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/fit/ - Fitness

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Fit i thought you said muscles were for brokies.

Were you faggots lying the whole time?
This roid chad in florida literally owns a lambo
I googled his license plate and Apparently he is a ceo of an ai company
And yet he got rear ended by some retard, lmao.
What else you gonna do when you rich
Workout and take drugs
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All consumption is driven by invidious comparison and mimesis. The reality of wealth has never been in possession of a thing per say, but its possession situated within a broader social structure. In a modern mechanised economy lacking sumptuary laws, pecuniary emulation is easy and within the reach of most people with even a small amount of discretionary spending. And 'poor' people often do spend to appear richer than they are as a form of social mimesis, to reap the benefits of status without its reality. That's why the new forms of social distinction are focused on intrinsic, more difficult to reproduce characteristics such as health and physical appearance. All conspicuous consumption is social proof of excess resources, and that includes the time to work out and the money to sustain it. There's a reason why the upper-end of supermarkets in America are branded around the idea of health rather than decadence. Old rich people emulate the characteristic of youth (of which muscularity is one) past its natural expiration as a form of distinction through expensive medical treatments such as cosmetic surgery and TRT. Muscularity is excess in our modern economy, has a long history in classical aristocratic classes, and as such has taken the form of a modern fashion that can't be as easily mimicked, especially into old age. Ozempic is the latest example of this trend in the aristocracy of health.
Anon, I have a hunch that he’s in Nevada, not Florida.
Did AI wrrite this?
Because they started doing TRT
>Fit i thought you said muscles were for brokies.
Who has ever said that here?
Did you come from /biz/ retard?
Even more thoughtless, a commie.
Muscles used to be associated with brokies back in the 60s 70s 80s and 90s
Roid tranny drug addicts
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Is this how materialists think?
>Oh man look at that Jesus dude
>Oh man what a brokie sad ass dude
>Doesn't even have shoes let's clown him
>per say
Stopped reading there
The only one I know stays in shape so he can fuck the prostitutes he lives with.
thats why Im taking ozempic. Faking being rich has never been easier.
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This is mainly due to nature of fiat currency, it being relative to itself and other. We are in future where humans dont have any natural predators, in which only natural predator to humans is other humans (narcissists, psychopaths, serial killers or anxiety of them is on the rise), which is why socioeconomic situation was created to be "dog eat dog" world. Because otherwise humanity would shrivel up and lose momentum to reach the stars. (ie. google "rat utopia experiment")

It is natural progression of oversocialization. Don't worry, we will get ourselves broken again and in need of rebuilding. Truth is not created through comparison. There is objective truth in our reality.
>Why are a lot of rich old men in america jacked nowadays?
Because they can.
They want to impress others

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