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>botschizo: the guy that calls everyone bots and also uses the emoji :D a lot
>grocerycoomer: the guy who posts a thread like every 3 days asking what can he buy that isnt chicken brocolli rice but really its just a coomer thread with creep shots of womens asses
>mondayanon: guy who posts the indomitable spirit of the human will or w.e every monday
>feelsbarguy: guy who posts the bar is open threads usually every weekend
Anon no. 75304771
ay what up bro
Guess I haven't been posting enough...

>t. anon who drinks chicken
>varbieposter: anon who always posts roided crossfit girls
>bbcposter(s): trannies who spam bbc cuck porn
subsistence farmer: chimes in every time a supplement is mentioned to say it's fake or isn't absorbed by the body.
>Narcissus: the nigga that posts about looksmaxxing/blackpill etc.
>Has never seen a dumbbell in person
I like all the weird recognizable anons, they make this board feel like it has some sort of community in all their little awful idiosyncratic ways.
The best part of these threads is knowing that all of the attention whores from the generals are refreshing the page and praying for acknowledgment that's never gonna come. Back to your containment thread you go, nigger.

Anyway I hope that vegan with B-deficiency-induced mental illness goes away.
Please fuck off back to R*ddit.
oh please...
all me
who is kekkepow
>Moxyte the ketoschizo
>the charli poster(s)
>the skinnyfat/ fat guy that posts body asking for advice and when he gets told he’s fat he says “I can’t be fat I’m only 166lbs cope seethe etc
>the pale British white fuy that defends Indians and pajeets and calls you pol for shitting in them but always posts his sickly hand in response to prove he’s white
>Goonfag/ kekky
>the half Indian guy who always tries to get brownie points by saying “I’m Indian but I don’t do x”
Austrian ginger
>faggots forgetting based may poster and based may poster poster
>no one can recognize me even though my posting pattern is obvious
just like school...
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add me - non white who's 5 years into lifting and has mild sociopathy
Can someone please give me a rundown of who moxyte and the ketoschizo are and the same for kekepow and kam? I know the former two are somehow interconnected and I think the latter two are as well?
just go into the archives,dl the text and have chatgpt analyse the posting patterns and language style it identifies distinct voices trivially
is uncleanon still posting?
>just help train AI to better dox individual channers bro
>that schizo who says Moxyte a lot
>the fag who says all abs exercises only engage the psoas
>that based handsome 6'4" dude with a 12" dick (me)
>The Psoas guy who goes scorched earth in every ab workout thread. Don't know if it's a bot or ESL schizo.
he made a thread today
do NOT search "niece" and OP only in the archive
>Reddit Accuser has shown up
Anyone women that actually post there. Only know of ‘Laura’ which is a muscle mommy, T-800 which is for the simps, and I guess Goblina which got btfo’d off the board so hard that some anon posts her every single FPH thread

Does anyone know the clavicles guy? He posts from time to time always jerking off about clavicles for some reason.. and of course cant forget the 'she could lose some weight' poster, doing Gods work imo
These threads are always the gayest fucking shit, it would make sense if it was about calling out anons who don’t particularly try to get attention or noticable but still are because of their autism like the vegan guy who calls people ketoschizo, instead it is just pointing out that the same thread gets made over and over and probably these are actually just made by some retard that wants to be noticed and talked about for making the same thread over and over.
I’ll do what I can bruv

Moxyte the ketoschizo: deranged actual redditor who posts all day everyday, about how much he hates Keto. He is a vegan and created “Ketoschizo” as a nemesis so he can blame one person for who calls him out. Anytime he gets called out he posts this Keto scjizo meme, when rewlly it’s all him. Posts everyday and usually bait thread about veganism? Carnivore etc
Kam: fat Iranian fag who got banned from fit discord and doesn’t even lift, obsessed with an old woman trip called t800 who he catfished and paid 500$ to, argues and shits up cbt all day everyday and larps as a woman and others. Has made CBT unusable bc he goes on scjizo rambles and mods barely ban him, if they ever do. He’s been around since 2023 I think
I haven’t heard of the last guy, unless it’s another name people give kam
>The pantyboy poster
>the I hate women anon who always posts the anime still of some chick getting punched
>the massive anon who went a little overboard on a bulk, always mogs other anons by posting body when prompted, and always offers helpful advice
>psoas schizo
>uncleanon obviously
>anon with a scat fetish who always tells others to "imagine the smell of her shit/farts/morning breath" when coom bait is posted (though I think he stopped)
Hey that second > is me :DDDD
anti-keto/ketoschizo poster. Very easy to spot, sometimes I even see him on /ck/
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Inaccurate. Pic related is the ketoschizo. Moxyte is his redditor boyfriend.
I'm happy to be noticed :)
>>grocerycoomer: the guy who posts a thread like every 3 days asking what can he buy that isnt chicken brocolli rice but really its just a coomer thread with creep shots of womens asses
best anon on the board
ITT the grocery fag samefags for attention
Gooning with a bunch of other men isn’t based. It will never be based
Post body
I'm this anon. Well on my way to recovering from bulking too hard. 1800 calories 200g+ protein for the last 3 weeks without a break I'm losing my mind
Can't recognize you 100% from that Pic, are you also the guy who drinks blended chicken 3 times a day?
The Wakandan who always posts himself doing some calisthenics with very bad form.
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Yes. I was also posting this pic a lot here recently until I snapped those better ones in the beater 2 days ago.
He's a redditor, or people sometimes pretending to be him, who regularly posts the same image macros and ardently hates keto/diets rich in aninal products and calls everyone who disagrees with him or his assessment of meat-eating being exclusively for keto a "ketoschizo" and he refuses to elaborate further. He is known to frequent vegan spaces and regularly spams known authors on social media with his theories on why every diet is secretly keto and that somehow makes it bad. He will also claim to have done a diet, such as keto, and then immediately not know the first thing about the diet. It's presumed he is deeply mentally disturbed, cementing himself firmly in the minds of others as a schizophrenic lolcow.
I'm not convinced it isn't in-part or entirely due to the efforts of this site's moderation, as his posts, even when he spams, are never deleted.
Oh yeah it is you! Good guy, keep it up
Your pictures are way too dark, you should take some in natural light
Recent ones have better light and less filter rape
>pubmed schizos
>make unusual physiology claims
>anons fall for it
>ostensibly mogged by walls of text from journal of schizopajeet studies
Me. But every time I do someone says its bait ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Picrel saved. Thanks. I fucking hate saturn. All your aforementioned posts are all bots btw
I miss the
>niggers aren't human
i miss the
poster from /mu/. funniest spammer of all time
lol yeah
The guy who posts creepshots from festivals and says "going to festivals nothing better".
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>I am forgotten
insane physique bro, ur posts are good, personally tho i wouldn't post face on 4mex
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the “ruins your life” poster
Thanks anon. What would be your primary reservations about posting face here? I don't really see this place as much different than any other social media these days and I'm already identifiable by my regrettable tattoos so there's not much getting around it
Nta but way higher concentration of shizo posters that would love to ruin your life if they could
I've known people in other communities that stalked girls and showed up on their door steps, she got him kicked out of the country
God bless and thank you for your service.
I see. I don't have my name anywhere online and all my socials are private (and don't include my name) so I think this would be a little difficult but I know the autism of some individuals knows no bounds so I guess anything is possible.
>a little difficult
I used to do it for fun
I did this but I've stopped now
I think someone here could easily find my socials desu. I'm just not sure there's much you could do after finding them because I have no irl friends or family on them.
botschizo is the one who posts those long ass rants about psoas and lats right? I can never understand wtf he's trying to say
it's like he has some arcane knowledge but has 0 ability to articulate
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Aniki never posted on /fit/
he doesnt have arcane knowledge, his advice is shit

says the only way to hit abs is by doing crunches with the psoas stretched (so basically like youd need a GHR thing to do them)
the 3 ESL's paid to advertise keto/carnivore.
the 2 other Peatchads.
the laughing glasses black-and-white sketch avatarfag.
drink more water, buddeh
Vegan are pretty retarded tho and protein bioavailability is definitely a thing since you are going have a way easier time digesting chicken breast than a bowl of black beans.

>T. A former vegan retard
does anyone remember that black anon who would make the same "go to the gym" thread every day? usually had a picture of him giving a thumbs up
That’s gynonigga
>daily reminder to drink more water buddeh
>the guy with the hemorrhoids
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> drink more water buddeh retard
> creatine makes you bald retard
> don't train legs because <made up bullshit> faggot
> how do I get as strong as possible without gaining any muscle faggot
> lifting is useless if you're <any characteristic that's not insanely rare> blackpill faggot
> onassis spammer faggot retard
> Mike Israetel impotent incel hater retard

All of these should be permabanned and raped.
look it up Vergil
>onassis spammer faggot retard
I miss this dude
Whats wrong with the drink more water buddeh?
I can agree with the other points tho.
Onassis hasn’t posted here since ‘22 tho
That anon with the highest post quality on this board as in >>75314274
what the fuck
no way...
I feel like 2022 was the last true period of the namefags”. Early to mid ‘22 alone we had:

The shitposters:
Pear anon
Bad genetics blanon
Pear anons nemesis the guy who kept posting himself nude in pears threads

The trips:
Reddit Randy literal villain of fit for a while. Polarising lad

The cbt guys like model anon, gynonigga, void, kam and T800 entered the game this year
Gutsanon also entered the fit verse this year I believe
The coon guy who would shit up every CBT
That weird twink james who had a weirdly deep voice and kept blog posting about mundane shit like eating a sandwich or going to the park

Obviously you can hate some of these guys but 2022 was a huge influx for drama and name/ trips. Especially the first to mid half
Half these guys don’t even post anymore either
Anyone can do this, but when I do it I get dubs since I'm the actual best poster on this board
fuck!!! god fucking damn it!!!
i never found out, was it a meme or is reddit randy actually the scrawny guy who gets punched after throwing a nazi salute?
I miss the tomboy thread anons.
corr in the /roon/ threads
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I'm convinced he still posts here boys
He is, self admitted to. That one kid from 2017 that made the news for getting punched on Charlottesville became /fit/s >roiding for this lolcow 5 years later. Crazy timeline
Grocery guy is probably also festival guy
>Walking around dancing nothing better
His esoteric knowledge is primarily cope for not having access to weights, probably because he's in an institution
the captura de pantalla spic
maybe he's hoping one day someone will know how to fix it
I only recognise the psoas bot guy, who so far not accused me of being a bot

and the guy called paki on the qtd threads.

there also some other guy who solves everyone's issues on qtd but doesn't use a name
oh and the pantyboy poster of course I forgot to say

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