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What causes the desi belly and why is it so common among Indian men in particular?
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eating too much, /thread
Thinly veiled Indian hate thread no #8980124 btw, anon. this shit gets old
>inb4 post hands
>inb4 calm down rajesh
>inb4 post hand Rajesh
Why are u so insecure?
Too much fat and carbs, too little protein.
I'm half beaner half white and i have a big belly
Mutts are allways dysgenic cattle, beaners evenmore so
Inferior genetics. Daily reminder that indian men AND women are white cock crazy and love smoking white cocks
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I'm all for scientific racism, but this is just bullshit (if you look at the obesity index by country, Indian people are not obese). They have a myriad of other things going against them, when it comes to dating in a globalized world (short height, inbreeding and recessive diseases, darker skin tones in a world that preferences lighter skin, wider noses (in the South and East of India at least) in a world where thin noses are prefered, etc...)

Being "skinny fat" is not a race-thing. It's a eating too much and not exercising thing.

You can argue that some vegetarian cultures have diets that can result in bloating or inflammation, but that doesn't work either ... what fat people keep trying to excuse on "bloat" or "inflammation" or "water retention" or blah blah ... is just being fat.
>"skinny fat syndrome"
bruh that pajeet is straight up obese
there is nothing skinny about him
except probably his dick
eat less curry saar
Such a disgusting species…
sorry, my bad, i didnt intend to make it thinly veiled.
>thinly veiled
That's where you're wrong you loo dodger.
No protein, food has too much butter/oil
Too much carbs and to little protein.

Im not a ketofag but indians eat way to much carbs
Same with spics. Tortillas stuffed with cheese for every single meal. Mexican women are some of roundest in the world. And they have fat faces which is the weirdest part. Asians and spics store a lot of fat in their faces.
they are too lazy to get in shape
low test but lots of men look like this nowadays not just jeets
Low test, high carbs, low protein, sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunate combination of poor genetics, poor diet and poor lifestyle. This is why you never see indians excelling in sports, body building or lifting.

However, I do respect the indians that lift consistently. They've got to put in almost twice the work to develop muscle.
>if you look at the obesity index by country, Indian people are not obese
Hard to get obese when you can only afford rotti and lentil slop
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Based. So tired of this tedious Shit, and I’m white
You can tell it’s newfags trying to fit in and. Faggots who aren’t even from Canada complaining about Indians too

Reeks of newfaggotry
Is this really skinny fat? Looks like a regular fat guy to me
We're getting those subhuman cockroaches outside of Canada too, you know.

No amount of Indian hate is enough. It will never be enough. They all need to go.

As to OP, its because they've evolved to experience multiple famines in the course of a year, lmao. They're just not adapted to eating all the time. Indians NEED to fast to stay healthy, and often. It doesn't help that their "traditional" diet consists of seed oils and the most processed carby shit imaginable. You ever see them make milk tea? That shit has more sugar than milk. They eat TONS of vegetable fats and sugar. That's all there is to it.
Bullshit, Sukhdeep. I actually talked to an Indian doctor about this. Take an Indian and a White man, feed them the same diet, and the Indian WILL develop heart disease 15 years earlier. It absolutely is genetic. They COULD counteract it by eating in a way congruent with their genetics, but they never will- it would require them to give up sugar and vegetable oils. Even their ghee is half seed oils, they love that shit
Yeah that's just fat.
Eating too much and not exercising over an extended period of time. Also that jeet isn't skinny fat, he's just plain fat
Just make one for timmycels. The white incel phenotype.
liver fat
choline deficiency causes it
absent in vegetarian diet
indians dont eat meat .. 3.5 kg per capita per year vs 100 kg jn usa.. lots and lots of anti fat stuff is missing from Indian diet tha comes from meat

>t. Indian vegetarian

but being vegetarian is necessary or people die soon in new age
India will be super power after 2027
Pajeets produce more shit and gas than any other human being. Their bodies need room for them to squat down naked on the middle of the road and spray blood red diarreha for half an hour.
that jigga just fatfat
>why is it so common among Indian men in particular?
White guys who look like OP are fucking everywhere in America, it's the basic redneck trucker body.
Tasty AF high carb vegetarian diets cooked by your desi mommy and then desi wife...
Bloody fuck you bastard bitch
>this shit gets old
I don't think hating indians ever gets old
>High carb vegetarian/semi vegetarian diet with very little protein
>Needlessly sceptical of even the most basic health supplements like vitamins and protein powder
>Echos of their caste system have created a culture where most middle class Indians subconsciously think physical exertion is "beneath" them
>Generally very impatient, they want quick results and give up easily if they don't loose ten pounds a week
>Collectivist family structure leads to almost all of them (except for teenagers and maybe those in their early 20s) being too busy with family matters to come to the gym consistently
And last but not least
>Most of them work IT or some other desk job and spend all day sitting

Honestly the only ones worse off are Muslims, which have all of the issues listed above plus the ultimate gains killer that is Ramadan. Seriously how do you niggas go a who month without drinking during the day? Y'all are from the fucking desert.
A critical lack of beef in their diet.
High carb, low protein vegetarian diets.
Calm down Poojeet.
Calm down sanjay, it's all banter.
England had this problem 60 years beforr canada.
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ok poojeet.
again retard this guy was never in jail, stop posting this image
Fat is good though
short for jigger
>women's genitalia
I have never dated a woman who didn't have pink genitals.
>Skinny fat
That's just fat fat.
Beaners eat the same high carb, high fat, low cheap protein diet, where their gut in one giant fermentation vat, that makes their stomachs protrude.

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