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The “thicc” trend is finally over; thanks Ozempic!

there was a couple fatties at the vs show tho
This is good
Body positive squad. ASSemble!
looks awful
t. soul brother
thicc girls 4 life, imagine cuddling with these skeletons
yeah im thinking we're back
Victoria's Secret is too far gone. They're still pushing body positivity, which is basically allowing fats and men who think they're women to promote their brand.
these are all men
And why's that a problem for you?
It would be quite painful. For me it’s having a slim pretty girl to take out to a nice dinner and a fat bitch I feed little caesars to keep me warm in the winter
Greentext that, faggot.
legitimately hate the way these chicks look. i've never aspired for someone like this.
better than thiccpigs thats certain
what would you prefer?
You wish.
I never said it was a problem. Learn to read
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i would prefer any one of them about 10-15 lb heavier than they are. they would look more robust and less bumpy. obviously you don't want to over-do it, but that shit is just retard thin to the point of looking haunting.
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I'm at 115 lbs and I've been struggling to lose the last bit of fat to get visible abs and no muffin top. I definitely think you believe you want a girl with more weight but as someone who has the squishier "robust" body right now- I think you just want bigger boobs and a fatter ass while keeping the tiny arms and waist because nothing about being fatter is more aesthetic besides that
are you an actual woman or are you some tranny faggot who already ruined their body from years of being autistic thinking that this is your new way out
not entirely sure what point you're trying to make. even back in the mid 2000's the most popular models of the time were heavier and healthier looking than the one's in the OP picture. the chicks in that photo look like heroin addicts. there's nothing radiant about them in comparison.
Isn't that just hood speak for fat or morbidly obese?
Where are the fucking tits?! With all the girls with high estrogen induced macromastia these days yet we get these stick hags?

I WANNA SEE TEENAGERS WITH BIG TITS, IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Why does the modeling industry struggle to understand the universal standard of beauty according to all men?
This is like 90s aesthetic
not 2000s aesthetic
>I WANNA SEE TEENAGERS WITH BIG TITS, IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Why does the modeling industry struggle to understand the universal standard of beauty according to all men?
Just watch hollywood movies
Sydney sweeney has big tits.
Also the tape runway in miami has thick girls
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It’s called “heroin chic,” and it was based as fuck. Made normal skinny girls self conscious and kept them on their toes. Glad it’s back
>It’s called “heroin chic,”
it was called herion chic because it was making fun of how terrible they all looked. That name literally stemmed from making fun of them. You're retarded.
>called herion chic because it was making fun of how terrible they all looked. That name literally stemmed from making fun of them
lmao zoomie just makin shit up now. Everyone wanted to look like Kate Moss
Heroin chic was always alive after the 90s. 2000s high fashion runway models for designer brands were really skinny
you'd hold a lot more weight if you were actually talking to someone who wasn't there.

no one liked herion chic except for fashion people. normal people gave no fucks about this shit even back then. normal or normal adjacent women were too busy being scene emo faggots at that time. try all you want you won't be able to prove to me that you were even fucking alive at that point in time.
>normal or normal adjacent women were too busy being scene emo faggots at that time
zoomer. please... most commonn aesthetic was crappy Barbielike bimbo and adjacent types.
What ever happened to Kate Upton?
stop projecting, kiddo. you're not convincing anyone anything. let your thread die and hit the fucking weights you big retard
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>rfk will ban cancer shit in food
>Victoria is back
Bros, are things actually getting better?
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>this thread is literally about a reddit thread on one of their many celebrity gossip boards
Please die, all of you.
i was born a woman
vs fashion show has always had a female demographic. they're not gonna put women with overtly sexual, oversized implants on the runway. its not porn. it's a show of glamourizing the feminine ideal for women as they believe it and to give them something to aspire to. no one wants to aspire to be a sex doll. tall, skinny girls don't have huge tits, and women care more about shape than size anyway. B-C cup is more than enough to fill out a push up bra and make it look pretty
absolutely yikes
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brutal mog sorry skeleton ladies
Is there a term for ugly tits that look nice in clothing? She has them
Shes so fucking fat, how could anyone tolerate something so disgusting?
yup she is so fucking overrated. I genuinely cant even get hard at her nude photos, so fucking terrible
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>>75307910 >>75307980
Those tranny skeletons look very bad. No one cares about Victoria's Secret anymore.
why are redditors so retarded about every single thing? reading the thread they don't want healthy women as models. they want the 'plus sized' obese sows as models. they don't want them to be healthy they just don't want them to be thin.
Yeah, that reddit thread is completely fucking retarded. They are probably all just 300+lbs american females who have never seen an healthy weight woman before.
Sorry, tits are problematic and will be cut off from everyone.
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The comments in the link are something ...
I'm sure they'll be heartbroken to read this bro
Based current administration
Oh no

Oh no no no no

Not like this
>y2k skinny
Whoever perpetuates this commie memoryholing of what has been considered normal and attractive for all human history until the 2010s should be forcibly re-educated.

Being overweight or obese is NOT NORMAL. It's depressingly common, but that's not the same as normal, or natural, or desirable. Stop clinging to a dying narrative, fucking fatties and Leftards
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Thin is not back and will never come back like it was in the old days - and that's a good thing. Thinness was the biggest meme of them all. It was like the powershitter philosophy where bigger = better - it's not, especially when you're becoming a bloatlord along with it (or for thin people, have no ass and boobs). Then when fatness became associated with decadence and short lifespan and non-professionals who didn't go to university then women decided thinner=better, so you had people like Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Michelle Geller and Kate Moss supposed to be hotties in the 90s - those were dark times for The Architect. All that was talked about was big boobs and an hourglass figure, fatass was actually an insult (still can be but only with a very clear context).

Then Beyonce came along and said hold up, bigger booty is better, and Beyonce wasn't even that big at all herself. Only when Kim Kardashian and NickiMinaj came along did booties finally get the attention they deserved. That big bodies were nothing to be afraid of as long as the fat was going to the right places.
>bigger booty is better
I fucking hate this nigger ass thing thats going on.
Who the fuck likes flappy fat filled asses?
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Here's what it was like october 2006, let's not go back to it.
Only retards swing between extremes.
Learn some damn moderation
who the fuck likes flappy fat filled asses?
niggers and spics.
This. No need to go extra hard on the thin side, but lets also not just go all in on HAES or nigger ass.
Yes it is. Fatties on reddit and youtube have been seething about it for months already. I fully credit our former prime minister Sanna Marin for this. She got rail thin and then started posting glamour lifestyle on insta.
she looks good for an old lady
>steve irwin had just died
grim grim grim
not a good year
Sanna at one point went full anorexy beyond heroin chick. Check this out. 1 million followers on insta, mostly indian coomers and young women.
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Collar bones and tiny firm butts are the most feminine things in a woman.
>wow, fashion homos and jews are pushing more of their disgusting gay shit on women again!
>normal women that aren't cows are a result of gays and trannies
you're glowing
Lol. imagine someone that hyperventilates after walking up stairs having sex. Lol
Sanna defence squad at home of course saw nothing wrong with this as she's a feminist icon, apmlifying the global return to rexy heroin chick.
So skinny equals masculine to you.
Based. It's already triggering fat roasties. We need to spam skinny girls on twitter and soi-ddit
>- I think you just want bigger boobs and a fatter ass while keeping the tiny arms and waist because nothing about being fatter is more aesthetic besides that

Exactly. Most girls that call themselves curvy or thicc, or etc are just landwhales coping with being ugly
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Look how fast she transformed from I guess BMI 24 to 18
These all look like women who'd fuck me without having to lose weight after gaining so much fat
I just want to spam skinny girls to trigger all the fatty boom batties.
They want to force a fat fetish on people, just like trannies try to force their mental illness on others.
two years is a normal amount of time to lose what, 40, 50 pounds? good for her
how much cocaine do you think
that keira era is legendary
Exactly. Let's bring back the midriff look. Let's see how many thicc or curvy people have fat guts
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This not right
Give this woman braces! Now!
Nah we made fun of faggots and foreign scum back then.
Everyone loved Kate Moss. Chic means cool in case you didn't know. Besides I thought you liked drugs and hedonism
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t h i n f e m a l e s
Wrong. I knew plenty of girls. They wanted to be skinny to pull off the midriff look.
I only hooked up with one goth girl. And it was called goth and not emo at the time
5/10 would not bang
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Sticks thins pls
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None. She simply snapped. Lot of coverage on how her behaviour changed suddenly. My guess: combination of stress and worship. Latter went into her head big time.
Post how many stairs you can climb; you fatty boom batty
giselle was too perfect
>Being overweight or obese is NOT NORMAL. It's depressingly common, but that's not the same as normal, or natural, or desirable. Stop clinging to a dying narrative, fucking fatties and Leftards

Based. They think it is normal because so many around them are fat. But they are living in the fattest era in history. So you don't want to use that as comparison.
Also this explains why fatty boom batties sabotage people trying to eat healthy and exercise around them. It breaks their gaslighting and coping
This asses feel different depending on muscle tone. I would prefer an in shape ass then cottage cheese bouncing against me
she also went vegan
You cherry picked this Lindsay Logan was thin back then and had boobs
So you agree skinny is masculine. Go otter mode boys
No she didn't. Woman on left is a vegan (leader of our righty party Riikka Purra)
Her face looks better.
Did you fall for the Jew chin meme to deflect from ugly Jew noses?
Just loose 10 lbs and your chin will look better
What about the rest? >>75308647
Based. Skinny is beautiful
She is next to disgusting creatures in both of those.
Not good comparison for science as anyone would look good next to jabba the hut.
Sucking WEF cock isn't the most nutritious thing in the world, it seems.
She is Tony Blair whore
Well she did a sexy dance drugged out of her mind while being married with a child, they divorced ofc and she can be a whore, she is a stample modern woman homewrecking everything and still gets prizes.
Legitimate mog desu
Being spiritually satanic has a price.
Thank you baby jesus.
Great body but kind of a grandmother face.
>needs camera angles and certain poses to look good
Just admit you're a feminist simp for fat women.
The fact that men accepted and welcomed fat women at all is disgusting
all of them. cant wear a "waist trainer" with a mid drift,lol. thick chicks look great until you get them home and the folds and sloppy ass guts come out. those tits look great while being hoisted to the sky, bra off and its flop city.
bend that thing over and shell look like a hog. big hanging gut and stretched out sagging tits. there is a reason her arms are up she's stretching her torso, even she knows its gross if she doesn't.
niggers and spics are the ones responsible
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>We're done pushing obese landwhales on you
>Here, have some anorexic bitches
Go fuck yourself
>Sydney sweeney
HAG, literally on the brink of menopause. Have you not yet realized that there's two types of attractive woman: teens and girls who can still pass for teens. That's why men find tattoos so repulsive, it's an automatic indicator that she's not of ideal breeding age. Many other things associated with teens like braces turn guys on and they can't figure out why, that's why. Another automatic indicator of a fertile age woman or at least reminds of one. Women being short, dying their hair blonde, etc it's all evolutionarily tied to identifying their ideal breeding age range.
>Why does the modeling industry struggle to understand the universal standard of beauty according to all men?
Because fashion is run by fags. They pick women who look like men because that's what they like.
*fags and hags
Hags hate women who actually look good because it makes them look worse by comparison.
I want the one in blue
No wait, I NEED the one in blue
These women are objectively ugly by today's standards. A girl isn't hot unless she goes to the gym and has muscular butt and thighs, and a Stacy-tier hip to waist ratio as a consequence.

Really skinny girls only look good when they are actually young, like pic related, not 20yo grandmas.
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A-are you gay, son?
No nigger you're wrong. NTA but I'm also an old millenial. In the 90s and 00s everything was dark. You were goth, or a wigger, grunge, skater, or some other "non-conformist" that conviently had a starter pack you could buy.

90s and early 00s vibe was goth kid living in a gated community.

Ad for heroin chic, I'm not sure the origin but it turned into almost concern trolling. It's like you are scrawny and unhealthy and hooked on drugs, but it's the look you wanted so I guess I respect your effort. It's not what I want, but you seem to want that look.
Disgusting. Even a random 7/10 fitness babe mogs this flat skellington.
You can crop the others out if you can't comment on her ribcage otherwise.
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Gymthots do it to compensate for their otherwise mediocre looks
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If you like fat asses, I'm afraid, you ain't white.
Weird how she still has good tits
Not true. All races were fine with fat women sadly.
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ur right bro here’s another one of those deceptive poses idk how she gets away with it. bitter retard lol
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>You were goth, or a wigger, grunge, skater, or some other "non-conformist" that conviently had a starter pack you could buy.
Cringe times , great times....
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Finally some thin sexo
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Kek, the seething of the fat roasties in the comments
at least she doesn't hide it
Harris is going to obliterate you. Can’t wait so see you idiots rounded up and killed in the streets.
This is a good thing and I like thicker bitches. This brings the bar up a good bit, so now even chubby girls will go down a few fucking stones. Atleast bitches in america will have fucking hips again on average. Get these tub body bitches out of here.
Left is too lesbo but ok, right is a 10/10 5me
She's got a skinny waist but obese ass and tits, probably a tummy tuck or very fortunate genetics (still not an actual hot girl, just a passable fatty)
>thanks to ozempic

no it's becuase kpop/kdramas and asian culture getting more popular
Barbara also had bucal fat removed? Fucking sad.
We need 2000s skinny girls in low waisted jeans for nature to begin healing
What being passed around by the Klaus types does to a mf.
I always wished to fuck an anorexic chick while telling her how fat she is. Also RIP Steve Irwin
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Thicc will always be a male's preference.
I prefer that to what we have now
Shes literally thin though
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So skinny they get prematurely droopy tits is bad though. This example has hot dog tits that are tubular.
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No she's thicc. "Thin" are just skeletons with 90º degrees for curves.
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Stringy malnourished limbs have never looked good. Muscles are where it's at.
You know skinny chicks have kept existing even with all the lardass propaganda around, right? Trends don't matter as much as you think they do.
Uh... Well, I bet when she puffs out her cheeks and crosses her eyes she looks fat and stupid, so I still win
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These women look repulsive but this is a great trend because maybe now we will get to reclaim "curvy" from fat whales and go back to when it meant ass and titties
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You just know they let black men run trains on them with their massive BBCs…..
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black guys aren’t into these kinds of girls they like overweight white women and I don’t know why.
I miss the 2000s because scene girls. Now they’re like an extinct species. I was too young to sleep with them and so that chance was stolen from me.
Black and Hispanic are cannibal cultures so they secure the fattest women they can in case famine comes and they need to eat them. They don't know why either, they're just instinctively drawn to the ones with more calories in them.
Niggers aren't into women, not sure why this brown cuck is so obsessed
Fat women have lower self-esteem
>Great body but kind of a grandmother fac
post face
kek tranny you will never convince anyone that a man can look like a woman
nobody cares what you think browncel
i googled him and everyone think he's gay and its a cover for him being zesty kek
Not the guy you're responding to, but the word chic is used ironically. Heroin-chic has always been a backhanded compliment or outright insult. It's literally saying someone looks like a drug addict. In fact, it's most likely to be used by a fattie to insult someone thin.
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Too little too late, curvy women will still have high self-esteem because of men jacking off on Instagram.

This chick is objectively uglier than this chick.

I think hourglass big booty shit has literally made people retarded. Fucking tramp stamp gross ass looking troglodytes.
>all the women itt are beautiful
>all women are beautiful
>no homo
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>post face
>skinny back
>xzibit comeback
>tiktok trend "make shortkings great again"
>another tiktok trend "I want babys"
>P.Diddy and Hollywood getting exposed

Jesus is returning soon, right?
fashion models are supposed to be anonymous stick figures upon which to hang clothes.
that's why even the famous ones have rectangular torsos that border on looking masculine
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Her face looked much better before.
Is it time to start pushing the thigh gap and bikini bridge propaganda to normoid sites again?
Nigga normal people give no fucks about fashion in general, most people wear oversized t-shirts and pajama bottoms when they go out tf?
is just me or models and supermodels in general look like shit
you're just a faggot
bring back project harpoon
What do you think Robyn looks like these days bros?
Guys I’m thinkin of going grocery shopping tomorrow.
No one called it that and you're both too young to even know
true. skeletons are better for fashion, thoughever
Disgusting. Only pedos and fags are attracted to these shapeless wenches. I'd rather just jerk off than fuck one of those Hank Hill asses with clementine tits.
ITT: tiny penis manlets who need pancake ass in order to feel like actual men, not realizing that no such women (any woman, really) will have anything to do with them in the first place
if you take ozempic you still have a fat brain
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Q: Why do women look at obtainable, high quality bodies and feel so much envy that they need to put them down?

I don't look at Chris Bumstead and think negatively about him. I look at him and get motivated to keep working. I won't ever ever look as good, but I can be inspired by his work and not a jealous bitch.
>lardass wommen in the reddit comments section seethng
>"high T" fatasses in here seething
what a great development genuinely
all the dysgenic trash is unhappy about this

society is healing
there were tons of fat women in the VS show so idk why redditors are seething
if i was the last man on earth id crush myself with one of the rocks over there.
i think that's called 'begging the question'
it's good to avoid envy though, you're right
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Show me the perfect female body.
All you nerds can keep your stick insects I'm with this guy:

There is NOTHING better in life than throwing it into a fat girls pussy, then hitting it from behind making her fat ass shake like it's being hit by an earthquake, you losers don't know what you're missing.
They actually removed that scene from The Three Stooges after complaints.
My condolences.
Thank God.
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>healthy thin
>whatever the fuck this is
RIP in Peace
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You're welcome
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>taking ozempic for months on end feeling nauseous
>could have just achieved the heroin-chic look by… doing heroin and coke
>more fun too
we’ve been living in a cyberpunk hell scape since the 2020s. it’s just a lot more gay and a lot fewer neon signs than i was promised.
two steps forward, one step back
you can't judge how healthy a woman is (in terms of hormonal balance and long term attractiveness) if she doesn't have some body fat
body fat distribution in women shows how well her hormone balance is, if it goes to her thighs, ass and maybe tits (tits depends on individual) that's fine
if it goes to her belly first at lower body fat percentages, something ain't right with her hormones, that's a masculine fat pattern
it is also suboptimal if her fat goes to her tits foremost but not to her ass or thighs, shame most guys are so hard-wired for BOOBA that they forget this
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>hate many women’s stupid actions
>one pretty look though and i melt
stupid fucking women sometimes i wish i actually was gay
mate im a walking real life version of plapjak so fucking bad it actually hurts my feelings when i see it posted, and i’m pathetically average down there. i plap that fat fucking ass to the hilt doggy style all the time. you dont need a long dick to fuck obese bitches, that’s a meme. fat moves out the way, its spongy.
(see, i’m even doing the “at least i’m not a virgin” cope. fuck sake man…)
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>we’ve been living in a cyberpunk hell scape since the 2020s. it’s just a lot more gay and a lot fewer neon signs than i was promised.
Don't read 1984 now it's like watching the news.
chihuahua attitude
That will piss of the keto lardasses and vegans like nothing else
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>take steroids
>lie about it
>whore post on social media
Why don't liberals complain about this kind of "unrealistic body standard"? It's literally free money from simps online, all you have to do is be shameless enough to thot post every day and live with the fake natty lie pic rel lol
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