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am I crazy or are bench press a shitty chest work out? I swear I get better results with just push ups
I main line dips and ditched bench.
I somehow lift much more on weighted push ups than bench press
Bench is the ultimate ego lift.
Nobody gives a shit about your squat or deadlift outside of other heavy lifters, and normies don't even know what an OHP or row is. But a big bench, that'll get eyes on you.
why is that why do people care about bench so much? like how often are you even in this position for it to be a practical lift?
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If you really want to hit your pecs with bench, and you can, it involves using a wider grip and intentionally flexing your pecs to lift the weight. Almost de-emphasizing your tricep involvement til you figure it out. Stop at the bottom, gently touching your chest but not letting the weight rest on you at all, then squeeze and push it up. Make the movement as difficult as possible (no bouncing, no momentum, no arching your back). Make the pecs do the work.

It's a huge ego loss to bench this way since you have to really lower the weight, but it's the best way by far to make it grow your pecs. This is partly why those DYEL's with completely flat chests benching 195 will be stuck there forever - they won't drop the weight and learn how to use their chest.
>why is that why do people care about bench so much?
because everyone knows what it is. People usually dont care about things they dont know about anon
i could never get it to work with the bar. just wouldn't get the grow. plateaued at like 70kg. never really felt good after or that the muscles were worked. so I switch to using dumbbells and doing flies and other shit for chest. was way better. 100% a skill issue.
>like how often are you even in this position for it to be a practical lift?
if you are trying to push someone away from you, you are basically doing the bench press movement.
Everything's a shitty chest lift, even flies. You have to get used to it over months.
not really because when you push something you're using your whole body especially your legs also you would generally be standing
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>Everything's a shitty chest lift
Very true. Why is it like this?
not push ups
Have you tried using more weight?
I dont generally have some to spot me but I tried it and I still didnt feel it in my chest
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Pecs are naturally an accessory muscle but bodybuilding made big=good kind of like silicone implants for ladies. Fooling nature.
You have never played a sport
dyel alert
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I used to think the same till I hit 2pl8 for reps and now that shit rips
big chest and shoulders are the highest correlated factor for whether someone fucks. This is what triggered the counter >le don't skip leg day meme. Everyone knows it. Everyone only gives a fuck about big chest and shoulders. Followed by arms but even arms can get a miss and sometimes push you into gymcel territory.
>nooo you can't I don't lift for WOMEN I do it for ME I'm gonna have a T rex body and look like dogshit out of spite
I can't hear you
Im plapping your gym crush
bench sucks for both chest and shoulders
your mom sucks for chest and shoulders
>Plapping gym crush
Aww, guys he finally showered with the Asian twink
why would you talk about our mom like that?
Maybe for you, big guy.
everybody's getting showered cus I make it rain in this bitch
Don't clip or learn how to do the roll of shame or use safeties. I didn't feel it in my chest when i first started until I got to around 150lbs
He's right though. You're just a contrarian retard.
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this would be a better push exercise
>like how often are you even in this position for it to be a practical lift?
anyone who works on cars, A/C, construction, etc will need to use the bench pressing movement on like a weekly basis. You just have an email job or are NEET. It's okay though I have an email job too.
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They never feel good, but, visually, it works.
BASED dips are upper body squats and experienced lifters dedicate most of their time to them
Do more volume.
TGUs are superior in every way
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>he doesn't use leg drive on the bench
Better in terms of what?
Lots of coping in this thread
>and experienced lifters dedicate most of their time to them
No one except losers who aren't good at benching dedicates a lot of time to dips
a more practical exercise, if im pushing somthing like furniture for example im not gonna be benching it
tuck your elbows and slow down the eccentric part of the movement
lower the weight, do a hundred reps.
next week put on 5 lbs more, do a hundred again.
if you dont feel bench inf your chest you are either dyel or using horrific form, no in between and nothing else
like bro i get insane chest pumps when i do volume bench day, full on titties
t. 250x8 for 3 sets
>if im pushing somthing like furniture for example im not gonna be benching it
Because you're too weak to do it. Getting better at benching would make that entire movement easier in addition to being able to add your legs.
that's it, that's literally all you need to learn to bench, these 2 videos will teach you flawless technique
It's funny because it's true. Bitches always move in front of me to do some memeshit exercises, but I'm miring the tanned asian twink who does a bunch of pullups but struggles to bench 50kgs
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I would unironically love to see some utter femboy turn up to the gym wearing the same type of skin tight shorts that the women wear and just doing a dozen squat variations. Would be a fun change.
it would be a change of pace yeah lmao
Thank you for this anon, i will try this next time. I always feel like most of the work in a bench goes to the heckin triceps, not the muscles actually supposed to do the most work.
I do starting strength and my instructor and his wife probably think I'm gay or a closeted tranny because I work my legs so much
when you're lifting big weights they're going to be looking at you in awe

normalshits are just insane, I still have not seen a single person squat in my gym
jersey shore basically, bro culture
Yes I hope i lift heavier soon. I don't have spotters (can't make frens) so I take it easy
There was this one zoomer who was 17 but squatted mad weights, and he was the only one i saw who lifted heavy. Most people i see they do ohp and shit with like 10 kg, and i see no one doing pull ups and chins
everyone in my gym exclusively does chest and arms, like 5 percent of the time someone is doing a barbell lift or a dumbell bench press

which is a blessing in disguise because 2/2 squat racks are always open basically
explain to me how you are going to be continuously moving something while in a stationary position
>Bitches always move in front of me
because your such a loser they dont even acknowledge your presence, a girl stood right next to me while I was doing lat raises when the was a bunch of empty space. it is what it is
>which is a blessing in disguise because 2/2 squat racks are always open basically
This is true, I've had to wait for someone to finish using the rack maybe twice in all these months.
What part of "Getting better at benching would make that entire movement easier in addition to being able to add your legs" went over your head?
I get better results from weighted dips compared to barbell bench press, which is a glorified tricep press.
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you're not crazy, but you're definitely doing something wrong. a pushup is basically a variation of the bench press movement, but using only your bodyweight. so either you're doing something very wrong, or you're barely bench pressing any weight at all.
I'm not doing a lot of weight but I'm doing a lot of reps so it should be tge same thing, I've wanted a million videos on form and it just hurts my shoulders more than anything
Correct. I'd also recommend to watch your lats closely, they might be working more than pecs with ego lifting.
Or switch to dumbbells, like a smart person.
is what you're doing, yes
Barbell bench is a solid compound movement but from personal experience I started getting MUCH better/deeper stretch on the muscle and muscle activation when I switched from barbell to dumbbell bench press. The optics don’t look as sexy as loading up plates on your bar but dumbbell but my chest development and pump has improved making the switch.
Use more weight. Pretty simples. There is a balancing point between weight and reps. If you can do more than 10 reps in a set you usually need more weight, but if you can't get about 5 reps then you need less weight. If you want to train strength and endurance you can switch between your 5 rep max and your 20 rep max.
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>how often are you even in this position for it to be a practical lift?
Try doing it right next time
>practical lift?
No one thinks about being "practical" or trains "practical" movements until it's time to bring it up as an argument against the bench press
That's because you're not pushing yourself hard enough on bench
Unironically guys are just afraid of the bench which is understandable.
Dumbell bench is better
That shit annoys me so fucking much, go away you stupid cunt now I have to stand facing the opposite direction so I don't get some fucking video on your tick tock
>push ups
a dyel made this thread.
i dunno about everyone else but im literally lifting so I can easily carry my niece so yeah im gonna think about what translates to everyday lifting
i dunno maybe but i did see immediate results from doing push ups
see but shes gonna go like that and could still easily steal your verginity
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Enjoy fucked shoulders after 2-5 years of this.
>Be me
>Be benchin on n off for like 10 years
>Don't feel shoulder pain, even with a torn ac ligament
Lol how the fuck are you retards benching? Tuck your scaps in and lift a manageable weight and most importantly don't blast tren/var like a huge faggot
rolling for push ups.
If you tuck your shoulders properly and correctly lower the weight when you're pec focusing, your shoulders will be completely fine. Arnold's top bench was 500lb+ but his regular working weight on chest days was half that, around 250lbs. Most golden age body builders used barbell bench for their chest and didn't get any shoulder injuries from it
the truth hurts sometimes.
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everybody hurts, sometimes
Oh I'm not saying to not bench at all. I'm saying the technique many people in this thread are describing to hit the chest harder is just asking for trouble for 99% of people.
Though you can get good stimulus with that wider grip, pec stretching form, and its definitely a good variation to use on occasion for a few weeks, it's really not something you want to do year round every single week. The key with the bench is to actually treat it as an arm based movement. Bring the grip in closer, get a moderate arch, tight packed upper back and lats, straighten the wrist (get the Forearm stronger with wrist curls), bring it down to the lower chest and pause, then drive straight up with the triceps, none of this J-curve toward the face crap the influencers are telling you to do. This is the best way to bench if you care about longevity and getting strong. And yes the pecs will still grow with this technique.
>Bring the grip in closer, get a moderate arch, tight packed upper back and lats, straighten the wrist (get the Forearm stronger with wrist curls), bring it down to the lower chest and pause, then drive straight up
Why the fuck is benching so complicated
Use the safety bars. If your gym doesn't have safety bars on its bench get a better gym or use the dumbbells.
>didnt feel it in my chest
Use more weight.
Anon...how autistic are you?
OHP > Brench for fucking sloots.
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>power cages exists
>no one benches in them
Just like pull-ups I try to master the weight with the grip width that gives most activation and for me that's wide. To break thru plateau I will do variations, move in closer, use slower reps, use explosive reps, pause reps, half reps.
Compounds hit ppl differently becuz we all have different bodies, try everything and when u find what gives u the best activation use that.
vast majority of people will ask someone to spot them, random spotters included. cages are for autists who avoid communication and human contact at all times.
>no way, it wuz an joke
i'm not joking
>it would be legs anyways, arms are locked straight in elbows u are pushing with legs and leaning with upper body only
that's why u flip the picture once more - now u are in pike pushup position
>great what now ?
u protract shoulders and close the floor with your arms as opposed to spreading it
>what's that gonna do?
it will isolate in perfect static hold clavicular head of pectoralis major
>w8, why protract shoulders?
because otherwise muscle fibers of pectoralis major aren't straight between attachment points - ribcage gets in the way - u are not getting any time under tension on pecs because bones are poking muscle fibers and the muscle is sputtering
elbows must be in front of u and shoulders must be protracted to work pecs
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picture wouldn't load for some reason s i resized it and changed format
>This is the best way to bench
best way to bench is not benching
No, bench press is king. It carries the living shit out of ur upper body. It will give you bigger front delts, triceps and the strength you get on it will pass to ur isolation exercises.
I can use my progress as proof for this, the dudes who started same time as me in the gym and just avoided bench press look extremely DYEL after one year.
louie talks about this a lot
It's good if you stay above 8 reps. 10-12 are ideal because higher % of 1RM just stimulates your delts more. Pushups are better for me too though
louie who
Isn't this just a modified push up?
You use your legs in a heavy bench press. It's an ego lift and the ultimate cheat exercise.
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Because pressing in the horizontal plane is made awkward by your shoulder anatomy. The head of your humerus just loves grinding up against all the tendons and cartilage that are between it and the weird ass acromion.
The shoulder is an absolute anatomical nightmare and you'd best do everything in your power to appease those pieces of shit.
In what job do you work that doing squats, deads, or bench would help you?
Diddly 3pl8 wont make the spreadsheets go faster
The 13th
So Incline bench
>Im plapping your gym crush
i have a bbw fetish. my gym crush is the 400lb latina who does 5 minutes of incline walking and goes home
Your form sucks
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Dangerously based
Wrong lol
i do dumbbell bench
I kneel
Most aesthetic I looked was when I pressed every workout instead of benching.

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