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You might already be dehydrated.
NOBODY drinks fucking 8-10 glasses. i drink no more than 4. absolutely nobody drinks 8.
You are dehydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses a day.
I drink 4 litres a day.
Weak I go through 2 bottles on the gym alone
Did Big Water come up with this jewish bullshit? Why would I need to drink an arbitrary amount of glasses if I'm not thirsty? Are our bodies retarded according to the government?
>read this
>realize im thirsty
Its over. Go on without me bros
>glasses as a unit of measurement
Why are Amerimutts like this
big water is so insane but real. Capitalism really got us buying water bro what
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Whoa, slow down, goy. Sounding like you've had a bit too much to think!
they are typically a standardized size you massiev egotist
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Smelly dumb Tankie scum
are you talking about tall glasses because thats pretty much exactly the recommendation (8 cups iirc)
burgers live in arid desertland, are morbidly obese and hydrate primarily with corn syrup and cola, as they are beyond retarded niggercattle their gubbermint has to psyop them into drinking water, among other things, so they stop dropping dead
No bottled water snob would drink Dasani.
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These are jews, its actually bad to drink too much water and you piss away your testosterone

Drink LESS, drink when you are actually very thirsty
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Lower blood pressure should reduce the proteinuria too.
RO or distilled water seem to make a difference but I get 2 (up to 10) mOsm/kg in hard water vs 20-800 in pee or 1000 in seawater.
To dispose of 1 osmole of waste with pee at 0.5 OSM/kg you need to drink 2008 g of somewhat hard water vs 2000 g of soft water. I think hard water makes you more thirsty, so you drink more than what the above calculation calls for.
Yeah, haha, thirsty for a hug.
>I'm dying
Reminder that this is bullshit. Drink when your body tells you too. And if you have to force yourself to drink, then you're drinking too much.

This is mostly a 'merican problem. Diabetic have to pee so often they lose too much moisture.
I drink 3-4L easily a day. A glass is 300mL. That's 10-13 glasses.
i oscillate between dehydration and overhydration in the matter of just and hour. no clue what is going on there
>getting mad at people who were warning you about the thing
It's not a human
>12 for growth
No wonder I'm still DYEL, haha...
Im never thirsty, I have to force myself to drink a whole cup of water or milk or I'll be nursing it all day and I don't drink anything else
low carb intake.
Sugars are necessary for the absorption of most electrolytes. There is a reason Keto faggots lose 30lbs of pure water weight and claim it's fat.
Low sugar sources == dehydration. look it up, it's a proven correlation (98%).
Chronic dehydration means low plasma and increases fat thickness in the blood. Which is also why keto faggots all die of heart attacks.
Hydration is everything.
I have dry skin like I feel dehydrated and and my poops are always dry. I dont know, how much water do I really need. Probably drink 3litres a day
Water consumption is a slippery slope as drinking too much dilutes the minerals in your body, so watch out.

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