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What is the GOAT carb source /fit/?
you silly goose you didnt need a thread for that
Bread is the GOAT
Rice for me. Easy to prepare, easy to eat large volumes, easy to digest, relatively calorie dense.
Literally the worst of the bunch.
brown rice its so damn good and certain grain is kinda creamy too so thats dope
Any whole food is good. Although I like potatoes because they're
>More nutritious than rice and pasta
>Very filling
>Low calorie
Enjoy your arsenic poisoning.
>Oats and nuts
Basically trail mix without the salt m&ms and sugar
Oats then pasta. Yes technically (as in micros) it's batata and potato but I just like oats and pasta ok.
I fucking love brown rice bro it's so good
fruit, oj, dates, watermelon, mango, blueberries, strawberries, look and feel my best on these vs potatoes but also like sweet potatoes for micros.
terrible carb sources for long term
if you going for a pre workout type of thing then ok chow down some fruits
You're all addicts. Our ancestors didn't need carbs.
Ancient grains with legumes and meat.
>terrible carb sources for long term
The ketolard has been summoned.
rice and potato's[sic]
just got a bunch of buckwheat
any slavic posters in here?
Cutting: Carrots
Maintenance: potatoes
Bulking: rice
All of them, having a variety diet is better for you than pigeonholing yourself.
Ketoschizo sighting
all of them on a rotation to maximize the variety
Flatbreads and potatoes reign.
Your caveman nigger ancestors were btfo'd by farmers and pastoralists. Carbs are for high civilization, keto is for some nigger tribes in africa, even they aren't keto though.
White rice.
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Based farmboymaxxer
>Carbs are for high civilization
which is full of peasants. Enjoy your filler peasant food and get back to work peasant.
Do you mean presliced store bread? Then yes I agree but homemade bread is fucking King, you swine.
5000 years of rice resulted in the sclerotic east asian man. The steppe and its various peoples existed to tear down civilizations of the ant mound.
I'd rather eat the food of peasants than of fat and sick kings
sweet potatoes
I personally eat wheat to one day overthrow the trannies. Grain chads will rise once again.
Potatoes are best, but I eat rice and pasta more often.
your parents are ketoschizos too?
never, ever eat any kind of seed
apples and other similar fruit I suppose
Endogenously made carbs via gluconeogenesis. No plants required.
my ancestors weren't striving to squat and deadlift 300kg+ like I am
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homebaked rye bread of course!
>Slave army beats Real Men merely by numbers.
Hitler should have known.
Hitler was a vegetarian that liked basedbeans thought that the future Germany he envisioned should be fed on basedbeans.
honey is the answer

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