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i lost 16lb first week without trying 275lb -> 260lb, you dont understand how crazy it is to eat 600cal and feel full bro. i mistakenly fasted for 48hrs without even thinking about food and kept walking for 10k steps everyday. i always knew that i was not lazy i just had fucked up ghrelin levels for decades, no wonder skinny people find it easy to not get fat
I fucking love Ozempic I love it so much thank you God for the Danish people I want to smooch the Dane who invented this, Ozempic is peak White Excellence
cool, you've got about 5 more pounds you can lose before it stops working and any actual attempts at losing weight become much more difficult because your hormones are now fucked up
This is literally not true at all lmao
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Be mindful of what you eat. 600 cal is not a lot and if you're still eating garbage your not putting good fuel in the tank.
Also, you have to take it forever. It stops working when you stop.
You are now a slave to big pharma, good luck to anyone doing it.
I'm too scared of what the long term effects will be.
cool, take a screencap of my post and include it in your before/after in a few months when you're normal sized if it happens (it won't)
Tirzepatide is even better and apparently retatrutide is even better better but I haven't tried that.
I'm on tirz and it's amazing, it just made my brain shut the fuck up about food, I can have a ~700 calorie meal and be full the rest of the day, have to consciously remember to eat a bit more than that. I haven't even titrated up to the typical clinical dose yet.
>losing 16lb in a week

no way that shit is safe. I dropped 260->200 without any loose skin or muscle loss cuz I just did it 2lb a week.
16lb in a week is too much to be very plausible, OP probably lost a lot of water weight or something. That's a calorie deficit of ~56000 calories in one week
Here piggy piggy piggy
I’ve been on Ozempic for 4 months and my bmi went from 22.5 to 19 so nice try and keep seething
Lol the ozempigs aren't gonna be happy about the long term side effects...
GLPs have been around for decades. Cope seethe etc
that's not even overweight for a woman, let alone a man that should have muscle
you lost like 5 pounds and are coming here and telling people they can lose a hundred, you're a retard
Ozempic is only considered new because of the patented injection device it uses
GLP-1s are probably safe with a small chance of some kind of crazy side effect. Being a gigantic fatass is proven unsafe with guaranteed massive side effects
Is never said any of that you schizophrenic. Yes I used it to get lean and it worked. And it’s definitely not just 5 pounds but you keep on being mad I guess lmao
When you get so defensive so quickly it makes you look more wrong than if you had said nothing
Right in the one who is mad and not you psychos who have a meltdown in every ozempic thread
>Is never said any of that you schizophrenic
cool then if you're not disagreeing with what I said then there's no argument to be had here and you can stop seething
The anti-fitness sentiment against Ozempic and fat loss peptides is rooted in resentment and fear of losing status


"I did not need DRUGS"

"I was not a CHEATER"

Fitness industry has always had inferiority status in larger scientific community, fit pros like to imagine themselves as gurus and holders of special knowledge, or supremely dedicated agents of SCIENCE TM

But the they have largely failed to make any objective difference in the health of the population, regardless of how big an industry health is

Since Ozempic was introduced, obesity has declined for the first time in decades.

Hacking the brain-gut axis has worked, in a way that workouts and diets and motivational "how had do you want it???" never have and likely never will.

We can achieve better health at societal scale through technology
Yeah, you're pretty obviously spamming seething when the conversation wasn't particularly hostile before that as a preemptive defense mechanism. You're just spewing your mental illness all over the place.
I pity anyone who has to interact with you in real life, especially if they're on friendly terms and have to constantly deal with you making them look bad like you are right now for all ozempic users.
>Since Ozempic was introduced, obesity has declined for the first time in decades.
Do you have a source for this statement?
Holy fuck lmao you need to chill out
It makes it all too easy yeah, there's no pain or willpower involved with weight loss now, just money and access
In 2000, the survey estimated that around 30% of adults were obese, defined as having a body mass index of greater than or equal to 30. By 2020, the CDC's estimate of the adult obesity rate had climbed to 41.9%.

Now the CDC estimates that 40.3% of adults are obese, looking at survey data from 2021 through 2023.

While the difference from 2020 to 2023 was too small to be counted as a statistically significant decrease, the modest decline breaks a streak of rates that had been increasing virtually every year since 2011.

Jesus anon, chill out
You use plenty of technology granted to you by “money and access” that makes various every day activities all too easy. There is no argument for why maintaining health should not be made easier for people as well.
I ate chicken and some potatoes I cooked. I cut off junk food, I'm not hungry for it anymore. I cook for my self now, couldn't go throw 1/3 of what I cooked before getting full.
I think you are being disingenuous by implying that everyone who is thin is only thin because of “pain and willpower”

lots of people have never and will never be overweight and they don’t even really think about it all that much, it just comes naturally

Ozempic basically just gives less fortunate people the ability to experience the same mentality and I don’t see a problem with that

Then again unlike most of this board I don’t actually hate fat people and I want them to be happy and have a chance at a normal life
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>From 1999 through March 2020, NHANES was conducted continuously. Following a pause in data collection in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, field operations resumed in August 2021 with modifications to the survey content, procedures, and methodologies (11). New screening and safety measures were implemented at the mobile examination centers, but no changes from past protocols were made to the anthropometry (body measures) component of the survey. For NHANES August 2021–August 2023, oversampling by race, Hispanic origin, and income was eliminated to reduce the number of households that needed to be screened
>too small to be counted as a statistically significant decrease
lol check out 2007 and 2011
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Have you tried puting the fork down? Here I saved you thousands of dollars
Brilliant statement now read this >>75265493
It costs me 200 a month, i save more cause I don't need to spend on fast food as much
Americans are the worst
You have never helped a single person lose weight, but on the other hand, Ozempic has
You're basically injecting yourself with a hormone that causes you to be malnourished. Pretty dystopian. CICO cultists have gotten out of hand and need to be reeled back into actual "diet"ing (banting)
Buy an AD you shit
>Willingly using a drug that has not undergone multiple longitudinal studies
in a few weeks my semaglutide vial will arrive, and my weight loss journey can finally begin!
Lmao you are fat and useless
fatty fat
Shut up cringe obese /pol/turd
I don't see the issue. Less fat people in the world is good.
Congrats anon!!
Im on week 5 of Mounjaro.

It really makes sense now when skinny/average people say 'just eat less' to lose weight or when they claim there is no way they could eat any more to bulk up.
Ozempig makes you skinnyfat, not fit lmao.
imagine injecting some unknown substance into your body just because you can't stop shoving things down your throat
you could not buy either you know
Enjoy your permanently fucked up digestive system
ozempigs, roidtrannies. not so different
lmao nothing sends 4chan incels into fits of rage like an ozempic thread
Most of the weight lost in the first week of dieting is just water. Be prepared for your weight loss rate to slow down significantly.
600 kcal/day is an insane deficit that would even make lifetime skinny people go insane after a short while.
Eat lots of protein and train with weights, otherwise a significant chunk of your weight lost will come from muscle, leading to aesthetically displeasing outcomes.
the problem with ozempic is they are still fat pieces of shit on the inside. i'm sure at the end of the day you'll be able to tell who these ghouls are because of the 3-ring binders worth of loose skin flaps and probably some sort of fucked up skin, hair, breath, body odor, diaper-necessitating orange shit leakage or something... but the REAL point is: fat swine trashpeople are visibly punished and marked for their greed and moronic, animal like nature. if they can just take goypoison that melts fat off of them or "kills their desire" to eat (yea right lmao) then you'll have to work harder to tell who is dumb, useless, lazy, can't plan ahead, etc etc.

not to mention if this shit does have any fat burning components it'll be quite literally making them even more retarded than they already are. fat people are objectively, factually dumber, worse at making choices, worse at committing to things. OBVIOUSLY. they are BORN like that and being fat is just one symptom of it. they don't need to be any dumber. we have PLENTY of DUMB. FAT. UGLY ASS NIGGERS walking around in this cursed age
see what I mean lol >>75267899
this dude literally lost his mind.
Ozempic is to 4chan schizos what Trump is to liberals
Grey market GLP-1’s are orders of magnitude cheaper
post actual reason why i shouldn't get a prescription today
so are you guys shills, unironic fat wastes of human life that are seething about ozempic and looking for a pity party on 4chan of all places, or just your stock standard foreign/fed bot designed to generally just fuck with people and try to destroy all attempts at communication on the site? you're one of the three. obviously
Fat people being fat causes them a bunch of health issues that puts an excessive burden on the health care system. If there are less fat people the resources can be used on taking better care of people in actual need. And the less fat people there are around the less cancerous movements like "fat acceptance" and "body positivity" can gain traction and young people won't enter a world where obesity is normalized. If the parents eat healthy amounts of food the children will grow up with that instead of being fattened up from childhood. And maybe some formerly obese people will take it as a second chance and rebuild their life.
What's your tirz dosage
Do you seethe about any other medication the way you do about Ozempic?
thanks, anon
I hope it's worth the cloak and dagger
now I have a small fridge in my bedroom for my peptides
I feel the same way, it's really eye opening experiencing what every day life is like for naturally skinny people
There are none except fear mongering. Just do it and ignore these freaks, you will not regret it
You are a psycho. I hope you never take any medications for anything ever. After all it will just mask all of your inherent genetic weaknesses.
you can get it dirt cheap directly from china.
Browse steroid discussion forums for sources
hloy shit this incel is unhinged. Did they cancel your favorite cartoon show or something?
I got mine from deuschem
yeah the people shrieking about ozempic being "cheating" are all these 100lbs skellies with meager bird appetites.
"It's 5pm and I forgot to eat all day teehee" And then they eat like half a blueberry mufffin and throw the rest in the trash.
Some people just have big appetites and some have none at all.
Then you have food addicts and gluttons which are on a whole other level.
I was always a big eater but never got fat because I was always active.
If you stop the activity due to work, school etc its extremely hard to manage your appetite and becomes easy to get fat.
>just stop eating hurr durrr
Hunger is one of the most powerful forces of the human body, That's like telling an alcoholic to "just stop drinking" - a typical low IQ 4chan response.
All these people who say "just eat less" are all fat ugly brown dyels anyway so who cares
Sorry 4cels but Ozempic is a triumph of white innovation and the injections will continue
Good for you, but it's a shame that you had to take Big Pharma poison to achieve it.
You could've done it almost as quick with dry fasting. Much safer and healthier, too.

>>just stop eating hurr durrr
>Hunger is one of the most powerful forces of the human body,
There are thousands of cases of people losing lots of weight in a few weeks with fasting. Many of them are even women.
If you have less willpower than a woman, then yes, you deserve to be shamed for it.
Second reminder that you have less willpower than literal WOMEN and you deserve to be shamed for it.
why dont you post your awesome manly lean physique you got from your LE EPIC WILLPOWER instead of cherry picked pictures of instagram whores?
Do you think any remotely healthy person feels "threatened" by overweight people taking medicine to become a bit less overweight?
Evidently, yes
>i lost 16lb first week without trying 275lb -> 260lb, you dont understand how crazy it is to eat 600cal
How much are you taking? I was 301 pounds and went to 282 in 2 weeks. I eat one meal a day but I eat way more than 600 calories.. I eat a pound of meat per day. I take 1 mg once every week I wonder if I should up my dosage
>You're basically injecting yourself with a hormone that causes you to be malnourished.
If you're fat not really.
I stand corrected
>healthy person
>4chan incel
Weirdos here think a spoonful of vegetable oil is a jewish plot to enslave them
Godamn how does one become 275lbs in the first place, thats insane. How tall are you
should I just get the weight loss jew????????
Why the fuck are you quoting part of his post and making a retarded argument in response, when said argument is already answered in the post you replied to? Difficulties reading or something?
I have a friend whos on the eurofag equivalent of ozempic. He subcontionsly starved himself and when he cant go for longer, he binges on fast food. Neat. He has even fainted several times. I spent months telling him to come to the gym with me, but he wants things his way. Worst part is he has a child, and if he dies, the kid is totally fucked
weight loss Aryan*
>fat people should do it because they should practice will power and fight this battle, one that skinny people don't have to

why? I beat obesity and I didn't get any reward for it, I'm not successful in any facet of life.
this is like someone never using meth saying they have more will power than a meth head because they don't use meth all day.
>Ozempic basically just gives less fortunate people the ability to experience the same mentality and I don’t see a problem with that
It's trivial to out eat ozempic.
t. has two fat fuck friends who aren't losing weight on ozempic because one is a lazy fatass and the other works in medicine/research and stress eats
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Heavily disagree. It's best for everybody in all situations if we can tell who is so weak willed that they cannot put down a fork.
The world is a much better place because people who lack the most basic amount of willpower and self-awareness are actively discriminated against from positions where they have any sort of power or responsibility.
You, as well as everybody else in the world, would instantly decline a fat surgeon from performing surgery on you because you know damn well why that is and that it has nothing to do with them actually being fat. Same thing with electing politicians, hiring to operating heavy machinery etc.
And I wouldn't let a cartoon-watching 4chan incel like you clean my fucking toilet.
Fucking loser sitting in his messy room wearing a greasy batman shirt talking about willpower and discipline lol
LMAO and what do you plan on doing about it you fucking crybaby

the injections will continue and you will do nothing
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Are you me?
>Started at 260
>Down to 225
>Plan to be 200 by new years
6'4 tho
All the people like you who worked on their health/fitness for years through discipline while everyone around them got fat are having this same reaction. they are allowing their emotional response to lead their reasoning. they don't want it to be true.

you are allowing your emotional response to the devaluing of your efforts by a pill to cloud your judgement.
Glps have been used for years as a diabetes drug.

They also have reduced all cause mortality.

Sometimes a problem is just fixed.
I checked my weight this morning and I gained half of it again after I started eating ( last week I only ate roughly 1500cal total??) , i forced myself to eat atleast 1k Cals today mostly protein ( not sustainable tho, I almost puked).
Same dosage and I fasted for 48hrs twice, 90% of what I ate was chicken breast and little amount of potatoes. I also walked 10k steps every day, worked out 3 times, drank alot of water and plenty of electrolytes. I'm only on 0.25 I guess I am a hyper responder to it
>from fucked to less fucked
We'll see
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So that's all it is? An appetite suppressant? Sounds like meth to me anon
Third month of Mounjaro almost over, went from 2.5 -> 5 -> 7.5

Small to no reduction in food noise

Small to moderate decrease in appetite for the first three days after injecting

Sulphur burps, heart burn and some discomfort in my abdomen that subsided quickly

Have lost 0 kg

These drugs are gay. Got to lose 200 lbs.
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>amerigoys need drug injections to not be obese
i cant imagine a more cucked people desu.
corporations + government make them fat, and then they sell them the "solution", being a drugged retard for the rest of their lives
Your comment is just cope and seethe unless you state what country you are from
DAE experience horrid diarrhea while taking semaglutides or just me
Fatties will literally do anything but put down the fork
ie anon is acting like a woman
post physique
how does my country of origin change the truth of what i said

These fat retards lack the basic self respect, self control and discipline to be a decent human being. I would never hire a fat fuck. Not like you have a choice in america though, everyone is a fat moron.
>obese white person gets ozempic
>goes full nazi and gurantee they will claim that whites are genetically superior
the body positivity movement was a mistake, everyone who was liberated ends up like this, being the worst offender
good luck making it past 43 but I'm happy for you
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I click on every single one of these threads to look at personal trainercels seethe

down to 160 from 230 and i didnt step in the gym one time. it just works. its changing the world

2 more weeks till everyone who did this drug dies of cancers tho!
holy kek
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>4chan incel
>Weirdos here think a spoonful of vegetable oil is a jewish plot to enslave them
That's right, this place is terrible and you should leave immediately. What would your wife's son's dad think?
>"I did not need DRUGS"
This is false considering the amount of roid trannies and roid tranny thread generals this board caters to.
>muh side effects
being a fat fuck is a thousand times more dangerous
Whites are genetically superior btw
Lmao, i remember when I said there would be side effects from taking ozempic and almost all of fit including the fatties jumped on me saying there were 0 side effects.
A few months have past since then. Im assuming people are now seeing side effects?
2 more weeks until hypercancer kills all the people who took this
doesn't it just put you into ketosis
you assume wrong
Does ozempic work for emotional eaters? I eat lots even on nicotine and adhdh meds and coffee. My soul is hungry.
It’s funny how opinions on this have changed. A year ago 90% of this thread would have been shitting on everyone who uses it. Now it’s more like 80% are for using it. That’s how you know the drug is legit and works.
Its just an appetite suppressant.
Like any other tool, it depends on the user.
If you're compulsively eating when you're not hungry as some sort of coping mechanism you'd be better off with therapy than drugs.
You cant take ozempic forever. The effects wear off after awhile. If you dont change your ways you'll gain the weight back, just like any other diet.
Personally I think ozempic is best for athletes and bodybuilders who already know how to eat and train but just need some help getting to the lower bodyfat levels i.e. 12% or less.

t. roider who cuts with ozempic
Where I live it's not easy to get on Ozempic, It's only given to the severely obese I believe. I wish I could get it because I'm also always hungry.
"ozempic" is just the name brand. You want GLP1s and you can get them 100% LEGALLY on sports lab websites that sell peptides

you can also go to fat loss clinics and pay less there too
you're a failure and your ancestors are ashamed of you
Wrong, it's prescription only here (Netherlands).
not at all
the only way to enter ketosis is to cut carbs
Gluttony is a sin. Sin means missing the mark.
If you cheat, you don't learn how to hit the mark and will be utterly incapable of not missing the mark on other more difficult sins.

Any drug user can tell you, there is always a cost. It might be years away, but there is always a cost.
what does the bible say about a poisoned food supply?
Idk where you live but I’m not even overweight and I’m on it. In fact I’m 5 pounds away from being underweight. I found a website that prescribes it to overweight people and makes you verify your identity by submitting a picture of your face and your id. All I did was photoshop the picture of myself to look chubbier and lie about my weight. The tricky part is just remembering what weight I told them I was the month before during my monthly check ins but other than that it’s insanely easy.
In the EU?
whats the site
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I actually have a doc appointment in 2 days at a private clinic, trying to get a Wegovy prescription.

For the last few days I have been stuffing my face to ensure my BMI is over 30 so they won’t reject me (they did about a year ago). Feels gross but if that’s what I gotta do…

I’m still a little worried tho because I’m visibly built from lifting for years, and even tho my weight/BMI is high, my bodyfat pct isn’t in fatass territory. I know they’ll make me take a body composition test (BIA, InBody)… hopefully the doc isn’t gonna notice and say no.

Any tips on how to cheat the test to ensure higher bodyfat measurement? I’m thinking about eating lots of carbs and salt before and not drinking any water. Cheers
buy an ad
You didn't beat it.
It’s a double edged sword. On one hand, it works if you take it. On the other hand, it doesn’t if you don’t. And so besides the possible side effects, which aren’t particularly well studied yet, there’s a real risk of simply rebounding perhaps even worse than before when you stop using it.
How do I get on it?
weekly sq injections
Not him but it's obvious people improving hurts you. Reflect on this and realize how dead inside your are
This seems like a very common reaction. I'm starting to believe that Ozempic has the same effects as roids and causes people to irrationally flare up.
roid rage is a meme and you're just another 4chancel talking out your ass

t. roider
But the people who need it the most (the poor) are the ones who won't have access to it. Most of the obesity is in the poor to lower middle class of society. The drug cartels are leeching more and more off of the people who can least afford it.
>you dont understand how crazy it is to eat 600cal and feel full
lmao. is that all it takes? have you even tried eating clean for once? you can get a huge filling meal in <500 cals.
>you can get it dirt cheap directly from china
>trusting unknown liquids from china
I hope this is bait for your sake.
Side effects in drugs can take years to decades before they are fully discovered. If it was life and death cancer or something sure take the experimental drug because you're going to die anyways. But when you can put the fork down and have the same effect without taking an expensive drug that could possibly harm you long term it's just not a risk worth taking. But most people don't care and only live and think in the moment. If something helps them today they won't ask what it might do to them in 5-10-20 years. They will let the person they are in 20 years deal with the consequences.
>t. roider who cuts with ozempic
Didn't learn anything from the recent sticky eh? Is a few years of vanity really worth a bad end?
It's a bad idea because many fats are coping with/from abuse. This is stomach staple 2.0 and won't help many people who need to work on the chronic stress they're soothing.
Get a load of this faggot dyel sitting in a messy room with anime posters on the wall lecturing other men about their life choice.
Big lenny was disgusting nigger faggot who let his own feet rot away because he was too lazy and retarded to even change his puss soaked socks.
Millions of people literally die each year from decades of shit diets and lack of exercise but for some reason faggots like you are so concerned about the health of roiders.
Do you go to the grocery store and lecture people with carts of junk food?
Don’t wanna go into starvation mode either
And they say roid rage isn't real lmao.
how much of a estrogen soaked snowflake do you have to be read that and feel like you are the victim of some kind of "rage"?
A blue haired lesbian with a nose ring would complain to HR if that was in work email, but now 4channers are getting triggered by a few cuss words
Nigger you are so insecure that you take drugs that have proven deleterious effects on your health and when called out on it you sperg out multiple paragraphs.
The only one here raging is you.
Estrogen rage. Its real kek.
So angry because another man you never met takes some roids in nation full of drug addicts and obese people with cardiovascular diseases.
You are so worked up you can't even see what you are typing. Calm down before you stroke out roidy.
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Tirzepatide (mounjaro) works even better.
see what I mean? You're still carrying on with it. Just like an old women.
Although I guess estrogen rage and incel have the same symptoms. Try not shoot up your school on Monday, nattytranny.
>15 different kinds of projection
Honestly feel bad for you man, hope you eventually find something good to fill that void in your life. Drugs ain't it brother.
I'm on week 3 and yeah it's kind of fucked up how easily I'm losing weight. No sides either which is mental to me. Have gone from 215 pounds to 195 without even trying. I'm more focused too. Kind of concerned at what happens when I come off it though
Sure, but if the effect is not permanent, any potential side effect is likely to not be permament too. "Drug stops affecting you after you stop taking it" is a good thing
As for the weight loss, maintaining is easier than losing, being more active is easier when you're normal weight and you can actually do stuff more fun than walking

It's not like "acquiring willpower" can't just be done when you're taking it or after.
>But when you can put the fork down and have the same effect without taking an expensive drug
They can't
They can, plenty of people do it every day. They just don't want to. /fat/ has tens of thousands of pounds lost and they did it and still do it without any drugs.
>plenty of people do it every day
Not an argument. Plenty of people walk every day, doesn't mean you can grow your legs back.
>They just don't want to.
Find me one fatty that never tried to lose weight.
>/fat/ has tens of thousands of pounds lost and they did it and still do it without any drugs
/fat/ by definition has gained more pounds than they lost
>not stuffing your face is the same struggle as not having legs
Alright I can see we aren't going to be able to meet in the middle. Enjoy your drugs, I hope everything works out for you.
it reduces muscle mass
calorie deficits do that.
>but some study by a dyel egghead says blah blah
lift weights and eat protein faggot. Ozempic doesnt reduce muscle in and of itself
wait till you learn about Amycretin
Whether you feel something or not is in as much of your control as whether you can move your legs or not
Chronic hunger is like chronic pain, except the hungerkillers are in every store and prescription-free
Food addiction is like alcohol or drug addiction except it's literally impossible to quit
The prescription of "eat less" simply doesn't work, as evidenced by decades of empirical evidence of it not working. You may kvetch and that's the reality. Semiglutides WORK
You see people losing weight, but you don't see or choose to ignore the people gaining weight. I see people getting rich winning a lottery, that doesn't make it a viable way to get rich, or even be profitable.
2 in 5 americans know someone who fatally overdosed. All americans know someone obese.
If I'm going to Russian roulette with my body I'd rather just pin test instead, large majority of fattys have low T and disrupted hormones, test will even it out and make you jacked instead of turning you into a skinny fat skeleton.
>40% of weight loss being lean mass is normal
is it really? would be interesting to see how much lean mass people with massive weight loss from like bariatric surgery lose. maybe its similar i dont know
oh no some obese couch potato who cant bench 75lbs will lose non-existent muscle.
I cut on ozempic, lift and eat protein and didn't lose any more muscle than without it.
>oh no some obese couch potato
all the more reason its bad for them to lose the little lean mass they have
i quit drinking, started lifting and jogging. lost 70 lbs in about a year. you will regret taking that shit one day.
and what do I care about the plight of fat dyels who lose muscle when they cut? That's their fucking problem if they dont lift and eat protien,
I didnt lose any extra muscle when I cut with ozempic because I'm not too retarded.
Here's the thing, with a massive weight loss, you don't have 40% of weight loss in muscule to lose. Let's say you have 150lbs of excess fat. There is no fucking way you have ~100lbs of muscule to lose, that's the amount you'd have to lose to end up with 40% muscule loss
I can relate a lot to these ladies, I'm a 150lbs 69kg man(let) and I still have a belly and look skinnyfat despite lifting for almost 2 years and doing cardio 5x a week, tried a lot of diets but they all gave me the yoyo effect.
I should probably try to fast and shred these last 10-20lbs but everytime I try to fast the hunger and boredom gets to me. Any way to help with this?
the 40% number is from one of the clinical trials. weight loss wasnt 150 pounds but it was pretty massive maybe like 40 pounds iirc. most interventions struggle to keep more than a few pounds off people after a few years
Why do people on here get so butthurt about about ozempigs? I'm glad there's going to be less fatties lumbering around sitting the world up. It's not like they'll be indistinguishable from actual fit people either. They'll just go from piggy to DYEL since they don't have the discipline to actually workout
>I want to smooch the Dane who invented this
You paying my taxes is thanks enough, subhuman lard goblin.
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>black market semaglutide is being sold for 100usd per 5mg vial

So what's a good starting dose that works well and doesnt give you explosive diarrhea or stomach pain? .5mg?

I need to go from 155lbs to 135lbs to hit my peak beach body condition. Already cut from 179 and it's getting slow as fuck.
I work for a clinic that does it
we usually start at .25mg for month 1 and then go up to .5mg for month 2, but most of our clients are foids that scream and complain if there's any side effects so you're probably safe starting at .5mg
yeah, these 5mg vials are only good for 30 days with bac water, so I wanna make sure I get the most of it.

Starting at .5mg and not increasing my dose, I would end up with about 5 doses if I keep it up to 35 days and still end up wasting half of the fucking drug
hi so

Micro dosing Glucagon Like peptide 1 medicines is the easiest method. In the usual case, your body adjusts to using less calories when doing calorie restricted diets. Also your hunger goes through the roof, you cant focus on productive work because your stress hormones are high due to low calories available and hunger. Your body starts aching here and there. Everything leads to build up of stress hormones which can even prevent smooth reduction of fat stores.

Using Glucagon Like peptides removes this problem. Now you can stay without food and your body wont mind, it will not decrease caloric expenditure that much. This means your body will feel hot and stay in mode of burning energy, whether carbs or fat regardless of whether you are in calorie restriction or not. This prevents aches and hurts here and there on the body which prevents stress hormone buildup.

Also micro dosing Glucagon Like peptides removes the side effects of these medicines. Everybody over a certain age or BMI should be on micro dosed Glucagon Like peptide medicines for not just weight loss but also health purposes as these drugs hit several areas of good health all over the body at various organs. The objective is micro dosing and not depending all on Glucagon Like peptides . So there is effort involved on the person like calorie restriction and exercise. But these efforts will be stress hormone free with the peptide and thats what makes it beautiful
It's not even better
Sema is GLP1 analog
Tirz is glp2 and gip analog

It mimics additional gip hormone
It's different.. maybe good. Sema itself is good and probably soon generic priced ...if you know to use it well it's the best drug.

If tirz is new, it will be too costly and never out of patented status

But sema itself is dangerous if used carelessly... Sudden permanent blindness, gallbladder blocks needing surgery, stomach paralysis are some issues

Al these drugs need to be dosed at lowest workable dose

Sudden blindness is serious.. it's supposedly permanent
What's the difference between metformin vs semaglutide injects?

I can buy pharma metformin 500mg pills x20 for literally 3 bucks.

I can get black market semaglutide 5mg for 100usd (assuming its mostly real) or pharma for like 500usd.
Because it's putting a bandaid on a seeping wound. It's just going to fester for a few years and then burst leaving the body worse off than had we done nothing. It's giving a man a fish instead of teaching him how to fish.
It's a temporary solution to a long term problem. The only way to actually change people for the better is to change their diet, to change the food we create and sell. But that is hard and it's easier to just take a drug and be blissfully ignorant for a short time.
Tirz is glp1 still, not glp2; and gip
>The only way to actually change people for the better is to change their diet
So the only way to actually do something is to do the thing that empirically doesn't work?
So some people should be on ozempic micro dosed for life
Like aspirin for life
Or fish oil for life

Microdosed such that it increases their will power

People who are healthy don't need it now.. but will need it in future when they get old bogged and fatter
>bragging about losing fat AND lean mass, maybe in worse than equal proportions
It does work, I have lost over 100lbs completely drug free. Just put the fork down fatty.
Danes are the second most chuddy Euros online, after Belgians. Very angry. Why?
Sorry phone keyboard
Glp1 and gip

I meant that
Tirz is glp1 and gip

It maybe better like 10% better than sema but imo it's pharma trick to keep patent going on and keep drug costly

Sema is enough and in 2-3 years it's gonna be generic

Also no one should use pharma doses imo

It should be lowest dosed as possible
I get 14 mg sema tablet rybelsus and use one tablet for several months

1 strip which cost me usd 50 will last me years I think
its 200+ usd for 10 fucking tablets of those from an online pharma.

Also I heard metformin gives you massive diarrhea so actually im not sure i even want it anymore. that could just be a result of most people on it being obese as fuck and having bad eating habits and incredibly high doses.
Metformin is bad
it suppresses mtor signalling and makes your muscles weaker
Its good for health, might help you live longer or cancer free for more years than if you didn't use it... But it's bad for muscular life. Muscles feel depressed tired all the time, you won't feel glycogen stores in muscle, metformin prevents glycogen formation in liver I think.

Overall a bad medicine for gym bro but good medicine for long life or prevent cancer

Semaglutide doesn't have this issue
It doesn't affect muscle glycogen stores that much. Muscles feel good and you can lift weights and feel pump. No all day tired depressed muscle feels like metformin
Yes and people win a lottery and get rich, and yet, winning a lottery is not a way to get money.
Im happy that it worked for you so far, but you didn't say to "to change me", but "to change people". A seciety-wide prescription needs to be effective society-wise.
All obese people minus you is approximately all obese people. You are statistically insignificant.
*playing the lottery is not a way to get money
whats your opinion on using vapes/nicotine instead of semaglutide for appetite suppression?

I used to take hard drugs and dropped 179-150ish lbs in the span of 3 months but uhhh, this is really expensive and affecting my life and I don't wanna be a junkie so I was able to quit just 10 days ago but now I need some extra help with the diet (I'm still able to eat like 1800 cals a day but it's getting harder, I used to do like 1000 on dope).

I could buy nicotine tablets but never tried it as it's addictive.....

I stay away from addiction stuff

Maybe you should try it for reducing weight and stop it after. Always microdose to help will power and then do calorie deficit to lose weight
I used to smoke socially in clubs and I'd go through like 4-5 cigarettes at a time and only got a headache.

I never really felt pleasure or got addicted to cigarettes so I was considering it. I mean, hell, I got through dope addiction so I figured I could use nicotine as a weight suppression drug and not get addicted.

Apparently 20 puffs is worth 1 cigarette so I'll probably just try to do a tiny bit before my first meal and my 2nd meal. I only eat twice a day.
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The real reason why people are offended by the use of things like Ozembic is not because of people "cheating" or other stuff like that.
It's because they realize that the actual solution requires giving people more holistic support.
Just giving them a drug that "fixes" the symptom won't solve the underlying causes, but hey! at least they're not fat anymore right?
I can see advocates of the drug argue "Why would you confine these people to obesity to 'help' them?"
There's a lot of nuance to add, but the root of the issue is that if you simply offer a "quick fix" without resolving the underlying problem you can actually make things worse for that person in unintuitive ways.
>empirically doesn't work?
You mean what ozempic forces?
I don't think Ozempic is actually addressing the underlying problem in the population, which I feel has to be something hormonal or neurological. It just makes you eat way less by suppressing your appetite, but simply fasting or eating really low calories is already a known method to lose weight even for people who struggle with it. Ozempic just makes it easier to stick with this kind of diet.

When you are healthy and active your body should simply burn fat easily and maintain some muscle. The fact that this is not true for many people means something is wrong, and Ozempic is not addressing whatever this is. I know that some portion of people are just addicted to food in a manner similar to like drug addicts but I don't think that's what's going on with most fat people.

I'm not claiming to know what the answer or solution is but Im just saying this is not really fixing the real problem.
>So some people should be on ozempic micro dosed for life
another idiot spouting gibberish, The effects wear off so you have to keep increasing the dose. When you hit the maximum dose and it no longer works, there's nothing you can do expect come off, wait a few months and start again.
You're a clown and moron
You can use it at lowest dose

It works like human glp1 because sema is 94% identical

I am doing fine using at lowest dose for months

If you eat too much you need more medicine

So eat like a normal person using calorie restriction and you only need lowest dose

Using high doses are risky
Affects gall bladder
Eye blindness
Stomach paralysis

Better to use lowest dose and control food intake like a normal person who does calorie restriction diet for weight loss

Fyi I use lowest dose at 700-1500 calories per day plus 1-2 hour cardio daily
>now I have a small fridge in my bedroom for my peptides
scratch that
the 4L fridge I bought it hardly works, and it can't keep a peptide cool enough as it should be
I'll need to hide it somehow in the family fridge...
I dont believe you ever took sema at all or you just placebod yourself into thinking it works.
I started with the lowest dose 0.25mg and followed the approved dosing schedule.
I had zero effects for weeks until I finally jumped to 1mg.
>Fyi I use lowest dose at 700-1500 calories per day plus 1-2 hour cardio daily
lol no you dont. That's the problem with 4chan larpers. They fool people at first, but then always take it too far
1mg is your Lowest dose at the current state of your body and current food intake

try to do fasting with 0.25mg
Snake diet electrolyte fasting

It will work
By fasting I mean
Snake diet electrolyte
0.25 sema
bros dosing is fucking hard to to understand so i got a 5ml vial with probably means i have 4ml of fluid at 3mg per vial and they say start with .25mg so how many iu do i need? so per ml i have this 3/4=.75 mg/ml why tf do i need to use iu instead of cc's like which retard invented iu
I hope this helps
>2.5 -> 5 -> 7.5
it should have been 15, 2 weeks after the first dose
Wegovy sucks vs Mounjaro.

Metformin old school diabetes med improves body utilisation of glucose and causes weight loss - usually causes stomach upset. If it was good you wouldve heard about it sooner.

Injected GLP-1 are goated - in europe they are bought wholesale £70-100


Trials show people still keep a % of the weight off but do rebound slightly - However this data is probably skewed by fatties who lost "10%". but if you're 140kg weighing 126kg still makes you a lard and all the fatty tissue will continue to deregulate your hormones and drag you back into that pit.

To truly get the benefit you need to be in a normal BMI range without mountains of lard paracrine signalling which is the root issue to dysregulated hunger that occurs with obesity; the secondary snowballing endocrine effects.

Fuck the % weight loss - long term remission only if you beat the fatty threshold and give yourself a healthy baseline.
i mean it would if i could use it without the water
The root of the issue is that if you offer an idea of a "wholistic fix" instead of offering a "working fix" you have not actually resolved any underlying problem at all, you simply alluded they should be resolved without any actionable course of action.
You are confusing goals with the ways to achieve goals. "Resolve underlying problems" is not a way to achieve "eating less", it is just another goal.
Also you are operating under the assumption all the problems are mental. Hunger is based on physical phenomena happening in your body. You can't talk and perspective change your legs into growing back, and neither can you therapy pancreas into producing more insulin
water is good get bloated. Also popcorn
you'll be dependent on ozempic forever because you didn't actually build up willpower through exercising it
What? Ozempic doesn't force you to change your diet, it increases insulin secretion for the food you ingest. Diet change is like a 4th order effect downstream from that.
You're unironically focusing on the symptom rather than the cause
>something hormonal or neurological
>It just makes you eat way less by suppressing your appetite
>buy an ad
been fat for 20 years despite trying everything. Been thin for about 10, and I was constantly losing my mind, ruminating about food constantly. For 10 years. And then you get a breakthrough, that appears to be relatively safe, and keeps you healthy. If its legit its not shilling. On the contrary, I wish upon people in my life to enjoy happiness, as I do.
That's not what I mean though. you have hormones in your body that literally signal for you to burn fat for energy vs using glycogen. Your body can also use the protein and calories you eat to build and maintain muscle or it can just turn them into fat. This will significantly impact your appetite, but it also just changes what your body does with what it's given.
Urm have you tried simply not thinking about food or being hungry? Just decide to stop feeling
I have great news for you, you should read up what's the active substance in ozempic
>Urm have you tried simply not thinking about food or being hungry? Just decide to stop feeling
>just KYS m8 whats the big deal
great idea
>it increases insulin secretion for the food you ingest
Which does nothing for weight loss. The "4th order effect" is why it's become the meme that it is.
Big pharma shills should be nailed to a cross. It is actually really easy to lose weight if you just stop eating garbage. If it comes in a brightly colored package it is bad for you. Simple as.
I was under the impression that ozempic functioned mostly just because it makes people restrict calories, and they end up essentially fasting, but they lose lots of muscle too. Is this not accurate?
That is because Covid and vaccines killed a lot of fatties dipshit.
You can buy a month of tirz for under 100
that shit looks like it was made in a bathtub bro
>i always knew that i was not lazy
yes you were, fag
It's frost
and what does non-bathtub peptides look like, clown?
>if 0.25mg sema doesnt suppress your appetite just fast and you wont be hungry on it
are by an any chance currently involuntarily committed in a home for the mentally retarded?
just wondering
It's mimicing a GLP-1 hormone which is the stuff your GI tract releases (and brain, a little) when it detects food. The hormone is upstream from insulin
You seem to be confused between effect and use. The use is to cure a symptom, and the effect is to get rid of the cause
ok commie
I don't think that would fix the issue of your body not signalling to burn fat/build muscle.
>won't post his irrelevant shithole country
lmao, rent free
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What's the point to get more fat to then get a fat-loss drug?
The issue is not lack of signaling to burn fat. The issue is disregulated response to insulin. With the same baseline, fat people have higher blood glucose levels for longer than normal people, ozempic increases insulin secretion in response to food, bringing their blood glucose after eating in line with normal people
I think that is the issue, but I recognize that this is just my uneducated broscience take on the matter. you can be in a certain metabolic state where you eat food and you can literally feel your body simultaneously rebuilding your muscle and also burning fat. That is what you want and what these people don't have.
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>But the they have largely failed to make any objective difference in the health of the population, regardless of how big an industry health is
>Since Ozempic was introduced, obesity has declined for the first time in decades.
This sounds like bullshit. Carefully crafted bullshit.

Isn't Ozempic an extremely expensive, precription drug? How many people are on it? How many Americans can realistically afford to be on such a drug and are there enough of these to put a significant dent in the population-wide obsesity statistics.

Meanwhile, fitness and health influencers on social media have been reaching millions more young people over the last 10 years than at any time in history. It has never been easier for people to become more educated about health, fitness, and nutrition than ever before. Kids can ask their smartphones about weight loss and food content and get pretty accurate answers. None of this was remotely accessible in past years.

I simply don't believe that many people have $1000 to spend a month to move the dial for the whole country. There are a lot more people who can get free advise and follow it and they're more likely to be able to shift the aggregate numbers.
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>Have gym membership
>Just do half an hour stairmaster + deadlifts
>Almost get to idea weight
>COVID hits, so cancel gym membership while its still possible

>Try CICO without gym access
>Random shivers
>Horrible hunger pains
>Complete energy loss at end of day
>Extreme apatite when eating unless severe diet restrictions
>The only way to actually change people for the better is to change their diet
We have recorded history of people getting fat as long as we have extensive sources, and we have documented fad diets to cur their problems... and in most cases we can even document them going back and fourth.
All non-generic drugs in america are extremely expensive. These drugs are so massively popular it makes sense for them and they can cut out the rest of the pharmacy stack - pharmacies, PBMs, insurance companies - and sell directly to consumer. They will recommend you "agreeable" doctors nearby. They even offer "savings cards" so that people who's insurance won't cover it can buy it for a bearable price instead of the fake inflated price for insurance.
They also make you eat less, and eat more normal, so the price can be increased by savings you get from it. The money fastfood is making is the money weightloss could be making instead

The internet has been widely available for two decades now. Thinking fitness influencers have any sort of impact is pure indilluted cope
>and perspective change your legs into growing back
This is some weird talking point that was given out after being focus group tested.
> you simply alluded they should be resolved without any actionable course of action.
This is because you need to actually UNDERSTAND the underlying issue which will be different person to person.
You can't just offer a "one-size-fits-all" solution.
To keep with your legs metaphor it's like handing everyone a prosthetic leg and wondering why most people aren't using it.
> Also you are operating under the assumption all the problems are mental.
I'll go further, in a majority of cases compulsive over-eating has nothing to do with hunger. It's absolutely emotional and the reason why you won't see actionable fixes is because healing various forms of trauma is a luxury for most people.
Anyone given a budget to "cure fats" can make more progress without reaching for these tools. I'm not saying there's no place for them, but without addressing the underlying issues (and there definitely are many) it's possible they'll simply cope with another (potentially more destructive) addiction / self-harm regimen.
I used liraglutide which is basically the same thing. At some point my tolerance outpaced the maximal dose and it basically stopped working. Think about 3 months of use or so.
>wasting thousands of dollars to lower your appetite when you can literally do better it by cheap shit like stims or even coffee and sigs
nta but you’re brown. hahahahaha
things that drastically lower appetite:
pseudo ephedrine
>This is some weird talking point that was given out after being focus group tested
This is some weird talking point you use when you can't meaningfully counter the point being made
>This is because you need to actually UNDERSTAND the underlying issue which will be different person to person
So every person's underlying issue is different and you can't offer a one-size-fits-all sollution.l, BUT you can correctly identify that's due to the same kind of underlying issue and have a one-size-fits-all diagnosis.
>I'll go further, in a majority of cases compulsive over-eating has nothing to do with hunger. It's absolutely emotional and the reason why you won't see actionable fixes is because healing various forms of trauma is a luxury for most people.
>Anyone given a budget to "cure fats" can make more progress without reaching for these tools. I'm not saying there's no place for them, but without addressing the underlying issues (and there are many) it's possible they'll simply cope with another (potentially more destructive) addiction / self-harm regimen.
I counter your complete lack of evidence with mine: all you just said is wrong.

>and there are many
So many you didn't name one.
So nice it's okay to generalize when you're making a claim but not when you're asked to elaborate on it
They only care about getting people less fat to get military recruitment numbers up.
This isn't about health or anything like that.
An actual fix is impossible because the system isn't about health and won't be without radical reforms.
You're just obsessed with "number go down" just like the central planners, but that's completely orthogonal from what an individual person should do for their health.
We're optimizing different problems but you can't be honest about it.
Back to /pol/ schizo

none of those suppress appetite compared to these drugs. the effects that semaglutide/tirzapetide/retatrutide/cagrilintide have are completely mind bending to experience.
I encourage anyone seriously considering ozempic to do it. It will kill you, and you will never be healthy on it. If you’re the type of fat sloth who entertains magic pharma solutions instead of a little discipline, please get trapped on the ozempic treadmill. Not that you’d ever touch a real treadmill, but you get the point.
have sex
>trapped in the "actually working and making progress" "treadmill"
bro are you 5 feet tall
All I got from ozempic is pancreatitis. I did lose 50lbs in 6 months from just walking and taking test.
You don't think I fucking wanted it to work? I spent a weekend in the hospital from it. I was a fatass (still am) if there was a fucking cheat code that worked for me I'd do it. I was at 321 when I started and I'm down to 269ish now. Walking 3-4 miles a day isn't exactly fun but it's what I have to do now.
If you stay near fasting ideal
You can keep using lowest dose without tolerance

Now don't be retarded and try fasting while on low dose sema
More food needs more sema
Less food need less sema
This isn't rocket science
Any nonnretard can see the possibility... You can never know until you try it.

Some people have lower number of androgen receptors.. accepted bro science.

Some people have low number of GLP1 receptors.. new bro science.

So some people in rare cases may need high doses. Usually these people are extremely obese or unhealthy.

For the yoyo fat person who became skinny several times and then fatty, I think their receptors are plenty and may only need lowest dosed of sema

Also after using sema for a while, th receptors will upregulate or become multiplied.. so maybe every one can work will low doses after a few cycles

All I know is my genetics allows me to use lowest dosed and it's beautiful

These are harmful
Glp1 is beneficial to different organs in the body

Truly a holy grail of health iff there are no sides like majority of people
Were you eating .. without calorie restriction during the drug course?
>More food needs more sema
>Less food need less sema
>Also after using sema for a while, th receptors will upregulate or become multiplied..

you discovered properties of semaglutide all the researchers, doctors and scientists missed all without ever leaving your basement
Body becomes healthy
Cells become healthy after some courses in sema
They grow new and more receptors as healthy people have
This makes their body respond well to lower doses of sema
I'm starting to realize you need to walk to burn fat.
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I've always known us skellies were the actual lucklets. Piggies, don't talk to me anymore, you're closet luckshitters who have the world on your side.
3 day update, I haven't fasted or focused much on anything, just made sure to do 10k steps a day and workout and only consume protein as much as possible. I'm now 257.5lb I think I'm losing a lb a day, not as fast as I wanted so I will start fasting for 2 days again I hope I hit 250lb at the very least. It's easy bruh
I was eating less and maybe was a little less bloated but I didn't take off more than 5-10lb before the pancreatitis got me in about 3 months time.
most people countersignaling it are either grifters or animals
That's sucks dude. I just finished my third month of Mounjaro. I am at 7.5. Was at 2.5 then 5. It hasn't done anything for my 'food noise'. Still has obsessed about it. It does reduce my appetite somewhat.
Yeah I mean I guess the good thing is for some reason I went for a walk stuck with it. Coupled with TRT I have been taking weight off. It's just my life, 90% of my fatassness is just being lazy and my fault. Deserved... but it does hurt to see some people literally be able to just inject and have dumb luck work for them.

Good luck. Hopefully eventually there is something that works for people who are sensitive to GLP-1 sideeffects. The GI doctor the hospital sent me to for follow ups said that they do get quite a few cases a month of people getting pancreatitis from GLP-1 meds.
i weigh 310lbs because i
>stress eat
>wfh so food is always around
>sleep apnea due to being overweight makes me tired/hungry all the time and not want to exercise
why shouldnt i use ozempic
>i lost 16lb first week
Is that your first time even trying to diet or something? Most fatties will drop 15-20 pounds in the first week or two. It's why those scams like Nutrisystem guarantee you'll lost that much in the first 2 weeks or your money back. You're not actually losing fat. Your intestines are being purged of the 10 pounds from the last big meal you ate, and the rest is waterweight.
Lmao, delusional fat fuck
>pay food industry for food laced with chemicals that create food addiction
>pay pharma industry for drugs to battle food addiction
>rinse and repeat

Here's a quick story. Acacia hindsii plants enslave pseudomyrmex ants by feeding them an enzyme called chitinase in a nectar that deactivates the invertase enzyme in the ant's bodies. That ant's enzyme, when functional, is used to digest sucrose. But with it being blocked, the plant makes them addicts to the nectar for life. They would die if they stopped eating it. In this way, the plant makes the ants slaves for protection, cleaning, and all sorts of other shit plants do to maintain their 'home' (the plant) that they never leave.

Not a particularly interesting story for us. But the American processed food industry found it delightful when they learned this trivia. And, for some strange reason, only food in the US contains the fruits of that knowledge. All other countries have banned it.
> 90% of my fatassness is just being lazy and my fault.
I am about to get diagnosed with ADHD. I hope its that. It kinda stings to think it was all my fault, and no doubt it partially is.

> Coupled with TRT I have been taking weight off. It's just my life,
yeah weight loss is just 500-1000 cal deficit plus getting close to 10k steps a day in, and being patient

> to see some people literally be able to just inject and have dumb luck work for them.
thats most people though. although they do overblow the 'results' of ozempic and other glp-1. people lose like 50 lbs over 72 weeks, yet any half assed attempt at weight loss could easily net you way over 100 lbs in 72 weeks. but yeah, i would wager that for around 30% of people it does little to nothing
GLP-1 medication (retatrutide) has had an *intense* effect on my weight loss. it short circuits the parts of me that want to gorge. i simply don't experience hunger, or food-noise thoughts in my head. additionally, i'm losing more weight than you would think just based on what i'm eating. i'm on a very low dose.

these drugs are potent. it's literally like there was a demon of gluttony inside of me was exorcised by retatrutide. everyone is different and responds differently but for a LOT of people, it's miraculous.

retatrutide is a lot better than semaglutide for sure

Started Zepbound (tirzepatide) almost a month ago and went from 217 to 202, putting my BMI at 29.9 out of the obese category It's only $50 for me since I was obese & my insurance covers it, but not sure if I will get continued coverage since I no longer meet the criteria. There's also been shortage issues and had to wait a couple days.

But I am quite shocked how well this is working. I would binge eat and drink like crazy before, and now I have to remember to eat. If I don't, I get hypoglycemic and feel dizzy. It forces me to make a habit out of eating regular, well-portioned, high-protein meals and to stay hydrated. I've also been sober for a month because I heard drinking on it gives you pancreatitis, but I have no desire to drink which contributes to the weight loss.

It does make you lose muscle, so it encourages me to lift even more. The problem is it's hard to tell if I've eaten enough for the gym until it's too late and I've almost blacked out a couple times. But I've fixed my diet now so that I never forget to eat. I've noticed doing the shot in the stomach gives me more intense side effects than the thigh, but also more weight loss. The nausea peaks at 48 hours and it's like having the flu. I have to force feed myself. Could barely finish a protein shake. I'm supposed to go up in dose too so we'll see how that goes.

I'm a bit concerned about the gallstones since I'm losing fast. IDK if I'm crazy, but my vision has vastly improved. I know blood sugar changes causes the lens of the eyes to change shape. It got really blurry, but then once I replenished my vision is really great. I've also noticed a change in taste/smell. Very sensitive. I can't eat fast food anymore because the sodium bothers me now.

All in all, it works and encourages healthy diet/exercise. I still feel spiritually obese so it's mutually beneficial for me and Big Pharma as I don't want to get off this medicine and am a willing cash cow. Is this how trannies feel?

Were you drinking alcohol while on it?

Try drinking lots of green tea. It's nature's God-given Ozempic.
you are severely underestimating how potent these drugs are
source on thoe claims?
You can lose weight just as fast and much cheaper if you simply ate right and walked a lot on the treadmill?
Is that even approved? Were you a tester?
Do you have any proof?

Doing cardio is not good advice to give fatties. All that does is make us more hungry. They need to lift and eat lots of protein. I can barely eat after lifting.
How much fucking money are these pharmafags making from pushing this crap? This is clearly an ad, yet they won't pay for an actual ad here.

It's not being pushed. It's quite the opposite actually. The actual companies are trying to gatekeep it. It's always out of stock and they keep adding new rules to make it harder. It's just the MLM types who shill the compounded shit and complementary supplements for $400 a month.
it's in stage 3 trials for FDA approval. but readily available from any amino or peptide supplier. i'm paying 150 dollars for a 10.71mg vial of retatrutide, and my current dose is 2mg a week.
This thread is all gptbot posts and shilling. It's very clear that this is an ad campaign. There's some fatties here that already lost weight without any of this crap. Demoralizing posts saying you MUST take some drug that costs thousands of dollars per shot or you'll never lose weight. "Ignore the long term side effects".

You'll see it soon enough but you're a shill so your opinions are worthless. To the fatties reading...

Put the fork down, pick the weights up. Take a light jog and put away the phone so you can sleep. YOU DON'T NEED THIS DANGEROUS SHIT. Weight loss drugs have fucked people up before and this is yet another savior drug that doesn't work long term. This one is worse because it costs absurd amounts of money.

Time to take your meds, schizo. They don't need to shill their products at all, let alone on 4chan. The demand is way too high.
Yes, you're spamming places with actual fit people (rare online nowadays) by spamming the same miracle stories here like pre-damage control. No one is posting here and using this crap. What you're doing is obvious. You're going to be in for a wave of hell when these drugs kill people like every other weight loss miracle drug.
>it's prescription only here (Netherlands).
Why are we such bootlickers? There isn't a single 'freedom' here. Just taxes, laws, rules and regulation.
that anon said walking a treadmill. see how they did not use the word running? it's because they're not as stupid as you think they are
I'll just say the exact same thing but with a bit more disdain.
What about the side effects?
How in the absolute fuck do you think that this thing that just makes you lose weight is good for you?
Magic fix pharmaceuticals have been a thing forever and (as far as i know) there isn't a single case where they don't fucking obliterate you somehow in the long term.
Anxious, take benzos.
Fix attention, adderall.
Depressed, take anti depressants.
Fat, stick this needle in your penis.

I have no love for the fats in the world but just know in a few years when "you couldn't have known", that infact, each and every one of you knew.
you need to take ozempic through your dick? that's wild. how do women do it. just stick it into their clitoris?
since women can now have penises they felt they only needed this form of delivery
>How in the absolute fuck do you think that this thing that just makes you lose weight is good for you?
By actually looking whether it is good for you or not, instead of relying on guesswork and feelings.
There isn't some cosmic balance of karma that enforces everything that is good upfront has to have bad consequences. Most bad people won't get their comeuppance, most good people won't be rewarded for it. Sometimes things are just net good or bad. Sometimes they are only good, or only bad. Sometimes a problem is just fixed.
You talk about thinking, but you're not doing it yourself. You're not using your brain, you are making a judgement based on feelings.
>Magic fix pharmaceuticals have been a thing forever and (as far as i know) there isn't a single case where they don't fucking obliterate you somehow in the long term.
As you said, "as far ss you know".
Thing is, you know jack shit. The word "magic" you use is a codeword for "I have no clue what the fuck it is doing, how, or why". All the information you know is from the media game of telephone. Why the fuck do you think media will cover "new drug for X developed, cures it with no side effect" or "the first patients that took this drug 40 years ago are passing away due to okd age - it's official, we cured this minor illness you've never heard about". So of course you will never hear of them.
The only reason you heard about ozempic is because it's a first effective, convenient treatment to the number one illness of the western world. About 70% of americans are overweight or obese. These drugs singlehandedly put their makers in top 20 most valuable companies in the world. Good. They deserve it.
FDA approved 55 drugs last year, how many of them you know of? Zero.
>What about the side effects?
what about them? I didnt get any.

You know what else roid trannies take? Glp-1 We don't actually take semaglutide though because we are 't retarded. There are way better peptides like tirz and reta. It replaced clen as the cut drug of choice.

>t. a roid tranny
Based knower.

drugs work. your attitude doesn't
But that’s just because how you’re defining permanence. Yes, a rebound isn’t permanent exactly. But it is a modified default. That’s really the issue. All drugs work this way. If you take anti-anxiety meds, they’ll alleviate your anxiety while you’re on them, and then your natural state when you’re off them is even more anxious than you were before you take the anti-anxiety meds. These have to work the same way.

yeah, i see this a lot. moral outrage over it.

people heard about it and without doing the slightest bit of research other than reading a tweet decided they'd make up bullshit about it. anons really just go on 4chan and lie through their teeth in some imaginary culture war somehow this is a part of to them.

there's a cure for over-eating now. it's that simple.
>they’ll alleviate your anxiety while you’re on them, and then your natural state when you’re off them is even more anxious than you were before you take the anti-anxiety meds.

nothing works like that.

stay fat or fuck off or whatever, you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
>they’ll alleviate your anxiety while you’re on them, and then your natural state when you’re off them is even more anxious than you were before you take the anti-anxiety meds.
No it isn't. You simply gained perspective
>These have to work the same way.
No they don't. The karma you've been taught about in kiddie shows doesn't exist
To me it isn't not doing research, everyone is uneducated on basically everything, we live in a world of specialists. It's making a judgement based on morals that are taught to fucking children and thinking that's an informed opinion based on facts.

>guys we all know drugs are bad and taking a shortcut will have negative consequences - it's a fact
This is what children believe. This is a luxury belief that can only be held by those that can hide from reality, tring to wait for the "inevitable" karmic justice. The ironic thing is that the only karmic justice is that everyone eventually will either die prematurely or be pummeled by reality with hurt until they understand there is no karmic justice
yeah. people spend all day on the internet and apply some kind of moral rhetoric related to either the republicans or the democrats to every god damned facet of life.

full disclosure, when i started pinning reta i did not care about the consequences or risks whatsoever. it was just time to chrome the fuck up and do what it takes. as it turns out the stuff actually makes me feel healthier and has almost no downsides.
You’re an idiot. It’s one of the most basic pharmacological effects there is. Pretty much all drugs work like that. Clearly I hit a nerve or else you wouldn’t be so willing to say something so retarded.

> when the introduction of a drug produces an effect it’s the drug
> when depriving the drug produces an opposite effect it has nothing to do with the drug
Thanks for the input schizo logician
>You’re an idiot. It’s one of the most basic pharmacological effects there is. Pretty much all drugs work like that.

did you learn that on pol? because it's not true. and i've actually been to college.

it's not even that it's not true that i have an issue with, it's the toxic mess of insecurities that motivated you to create that opinion to begin with. you *want* to believe it. that's why you're stupid. not because you're wrong, because everyone is wrong sometimes, but because you WANT to be wrong, on purpose. acknowledge your igorance and adopt a look of humility. you know nothing about biology or pharmacology, so stop repeating 'shit you heard' like you got a nobel prize for fitting in with incels online. you dishonest little shits really piss me off.
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I'm not ready to self diagnose my self but my family has ADHD in it. I definitely could see myself fitting some of the criteria and it certainly contributes to my former laziness and binge eating. TRT definitely made me more focused and steady, I recommend anyone who is low T to just pay whatever you need to and go to a clinic weekly for it.

I'm the same guy who said I got pancreatitis. Even still I don't begrudge people getting results from it. I know people personally who have. It just fucking sucks that it didn't do shit for me but put me in the hospital. I find it funny though that people who are in the fitness community or influence community having such an issue with these medications. As if they've never used gear or have friends who have.

Also the route I walk now which takes me about 60-65min gets me 3.8 miles daily. I may try the 3-10-30 shit in the winter and see if it makes a difference. I know a girl who swears it did for her. I'd like to be close to 250 by January. (269 now as mentioned earlier)
What kind of needles do you guys use for this studf
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Nope. While on it I had beers for my birthday in July 2023 around 2-3 weeks in, in August maybe 3-4 with dinner one weekend and then for Labor day in September. The last week of September I felt strange pains in my back that I couldn't quite figure out. Chalked it up to sleeping in a fucked up position or getting a kidney stone again. It went away the next day after explosive diarrhea. A few days later it came back and just got so bad to the point where I couldn't sleep so I gave in and went to the hospital.

I do think the TRT helped me be less hungry, it also be just getting older (35). I've also tried to figure out if it did make me just less hungry in the long run. Either way for other fat asses just go walk, trust me. 60min a day.
Who are you quoting? Because in my post I pretty explicitly disagreed with the notion that stopping medication somehow leads to a worse effect than before starting it. So this entire text:
>> when depriving the drug produces an opposite effect it has nothing to do with the drug
Has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. You're just restating your retarded opinion in a way that implies I say/agree with it because you're too fucking low IQ to even comprehend what I am disagreeing with you on
in EU they come in vials, I just ask for "insulin syringes" and they give me like a 20-pack

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