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Is it true some people looks worse after getting /fit/?
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Ehhh....depends on what you're into, now doesn't it?
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according to these webm no

when ur older and ur skin hangs off maybe
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rippetoe strikes again
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there's some optimum range based on their genetics, putting aside the social or fetishistic reasons for a certain weight
she should be physically capable of both exercise and carrying a baby to full term.

took the cut too far, and posed like a retard. looks bad man.


glutemaxxed, then got fat and put gym clothes on. doesn't count. there's a girl at my gym with an ass slightly less fat than this, but she isn't fat herself. even though it's cool and all, i still think if she had the ass on the left it would be better.
Unironally, I don’t know anyone who lifts often that looks good. They look muscular sure, but not in an attractive or athletic way. All the good looking fit people I know are athletes who don’t lift.
It seems that it is not true.
Am I the only one who noticed that the arm flexing emoji was black? You need to go out of your way for that, it's the farthest away from the default.
My gf back widened up too much after doing too much pullups prescribed by her retarded female pt. It was before our relationship started. She started to drift into other sport activities lately; I hope she will drop gym completely. Some girls tend to get muscle and get bulky quickly if they work out seriously, same thing happend to my sister before. Don't let your gfs into gym if they intend to actually work out because it will ruin their physique.
What you are noticing is the difference between bloatmaxxing and being lean
or keep them on a short leash, logging hip, waist, back width so you can show them they're getting more unfeminine if they do certain exercises, and they can choose how much strength vs attractiveness they prefer, since you don't need to go swimmer-tier thick waist to have good core health for example
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Depressing. I would have wifed per-workout so hard. Seeing that transformation literally confirming all my fiancé's fears.
damn she looks healthier, would wife after
I was looking for this webm. I think she looked way hotter before but she's a personal trainer or something.
bullshit, fat loss does unbelievable things to peoples faces
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She doesn’t look bad at all.
Or are you talking about her face? Because in that case getting fit has nothing to do.
In all seriousness, she’s kinda cute.
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The routine I made for my wife focuses mainly in low weight/high reps for the upper part of the body and getting muscular mass in the lower.
C’on, we all know girls go for the thick ass and slim waist nowadays.
Next stop: boutinela-like one piece swimsuit. Goddamn, I’m so lucky.
Sad that I've been here long enough to remember this exact thread being posted months ago
90% of the fitness whores on Instagram are just coasting on good genetics (wide hips, good fat distribution).
Most of them had big round jiggly nice asses before ever touching a barbell. Just from genetics. If a girl doesn't have good hips from the beginning she's not gonna develop a good ass no matter how many squats she does.
Well this girl specifically made the mistake of spamming upper body too much and it looks like she neglected her legs and ass. So yes, she looks worse after lifting. Same as when rtards here spam gomad and SS and look like they have klinefelters after a few years. gg is over
>there's a girl at my gym with an ass slightly less fat than this, but she isn't fat herself.

Got any creepshots of her?
This is pretty ideal because when she gains it back, her ass will be even bigger
She turned black?
She's actually had a pretty face before, makeup is demonic

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