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/fit/ - Fitness

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>15 years natty lifting for this
So demoralizing
Kek i've only been lifting for 1 year and i'm bigger than him. Why even lift as a natty
Post body
If I woke up looking like that I'd literally kill myself
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what is happening here
He should really shave that beard, makes him look like a medi
was he the Greek one or was it the red bearded bulked guy ?
He looks med as fuck desu with the beard
Any kind of lifting for aesthetics is a humiliation ritual.
You are never going to be big enough. You are going to look like a stick DYEL for years, you can add a little to your volume, little by little, it's never going to be enough. And when you get the right steroid cocktail with the perfect gains, you'll suddenly look like a clown freak. There is no in-between.
Pursuit of big muscles is pure vanity with no rewards at the end. You will never get the happiness and the big aesthetics improvement that you had with your newbie gains.
He looks great.
Go to sleep OP.
Stop masturbating.
who mogs nh or wolf
im going to the gym in 20 minutes buddy
it's the other guy yea
Okay let's not pretend a 6'2, 10%bf, 23 FFMI guy with full head of hair looks "great"
She looks Indian
it looks like she’s airing out her flaps
I look worse and I’ve been lifting for 20 years

I’m strong as fuck though

It’s weird I see myself in the mirror with a DYEL frame as if I just came of the street never having lifted a weight in my life, then I dumbbell press 50kg dumbbells for reps lol
Looks good.
He needs to shave the soibeard though
>15 years natty lifting to build a great and impressive physique
sounds good
Forearm training motivation

Big biceps small forearms/wrist look bad
Should I fucking shave my beard? Why do beards get so much hate here?
Because they are youth chasing hylics who don't care about God's design.
Dont shave it but reduce the thickness. It goes to far past your face and makes you look a little off. Maybe just trim the ends cleaner and see how it looks
lmao what a shitty beard, this is the average 4/10 looks /fit/izen who thinks he will 'make it'
you can either have a thick beard and clean short hair or long and thick hair and a clean short beard
both makes you look somewhat homeless
it's all about contrasts
Do I really look unkept? Even with the physique?

What shaver do you recommend from Amazon?
I dont have a recommendation sorry. I honestly dont think it matters.
aurora borealis
>Do I really look unkept? Even with the physique?
kinda feels like it
i'd go with a shorter haircut
>Why do beards get so much hate here?
søychildren ruined the beard reputation
Stop caring about what these retards think, you look fine
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Yes, you should. I used to think big beards looked cool when I was dwarfmaxxing but girls find it disgusting and they will think you have no hygiene. Only men will compliment you and think it's cool.
Since I've noticed that I just keep it trimmed with 3mm and it gets me more female attention.
>He's genuinely asking for advice on /fit/
Mate, we all care what others think, if it looked good, I wouldn’t be getting so much hate and /fit/ is the most attractive board cause of the lean pill.

Kinda true but what about chads in the NFL

>short hair
Well pic rel is 2 years ago when I had short hair but the beard was smaller as well. But I was leaner I think there. What do

What you just said makes perfect sense, met with a girl I had a thing with a few days ago and she told me she prefers me shaven. Also you look good did you trim it alone or barber? Also can I go with higher guard?
>if it looked good, I wouldn’t be getting so much hate
Please tell me you're trolling
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I bought a trimmer online and just do it at home for the most part it's pretty easy. You can start with 6-9mm and see if it's too short then maybe go down if it's still too full. Sometimes I'll straight up just 1mm it and let it grow, that 1 week look is the most sharp imo but doesn't last long.
>she told me she prefers me shaven
this is an unironic shit test to see if you'd change yourself for the whims of your woman which would mean lost respect on her part
you should go for even shorter haircuts
fuck the hoes keep the beard be a fucking MAN! but you can give it a light trim, but>>75218187 s Picrel is too short
Fuck forgot pic on two years ago

Trips of truth forgot to clarify that she haven’t seen me for two months and it’s the longest length I have my hair and she was trying to process me, I fucked her tho so it’s good.
That size is better but I would go even shorter
Only specific girls actually like big beards, and they are those alt ones who are into rock n roll but have daddy issues and bpd
this is a good hair length and it would go well with the dense beard you have now
read this, it's interesting
and yes it is autistic
Even shorter beard or hair?

> While women's preferences for clean-shaven and fully bearded faces differ over studies, studies using stimuli with a wider range of facial hair amounts reported that stubble is judged as most attractive [25,26,109,110]. In contrast to craniofacial masculinity, men can also groom, shape or remove their facial hair entirely,

It’s settled by science guys. Next thread
Are you implying he doesn’t look good?
is this supposed to be a demoralize thread because this dude looks great and you nor the other demoposters have posted body yet
Kill yourself demoralising IDF jew
Do not be demoralized gentlemen. This definitely did not take 15 years and I was already old when I started. Track macros, hydrate, sleep and lift to failure.
goal physique except his left arm is bigger than the right
Cuz he fell for the lean meme
He'd be +30lbs of lean mass if he stayed @~15% bf most of the time and cut only for pics
At this latitude? Concentrated in this gym, entirely at the thot machine???
you definitely took roids faggot
Goals, miring.
Post body
Not natty
>he thinks the redness doesn't give it away
You cannot demoralize me. In fact you make me stronger.
Thanks bro you got this.
I had this physique in high school. You probably just have shit genes.
>that gay ass tattoo
I’ll give you that.
Looks good to me
He's 6'3 and lean, you have some crazy expectations if you don't think he looks good
no keep the beard anon
I was not in intention to hate beards I just asked why Dr Milo looks med while being belgian in ancestry
the beard and dark hair just make him off looking for his ethnicity
your beard is thick and grows good
anon, you are mentally ill.
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he looks good

still wrong about lengthened partials and fatigue though
>he works out solely for the vain purpose of looking at himself in the mirror

the mental benefits of exercise are more important than having 12% body fat
I've heard all about the lengthened partials, but what does this guy say about fatigue?
why roid fags keep pretending they get gains naturally. Just admit it or its just trying to forget about life ruining side effects
May I see it?
Bigger than Scoobert? Not natty. Simple as.
You’ll never know how good it feels to have someone unable to comprehend that your gains are natural while being natural.
you are not. post body retard.
>bigger than 95% of people
seems pretty good desu
Post face
could be worse, that dom guy from bro science has been lifting for 15 years and looks dyel as fuck.
Που σαι ρε μαλακα
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you have a lot of areas that are inconsistent in length, id recommend looking for a better trimmer and a thinner comb to push the strands out better for a more even cut
also good advice for beard noobs, cordless is a dead end with batteries dying out and become wasted money after a year or two

at least the newer products by babyliss and moser seem like serious products with good quality
you don't get "magically" huge with roids, unless you actually try hard to get huge.
She's about to slip off the seat and drown in a pool of her own juices
Μαλακα ποιος είσαι;

Thanks bro I kept it, was about to shave but my razer broke down

> statue of David

Who needs more? Very attainable and highly lust provoking to the lady folk. I've never looked quite as good as King David's marble statue and yet, I've had some of the sexiest women I've ever met in real life tell me I'm "gorgeous" and "ridiculously hot".

Maybe they're lying or maybe I just have the perfect face. I don't think either is true. When a man looks at a woman he wants to see that she is physically sexy. Her beauty defies reality.

When a woman looks at a man though, she wants to see that "he" controls his reality, a fit by is an extension of that, but not a necessity.

I have seen beautiful women lick their lips at a fat man's butt because "he's so much man". Are they deluded? Sure. But never underestimate a woman's ability to delude herself, she can do it for life.

This is why you obtain nothing when you lift for looks, but gain everything when you yourself are fit.
basically that fatigue is not much of an issue(it is) and that more volume is basically always better(it isn't)
beardlet cope
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How long have you been lifting at the time of these two pics?
Mirin' btw.
Those veins on your arm are making my dick twitch, and everything looks so hard and full
I want to look that good someday
No homo btw
Really? I don't remember him ever saying that fatigue straight up isn't a thing. Though I do remember him promoting this one study that found gains continued to increase up to like 100 sets training a *single* muscle, while understating that there was literally zero ecological validity to it because fucking nobody ever actually trains like that.
no, more like 15-18%
>23 FFMI
>but muh tall
not an excuse, especially not at 6'2". I'm 6'7" and have proportionally much bigger arms natty
no, closer to 21. Arms look sub 16"
last part referring to
>23 FFMI
of course. Guy has stick arms, probably 200 lbs during his "lean" state (15% bodyfat) and 170-175ish when he's actually 10%
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do they not make roids for hand growth?
please tell me this is shopped, he’s worse than henry cavil
you've got it backwards. his hands are normal sized but his forearms are super long, making the hands look smaller. meanwhile cavill has SHORT arms and yet his hands still look small. that's how you know they really are small.
nigga you need jesus and a hug
his hands are nowhere near normal size they’re like baby doll hsnds
I lifted for 6 months back in the early 2010s on deployment where I had some nice noobie gains. Until I started to lift again 1.5 years ago I maybe did a total of 12 months broken into 3 or 4 stints. Just small home gym stuff. Never stuck with it because I’d drink and not see the results I had from my deployment time. The first pic was my baseline 175-180 drinking non-lifting self.
Train hard, sleep and count macros. You got this, brother.
>this is the average 4/10 looks /fit/izen

you remind me of the time Rehab Room read about a "4/10" criminal fucking a woman in prison and it went against his whole philosophy
her balls are slipping out
In another thread he claimed the localized redness in his upper chest and neck was caused by tanning kek.

You gotta be really desperate for validation to fake natty on an anon Mongolian basket weaving forum
depends on your jawline. are you hiding a small jaw underneath? then keep the beard
But yeah you do look unkempt in this picture, you should get a barber you can trust to trim it evenly at the very least
Body dysmorphia on this cursed board is limitless. 90% of men have an Adam Sandler build, just by having slightly bigger biceps and pecs you're already better
Considering that one of the prominent leaders of their group of "evidence-based fitness", Eric Helms, is someone who openly has a history of PED use, yet identifies as natty anyway, competes as natty, and has a physique still in the realm of "natty attainable" despite having used PEDs, I wouldn't expect Wolf or anyone else in their group with a well-developed physique to actually be natty.

This group is shady, questionable and likely not much different to any other grifting association, despite the phds and published research. They're professionals who are about the money like everyone else.
I think he's hiding a cleft lip
Looks a bit too Indian...
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nah i have cleft lip and his nose is way to symmetrical desu
who benefits from coming onto a board for a topic and then proceeding to attempt to demoralize people about that topic?
this isn't even a /fit/ problem I've seen this kind of demoralization garbage on several boards now.
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Because it's often a cope to look more manly when you have jaw or chin and/ or bald.
*no jaw or chin
he looks pretty ripped and lean to me
Why the fuck are his thumbs inside his fists?
He looks way better here than in most of his videos. I'm pretty sure nobody on here looks better than this, unless they are on life threatening doses.
tall and long limbs. you will not struggle like he does if you are short and/or have short limbs
bros how do firearms get like this? Is it genetic like calves?
What are you talking about? His forearms are skinny as fuck.
Obviously I'm asking how it's possible that the rest of his body grew and his forearms stayed the same size.
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most likely strap over usage
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Strap usage is fine, and in fact good so you can maximize back stimulus without being limited by your forearms.
But then you need to do forearm isolation too. His physique is what happens when you don't do that, but it's not a flaw of using straps.

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