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What do y’all usually wear at the gym?
chest day: compression shirt
back day: oversize fit shirt + sweats
shoulder/arm day: tank top + swats
leg day: oversize fit shirt + running shorts
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I go naked.
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Is this pro or anti Isreal?
>whitoids defending sandniggers
>implying they don't want you dead like the jews do
White culture everyone
You think anyone would actually fuck with Muslims to their face, unarmed?
pro italy
are you stupid
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>Wanting to start a fight
Meanwhile reality no one actually gives a shit about that conflict
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>Das ist ein schönes, enges jüdisches Busen, das du da hast, Schnuckel.
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Full plate
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We just wanted to not care about either but now we make you seethe with our lack of support. You are less than us so your opinion on us is not an issue for anyone but you.
Muslims can only do what they are allowed to do by the elites.
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Me and my boys and the gym...
Don't shame me brah I'm black.
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359! Kek. It was all those places fault though. It had to be right guys?
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Don’t care, still supporting Israel
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It's hard to keep women away while I lift but I can't help being stylish.
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>wearing edgy clothes to start arguments
I remember being 14 and an edge lord. But most people grow out of it.
I wear gym shorts with a local sports team logo, and a dri fit shirt.
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The colors are Palestinian do I am assuming pro-pali.
Honestly best-scenario is the west pulls funding from Israel and the muslims attack and both the jews and sandniggers take each other out.
compression shorts + oversized sweater
post tits
One Piece body
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I open carry at the gym
I'm sure hamas would throw a faggot like you off a building, but their enemies are mine, so there.
boys don't have tits silly :3
His life is so boring he creates a fantasy reason to carry a gun while he goes to get ice cream...
cringey as fuck
would convert for
The jews are a bigger threat.
>His life is so boring he keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen to boil Ramen in the microwave.
Still, open carry is pretty dumb.
The Jews are the ones who let them in the first place you mind rotten /pol/tard
>simping for a race of pedophiles
not quite sure... personally i hate jews quite a fair bit
B-but le based trad christians told me biblical jews have nothing to do with modern jews?
>post one rage bait image as a meme
>start an entire political agreement on /fit/
never gets old
Based if you do
A shirt and shorts?
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2$ cotton shirt with holes in it, black vans, running shorts and a fanny pack
based fannypack enjoyer
You always have the best threads on unrelated boards.
Anime on v
Politics on fit
Video games on a
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the kvetching on this one oi

oh wow
That’s a common misconception. The Catholics are the ones resettling migrants all over the US.
>not simping for shitskins = jew
Do you even hear yourself?
yeah your'e more likely a shitjeet. they always simp for kikes. you should definitely visit israel.
shorts, plain t-shirt, shoes.
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look at his sad eyes and tell me its not more like "i am hoping someone gives me some attention"
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>worn old cotton t-shirts that are no longer in my daily rotation
>Either basketball shorts or running shorts
>High top vans when I'm strictly doing legs and running shoes for everything else plus cardio
Jews or muslims?
In pleasure
Either desu
some cheap fruit of the loom shirts and adidas sweatpants
Pajamas because I can literally do this shit in my sleep
I would
I don't get them either
I'm just glad after this is over Gaza will hold a LGB parade and everyone is invited.
first we kill every jew
then we decide what to do later, ok?
shut the fuck up kike
you will go extinct

your legs can't even support your weight, chubbycheeks
>start a fight at the gym
he won't because kikes don't lift
>t. nogunz

Usually a red tank top and navy blue basketball shorts. Also, chuck taylors and lifting gloves because I don't want to develop disgusting callouses.
Oh, and my trusty water bottle, of course.
He could beat your ass without the guns most likely
No you wouldn't, because if you did, you would get your ass absolutely handed to you.

And the fear of that keeps you from doing so.
Jeans, converse, and a t-shirt. I have a homegym.
you're right anon, I'm so scared of stinky 5 foot tall scrawny little fags
would keep this one as a fuckslave after wiping kikes out (including the muzzies, of course)
A leopard skin thong
Fuck Israel.
Free free, free Palestine
>local sports team logo
still an NPC though it seems
would breed this man
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you would shit your pants if you had to stand before a Muslim giant
Isn't it ironic that slavs would among the first to be exterminated?
>picrel of CIA patsy
I'm more scared of that than a Muslim giant
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tank tops and shorts
that map makes no sense, palestine does not claim golan heights.
sweatpants or shirts and the first tshirt I pull out of the drawer
these shirts are faggy and i know whoever wears them has never been in a fight
all the seething muzzies replying you aren't white if you like muzzies or kikes real white men hate both
Yes shlomo, we must let Israel build a pan Middle Eastern state.
post body i know you are dyel real white hate both kek
>people that I dislike don't deserve independence
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
osama looks like he weights 50kg max
Lifting belt, wrist straps, cheap tennis shoes, and a condom
I work out in underwear because homegym. Also looking for fights is nigger shit.
>2 guys spend 20 years in the bin
>DNA match later reveals they couldn't commit the crime
>got no compensation for being wrongly imprisoned because they did NOT prove they didn't commit the crime
Did you hear that on reddit? Never heard of ustase have you retard?
yes browncels don't deserve shot you brown faggot we'd be better off without kikes or muslims
Ridiculously good looking Anon! Keep it up prince.
Underwear, gym belt, squat shoes.
And the underwear is just to avoid destroying my dick during pulls.
The joys of the homegym.
Have to let the ladies know Im taken by my waifu
It would be funny to wear one but be a very polite, socialable and well adjusted person.
If someone is wearing anime t-shirt to the gym I assume they post here, or at least lurk. Would this be a fair assumption?
It's normal to watch sports. Most people like sports

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