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how long do i have to train to achieve peak male physique?
impossible to say. even 20 years is not enough if you never get that lean. 99,9999999999999999999999999999% of people never get that lean while holding any lean muscle mass despite lifting indefinitely.
pic is probs 2-3years of natty lifting without injuries or anything that causes you to skip gym
If you look like that and still aren't happy you have a severe mental illness.
>THAT lean
American spotted.

You're looking at 21-21.5 FFMI at 11%bf. Both are achievable within 3-4 years. Whether (You) are gonna look as good at those values is another question. The guy has a fantastic frame and exceptionally beautiful pecs
you have and never will be as lean. dyel retard beginner spotted
why havent you achieved it in 2-3 years?
I am literally that lean this very moment. Cope and seethe
you are literally not
Who says I haven't? Well it took me 4+ years and I have better arms than that dude anyways, like does that dude even do isolation training for his arms?
is this you? what's your shoulder routine? i'm similar but these shoulders are superior to mine.
Some people just have shit arms genetics
t. Arms haven't grown in 6 months of throwing everything and the kitchen sink at them
and this is why nu/fit/ sucks
you faggots think having a top tier body will fix all your issues
If you have OP-pic body yet aren't happy with it - you ARE fucked in the head
Who is this again? What fit legend?
How do you get a waist like that?
pic unrelated?
and seethe
>Exact same pic was originally posted on 08-28-2016:
Kek, nice try faggot: kys
ok motherfucker. Post a pic of a better physique. No meme shit no power shitters. I will wait.
>full body pump
>perfect lighting
>probably on drugs
3-4 years
I would probably look like this if I cut a few more %, wow.
did they get stronker tho?
have you tried the secret technique by the god of arms himself, Rich Piana?
It's [spoiler]feeder workouts[/spoiler]
Default Human Fighter build
Almost nobody can look like Casual regardless of total amount of muscle, he has basically perfect frame and insertions
It's casual lmao not tinychimp
Pics or stfu
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It's an undercurrent common to many aspirational subreddits, much like how /biz/ is filled with folks who believe their lives will start once their crypto of choice finally pumps.
Life is complicated and we all seek easy answers. This is why I've chosen to dedicate my life to Cthulhu.
>below 200lbs
you did it. you won.
this is a 10/10 physique if you’re trying to attract men

OP pic is for women
>American spotted
He used a comma in his percentage, idiot.
even 11% bf as a natty with any sort of muscle mass is autism levels to maintain and out of reach for normal people. Post a pic of yourself lad go on
OP-pic is perfectly achievable naturally
The amount of muscle, yes, but the frame and insertions are top 1% genetics
this nigga built like my video game RPG characters, dang

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