil only shines when you do real exercises daily
also you don't take tadalafil for bed, but rather sildenafil
How do you get it?
it gives me terribly blocked sinus and tinnitus
>also you don't take tadalafil for bed, but rather sildenafil

They do different things. Viagra gives you a big stupid erection right away that lasts.a few hours. Cialis gives you a hair trigger and multiple pops and lasts 24 hours. Cialis is better overall.
>I'm tired as fuck of her but I can't leave for a few reasons.
I respect your sacrifice to stay enduring this hell for your kids.
You're gonna make it, brah.
>Verification not required.
No thanks I actually have a functioning penis like a normal human male.
if you ever use it you'll understand the benefits
I heard you take these things and eventually need them to fuck and then eventually cant even fuck with them.
Bullshit, ED is almost exclusively a cardiovascular disease.
I have taken weeks off cialis and erections were fine quality, it's been over ten years.
Yeah erections are better on cialis, that's the whole point.
nah, no evidence of that
show me some if you've seen it
all i've seen is evidence that it causes permanent benefits
I've been taking cialis regularly over the last 2 years and I've been worried about this
since it has been shown to have residual/permanent benefits I'd be more concerned with getting permanent acid reflux tb h
Sounds like you completely relinquished control over the relationship early on. You're fucked.
I've been abusing sildenafil and tadalafil for years (10+ sexpat lifestyle). Sex is best on sildenafil, good on tadalafil, and shit without either. It's not even worth fucking without either. Once you are used to the feeling of super powered elections and the fullness that comes with them, there is no going back, especially if making it a lifestyle.

Tadalafil is better overall for lifestyle, but sildenafil is great for bouts of sport fucking where you want to impress a woman with your meat pole. Sildenafil overuse gives me acid reflux so I cut it back and mostly just maintain with 5mg tadalafil daily, and keep 25mg sildenafil with me if I need it.

I have to emphasis I have been on both of these meds for literally 10+ years of daily or weekly use, with the occasional month or two off. I cannot fuck and don't enjoy sex without them.
Sildenafil also sometimes makes me sweat like a hog and makes it hard to cum. Tadalafil doesn't cause that issue.

In terms of gym, as I said I've been on this shit constantly. I can't attribute any negative aide effects exercise wise to tadalafil, but sildenafil definitely isn't suitable as a workout drug. It's effect is too strong.
We take low dose Cialis for the test boost
might work but that study was specifically on men with ED and metabolic syndrome, so not exactly evidence that it just worx on healthy men
a friend of mine recommended it too me and I've been using it before fucking, goes well. But it's expensive as fuck in Australia, at least in it's psuedo-legal over the counter sex shop purchases, $45AUD for 4 pills.
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I got a blood test a few months ago and the Dr actually commented my test was a bit low.
26, 17 nmol/l for Test, is there any benefits to looking into ways to "improve" that?
Order generic online. Maintenance for tadalafil is like 2.5-5mg a day, so you just use a pill cutter.

I don't know the price in other places but in Thailand I get 4x 20mg (8 days worth) for like $8.
it's regulated here in Aus need a script for it from my understanding, the place I buy it from unoffically stocks it, and I have never really looked into buying medication online so i have no frame of reference of where to look. The only reason I know where to buy it is because my friend who suggested it is an escort.
>muh laws
Bet you're vaxxed too aren't you lil niggercattle
I'm Australian also. Just get a script and buy generic, its really quite cheap. Or even get 8 x 20mg and split it if 5mg doesn't get your dick hard.
I use 10mg-15mg in Fridays when my girlfriend comes over. Gives me diamond hard erections on demand for the whole weekend.

I can still have sex during weekdays without this but my erections will be just 70% of their strength and there is no way I am doing it without a long recharge time. Which is okay since it's just weekdays.
good goy
Way too much, 5mg is all you need
For any of the young guys in this thread, under no circumstance think its ok to let your guard down and tell a girl you're seeing you use meds. Ever. They will make it about them, they'll see you differently and you'll never be able to walk it back.
Was she always like that or did it sort of sleep.in over the years? What was she like when you met and why did you like her then?
Lol, at the captcha
*seep in
For the record so you can know and pass it on yourself.

Cialis has huge diminishing returns to the positive and huge accumulative negative gains for side effects.
On Cialis 2.5mg is all you need daily, you will gain the same rough 5lbs of lean body mass as you would on 5mg or even 10mg.
Your dick will see the same benefit.
Testosterone, hair on your head, beard, nearly everything will see the same level of benefit because the main benefit of Cialis is lowered daily inflammation and vasodilation because of the nature of PDE5 inhibition.
On 2.5mg you are unlikely to see any side effects.

If you're taking more than 2.5mg you would unironically, 100%, and I can't stress this enough.
Get more benefit from literally any other positive cardiovascular or lowered inflammatory activity.
I am talking daily cardio, stretching, dietary changes. Nearly anything.
The only real benefits we have proven to daily cialis usage is about 5lbs of lean body mass at any dosage, erections, and better cardiovascular function. It isn't going to just keep increasing and increasing in benefits outside of the minimum dosage.
If anyone in thread is taking more than 2.5mg especially for erections, please seek other life changes.

I do not understand why people always think more is better with this stuff. Minimum dosage is already extreme variances compared to off the drugs.
I wasn't saying I need to follow the law I was saying I didn't know how to get around it.

cheers anon
I feel you bro. My wife is annoying and toxic, but worst of all, fat. I need Cialis to get it up for sex.
5mg is the most studied dosage and where all the safe conclusions come from though
nothing wrong with people who underdoses because they're worried about potential sides
but 5mg is literally 'the' standard cialis dosage to get all benefits of long term daily usage
why do you retards keep shilling this meme shit
>random GERD
>random headaches
>increased frequency lower back pain
>no visible benefits
only one study(I know soience, whatever) supports that it helps athletic performance, only one study did on hypertension patients who took 40MG before workout.
You can't shill a generic medication. You literally don't even know what shilling is. Go die in a fire you esltard faggot.
Low risk but low reward
>I hate my wife
Millennials are becoming liberal versions of their parents (Boomers)
This is retarded. The kids will be more fucked up living in a house with 2 people who hate each other and constantly argue.
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>yes, keep buying supplements. You need them. You need to keep spending. Keep buying, goy. You need to live as long as possible....
good thread
anything else besides tadalafil i should be taking daily?
Americans shilling each other Big Pharma poison will never cease to amaze me. Why do they do it?

Is it genuine shills, or are they insecure about their decision (they know it's poison) and feel safer if other people do it too?
Potassium cyanide
or, maybe, just maybe, drugs actually kind of kick ass.
I don't give a shit what it means you faggot, this tadalafil stuff is worthless, and I see it mentioned every week on this board. shut up about it already, it does nothing, unless you have ED, the only stuff you'll notice when taking it, are the side effects.

It doesn't do anything if you are gooning online, but if you actually have sex cialis is gold. Unlike Viagra, tadalafil doesn't work if you aren't aroused. But if you are aroused it makes you rebound quickly and keeps you hard.

Viagra aka sildenafil gives you a giant erection aroused or not. If you are aroused it lasts longer. It also numbs you, sometimes to the point where I can't cum, like even after 20 minutes of breeding position pounding.

If I'm feeling saucy, especially on vacation, I'll pop a 20mg cialis and a 50mg viagra and then kill the wife.
>I just hate my wife
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>muh science
Cialis and viagra both give me a horriby stuffy nose. Gg.
you have no excuse for looking at porn and jerking off you mean.
Is 25mg the best with sildenafil? I had a doctor friend write me a script for it and they sent in 50mg for me.
dick pill though
you don't need cialis, you need a new girl.
i had to take a blood pressure med that was way too pricey and i couldn't afford it. doc was like "i'll just prescribe you generic sildenafil." cleared up my blood pressure just as well. my girl found the pills and i explained what the doc did.
At this point just say yes
Is your wife single?
>hate my wife
Lmao based. Time is a flat circle
I know right?
It is just a vasodilator, I hate this taboo so fucking much
I have familial hypercholesterolemia. My blood is basically mayonnaise no matter what I eat. Is that something of concern if I wanted to take this? I heard it's good for heart heat, but cleaely I'm an unusual case
I heard it's good for non-dick blood flow as well and prevents alzheimers.
>has a heart attack from the roids
>can’t give nitroglycerin to dilate your blood vessels cause it would fucking tank your blood pressure and kill you when taking cialis
>die anyway
All set
sounds like any woman you retarded pussy. if you aren’t gonna take action then shut the fuck up and cope
You guys fuck your wives? I have sex once a month and I'm not even 30.
She said she'd give me no more head if I purchased a 10k Yamaha ATV.
It's a sweet ride boys.
I tried it, I started growing hair on other parts of my body.once I stopped everything went to normal. Does give you a good pump.
>5mg daily
as a zoomer, why the fuck would I marry after reading this and the replies? seems like a waste of time
if you need nitroglycerin you are already fucked buddy
tried lifting you dumbass nigga?
>By all means marry!, if you have a good wife then you will be happy, and if you have a bad wife then youll become a philosopher
unironically based
one thing is trying to live in harmony with your wife, no marriage lasts when both sides aren't happy
so you should NEVER allow her to pussy whip you to the point you turn into a submissive enough puppy to give up on your dreams
average marriage cuck in 2024
mindbroken tradcuck
same. im stuck because he father is a literal multi hundred millionaire and i fully expect to be nepo’d into a C role at his company in the nex 5-10 years
She’s literally my ex girlfriend.
One month taking 5mg of Cialis every 3rd day as a wise anon said. I'm loving it. It's mainly for the gains, but holy shit, I'm popping boners like a teenager. O just think about a hot woman and I get hard. I'm 35 and my libido has been decreasing through the years. Before Cialis, I was only able to cum 1 a week and couldn't get the energy to cum more often. When I did, I could feel the orgasms were weaker and my dick would hurt days after. I thought it was over. But this week I've been cuming every FUCKING Day, and it feels great. I'm popping a boner right now and I came yesterday.
This is only the first month. Imagine what will happen in a year.
Thanks anons.
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>5mg of Cialis every 3rd day as a wise anon said
What advantage does this give? Surely ebbing up and down in levels is worse than just maintaining the same level
Or is it like there's a benefit when you go up from zero, that you can repeatedly gain
now you know why so many millennials didn't
basically heard this sentiment 24/7 from boomers growing up
>tfw wife makes me refill my dick pills again
You married the wrong woman. Sucks to be you, the right woman is out there somewhere. You don't have to live this way anon.
Anon said the biggest benefits was observed in low doses every some days, that taking it daily could create problems like side effects. I was aiming for 2.5 mgs every 3rd day but I just couldn't cut the 20mg pill properly.
The internet says that effects are permanent and you can stop using it and your dick works like you're still using it
I just say it's a natural supplement for better sleep
Across societies, cultures, and history it is common for a man to grow to resent their wife. Especially if she is annoying, like most women are.
Stop gooning bro
Permavirgin here. I think having any kind of woman in an erotic relationship is better than being an incel
Im not gooning. Just jacking off when I get a boner. Something that didn't happen since I was a teenager. Why not enjoy it?

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