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I’m 170lbs right now after having dropped from 200 and still feel skinnyfat, should I keep cutting till I’m actually skinny and have low bodyfat before trying to put on muscle, or should I eat at a slight surplus and just eat healthy and try to put on muscle now?
did you really not lift the entire time you were losing weight
You’ve gone this far, may as well bottom out so you can gain quality mass for a long period of time without getting fat
You were just fatter than you thought. Get lean, <12% bodyfat then maingain
I did but I was cutting the whole way through
How do I do that?
>get lean
>When lean, very slight caloric surplus with focus on protein 1-1.5g per lb bodyweight
>lift hard
>dont neglect cardio

pretty much it
I hope she paid for that banana first.
I’d give her my banana free of charge, if you know what I mean
so, a bulk?
AI slop. fuck you
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It’s a real girl retard
What weight is skinny for a 6’0” person?
convert height in cm minus 100 = weight in kg convert back to lbs
Keep cutting with periodic refeeds of about 2-4 weeks. Refeeds should bring you back to maintnence or slightly above. The do 4-6 months of 1lb a week target weight loss.
Eat an animal based diet.
Someone did this photo shoot in a grocery store during business hours. Think about that
Someone nonwhite did.
Into the trash she goes
No shit it was a photographer so obviously asian
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She’s currently the second highest paid whore in all of Onlyfans, think of how many millions you’re passing on
That is? Lol why?
You won't feel good lean until you gain mass
The quickest way to gain mass as a noob is an LP program like SS + accessories while staying 12-20% bf while doing plenty of LISS cardio

You can't effectively gain mass lean because bodybuilding is effectively making the body less efficient and the body won't add high energy mass (muscle) if it doesn't think there's adequate food

T. Former ffmi ~30
What's your hight and waist size
She would have ran away in disgust or pepper sprayed him if some brown went near her
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Short Latinxa with an ass
Looks like the bitch from terrifier

its because she looks like a child and most gooners are into that
Theres literally thousands of girls in the bay area that look like this

I can kinda see that but not for much longer
its so weird as soon as i started gooning to this bitch she ends up all over 4chan.
>she looks like a child
So? Age of Consent is a feminist ideology.
>Theres literally thousands of girls in the bay area that look like this
How many of them are massive whores willing to exploit their own bodies for profit?
Really? Will they be willing to go out with a socially autistic 6ft white boy?
height of consent + weird sex shaming, doubling down on crazy bullshit today huh
>ffmi ~30
What are your pronouns
youll have to work on that autism but i got one for sure. she was crazy but oh lord the sex.
cut to 140. it's the only way
What do you mean? Are you some sort of communist?
is that illegal?

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