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Why do you all try to bargain your way out of eating healthy with keto or carnivore or cico cope? It's really not that hard to eat healthy and it can be delicious, come on fit it's time to adult
I know right? Mediterranean with a lot of meat, carbs, veggies fruits and legumes is the way to go. Don't you agree OP?
is dangersausage really that healthy?
Pedophile thread
His smile.... Why the fuck is he so smug?
Meat fruit and veggies with copious amounts of dairy is the only acceptable diet. Nuts, grains, plant oils are all irredeemable slop.
>copious amounts of dairy is the only acceptable diet
Goodness gracious how did I forget that. I do love me bread though. European bread, not the american poison
All bread is slop retard
Do you happen to have abs?
Vad gör matgeek på /fit/?
It should really be more culturally encouraged to abort babies with downs syndrome

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