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None of the guys in pic related needed to lift weights to get laid. However, Being a Jacked gymcel before 2010 got you WAY more attention from girls than modern times because barely anyone lifted seriously back then. Your muscles were novelty and instantly put you on celebrity status.
Almost no one lifts seriously today either. Most commercial gyms are dyel/pantyboy central
It's still a novelty today. I rarely see anyone with a decent physique in public.
This is what they took away from you.
Do you guys live in ethnic shitholes
No, and if you are who I think you are i would probably put you in this category if i saw you at the gym. No offense intended.
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The modern equivalent to being jacked is having money. Nobody cares about your 6 pack. EVERYONE cares if you're bringing in $500k+ a year
Is this from 2007?
/biz/ cope. Going all in on money is a great way to attract a woman who will cheat on you with a genetically gifted Chad who makes <50k
>celebrity status
oh come on, why exaggerate. Muscles back then gave you a significantly better edge than they do today. Nothing more than that. Also, it was a lot harder back then, there was no routine creatine, whey and helpful videos, many people did wasteful and potentially harmful exercises like situps for years. Reps and sets also weren't well understood.
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Cope. Going all in on body is a great way to never even have a relationship. There is no such thing as a "Chad" with an ugly face. You gymcels conflate "body" and "face" all the time when the reality is you don't even need to lift if you have a good face and you will literally never outlift an ugly face, but you can out-earn an ugly face.
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>oh come on, why exaggerate.
Lower divorce does not equal lower rate of infidelity, and your chart only shows up to 100k+ household income which is not wealthy.
I'm pooh bear
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I wish I could have gone to high school in the 2000s/90s
I think social media rot your brain. Sure, the things you explain are true, it always was, but it affects less that 1% of the population. You worry about money and muscle like it matters for you. Just eat healthy, exercise regularly, have a hobby, and then knock up the silent girl sitting in the back row or your local starbucks cashier like a normal person. Yeah, Andrew Tate need like 5 Bugatties to impress those shallow dumb cunts who infest his circles, but I don't see why anyone would want to be with a woman like that.
>1 result (you)
Nigger can't even read LOL. Is $500k $100k+?

>Lower divorce does not equal lower rate of infidelity
You're right. So instead of me being the one finding the data to disprove you, how about you, the one making the claim, find data to support it. We all know how this ends (with you being low-IQ and all)
500k is 100k+ but it doesn't really make sense to lump people earning 500k+ a year with people who have a completely normal household income of 100-150k.

I don't need to prove shit it's just obviously true kek. You think a young and attractive gold digger who gets with an older wealthy guy who looks like shit is going to actually be physically attracted to him in any capacity?

I'm not poor but I'd always take a modest income and actually being attractive over being an ugly rich manlet
>I think social media rot your brain
Oh look. A 3rd worlder getting upset about a post saying income matters lol. Shocker!

>knock up the silent girl sitting in the back row or your local starbucks cashier like a normal person.
An incel's idea to how normal people get laid lmao
You sound jewish
>graph shows divorce rate going down as income goes up
>be you, retarded incel: "but but but I just know that the rate will go up for people earning $500k a year! I just know it!
Lmao and then:
>I don't need to prove shit it's just obviously true kek
Lmao! "I don't need to provide proof, I just know it! My incel 6th sense/schizophrenia tells me I'm right!
L M A O!

>I'd take a modest income and a good face over being an ugly rich manlet
Wow what a super hot take! You and about 99% of the population retard. Jfc you're definitely top 10% dumbest people on this board.
You seem upset kek. I'm better than you.
You are brown
Even though a lot of guys lift nowadays, most of them aren't actually disciplined to diet and get lean. Most guys I know who lift are just builtfat

Remember, having a six pack is statistically more rare than being a millionaire
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>gets rekt
>"I-Im b-better than you"
>Remember, having a six pack is statistically more rare than being a millionaire
there's no way that's true lmao
>if you want short-term hook ups, focus on getting a good body
>if you want a long-term relationship, focus on getting a good job

your abs and biceps don't put food on the table or pay for your future kids college fund

>picture from 2010
>everyone is white

wow... a lot has changed so fast. this needs to be put in a museum or something before we forget
You americans are so obsessed with this dumb rating system. You want a so called 10/10 Stacy or whatever. You create this nightmare scenario in your head and set crazy high standards for yourself, dooming yourself to be depressed forever. You also act like an average high school boy. If your girl is thin and she's kind enough and doesn't make your life harder you are settled for life. Wake up.
wtf are you talking about? This looks like a typical early to mid 00s high school. The only guy who was getting laid in this photo was the guy behind the green shirt girl and the guy behind him who looks like a murderer.
I wish I was a millennial. Being a zoomer sucks ass
Just do both. Roiders earn more anyway

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nah, he was right. you're the 4chan archetype. you're a demoralization vampire.

check em.
I recognize his posting style. He seems to dedicate a lot of time to being an annoying faggot on this board
this country crashed in 2008
Lol did getting called a third worlder really cause you to go off on this completely irrelevant psycho tangent about your internet experience with Americans? Yikes, might be time to take a break from 4chan buddy
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>5th guy from the left norwooding hard in high school

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>tfw you will never be a cool teen in 2006
What he said had literally nothing to do with my post lol. You people would rather stay deluded and continue to futilely pull on strings and push handles in a climate controlled gym in hopes it makes women like you opposed to improving on the things that women actually value in men. I'm doing you retards a favor
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anyone remember these days? i graduated 2009 and this looks pretty similar to school for me. i remember jr and senior year i got out early, like 1-130. go home, eat, play cs, wake up from nap and hit the gym with the homies.
>comes to bodybuilding board telling people to stop bodybuilding
>thinks his "advice" would/should be well received

>went homet at 1-130
wtf did you go to Dummy Retard High?
bodybuilding board?
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/fit/ in name only this is a bodybuilding and powershitting board
bodybuilding board?
>he spends a lot of time here
>I spend so much time here I was able to recognize his posting style
Lol this thread is filled with retards

>"bodybuilding board"
L M A O like actually LMAO. This board is "how do I get women to like me"
Irl size mogs
it was pretty normal for jrs and seniors to get out early. i don't know how it is today, but maybe they need the extra classes
Whites stopped having kids after obsama got elected
I spend a lot of time here but I actually post on topic most of the time instead of being a career threadshitter lmao. And everyone should know by now that bodybuilding won't help you get women. If you're on this board looking for help on attracting women you have severely fucked up and need to go somewhere else.
femcel and incel in the back
clearly one is trying to cope the other to get some pussy/dick
such is the life of being retarded, I nevel fall for these lies

I also hated school, if you had a good time at school you're unironically an npc. Imagine you get forced to do something and then you just start liking it
I blame the great recession
Nobody cares if you have a 6 pack was my original claim. That's true. Nobody cares buddy. Not my fault people want to argue about it and I wreck their shit with data and logic. I never go out of my way to reply to a bunch of random people who are talking to me. I make a post and if no one replies I literally do not post again
you sound new
Fair enough anon. I agree that no one cares in a practical sense but it does feel good catching random mires for being big and jacked (basically only happens if you are like top 0.1 or 0.01% though)
Been here on and off since like 2009
post your oldest meme
I don't have stuff that old saved but my earliest memories of this place are from when tinytrip was still a regular poster and everyone would call him tinychimp and make fun of his dead parents
My oldest real memory of this place was the formation and beginning of the memes concerning basedboys and cuckoldry and its culmination in the sitewide (sans /ck/ for basedbeans of course) censure of the words. Any history of 4chan that goes back to the point of being able to make the triforce symbol or talking about moot is completely inaccessible to my imagination. I have no idea what people are concerning themselves about nor do I especially care. I know what a "newfag" is but it is very hard to imagine anyone staying on this site long enough to be considered an oldfag. It seems redundant.
I miss the low rise jeans girls wore in hs. Whale tails were rampant, girls were thin and hot. Now it's all mom jeans, exposed midriffs and fupas. It's sad as fuck.

Most boomers are millionaires because of the houses they own
the white western first world is 80% overweight
fucking quints of truth
Isn't Gen Z the fattest generations?
Female fashion will never be good again, my only cope is seeing and archiving media from this time and using it as reference, (I should be in /ic/, but this thread caught my attention)
Why do American schools allow casual dress and not uniforms? Any reason why facial hair is allowed as well?
log off the internet bro
i can't think of any more comfy memory than sitting in the back of math class with my bros scoping out whale tails and pointing them out.
fuck this gay fucking world
Same, it was a glorious time to be a young man. Also CHECK'D
the second amendment

What I miss most was the high school girls. There was drama of course, but so many of them were so full of life and cheerful it was magical being around them. Even if I didn't have that exciting of a romantic life, just knowing that most any girl was actually pretty nice and fun was wild.

Then I joined the work force and became an adult and the majority of women I've crossed paths with were some form of mental health concern. If you manage to find one who's still bubbly and optimistic it's because she's on her BPD high and the low is coming. If you want an emotionally stable lady in her 30's then you better be happy with her being depressed all the time. I don't know what to do, I'm 34 and it seems like I'll have to go raid an Amish farm for their 18 year olds if want a wife on par with what felt like the average girl in highschool was.
T.05-09 high school
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everyone knows and feels this retard. you cant go back peter pan. now you have to pay taxes so we can buy bombs for Jews or whatever.

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