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Opinions on neck bridges?
Literally nothing wrong with them if you do build up to them slowly. Maturing in fitness is realizing there's no such thing as a bad/injurious movement, just people weak at certain movements.

A few years ago the whole "rounding your back will make you a cripple by 30" was in full swing, if you actually train that position with zercher deadlifts and jefferson curls you won't have a problem with your back rounding.
>there's no such thing as a bad/injurious movement, just people weak at certain movements
Mostly true, but you forgot that women exist.
>see zoomettes on Smith cage
>bench under bar
>girl on stomach on said bench
>legs curled back around and up like a scorpion
>bar resting on soles of her feet
>she raises the bar by lifting her feet and butt and bending her spine in the opposite direction its supposed to go
I saw this over a year ago and it's still burned into my mind. I even remember the other totally normal dude seeing it and doing a triple take to believe what he was seeing and then laughing to himself the same way I did.
>>see zoomettes on Smith cage
>>bench under bar
>>girl on stomach on said bench
>>legs curled back around and up like a scorpion
>>bar resting on soles of her feet
>>she raises the bar by lifting her feet and butt and bending her spine in the opposite direction its supposed to go
Like smith machine leg press but lying on the stomach?
If you wrestle and plan on bridging on your neck you should do them. You can get neck gains without them. I've grappled for years and have never done them and my neck is huge and strong as fuck.
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Mike Tyson said they fucked up his neck and if you slip bad you can misppace a disc.
I want to do them as they're what every old-school combat sport uses as well as in primary ashtanga
>there's no such thing as a bad/injurious movement, just people weak at certain movements.

*me and my friends doing 1 set 1 rep to 1RM curb stomps outside the gym*: neat!
go back to insta comment section cocksucker
Yes. You know the way your spine is supposed to bend? They were going the other way.
was she barefoot?
They're good to strengthen your b-ack!
>if only you knew how bad things were
shut up you brown queer
A reversed weighted back bend? If so that's extremely based.
I'm whiter than you or anybody you've ever met, amerimutt
>Mike Tyson said they fucked up his neck
Came here to say this. If you want to do them, build up to it slowly. Not worth the long term damage potential
I used to do them a little when young and I did have a big neck.
Now I would probably break in half, too old for this shit.
Did them for about a year but once you get to ~25 reps progression stalls and unlike most calisthenics movements you can't just move on to a more difficult variant, you're just stuck grinding reps.
Recently bought a neck harness and moved on to weighted neck flexion/extension. Neck flexion feels especially awkward with the harness the first few times but the stimulus for the neck is much better. Neck bridging is more fun though.
Also it's not dangerous at all. Never even had a minor tweak doing those.
are they ever necessary? my neck looks average, I know strong necks are necessary in fight sports, but are they needed if I just want to look good?
Seems they would build neck extensors and at a significant risk, while one would benefit more from doing neck flexions which are pretty safe when you just do them laying on your back and start small weight.
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one way ticket to snap city

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