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Humans are carnivorous apex predators.
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Do you hunt in Walmart, Costco or Target?
something about sensitive balls
Friendly Reminder: Carnies never post body
carnivorous is if you literally can not digest plants, like cats.
We literally are.
So, cows are carnivorous?
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checked, still you know how to read?
chew your food retard
That's a lion.
If I swallow a piece of chicken without chewing it, it'll come out my ass undigested?
You'll never know until you do it, so I encourage you to try and find out.
That's what I thought
So why are you still posting here and not busy deep throating a chicken wing, including bone.
Your mom wants me to keep you busy so you don't interrupt us ;)
That’s why we have canine teeth. The strongest and fertile males eat meat.
Lmao, what is that picture? Something about it makes it seem obscene, but I can't tell what it's showing.
It's armpit fetish porn
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I got it, it's a sonic character showing their armpit.
But cats can eat digest carbs. Just not a lot. And cows can eat meat too.
Why cats eat plants
Cats may eat plants for a variety of reasons, including:

Instinct: Cats' ancestors ate plants while hunting, and this behavior has persisted in domestic cats.

Exploration: Cats are curious and may chew on plants to explore and play.

Stress relief: Cats may eat plants for entertainment or stress relief if they're bored or anxious.

Many common houseplants and garden plants are toxic to cats, and can cause mild skin irritation or serious gastrointestinal issues.

How to prevent poisoning
To keep your cat safe, you can:

Research which plants are toxic to cats before bringing them into your home.

Keep toxic plants out of your cat's reach, such as on a high shelf or in a closed-off room.

Check the ASPCA's Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant database.

Edible plants for cats
Some plants that are safe for cats include:

Spider plant

Wandering Jew

Christmas cactus


Maidenhair fern



Prayer plants

Parlour palm

Sword fern
Friendly reminder, you will never post body.
Post body
>Humans are omnivorous apex predators.
You exchange money for goyslop.
>including bone
I guess that’s why hyenas developed strong enough jaws to crush bones that other carnivores leave behind
Because those carnivores are actually vegetarians that confused a zebra with a tomato, you moron
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>apex predators
i think we’re more so apex engineers. we can’t go toe to toe with a gorilla, but we are devils at engineering tools to trap, stab, crush, and shoot our prey. this does not take away from the fact that vegans and other virgintarians are massively GAY.
>Anime fag is crab
Same as it ever was.
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We are not, we have a natural revulsion eating carcasses and raw meat in general. If you were a carnivore you'd see a carcass and be like ''delicious'', instead the overwhelmingly majority of people seeing a carcass will feel disgust, except for a few mentally ill individuals like those youtubers who eat raw meat for views while grimacing like hell (because it's disgusting and not natural to us)
Um actually I buy my food from the supermarket
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>revulsion to carcasses

Speak for yourself. I worked in a slaughter house and meat looks as delicious as ever.
Ok eat it raw now, of course you don't you hypocrite. Also a lot of people who work in slaughterhouses develop PTSD, you don't see lions develop PTSD because they killed too many gazelles
I have eaten it raw. I just don't like it cold. I would eat the thing alive if I could.
Yeah they do. You're just confusing them with normal people because everyone eats meat except you.
Plus nobody I knew at the abattoir got PTSD. That's just something vegans with no experience make up.
It's incredible how many ducking faggot retard soi boi Romans there were.
>Look man you may be big and buff but what about bull
>Look man you don't have any sharp teeth so you can't eat meat
Truly a society.
Post your carnivore teeth
>no body
Of course
Post your body hypocrite. Prove your point right here and now.
>still no body
This post makes literally no sense in any way
>still no body
+99% of people eat meat. You're part of a small minority with this particular dietary restriction.
Why would anyone admit it to your face
I worked at an animal hospital and one of my jobs was to bag the euthanized animals after the owners left. I'm not traumatized by it, but vets have a very high suicide rate, being the ones responsible for putting down the animals, most of which could be saved, but the owners can't afford the surgery so the animal gets euthanized. I understand getting numb, but normal empathetic people will develop psychological issues if their job requires killing things multiple times every day. Slaughterhouse workers are more likely to abuse children, and it's not a mystery why.
I ddidnt ask, and your comment in no way addresses my statement
Bullshit. You know the truth is it's fucking mundane. Once you see it day in day out it means nothing to you. Just a job. Nobody goes hope crying about. Plus a pet is a world apart from life stock. I would be hurt if my dog died.
See how subjective it is? I was completely unaffected dealing with dead cats and dogs all day. It was just a job and I had a lot to get through. I didn't know the animals, and it was, in a weird way, annoying waiting for the owners to finish crying and leave so I could do my job (the longer you wait, the more shit and piss leaks out everywhere, which makes bagging harder). At the same time, if one of my chickens (that I only have for eggs) were to die, I would be as crushed as I would be if my own cat or dog died. You learn their personalities and they become like friends. At a slaughterhouse, you don't have that opportunity, so they are reduced to objects, like pets were for me at the hospital.
At the same time, it's disingenuous to ignore the studies I posted. Just because it didn't effect you doesn't mean that the job doesn't have an increased correlation to psychological problems.
If you don't believe in killing animals then of course working in a slaughter is going to mess you up. This LM guy is fucking stupid. It sucks for him picking the wrong career but it isn't the slaughter house that is giving him PTSD is the contradiction in his ethics.
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Humans cannot digest plants. We literally do not have the required organs to do that.
Fiber is extremely harmful to our digestive system and should be avoided at all costs.
>t. has never studied anthropology.
Our pre-human ancestors engaged in scavenging for literally millions of years. This is what gave us our highly acidic stomach. Our stomach pH is lower than any other primate. It's almost as low as vultures and hyenas. This behavior only stopped due to the invention of the spear, after which we could subdue live prey.
Enjoy your diarrhea

>Almost as low as vultures
You are genuinely retarded, what Facebook post did you get this from
A difference of 1 or 2 in pH is not a small difference. You have the same stomach acidity as other omnivores if you are healthy.
If you are correct, then go ahead and eat a rotten carcass and see how well your stomach can kill that bacteria, then report back
You can literally eat fermented meat. Lots of people do it. It's also important to note that the type of bacteria that grow in aerobic environments is different to those that grow in anaerobic environments. The aerobic ones are safer for us, which is more evidence of ancient scavenger behavior.
Please tell me: how many raw potatoes have you eaten? How many raw grains? How much raw green stuff that you found outside?
Before you say "but I can eat raw broccoli and other produce just fine", remember those are recent inventions, and you STILL don't get enough calories from them to sustain life.
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Cats are dumb as shit, my stupid ass cat just ate a whole ass feather. Not a bird, a feather.
>You have the same stomach acidity as other omnivores if you are healthy.
This is objectively false, and you've obviously not bothered to look it up. Chimpanzees and pigs, which are both actually omnivorous in the wild, have a higher stomach pH.
Lol, I worked in catering for a while, ran a Subway joint. You know what is the most dangerous fucking thing on the menu? What would send people to the porcelain throne all the damned time, me included, before I learned better?

The salad. The fucking greens. That shit was DISGUSTING. I quickly learned to never touch that shit. The meat was good for days after the sell by date, and never caused issues, even the chicken. If we ever overstocked on chicken, we wouldn't throw it out, we'd just put a new sticker on, lol. But the fucking greens? They would often come in spoiled and slimy, and never lasted to their sell by date, we'd waste tons of the stuff all the time.

The bread was always fresh tho. So, if you for some reason ever have to eat in Subway, just get the beef and cheese sammich. It's actually decent. Another good one is the Christmas sub, no idea if they still do it, it had cranberry sauce in it, delicious. If we stocked it year round, it would be the only thing I'd be eating there.

But don't eat in Subway, its absolutely grimy
>Subway salad
so the next time I eat 2 euro döner kebap and shit my gut out I know what's to blame.
>difference in 1 or 2 ph is not a small difference

Yes, you retard, its a logarithmic scale. And humans have the ph of scavenger animals. Lower than lions or other cats, closer to hyenas and vultures. It's established fact.

Current thinking is, we became scavengers before we became hunters. We'd eat what the lions didn't- there's been a study showing that a lion pride leaves a looot of meat and bones behind. We'd use rocks to get to the bone marrow, something lions just can't do.

Personally, I prefer a ribeye, but bone marrow is delicious.
Absolutely. It's ALWAYS the produce, almost never the meat. You can smell meat if its off, unless its completely drowned in spices. Which is one more reason not to eat in kebab shops, btw.
I thought it was the atlatl, desu. Once we learned how to throw shit, it was game over. Evolutionary race won, thanks for playing everyone.
The uhhh... the atlatl first requires a spear, anon.
Yeah, but that was the gamechanger, not the spear. And an atlatl is more of a dart than a spear, desu

Eh, its details I guess.
do you know what fruit is
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Do you not know what wild fruit looks like? Like all the green stuff in stores, the fruits have been modified over time to be bigger than what's found in nature. You cannot live on modern fruit. You will literally become malnourished and die. The nutrients that are supposedly in fruit are locked away in the cellulose, indigestible fiber.
In all the time you've spent hiking, how much fruit have you seen? Could it keep you alive?
People who eat more plants and fiber tend to be healthier and live longer than those who don't :^)

>Higher intakes of fruit and vegetables were associated with lower mortality

>Fruit and vegetable intakes were associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and all-cause mortality.

>Higher total fruit, vegetable, and legume intake was inversely associated with major cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular mortality, non-cardiovascular mortality, and total mortality

>This meta-analysis provides further evidence that a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality, particularly cardiovascular mortality.

>This prospective study suggests that a higher cruciferous vegetables intake is associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality.

>Our findings support recommendations to increase consumption of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, and fruit to promote cardiovascular health and overall longevity.

>Consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cancers, and depression.

>Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence that high intake of CV was inversely associated with the risk of CRC and colon cancer in humans.
Meta-analyses are literally garbage. They prove absolutely nothing.
they're the only thing that matters
Nah, the only thing of value we have when it comes to human nutrition is archaeology.

That shows without a shadow of a doubt that humans have evolved to eat meat and fat, with really negligeable amounts of fibrous tubers and mushrooms and such, over more than 2 million years. I mean it, its not even a discussion at this point, stable isotope analysis of human remains is conclusive about that.

We're hypercarnivores, defined as a species that is supposed to eat over 70% of its food in the form of other animals. We have been hypercarnivores even before we became human, for quite a long time. A good argument could be made that we're the most carnivorous mammals on Earth, with a clear preference for fat instead of protein, but that's details at this point.

Meta analyses are worth less than the paper they were written on, nothing about that shit is more scientific than reading tea leaves. You'd know that if you knew a thing or two about statistics, hazard ratios, p values, and confounders.
>muh ancestors
>muh evolution
you're dumb. people who eat more vegetables live longer and are healthier.
>statistics, hazard ratios, p values, and confounders
These things are controlled for. Amazing you think you're smarter than the scientists doing these studies. You're just parroting retarded youtubers saying
>Nah, the only thing of value we have when it comes to human nutrition is archaeology.
>Animals - Because they were more readily available, lean small game animals were the main animals eaten. As per some estimates, animal products contributed to only about 3% of the whole diet. Animals had not yet been domesticated so dairy products were most likely not included.

So you're completely full of shit.
inb4 jew/goy/shill
inb4 discounting evidence and citing kook sources instead
>you're dumb. people who eat more vegetables live longer and are healthier.
Any explanation beyond some bullshit nutritional epidemiological studies?
I probably am, desu. And you CAN'T control for SHIT in those studies, because they're all questionnaires, for Gods sake. "What amount of red meat did you eat over the last year? Mhm, yes, pizza counts as red meat"

It's preposterous. And you're ridiculous, done here.

And of course you trot that bullshit out.

The mean mass of a land mammal went from half a ton to 10kg around 10k years ago, lmao. The animals we had available during most of our history were megafauna. In quantities and numbers that would boggle your mind. The very reason we had to get to farming was because our main food source went dry. Probably partly because we hunted it to extinction, is my pet theory

Anyway, its clear you don't argue in good faith. Protip- spewing out studies is the new midwit filter. I just lose all respect to any moron who still thinks whoever throws around more studies wins. Look up the replication crisis, and for Gods sake try to extrapolate from there, if you're even capable of it.

No. That's all those idiots have. I mean it man, just treat anyone posting studies like a retarded child, and you won't be far off.

I bet you are a manlet like Joe Rogan, it's always the insecure manlets who overcompensate with "muh meat" thinking it will make them more manly. Sorry, you are still a puny creature no matter how much meat you eat or jujitsu you train
The problem with meta-analyses are that the biases of the individual studies are then compounded by the bias of the people compiling the meta-analysis. They're effectively opinion pieces. They're less valuable than the individual studies.
>you're dumb. people who eat more vegetables live longer and are healthier
t. has never heard of Sardinia
>I just lose all respect to any moron who still thinks whoever throws around more studies wins. Look up the replication crisis, and for Gods sake try to extrapolate from there, if you're even capable of it.
>inb4 discounting evidence and citing kook sources instead
called it
6'2, actually.

Anyway, as I said, you aren't arguing in good faith. You're just a fanatic. Who cares what you say.
>And you CAN'T control for SHIT in those studies
You actually can, because they are looking at averages over time which are pretty easy to recall. Studies have been done comparing the accuracy of questionnaires with actual pre-determined meal plans and they are pretty close. You don't have any actual evidence that people can't recall what they eat on a general basis accurately.
> pizza counts as red meat
Yes there is red meat on pizza. They can adjust for how much red meat is on pizza and add it to total red meat intake. Not doing so would be dishonest about red meat consumption.

I don't need to. Human outcome data is literally all that matters. You can come up with all the hypotheses and theories that you want, but at the end of the day people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer.
Epidemiological studies based around food frequency questionnaires are not evidence. A meta-analysis of said food frequency questionnaires is not-evidence squared. You pick up a turd on the street, you have a turd in your hand. You pick up a hundred, and its still all shit. It doesn't magically transform into a bouquet of daisies if you do some statistical chickanery on it. Controlling for variables, lmao.

You're absolutely hopeless.
>human outcome data is literally all that matters

Well fuck me, we agree on something!

Pure carnivores seem to have the best outcomes in my experience. And by now, I know many long-term carnivores. We'll see over the next couple decades how it goes long term, but that's a bet I'm willing to take, with the data I have now.

Exciting times, honestly. You're, of course, welcome to your rabbit food.
Oh, and before you start sperging about your studies again, refer to >>75151606

Not evidence. There is no evidence for any of your claims. None at all.
Milk is delicious and so is yogurt and berries. I eat whatever I want haha. You science nerds are hilarious.
>Despite changes in the food supply and in eating behaviors over time, the findings comparing nutrients calculated from the SFFQ with those from weighed diet records almost exactly replicated the findings reported from our 1986 validation study

Food frequency questionnaires have been validated several times and are almost always mostly accurate compared to perfectly tracking and weighing. Feel free to provide evidence that there is something wrong with them, which you won't. You really need to be more humble with things you know little about. You're not smarter than every dietary organization in the world.

Nice anecdotes. All the carnivores I know are on their death bed
>Nice anecdotes. All the carnivores I know are on their death bed
Sounds like BS to me. I've never met anyone besides myself that's been on a carnivore diet, so I find it highly unlikely that you know any AND they're "on their deathbed".
I've met quite a few frail effeminate vegans, though.
and I hope you love it for that <3
Whoa so you're saying anecdotes are unreliable? damn man so controversial
Your pict related is particularly retarded. On zero carb fat is your source of energy, you need like 70% of your calories from fat. I doubt he was anywhere near that. Also you're supposed to eat organ meats as well, liver in particular, but really all of them.

Zero carb/carnivore (and (raw) veganism, fruitarianism, etc. as well) are still retarded extremist diets, but if done properly are all "liveable" diets, despite the antics of ill informed retards looking for attention online.
beef and eggs, it's all you need
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>bro you think you're an herbivore? Go eat out of your garden with your teeth in the dirt like the humble cow, shit where you stand, savor the grubs. If you can't eat your corn raw, straight from the stalk, husk and all, your disgust at your habit is clear
do you actually think this way?
Well, I would add water and salt to that, lel
Have you met modern vegans? They probably do think like that, at least some of them.

It is hilarious tho, you have to put far more effort into making grain edible than a steak. Modern fruit is all human-made, anyone with half a brain understands that by now. 10k years ago, before we started hybridizing and breeding plants for purpose, it would take a shitload of effort to make them even marginally edible, and before we figured out grain the net caloric yield from all those barely edible plants must've been absolutely pitiful. It's a wonder we survived once the megafauna died off, really.
Humans are omnivorous apex predators.Unless you'd rather be some pussy ass big cat instead of the chad bear. That's okay you just are ngmi.
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Association studies are literally worthless.
You can fabricate statistical correlations between whatever two things you want to.
They only exist as propaganda to convince brainlets to do stupid shit that harms them.

But plantbrains are too stupid to understand this. In a way, you deserve what you're doing to yourself.
You're a moron and confusing correlation with association. As I said in >>75151470
They control for confounding factors. Meaning controlling for age, gender, socioeconomic status and healthy user bias vegetables and fruit still improved health compared to people who ate less vegetable and fruit.

And your picture is even more retarded. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. All cases of "low cholesterol" are from genetic disorders. Post actual evidence that people who have low dietary cholesterol suffer from low cholesterol and have those symptoms, not carnivore blog Infograph's.
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>Ok eat it raw now, of course you don't you hypocrite
I have been literally eating raw meat for several years already.
Every single **uncontacted** tribe that is discovered eats almost nothing but raw meat.
Keyword: UNCONTACTED. Whenever you see tribesmen on your TV it's always tribes that have been known for centuries and have been harassed into not eating raw meat anymore.
Millions of people all over the world eat some form of raw meat every single day (tartare, sashimi, mett, carpaccio, etc.).

Raw meat is the natural human diet. Simple as. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, and zero experience in this topic.
>They control for confounding factors.
No, they don't. These studies are made for political reasons and serve as propaganda.
As with anything that promotes eating any kind of plant as healthy.
>Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs.
No, it doesn't. Vegan plantbrain cope.
>All cases of "low cholesterol" are from genetic disorders.
we literally have the best of all worlds. if you are white and evropean you are literally the most advanced and most evolved creature ever to walk the earth
>Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs.
Gluconeogenesis. Our bodies make all the glucose we need. No need to eat carbohydrates.
If you were a carnivore you would be eating dead pigeons you saw in the streets, in fact if you were a carnivore you would be eating animals that are still alive trashing and kicking in your mouth. You can larp as much as you want thinking you are edgy, you are just an unsecure manlet overcompensating with activities you think will make you more ''manly'' (they won't, you are still and will always be a manlet). Now if you want to excuse me, I have some delicious lentils to cook. 184 cm vegetarian chad signing off
nice strawman, jeet
Eight of the items in the "human" column are wrong. What retard made this infographic?
>If you were a carnivore you would be eating dead pigeons you saw in the streets, in fact if you were a carnivore you would be eating animals that are still alive trashing and kicking in your mouth.
>Now if you want to excuse me, I have some delicious lentils to cook. 184 cm vegetarian chad signing off

If you were a vegetarian you would just eat the lentils without cooking them.
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>Human outcome data is literally all that matters. You can come up with all the hypotheses and theories that you want, but at the end of the day people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer.
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I prefer to hunt people at the gym.
Wait until bro hears about what half of most cat food is made of. They just can't process enough protein, nutrients, and amino acids from it to stay healthy. They still absorb a lot calories. You know what other species can't effectively absorb most of the nutrients found in plants? Humans. Vitamin A in plants is 100x less absorbable than that found in meat. Similar number for vitamin c and vitamin b. Meat is meant to be the primary food source and when you eat plants it should be filled with antioxidants to prevent them from causing inflammation through out your body.
Have you ever tried eating raw lentils? Probably not.
If you can't eat a food raw, then it could not possibly be part of your species natural diet.
Humans can safely eat the raw meat of large herbivorous animals if the meat is fresh. Shoot a cow or a deer and you cut off and eat any bit of muscle you want safely. Even the tongue.
>an animal (such as a dog, fox, crocodile, or shark) that feeds primarily or exclusively on animal matter
No. A carnivore is any animal that relies mostly on animal foods. Many carnivores can and do eat some plants.
Imagine trusting infographics. If any movement has the kind of money behind it to make propaganda and send out shills then I have zero trust in it.
What’s the point in this thread
>countries with the highest amount of vegetarians
It does, you just don't like hearing it.
still made of protein
maybe they just wanted some extra cysteine
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>You science nerds are hilarious.
does this compensate for the fact that if you eat more of one food then you eat less of another?
people who eat fruits also have the mindfulness to buy healthy meals and not drink 4 beers a night with a sloppy frozen lasagna
>edible plants for cats
>wandering jew
Any catbros here to explain this?
>Meanwhile all the keto shills are writing books, selling supplements and steaming ok YouTube
Lol ok
>Raw meat is the natural human diet. Simple as. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, and zero experience in this topic.

Why do we and every other homo ______ have molars, and carnivorous animals like cats and snakes don't?
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Humans were scavengers that were unable to kill many things until weaponry.
We got by on nuts and plants and other things.
We're natural-born bottom feeders who got lucky with a brain.
>Gluconeogenesis. Our bodies make all the glucose we need. No need to eat carbohydrates.
I think op will have a bigger problem eating raw meat and organs. Want to see him try that for a week ngl.
Stop arguing with people who have a bias and ddont listen to logic
why should we listen to logic?
Humans are omnivores and are not apex predators; the animals you posted in the image for example are above humans in the food chain. What a stupid and pointless thread you've made here. What a dumb fuck you are.
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>If you were a carnivore you would be eating dead pigeons you saw in the streets,
People actually do that when there's a famine. We don't do that now because food is plentiful, and we are social creatures and have social rules.
In my country, after a terrible war we had in the past century, people actually ate pigeons and basically anything they could find.

An entire generation then grew up being forced into a plant-based - almost vegan - diet, mostly composed of legumes and grains due to food scarcity.
The people that grew in that time, now being 70-80 years old, 90% of them are midgets, have had health and developmental problems (small recessed jaws, poor eyesight) their entire lives.

Every single time I go outside, and I see one of these elderly people, I see living proof of what plant-based diets do to people.
So, no, nobody is going to believe your tale of being a tall and ripped gigachad. Not even the most brainwashed vegan.
That could only be possible if you were raised on an animal-based diet and foolishly converted to veganism much later in life.

I utterly despise every single one of you people, dishonestly pushing this death cult of veganism onto others on the Internet. Many people have died or killed their children with veganism because of people like you.
Know that you deserve everything that happens to you because of your diet, and I wish you even worse.
Nobody cares who you despise and who you wish ill on. Just by announcing that kind of thing, you're saying that you have no power in the world, you're just impotent and seething. You should probably kill yourself.
I will keep living on, for much longer than any of you limp-wristed vegans ever will.
>Modern fruit is all human-made, anyone with half a brain understands that by now.
Wild strawberries are more delicious than farmed strawberries. But you need like 30 wild strawberries to equal the size of a modern farmed strawberry.
>Humans were scavengers that were unable to kill many things until weaponry.
Look at this prophet.
You dont need prophecy for obvious facts
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>Modern fruit is all human-made
Yeah bro tell me about all those wild corn eating cows that inject themselves with growth hormone
Ok go ahead and eat the carcasses of the pigeons you see in the streets if you think that's so much better than eating legumes, be my guest, of course you won't do it because it causes you revulsion since you are not a carnivore. And I'm not a vegan retard, I'm a vegetarian, I don't believe in extremes one way or the other. And I'm tall unlike you unsecure Joe Rogan-lite manlets who go on fad diets like ''keto'' or ''raw meat'' because you are manlets trying to overcompensate. Go to your jujitsu class now, manly man(let)
Nice anecdote, you have any supporting documented evidence for this besides nebulous nonspecifics
Humans have always used weapons. The earliest examples of full on weapons dates back 500,000 years. The earliest examples of stone tools date back to 3.3 million years. You can be sure that our ancestors were bashing things with stones by that point. The genus Homo wasn't even a thing back then.

The homo genus appeared around 2.5 - 2 million years ago. Homo sapiens appeared around 300,000 years ago.

Human ancestors have been using weapons before they lost their body hair even.
Everyone ITT is wrong, if you unironically believe the evolution lies about humans gradually going from ape to man you are a retard. Maybe your ancestors were apes that fed on carcasses but my ancestors built civilizations around the world and all civilizations are agrarian by their very nature. No civilization can develop without becoming the master of nature. The ones who build civilization are the top dogs, not the caveman niggers living in the stone age.
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humans are omnivorous hunter gatherers retard. the advent of large scale commercial-type animal husbandry and agriculture hasn't been around long enough to change that much either

the healthiest people eat a BALANCED FUCKING DIET. holy shit. FUCK you retarded faggots.

>eggs (at least 1 a day, the WHOLE EGG obviously)
>organ meat at about half to 2/3rds the amount of regular meat
>dairy - specifically shitloads of milk
>whole grains
>vegetables - cruciferous, roots, tubers, etc, everything you can get your hands on
>fruits - again, anything you can get your hands on
>fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, stank ass cheese, vinegar peppers, olives, etc. eat a LOT of this too
>and cook it all only in butter, lard, tallow, or legitimate olive oil


anybody telling you otherwise is literally some fad diet shill, some name brand fastfood slop shill, or some kind of arnie-tier sociopath deliberately hoping to see you fuck yourself over so they can get ahead of you. heed my fucking advice or suffer you faggots

obligate carnivore - carnivore - omnivore - herbivore - obligate herbivore
very few animals are actually obligate herbivores, as many herbivores are surprisingly totally fine with supplementing their diet with whatever they can catch or stumble upon. horses in particular - i'm sure most people here have seen the webm of one hoovering up a baby chicken. obligate carnivores also aren't as common as you think - many predators get their "greens" from the already mostly digested stomach contents of their prey
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My personal observation and anecdotes are -unironically- worth more than your scientific studies.
You trust scientists lamenting shortcomings in science to say science doesn't work when what you're doing there is highlighting one of the mechanisms keeping science credible... You're not very bright.
Brighter than anyone parroting institutional propaganda points.
Nope. You believe all research reaching institutional scientific consensus level of credibility must be wrong and then make a illogical idiot leap to proclaiming opposite must be true without any evidence of your own to support that. That's double-dumb.
So no then
If humans were carnivorous we wouldn't have survived for so long. We survived because we are omnivorous and a wide range of foods we can eat. You can choose to eat only meat if that's what you want but claiming humans are a carnivorous species is retarded.

Plus, hunting is easy now that we have guns but for most of human existence we were not apex predators. Much like lions we heavily relied on numbers to be able to hunt and survive other predators but we were also prey. Like when hyenas catch a couple of lions that don't have/are far from their pride and bag them. Orcas are apex predators, they do not have any rivals in their environment, they are absolutely dominant. Lions have a lot of competition and get stomped quite often by other social animals and bigger, stronger animals
We are omnivorous apex predators, which is what makes us superior to strictly carnivorous predators, OP; our adaptability to our environments and our (comparatively) large brains are a consequence of our omnivorous diets.
sperm whale claps orcas
are there any other animals that eat balanced diets?
stopped reading this quote when he started talking about human digestion
we have very low stomach PH
more acidic than wolves and other predators, closer to scavengers
Some ant spicies grow mushrooms, keep lice herds that they milk regularly and eat a very balanced diet compost of meats and fruits. They love eggs but cannot access them usually if not in captivity
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Op says this disregarding the fact he fell victim to tranny traps two times already. You was the prey, OP, you was the prey
What you mean is obligata carnivores like cats, owls, bears, some canids. It's the will die if no meat long term camp
We’re literally omnivorous. Unless you eat 100 percent raw unprocessed corpse don’t compare urself 2 lions
>sperm whale claps orcas
>The most common natural predator of sperm whales is the orca (killer whale)
The whole section is basically about the extent orcas prey on sperm whales. Spoiler: It's a lot.
Are you actually retarded enough to be influenced by this ? Or is you social circle so baseded you believe this? People like raw meats, fucking raw cold fish sushi is popular as fuck.

People love to gnaw meat and sinew from bone... Have you like been to a chicken wing place? Or had Spareribs? Or Turkey roast? Bone broths soup? Tomahawk steaks?

Reality does not match this mental illness post. There is no aversion to raw meat and bone. People love looking a raw steak and salivate over it.. why do you think the products have windows so you can see the stuff?
>Ok eat it raw now
Are you eating lentils raw?
>they do not have any rivals in their environment, they are absolutely dominant
they run from bull sperm whales. they only attack female and young sperm whales because they are betas
holy this girl looks auschwitzmaxxed
Why dont you live in a cave naked? Why are you using a computer? What other animal does that?
Your logic is terrible.
Yes she is anorexic
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.
Go back
>Do you have a source on that?
>A source. I need a source.
>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
>You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
>Do you have a degree in that field?
>A college degree? In that field?
>Then your arguments are invalid.
>No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
>Correlation does not equal causation.
>You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
>Nope, still haven't.
>I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.
sitting on a computer is bad for you albeit
>I have some delicious lentils to cook. 184 cm vegetarian chad signing off
Gayest post on /fit/ right now
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Lmao, those facebook posts are mostly psyop attempts by vegans. Not even joking, I've seen anon accounts do it a dozen times in carni groups. I've met plenty of carnivores both online and irl by now, shit like that just doesn't happen. The worst side effects are usually the shits if you just go zero carb overnight, and they go away in short order.

The other kind of people experiencing issues are, well, people with a lot of issues. People don't start a super strict elimination diet because they feel just fine and dandy. Most people coming to carnivore are sick, some are dying. Most get better, many are no longer dying after a relatively short time. But some are too far gone.

Recently there was an interview about a lady who went carnivore at 64 due to longstanding heart issues, and had a heart attack at 69. The vegetarded doctor used it as an example of why the diet is bad, lmao. What caused the heart attack? Her diet for the last 5 years, or the 64 years prior?
>>whole grains
>>vegetables - cruciferous, roots, tubers, etc, everything you can get your hands on
>>fruits - again, anything you can get your hands on
There is nothing wrong with these foods for most people implicitly, but well they get sprayed with a shit ton of poison in a lot of countries including the USA while they are growing or during harvest. If you don't get these from a high quality source then you are probably just going to end up poisoning yourself with pesticides and herbicides. I am particularly sensitive to this stuff so until I can movie into the EU or somewhere else with decent food regulations I am just going to avoid them and eat nothing but meat.
Well put
>What caused the heart attack? Her diet for the last 5 years, or the 64 years prior?
>jimmy pushes billy off the cliff
>its Billy's own fault because he walked to the edge of the cliff
Go back to your skibidi toilet compilations, sonny. This board is for adults.
This is how vegetards actually think, btw, unironically.

Getting heart disease is not anything like walking up to a cliff, its freediving off a cliff. Once plaque is established, you're already in trouble.
Holy shit you're retarded
Upset much
Before the covid vax and children were having heart attacks, my cousin had a heart attack at age 42. Only person I ever met who would eat jelly beans as a snack watching TV. He's in his 50's now and I'm trying to talk him out of eating potato chips while he watches TV.
The wonders of modern medicine.

Before I figured all this shit out, I used to drink and smoke a shitton. I did all the necessary tests for heart and the like after a couple years of reasonable eating and fasting, and came out golden. No evidence of atheroma, no inflammation, nothing. And I REALLY went hard. So fixing damage is possible. A heart attack is still a heart attack tho, so I wouldn't expect miracles, even if he does change course.

But at 50, he probably won't, sorry to say.
>He can never wash his face in the sink.
That must drive him mad.
Long tongue, anon. My cats constantly get all fucked up in food, but clean themselves fine.

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