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There are people on this board who think that benching 3pl8s for 10 reps is something hard.
I've not seen him do a single rep yet and I've been watching for ten minutes
good thing you didn't post yourself benching 3pl8s for reps of 10
this is actually true
I stopped following retarded advice, started doing 6 sets of bench press, 3 heavy, 3 light. overhead presses for sets of 15-20, chest flies for 5 sets of 10 (very intense), and jm presses for sets of 5-10 and my bench has been blowing up I'm at 130kg for a single set of 6 though
I started training like this 6 months ago and I got faster progress than any retarded shit I've done before
high volume=gains
well i have been lifting for 2 years and cant bench 2plates currently stuck at 150lbs, im 5'6 150lbs
you'll get there
how tho? its getting frustrating seeing everyone on /fit/ and tiktok talking about benching 2 plates being easy, I bench 2 times a week on a PPL, should I just change my program?
The only time I was able to progress my bench the fastest was when I was dirty bulking like a pig and just got fat in the process.
I genuinely need help and need to figure out something for 2025, I need to hit 2pl8, it's just an achivement I have in my head that needs to be done.
Post boduly then
People will claim it's easy because it's an easy claim to make. You've also got to look at the background of those that find it easy. Do they play sports? Are they active? Are they fat? You're benching your bodyweight and for most of those that find it truthfully easy to bench 2pl8, that is their bodyweight.
I'm >>75305599
Should I just start doing this? I need to progress my bench, it's usually 4x5 everytime, what did you change exactly? I don't really do light sets.
Ye this is kind fucked for me, I started as a weak skinnyfat NEET who couldn't even bench the bar and my arms are kinda long while not being that tall
225 at 150 lbs is 1.5 BW Bench, that will be really good.
Make sure you do your triceps accessories like JM Press, Dips, Skullcrushers, Pushdowns etc and do them in more typical bodybuilding rep range like 8-10. Growing muscle will help a lot.
2x a week is fine, but if you want to focus on Bench specifically, you can do something like add 3-4 sets of Bench on Pull day at the end of the workout so you will be Benching 3x a week.
If you're doing Push/Legs/Pull it works fine as you have a day in between.
It can be a variation like a Pin Press, Larsen Press, Floor Press.
On your Push workouts, you can try to rotate Heavy/Light Benching. Heavy being your classic 5x5 and light 5x10 for example.
>high volume=gains
High volume also means significantly higher risk of injury. Just compare a sprinter to a marathon runner
I added more volume basically
I take most sets to failure and I try to focus on my weak points, it depends on the person but for me it was the chest mostly

When you do higher volumes you're also gaining strength, so asde from the heavier sets, you take all the light ones to failure and you're going to end up gaining extra strength

Basically do as much as humanly possible since you're training twice a week.
Or you can opt for training more often with more moderate volume
In my case all the volume I do only lets me bench twice a week but if even by adding a ton of volume you're recovering3 or 4 times a week you should ben 3 or 4 times a week
Thanks, anon. Will definitely try this format next week. I do a lot of isolation after my compound movement of the day, but I don't really do any JM press, Skullcrushers or Dips, only Tricep pushdowns/extensions.
kind of true
I'm not sure if it's because my sleeps been bad but I've been feeling my rotator cuff pretty sore for a while now
>There are people on this board who think that benching 3pl8s for 10 reps is something hard.
Massive oversimplification. Cakewalk for some guys, impossible for others. The variance is massive.
Just don't go overboard with the volume, around 20 working sets a week for triceps is more than enough, if you feel like you can do more, you can increase volume slowly eventually.
5x Bench, 3x either JM Press or Dips, 3x Pushdowns or Skull crushers is enough for a workout.
You can rotate exercises, one workout you do JM Press and Pushdowns, the other Dips and Skullcrushers for example.
You have to consistently slam more food/calories bro. I've hit a similar plateau at 5'10" 160lbs.
>how tho? its getting frustrating seeing everyone on /fit/ and tiktok talking about benching 2 plates being easy,
It's NOT easy, people enjoy being cocky douches about their accomplishments. It IS impressive and it's NOT easy (for naturally small guys who are trying to get bigger, not naturally big guys who are massively stronger right out of the gate).
Post bodyweight, fat
Makes sense. As for adding some Bench sets on my Pull day, do I do it on both of my Pull days or only once?
I think it is. Even benching it for 1 rep is impressive
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It's pretty tough. I bench 315 for 11 and I'm on roids and built like this and bench/OHP are my favorite lifts. I've only ever seen one other guy at my gym who can do it and he is also on gear. (And i go to a pretty well equipped/popular gym)
This is a bait thread. The guy who posted it can't bench 3pl8 and probably doesn't even exercise.
If you want to bench more weight, get heavier.
Routine doesn't matter if you work and study hard and then eat and sleep a lot
Based. An actual person who lifts with real experience on /fit/.
I can bench 2plate except that is also my bodyweight. I might be able to do more, but I've never tried. I generally work 110kg 2x8 as my top sets, but I sometimes do 1x5 or 2x3 at 120kg if I've not done a lot of accessories that session. Nobody in the gym I go to benches that much. There are some huge guys who clearly roid and they always seem to be doing incline on the smith machine with like 20kg a side. I'm actually prouder of my 100kg close grip 3x10 which I do immediately following bench. For chest I prefer the fly machine and the pullover machine.
Assuming you do PLP then rest and repeat, you could do it every Pull workout. If you do the classic PLPPLP Rest, you could do it on just one of the Pull days.
You'll know if its too much volume if you feel week on your Push workout after that.
Try leaving 1-2 reps in the tank on the last set of Bench Presses, no need to go to full failure, that will prevent you from hitting a wall early.
I do PPLPPLX but I guess I will just try to incorporate some bench work on atleast one of my Pull days and see how my recovery feels, thanks anon.
Your average normie can't even bench 1pl8
I put 100lbs on my 1rm Calc in 1yr. Piwerlifting block + whatever, I just do the gist I didn't read that shit 3x bench/wk plus machines for volune/specific work. Then switch to 2/2 shoulder+chest/chest+shoulder. Legs either 1x2wk or 2x/wk. Also go try the machines to learn how to activate pec major.
2pl8 for 1 is piss easy
3pl8 for 10 is very strong, that comes out to a ~4pl8 single. Most people who benched 4pl8 and above did so with roids.
Fuck you I started just over 1yr ago not able to do 185 now I can do 245x5+.
Everyone says their friend was at 315 in hs, what's he at now 1000?
Like I was always stronger than everyone and I don't even see me being much past 315 by freshman college if I was a full blown meathead at 13-14.
>2pl8 for 1 is piss easy
Depends on your weight, 2pl for a 150 lb guy is same as 315 for 220 guy. Both are huge milestones depending on how big you are.
>There are people on this board who think that benching 3pl8s for 10 reps is something hard.

Wwellll... you can't do it. So that's confirmation, after a fashion.


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