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I did some research and it turns out most Folic Acid is lab made and the majority of people don't have the necessary enzyme do break it down thus it is not only completly useless but harmful.

If your vitamins don't have L-5MTHF calcium then you're doing it wrong. Also any minerals based on oxides sucks and aren't well absorbed either. I looked at a fancy well marketed bottle of mutlis at the gym yesterday and it was full of fake folate, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide. Basically as bad as centrum with a higher price.
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Not reading all that shit but I started taking a generic multivitamin and I feel more energetic now. Maybe I was missing something
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Take it with a grain of salt, but every longitudal analysis ever done has shown taking multi-vitamins is correlated with decreased longevity.

I know there's a lot of covariates in the middle, but I would expect if we were really as vitamin deficient as people say, I would expect to see some positive correlation with longevity.
So what do I do about this, OP?
For the time being I found a less scammy brand on amazon with the following:
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You're not actually taking vitamins you're taking synthetic crap made by nerds in a lab that they put into shiny bottles to sell to retards whilst they take a break from pumping carcinogens and forever chemicals into the environment. Enjoy.
What are you suppose to do if you are deficient in Folic acid if the folic acid supss are fake? (vitamin B9?)
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They also need to do their analysis on non-fake multivitamins.

This one seems more legit but I only read about folate and mineral oxides so far. I'd need to research every nutrient one by one.

Check for if the folate comes from Calcium L-5-MTHF (methyltetrahydrofolate) behind the bottle before buying.
99% of people buy Centrum, Nature Made, Nature's Bounty, or store brand multivitamin. You will never realistically see the special snowflake organic multivitamin 40 year study. There would be zero accuracy anyway because no one is on organic multivitamins for decades.
>i love Pfizer because I hate Donald Trump.
Take your pills.
I don't know anyone in anywhere close to good shape who takes multivitamins. Eating whole foods and supplements maybe one or two specific viramins is what actual fit people do.
Unironically the InfoWars vitamins are the only ones worth taking.
>Eating whole foods and supplements maybe one or two specific vitamins is what actual fit people do.
Supplements are great and the most demonized by big pharma and (((them))). Most pro-athletes take several kinds of supplements. Boron citrate, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha root, tongkat ali, gingko biloba. There is a ton of different roots and herbs with great effect. Far better option than buying vitamins. The only vitamin that is really worth it is Vitamin C.
Not that I want to shill this company but they seems to have better products.
>The only vitamin that is really worth it is Vitamin C.
Potassium, magnesium, vitamin D too. The stiff you mentioned are more of performance things that non-athletes do not need.
You forgot that when you take antagonist micronutrients together they impare each other's absorption. Zinc plus copper is one, calcium and magnesium is another, and so on. If you wanted to truly micromaxx, you'd need 2 or 3 separate dosages of different vitamins and minerals to keep them separated and some of those you'd need multiple doses of, like magnesium and iodine as 2 examples. All minerals should be chelated, aka glycinate or bisglycinate, and all vitamins require specific forms depending on individual vitamin for best absorption. If you wanna go fully in then you'd also want to get a sensitivities test and genetic test to see where you run short and what forms of different vitamins would cause you systemic inflammation. Going to 90% healthy is as simple as eating whole foods and ditching preservatives and additives. Going to 99% requires a herculean effort
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>the mentally ill explaining why their science based pill and powder stack is more economical and efficient than just eating food
Highest quality I found. It's also 75$ for 60 caps and the dosages is 5 caps per day. In other words, 75$ every 12 days. Pretty retarded.
Nevermind I misread it's 60 servings so 60 days.
None of this backs up your claim
>The only vitamin that is really worth it is Vitamin C.
You have got to have the most awful diet to need to buy a bottle of C
Taftaj is an honorary woman. There I said it.
I don't dig the implants tho
>I don't know anyone in anywhere
Well thank god we asked you!
I'm not going to give weird chemical companies money and just eat a balanced and diverse diet.
>I did some research
link us to your paper. where was it published? what's your background in that field of study? who was your research supervisor?
Or do you just mean that you're a retarded dropout that read a blog post that was funded by an oil kike?
Please tell me why, in the mean time I'll assume you can't read.
>rage response
Sounds like you need some magnesium too
Where is the human outcome data?

I'm an economist who can demonstrate your beloved institutions are corrupted and believe in money, and not science.

Monkeys like you are there for the calculus and methodology. I don't need a PHD to read an abstract that concludes 89% of white people can't break down folic acid into L-5-MTHF.
This is next level schizo
> This is next level schizo
No it's not. This is what a schizo looks like:
> this is schizo
> trust the corporations. Corporations = science
> Donald Trump

I'm open to counter argumentation but your guys offered nothing. You only managed to prove you have mental illnesses.
Even if all of that was true you can just convert some of it and get the rest of it from citrus fruits.

Yall niggas will do anything to not just eat some fucking fruit.
found the multivitamin popping npc
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We live in a world where scientists just yell Donald Trump, refuse to elaborate then leave
I used a cheap multi with mega doses of vitamin b for years, you just piss the extra out, right lolmao. Recently switched to life extensions 2 per day, but just taking 2 a week.
See the other vitamins b's also that come in shit form usually.

Good info
So you're saying Augustus Barbieri didn't eat for over a year without dying?
Wow genius argument. We must trust those lobbyists who writes the regulations that applies to themselves. Of you disagree you are a Trump supporter or a russian agent.
That's the fake B12 in that?
No, B9. Although they seems to have a relation. I'm not an expert I just made a simple research about Folic Acid and I discoved shady stuff like it's useless for most people, some researcher think it could be harmful and the government mandates the food industry to add 140mcg /100g of this in bread, flour, cereals etc. since 1998. Folic Acid doesn't exist in nature and the vast majority of people doesn't have the enzimes to break down Folic Acid into D-5-MTHF which blablablabla

The so called here experts here refused to elaborate and left.

What a fucking clown world.
Still better than most peoples shit diets. It's not meant to fill everything, it's called a supplement for a reason. Take your pills schizo.
Why do people keep calling me a schizo?

Is because I said "folic acid is lab made"? I mean yeah it is, not a big deal. But the fucking NPC's when they read that sentence they spew put the preprogrammed reaction out of context.
I'd even take an FFM with that weird bitch.
Same thing with pyridoxal hydrochloride instead of pyrodoxine-5-phosphate for B6, where the body is very bad at breaking down the former and it leads to permanent nerve damage in too large of a dose, yet that's the form they put in all vitamins.
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It's just 5MTHF dumbass.
and that's extremely common in most supplements.
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