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/fit/ - Fitness

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You aren't even close to being antisemtic enough, not even after their terrorist attacks on innocent people this week.
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You think Mel is based? Look up his dad. That guy fucking knew.
If we ever make space marines in the far future we should use Mel Gibson as the genetic template.
Hezbollah is a terrorist org. Crying about muh poor innocents doesn't lessen the total browncel humiliation
>dem forearms
>dem hands
Mad physique
his hands are just small
1. Get better genetics
2. Work out some
3. Eat enough
Mel is not a tall guy. He’s maybe 5’8” if that.
why is 5'8 the perfect height?
being tall doesnt look good, it makes you look like a metrosexual fag.
Gives me the same feeling that women in magazines and the like give me, they're so perfect that I just dont feel attracted to them, yes they're hot but they look boring.
Being tall lacks that idiosincracy, same thing with le hecking lean david laid physiques, they look boring.
A built fat 5-7-5'10 guy looks a thousand times better
tall enough to not be a pussy twink but not tall enough to look like a faggot

/fit/ really is one of the dumbest boards.

frame is 100% genetics
you literally can't
Google says he’s 5’10. I’ve seen a lot of his movies and interviews. No way is he 5’8
Always subtract about two inches from official movie star heights. Mel is definitely a pretty small guy, especially back when he was young and really lean.
>withholding information to look smart
I dont even care if I used it wrong it got my point across
Okay fine, I won’t be an asshole. It’s spelled idiosyncrasy.
100% incorrect. Being engaged in physical activity when you are young develops your muscles which affects bone growth, and thus your frame.
I'm a native spanish speaker, most of the time you can just english-ize words and you get away with it
idiosincracy (idiosyncrasy)
What's the difference
Either way it's all your parents fault
Neck + Forearms + Bodyfat
If comiting terror attacks can be justified in this way, then I don't want to here anymore crying about hezb or hamas.
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The internet says he's 200lbs, he obviously works out.
Activated tobacco
based what bf% is built fat
Purely in pictures yes. In person it has an inarguable effect
>thick hands and forearms
never, this is an oldfag thing only as they weren't bombarded by microplastics and birthcontrol tap water during their developmental phases.
us zoomerniggers get to have bitch wrists, barring the very rare outliers
that’s a manual labour body. not surprised no one in this thread could see that. go push wheelbarrows and dig holes for eight or more hours every day for a few years and you will get that thick square fizeek

just stay away from your chain-smoking, drug-abusing, beer-drinking colleagues. worst thing about those jobs is the people, who are usually miserable and broken-down on the inside

farm work may be the most pure of all manual labour.
bs manual labor bodies look like shit
Diet and exercise
What age? Played a lot of video games in teens, big wrists though.
maybe because their diet consists of baloney sandwiches, beer and cheap juice
inbred browncel donkey blabbering.
Holy based.
>no no no its ok because the people we attacked randomly while they were minding their own business are the BAD GUYS! We're the GOOD GUYS so it's not terrorism it's called defending ourselves from a country we aren't even at war with
I bet you also think the good guys have won every single war in history. Grow up.
I miss the days when war was declared just because they felt like it. Post-WW2 there's always a fabricated moral justification.
How? Easy.
Just follow these steps.
>Feel my chest.
>Feel it moving in and out.
>Breathe like me.
>Breathe like me...
He opted for a thicker skeleton in the selection menu
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Yeah, these jews are pretty incoherent.
Be at least 10% neanderthal. If not you are just have to cope with your twink race genetics.
hezbollah is a terrorist organization that is dedicated to attacking israel, such as the rocket attack that hit a druze kids football match recently. of course they're brown inbred muslims so utterly incompetent. so they get rolled in hilarious ways such as with their walkie-talkies.
cry and bitch about it inbred brown donkey.

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