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>remember why you are doing thi-ACK
I miss omegle so much.
What happened to fit?
For me, it was stickcam
thats not the same is it? they cant see you?
Fit was never great retard. Even back in 2009 when Zyzz was posting here he thought you were all faggots. This is 4chan. Incel haven. The only reason anyone of value should be posting here is to be making fun of the incels
what about all those connor murphy videos
What is happening with his throat?
Also obvious splice and gay demotivational thread.
Noooooo this is real, women only like feminine twinks with face filters and makeup on
Have you observed any of these zoomers at the gym? dyel, all of them
Stop responding to this. It's a tranny trying to demoralize new fags who don't know better. All you're doing is bumping a tranny's thread
they should be removed then
>he unironically thinks women place a lot of value on body
Dude, your body is like the last thing women care about. As long as you're not obese, they're fine with it.


I mean if you took two guys of equal height/weight/face/income/etc. and one of them had a shredded body and the other was just a regular 12% bodyfat guy who didn't lift but could play the guitar/piano very well, they'd pick the instrument fag. If the goal is to get women, there are a million other things you should be doing to make yourself more desirable.

For me, it was the McChicken.
A lot of women even view guys who are "super dedicated" to the gym as being a turnoff. They want their guy to be jacked from doing outdoor work - not sitting on some padded seat in a climate controlled gym pulling in strings while gay techno music plays in the background. Also, having to "self-improve" is beta. Suitable mates don't need to "improve". They are simply themselves due to their genetics. Going to the gym to get a decent body is like getting leg lengthening surgery to be tall
a girl telling her friends you have a 6 pack and a massive cock fills you with so much dopamine probably more than heroin youd be an idiot to ignore that
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Are they reacting to something else do women actually fall for filters?
Appearance over income and status is delusional.
>and a massive cock
The fact you had to add this to supplement your case only helps my point. You're subconsciously aware that women don't really care about your body (minus dick size, they def care about that).
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Go on omegle and hold up $50,000 cash. Literally no one would care. Cope harder uggo. Face is THE most important trait when it comes to getting laid.
Same. I talked to a moroccan zoomer once who browses /fit/. He was a pretty chill guy
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>grrr I'm so mad about this post, how do I rebut?
>I know! Heh, this pic is you
>and all my replies will be one word replies to show how not mad I am
the thing is, you've already lost
in life, I mean
Oh wow, 10 words! I bet that was tough, huh?
Wow two reactions
Girls don’t like muscles this proves it
girls do like muscles its not like they want you to be skinnyfat. they just gotta like u first
girls very much like muscles tho as long as u are good in other areas. otherwise whole improovement ends up as dumb compensation
its not like your brain can suddenly realize its filter. or they think and then act. its reaction nothing else.
OP is delusional tranny
> the other was just a regular 12% bodyfat guy who didn't lift
holy fucking skelefag cope
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characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary

Pic related is the evidence. Thinking getting a good body will get you women is like thinking brushing your teeth will get you women. Just don't have yellow teeth. Just don't be fat.

There are so many more other traits that women prefer in guys. Thinking your body is going to be what finally "gets you girls" is retarded. Literally just don't be fat.
brushing ur teeth will get u women. i do it with sandpaper instead, and take cold showers. stay hard
Yeah, if your teeth were yellow as shit before. And if you were fat before, going to the gym to lose weight will have the same benefits. Except people think that getting "jacked and shredded" is what is keeping them from getting laid. being not-fat and going to the gym to get jacked to get women is like having white teeth and thinking veneers are going to be what finally makes women like you.
Hold up $50,000 dollars in cash in real life and see how different your results are.
bro im afraid u didnt get joke and autism is whats holding u back
>gym to get jacked to get women is like having white teeth and thinking veneers are going to be what finally makes women like you.
i do agree btw. anything past ottermode is masochism for no benefit
also id argue regular good looking guy and brad pitt induce same vaginal attitude. very much like this
Literally instantly I recognized the filter
yeah so did i but tell that to their brains. if it was girl instead id probably take while too
Bruh there's literally the TraxNYC guy who goes around with like $500,000 in gold chains on his neck trying to give some of them girls and they don't even make eye contact with him lmao
> Good looking
> Essential
> W % 18-25
> 18

> Steady income
> Essential
> W % 18-25
> 56

BTFOed by your own stats lel
gold chains are turk/nigger coded in the collective mind anon
the first one is an asian guy make it a white guy and she's dripping nobody wants some little dicked asian
except you, OP, are ugly and fat. probably chinese but most likely indian.
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>its not like your brain can suddenly realize its filter
You get an attractive face by being lean, which still takes work
if its NYC then they probably think hes a weirdo scam artist because those are everywhere
Girls get defensive when they see a good looking guy with muscles to protect their fragile ego. My white girlfriend says she hates muscular black men but she opens up immediately when they approach her and sleeps with them within 15 minutes.
im not 16 years old
As I'm getting older and visiting less frequently, I increasingly agree with your post.
It's like, dumb here. Lukewarm takes from angsty and/or sexless losers.
I'd like to never return, but we know how it works...
>what about all those stage videos
>No reaction
>Clearly swallows her saliva after seeing six pack
Over the top reactions are girls pretending/pandering for social points.
Crabs in bucket. 90% of men are losers. What makes u think 4chan, irl and anywhere else does not follow that stat?
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It's not
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>discounting being fit causing your face to be lean and chiseled.
Appearance is the most important thing. Holy shit. Lmao. You must be a beta male provider.
He has never experienced being geniunely desired by women. Sad!
You’re retarded if you think a girl isn’t just patronizing you if you have status and income but no looks. She’s just playing the loving role.
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Dont trust women's reactions
That's a group of thirteen year old girls though.
Why do you lookism pajeets always choose a guy who looks like a gay monkey as an example of what an attrative person is supposed to look like?
Yeah Ikr, you think women don't "genuinely love" a guy if he is simping for her? You think the simp doesn't think she genuineugly loves him?
>He has never experienced being geniunely desired by women. Sad!
What a fag loser shit to say. Every attractive guy knows girls like him for his looks and sometimes for his looks only.
Incels.is and looksmax are ran by gay indian pedophiles btw
>Every attractive guy
Not you then? Sad!
who cares if he is attractive or not. for me, as long as the black men that fuck my white girlfriend are hot, i am satisfied.
yeah exactly retard. our brain produces reaction in millisecs to stimuli. not to just attractive faces either
>lookism pajeets
lookism was full of cluster b chads
Spoiler: Women lie about their preferences. Especially on anonymous surveys.
women or people in general do lie to themselves, yes. ego defense mechanisms do have more than plenty evidence
Correct. That's why you study what they actually do

"I use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Romantic Pair Sample, a large (N = 1,507), nationally representative probability sample of dating, cohabiting, and married couples, to investigate how often romantic partners exchange physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status, net of matching on these traits. I find that controlling for matching eliminates nearly all evidence of beauty-status exchange"

"we collect and analyze the data from the five waves of the China Family Panel Studies (2010–2018) on beauty–status exchanges and other forms of marriage exchanges in China. We found little evidence of beauty–status exchanges in Chinese marriages and even the well-assumed exchange of “woman's beauty for man's talent” lacks sound empirical support. "
makes sense, stacies are not attracted to muscles because anyone can get sick physique, blast roids, eat clean, train hard and you will get there, but not everyone is born with chad face and women prefer good genetics
You think women are less likely to lie about being a gold digger in person opposed to when they're anonymous? Hahahaha holy shit cope harder retards. Not only is this cope absolutely retarded but...
>"this dataset.... its.... it's not true!!!"
Lmaoooo this cope.... its too good

Here's more """anecdotal evidence""" for you broke faggots to choke on

Cliff notes:
>7 girl's asked ideal annual salary for their husband

"Income doesn't matter... it it it... it just doesn't ok!"
The cope coming from you is incredible. Keep clutching onto these two studies like they're your lifeline to your sanity lol
>conveniently ignores the "body" stat
BTFO'd yourself retard lmao

Face has always and will always be the most important trait. Your body is not your face not matter how much you wish you could improve your face like your body.
So many zoomers are gonna end up bogged and it's gonna be hilarious walking around seeing all the plastic surgery disasters
You can "moneymaxx" and "statusmaxx" all you want, you'll never make it
We are already seeing the roiding disasters
>reee you made me mad and I'm too retarded to either admit you are right or come up with a coherent rebuttal so.. so... you're not going to make it!
Lol stay retarded. Stay broke.
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>thread has been up for over five hours
off topic thread?
>jannies jannies help please! I can't take it!
I'm doing it for me
I have nothing to offer
>Norwood 4 at 29
>Ugly crooked teeth
>Share an apartment with brother because neither of us can afford to finance a house
I get mogged by fucking Bill Dauterive
It was over the second I came out the womb
The only thing I can do is lift at night when everyone is out of the gym and then return to my crummy apartment until the day I die
just dont trust women
nah it has gotten worse. covid put a lot of kids, who would have grown into enthusiastic, inquisitive gymbros, into fragile & pessimistic mental states.
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I remember why I'm doing this
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reminder some yuroshit got it banned
I've been here since 2014 and on the misc well before then. This place has always been filled with incels and losers. The redpill/lookism shit of 2012ish finding it's way here absolutely rekt this place. It created the doomers. Nobody used to give a fuck about "lifting for women", that shit was and is gay as fuck. Really, Zyzz began the whole "lifting for aesthetics" thing which morphed into "lifting to get women".
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>Thinking your body is going to be what finally "gets you girls" is retarded
This, lifting for women is an absolute meme. You will literally never make it if that is what your ultimate goal is and I will continue to remind you people of this
My white wife is fucking a black uglier than me
Hi! I'm Dan!
height > face
>long-term partner
People talk across each other every time on this topic. There's what they want in life partners and what sexually excites them. Women do decouple the two, it doesn't take a genius to notice that.
Lol you wish string bean. A 5'8 guy with a good face will easily fuck but a 6'4 ugly guy is still grotesque.
Only if you are below 6ft
There were lifting for women threads in 2010, when zyzz was alive, but there wasn't this level of demotivation, /pol de-containment, and genuine levels of obesity that exist today.
I know this is going to sound insane, but what if... what if what a woman wants immediately is also what she wants to keep long term... i know. Crazy concept.
As a hideous 6'5" man who is fit I can confirm this 100%. Nothing is worse than being ugly, even being deformed is better, at least they are polite because they feel bad for you and actually dance and flirt with you because you're not threatening. Being ugly they are aggressively rude and hateful towards you.
Thanks for the reddit tier sarcastic response bro, appreciate that.
What does "wants immediately" mean? Wants sexually or wants for a relationship?
Your problem is you don't realise how obvious you make it that you don't get out much. This isn't complicated. Women don't prowl nightclubs and beaches to end up arranging themselves to the guys with the highest salaries. The reason a Melania marries a Trump isn't the same reason a girl would find chemistry with a handsome guy on a night out and sleep with him, or get excited at the sight of a good looking dude. These aren't relationships built on mutual sexual enjoyment.
Guys focus on fitness because it's more direct an area of focus to build sexual attention and chemistry, i.e. a real connection with a person, not one out of the pure convenience of a "stable income", kek.
>What does "wants immediately" mean?
Man, right off the bat its clear you're retarded. "Immediately attracted to". I do not know how to dumb it down any further.

Honestly, I don't even know what you're trying to argue. I know you are going to have a really tough time accepting this but the moment a girl learns a guy is a millionaire, she's going to be more attracted to him. Wealthier people are more intelligent and motivated (and a dozens of other positive traits) than poor people. High income will also generally signal you're not a lazy/irresponsible piece of shit. Who's working at Burger King in their 20s and up? College drop outs and niggers. Who are doctors, lawyers, etc? People who buckled down for 6+ years in school and took care of their responsibilities.

My guess is your entire point is "w-well girls might immediately be interested in my strong arms" lol sure pal. But I promise you they're going to notice your hair, teeth, clothes, and a dozen other things before his "veiny arms". Body is so far down on the totem pole it's laughable how much effort people here put into it.
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The reason it seems retarded to you is because, again, you don't get out much. Despite your deflections, you're the one spazzing out, so clearly this is a sensitive for you more than anyone else. The concept that physical attraction and chemistry are different to a conscious pursuit of someone for practical reasons and convenience simply isn't the ridiculous proposition your autism thinks it is. You give yourself away.

Your study asks about importance of select traits in a long-term partner, not what "attracts" them despite you trying to short circuit it as such. The latter is more complicated. Yet here you are confounded by my questioning your meaning behind "immediately attracted". The trophy wife checking out the pool boy is a cliche from time immemorial. Bluntly, they don't get wet from the size of your bank account. When picrelated shows up to a pool party and her friend whispers to her that he's rich, she doesn't get the same feeling she gets when a fit guy walks past her at the beach and strikes up conversation. One is chemistry, Romeo and Juliet; the other is calculation, Donald and Melania. One has passionate sex, the other rations blowjobs as special birthday gifts and sees sex like getting a welfare check.

And I know you'll say that fitness past a point is surplus. I agree. Well-developed rear delts and veiny arms are past the point of diminishing returns. But that's not to say girls don't like it. We all know this already. The motivation however is to spark interest, sexual attraction, chemistry, to send a productive signal with your sexual energy.

Maybe it appeals to you not to be on a girl's radar until she knows your net worth, but that is shit grounds for partnership. Establishing durable chemistry built from a nervous butterflies first interaction or excitement sounds much better than an "attraction" to the condition of my income.
It has never been this bad.
I am really curious to the number of unique users /fit/ actually has.
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What is fit's theory on these gimps anyway? Is it just a picrel type personalities trying to demoralise or subvert for his own purposes, just legit clueless foreveralones, common nerds, retards, what? I do miss WAGMI brah fit.
steady income means a job right?
Why are there like 30% of women who dont even care if you have a job
>The reason it seems retarded to you is because, again, you don't get out much...you're the one spazzing out... clearly this is a sensitive [topic]... words words words
Blah blah blah you say all this but look at this wall of text you just wrote. An entire paragraph dedicated to personal attacks. Yawn. Very low IQ

Your entire erotic novel can be summed up as this: women are attracted to attractive guys. Whoa, stop the presses.

Once again, body is so far down on the totem pole of attractive mutable characteristics. Your hair, skin, clothes, hygeine, fuck even how you carry yourself, is going to be more important and noticed quicker than whether a guy is jacked or not. Just don't be fat - what a concept.

Your argument also assumes that women won't develop that exact same feeling of attraction to someone they find physically attractive once they can articulate how much money the guy they're interested in is making. Your entire argument is really based on first impressions. It assumes that the scope of a woman's attraction takes place within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone. And you have the audacity to tell me I don't get out much? Lmao. Do you understand how important personality is? "Oh wow he's hot! Oh, nevermind, he's a fucking retard and as fun as watching paint dry". I mean you literally think the depth of womens' attraction to men is skin deep... this is literal incel/lookism shit dude.

And i already know your response: "first impressions dude! Romeo and Juliet!" Lol whatever you say. Unfortunately for you and everyone who thinks body is the end-all, be-all of womens' attraction to men, you're wrong. Really what's going on is you are getting face COMPLETELY mixed up with body. Like I have said before, women are going to notice your face, height, style, hygeine, and a dozen other things before they notice your body - and most girls literally do not give a fuck if you're "jacked/shredded" or whatever - it's not a bonus. Just don't be fat.
>obsesses over hierarchy of broscience female preferences
>claims I'm promoting lookism/incel talking points
You honestly just sound like you're either coping or genuinely stupid. Just because you've never sexually excited a woman, and can't even conceive of doing so, doesn't mean they aren't sexual creatures with a sex drive and a limbic system. Being in shape helps drum up attraction and chemistry because you appear fit for reproduction. Sorry it triggers you but maybe you could lift some weights instead of being stuck operating off the very limited data you have from your own interactions with real females and nerding out about irrelevant self-reporting data about practical preferences in long term partnerships as a way to make up for it. You can't excise all the nuance of human attraction no matter how much neuroticising you do. You have a cloudy and imprecise line of argument and can't even pin down what you mean by "attraction" because you don't know what you're talking about.

Getting fit is a great thing to do for yourself and helps you get chicks cuz they dig it. Too bad so sad.
The foundation of your argument is that "women like strong man because strong man good mate". This gets completely shit on by the fact women would fuck some skinnyfat guy with a good looking face WAY before fucking some jacked/shredded guy with a mid face.

And you're really stuck on this assumption that I don't think body matters. Yeah, a good body will help you get laid, but, for the third time, it is so far down on the list of positive mutable characteristics it's hilarious how much emphasis people put on working out. A woman will 100% of the time prefer someone with a good income and a regular body over some broke, jobless loser with a shredded physique and all you can do it cope about it.

you're black aren't you? Only blacks put this much emphasis on their body because it's all they have. They're uneducated losers with a monkey brain. "Big strong body means big strong mate" lol. Sorry bud, but a six figure income is WAY more attractive than a 6 pack and there are countless videos of women saying "man needs to earn [x] amount a year" and I still have yet to see a video of women saying "man needs to be jacked and shredded".
>Bail someone out of prison
People really do not understand how the world works, do they?
>Yeah, a good body will help you get laid, but, for the third time, it is so far down on the list of positive mutable characteristics it's hilarious how much emphasis people put on working out.
It's outside your realm of comprehension that A. People like to control the controllables and B. Encourage themselves and each other to work on something productive and worthwhile as a hobby or interest with myraid anciliary benefits, including but not limited to directly increasing your odds with girls. This is because you're a doomer and obviously a bit of a loser.

>This gets completely shit on by the fact women would fuck some skinnyfat guy with a good looking face WAY before fucking some jacked/shredded guy with a mid face.
Funny how you just insist on skirting the point at hand, which is what attraction is and the nuance of it. You go make 6 figs and enjoy your soulless empty transactional sex and "birthday treat" blowjobs, buddy, kek.
>It's outside your realm of comprehension that A. People like to control the controllables
Retard, I'm literally giving examples of things people can control and improve on hahaha go to bed retard

>[It's outside your realm of comprehension that people] B. Encourage themselves and each other to work on something productive
nobody is saying not to workout, tardo. I'm saying "LOL @ working out for girls if you don't have this other more important stuff (income, hygeine, style, etc) in order"

>Funny how you just insist on skirting the point at hand
Oh, what's that? Guy who thinks body is the end all, be all of attraction doesn't want to talk about the thing that obliterates his argument? Color me surprised...

>You go make 6 figs and enjoy your soulless empty transactional sex and "birthday treat" blowjobs, buddy, kek.
And you go futilely try to literally lift your way into a chicks pants while I just post pics of my face to instagram and wait for DMs. Face > everything. This one fact BTFOs your whole argument of "evolutionary attraction".
Sigma male grindset right here
>enthusiastic, inquisitive gymbros
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>Retard, I'm literally giving examples of things people can control and improve on hahaha go to bed retard
Oh right, I forgot about the chin curl machine and seated cable eyebrow raises. How much does a face gym membership go for these days anyway?

Making money is also not as straightforward. The linear relationship between effort and reward is one of the biggest motivators for people, meaning chicks too, to go to the gym.

>Guy who thinks body is the end all, be all of attraction doesn't want to talk about the thing that obliterates his argument?
This doesn't follow. I said originally there is nuance in the definition "attraction", that a calculated decision from practicality is different to a true physical chemistry, as in real passionate sex that sparks because you turn each other on and want to see each other naked and fuck, something that I don't think you've ever had in your life. This was said in response to your homoerotic lyricism about rich men specifically and unfortunately for you you can't really argue against it, nor can you ignore it when you're the one bringing up this topic of "attraction" and your vague and incomplete understanding of it.

Then you just restated your personal theory (again, pulled out of your ass in lieu of real life experience) that women "would fuck some skinnyfat guy if he had a good face", intentionally skirting the point that a calculated choice to access a man's money is distinct from his looks, and of course that being fit goes hand in hand with your face while giving myriad anciliary benefits.

>And you go futilely try to literally lift your way into a chicks pants while I just post pics of my face to instagram and wait for DMs. Face > everything.
Okay great. So why are you here? You're the one on /fit/ making unhinged impassioned pleas and declarations about how we're all doing something futile. You're the one with a cursory understanding of your own "studies" that you're now contradicting yourself.
>calculated choice to access a man's money is distinct from his looks
distinct from passion and chemistry*
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>Oh right, I forgot about the chin curl machine and seated cable eyebrow raises
Lol you literally can't read hahahaha >>75302125
>Your hair, skin, clothes, hygeine, fuck even how you carry yourself

>I said originally there is nuance in the definition "attraction", that a calculated decision from practicality is different to a true physical chemistry
Then you have the audacity to say "you're the one bringing up this topic of "attraction" and your vague and incomplete understanding of it." Lmao you lack any self-awareness.

Once again, your entire argument for attraction is "woman see man with good body and want fuck". Retard, people do not walk around naked. Women are not going to know you have a 6 pack in 99% of interactions. For the FOURTH time, there are several more desirable mutable characteristics women prefer over body and you are STILL are having trouble accepting that women can be attracted to successful men with high income. I mean you literally have a nigger brain. "Woman like strong body. Strong body make woman wet" LMAO.

>Then you just restated your personal theory (again, pulled out of your ass in lieu of real life experience) that women "would fuck some skinnyfat guy if he had a good face", intentionally skirting the point
You seriously think women prefer body over face hahahaha pic related retard. I'm am bringing up and will continue to bring up face opposed to income because it is clear cut evidence against your niggerbrain assertion of "man with big strong body make woman wet because evolution".

Let me just end up. Post your evidence that women prefer body over face.
I'm going to bed because, unlike you, I have a high-paying job in the morning, but I'll leave you with this to mald over:


>So take this little test: if you were interested in pursuing a partner for a short-term relationship which would you be most interested in…their face or their body? And for a long-term relationship, face or body? That is, if you were forced to choose, of course. Two PhD students and their advisor, David Buss professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, did force people to make this very choice. They asked 375 college students to pick whether to date someone based on either seeing just their face or their body. Nearly all participants chose to see the face except for one of the sexes in one situation... "Everyone was more interested in the opposite sex person’s face than their body—except for men in the short-term mating condition." Which implies? "When men were evaluating a short-term mate for a one-night stand they showed equal interest in her face and body instead of the face winning by a blowout."

What do you know. Even just for ONS, women vastly prefer face to body. Your whole notion of them being attracted to body due to evolutionary principles just got shit on.
Kek, "Anon anon, engage me in an incel lookism debate after I just said earlier that you're the one promoting lookism and incel talking points."

First you use money as an example, "See see, here's my retarded irrelevant data gathered through self-reporting responses about the importance of prompted traits in LTRs, and my retard data says they want a stable income, see see." Now you've left that and want me to participate with you in bullhorning your own theories about the precise hierarchy of female preferences without wanting to uncover any of the nuance beneath attraction, or sex, or passion. Try a diary next time.

I've tried to explain it to you but you dismiss it all as a "romantic novel" (kek), which really says it all. There's nothing fictional about these concepts, anon, you just haven't experienced any of it.

One of the most endearing things about women is how they can fall for you for all sorts of reasons and will hold you up for your most special traits, that is of course if there is true chemistry between you two. This is what people mean when they say a good physique can make up for other things, or height, or face, or whatever else. Attraction is complex and multifaceted and isn't as simple as a frontal lobe arranged marriage tier decision to pursue someone's resources. You stick to your female preference sudoku but that's what's happening in the real world, kek. The real futility is in your neurotic obsession.

Another good thing about working out is it clears your mind. Pick up some dumbbells and try this convo again in a year.
File deleted.
>unlike you, I have a high-paying job in the morning
Uh oh, wrong again! (This is salary, meaning pre-bonuses.)

Night night.
And because I know you're going to sperg about "wahhh but but were talking money vs body!" here you go:

>One of the most robust findings in evolutionary psychology is the observation that men and women differ in the characteristics they prefer in potential mates. In study after study, in country after country, psychologists consistently find that men strongly prefer looks over resources, whereas women value resources over looks.

psychologytoday com

Can't wait to see you cope about the source and then how "durrr this doesn't apply to the first 5 seconds of meeting someone new hurrrr first impressions mean everything in attraction!!" Lol, retard
>I've tried to explain it to you but you dismiss it all as a "romantic novel" (kek), which really says it all. There's nothing fictional about these concepts, anon, you just haven't experienced any of it.
This right here sums up your entire argument. Zero data. Just "real life is like Romeo and Juliet!" Lmao. Yeah, you seriously believe this. Newsflash retard. Romeo wasn't jacked lmao
Yes, ignore the study. Focus on me calling you broke lol. It's a soft topic for you, brokie.
You don't understand attraction nor the fact that your self-reported "data" does not actually unpick the nuance of human attraction. Sleep on it anon and try again after some weights following your high faluten job in the morning.
Uh, you brought it up.

Night night.
>just trust me bro! It's nuanced!

Thanks for the laugh. Night night gymcel
Anon, I really wouldn't want you to be late in the morning to your high faluten job otherwise the women may never want you. Please do ensure you get some sleep.
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I can't handle women so I try to not make much in my life about pleasing them. My mother was an alcoholic and the girls at school would bully my autistic ass so I grew up fearing and resenting women and I still do today even though I logically know in my mind I should not do it. I don't blame my mom though, she didn't exactly have it easy
The only woman I loved and trusted 100% was my grandmother, but she died when I was 13. She had a very hard life too, I miss her
>its not like your brain can suddenly realize its filter. or they think and then act. its reaction nothing else.
Bad news for you. I personally can recognize filter or somebody faking emotions instantly

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