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/fit/ - Fitness

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What was the most /fit/ society in history and why was it the Scythians?
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It was whatever the high aryan culture looked like at its peak in the Bronze Age. We can only speculate but the Scythians are probably the closest thing in recorded history, after that probably the Dorians or ancient Germans
He probably didn’t say that to himself.
Probably Mongolians.
Macedonians. The fitness of the average Macedonian during the days of Phillip and Alexander were one of the foundations of their martial excellence.
How did Guido Mista's mom wind up in ancient Scythia?
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glad my people are getting some respect
Everybody in the Balkans is a larping homocidal retard. Tragic too since that entire region is very beautiful and could be another Italy/Spain in terms of tourism
Unironically the Yamnayans. The OG Milk drinkers. The conquerors of the planet. Founders of every religion.

>Gets bored
>Leaves home on horse I just beat the shit out of and scared into submission
>Find some shithole village across the great river
>Sucks down 18 gallons of horse milk
>Walks up to village elder
>"DYEL Faggot?"
>Murders every male in your village and irreversibly changes the genetic makeup of your entire continent
Why those Greg statues always have giant asses?
>could be another Italy/Spain in terms of tourism
We do it on purpose because tourism is a cancerous industry. Better off poor and miserable than being surrounded by hordes of filthy bugmen
>be literal nomads probably working with looted kilns and furnaces
>have more advanced and intricate metallurgy than the biggest contemporary empires
Scythians really are intriguing
He said Macedonian, not monkeydonian
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>which Scythians do you mean?
The Scythians were Turks, and the Turkic people are the direct genetic and cultural successors of the Scythians. It is known that the Scythians originated from the far East and spread into Europe from there. Until the early 20th century, the Scythians were universally recognized as Turks due to their reputation as barbarians. However, once artifacts were discovered that demonstrated their advanced culture, Indo-European history thieves reclassified them as Indo-European.
The truth will come to light
Society? Probably Ancient North Eurasians or WHGs.
Neanderthals if we are talking non-humans.
If we mean more contemporary then likely the early Germanic people or Icelanders.
>We do it on purpose because tourism is a cancerous industry.
All societies which came out from the steppes.

1. Early Europeans (Yamnaya, Germanics, Ancient Greeks etc.)
2. Early Turks (Huns, Göktürks, Cumans, Oghuz)
3. Early Mongols
What a delightfully obscure reaction pic
based knower
Ancient Greeks didn't come out of the steppes lol. They had mainly Anatolian Farmer ancestry. Very little steppe ancestry.
Scythians on the other hand did come from the steppes.
>He doesn't know about the Dorians
Why do Mongolids larp as indo Europeans Scythian men fucked your woman
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USA. Today. Nobody is fitter.
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>2. Early Turks (Huns, Göktürks, Cumans, Oghuz)
>3. Early Mongols

Both are mutts who came from east Asia and got cucked by indo European men
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Lol Mongolids got cucked even back in the day
>he looked at himself in the mirror
>instantly he was struck with awe at his own visage and the memory of his glorious ancestors who were described by different ancient writers from europe to china as having red hair and blue or green eyes
>"scythian as fuck" he mutters
>get conquered by mongols
>they dont genocide you
>you get integrated into their empire
>thousands of years later the mongols still exist, the scythians and other groups around them do not
Heh totally cucked them lmaoooo!
Post more Scythian pooper!
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>the self-dilusion
half of you guys are straight up obese. How do you even come up with ridiculous stuff like this
what the cuck
Can anyone post a picture of someone with this phenotype?
Twitter larpers are borderline schizos lmao
Turnos out glutes are important for athleticism
LOL, a bunch of smelly manlets.
fuck what was this artists name again
Evolutionary fitness, maybe. That's why they where whoring out their wives and daughters to travelers for, after all.

For actual fitness, it's none of the nomadic societies. They spent most of the day on horseback with little to eat and as a result had low endurance and little strength.
The fittest people would probably be some african steppe tribes, but they don't really qualify as a "society", I guess.
That'd leave ancient Germans. Basically Sparta without the homosexuality, and without having slaves do everything. Romans and Greeks described them as enjoying nothing more than combat training, eating lots of meat and being amongst the strongest people of the time (though some put the celts a step above - but celts, just like spartans, were lazy faggots who had slaves for everything, so the only strong people in their society were the warriors and the labor slaves).
Show me any proof that Mongolians conquered anything why is there no admix of Mongolian in Europeans
Also with out indo Europeans there would be no Mongolians lol as steppa culture horse etc were from proto indo Europeans and indo Europeans
>Show me any proof that Mongolians conquered anything
>why is there no admix of Mongolian in Europeans
Both of these can be found with just a google search.
What is it about /fit/ that attracts some of the most retarded schizos on this site? Is it really just an influx of pooinloos?
>with out indo Europeans there would be no Mongolians lol as steppa culture horse
Without africans there would be no europeans, guess you are a nigger now lmaoooo cucked by BBC loooooooool
> Both of these can be found with just a google search.

No they can’t keep coping ricecel

> Without africans there would be no europeans, guess you are a nigger now lmaoooo cucked by BBC loooooooool

Back to discord or plebbit tranny chink
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Muh bbc found the Asian boy lol
Early steppe Aryans didn’t ride horses. They followed herd of Mammoth and Auroch across the European plains and it became a right of passage for a man to slay an Auroch unarmed.
An Auroch is like a bull but larger.
That was ane not Aryans
Based aryanpilled chads. Reminder that the history of the white man is intentionally obfuscated but Nazi aryan concepts are 100% true, it's the word Aryan has been replaced with "Indo-European." White men invented horseback riding and enslaved half the planet in prehistory. There's a reason why they don't teach about the "Indo-Europeans" in primary schools and why common ancient history curriculum starts with Mesopotamia and Egypt and skips directly to Greece as if they just appeared out of nothing
Can't tell if joking but Indians for one actually think like this and have to cope hard about all the good parts of their culture originating with Bronze Age European invaders who created the racial apartheid that evolved into their caste system
> my ancestors got cucked by people from the steppe!
>out of Africa theory
Sorry pal you've been debunked
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Just about everyone that talks like this is as dysgenic as modern marxists. 95% chance that if any of you are actually white you look like goatis or worse lmao.
I know, but I also knew it was gonna get at these retards. Notice how not a single one mentioned that its an outdated theory, rather just resorted to calling me a chink/ricecel. I'm not asian, and the idea that a chink would argue on behalf of the mongols is absurd.
In the modern era it's got to be Cuba.
>look at their size to olympic medal count
>Fidel was pro caliber baseball player
>never touched booze
>stopped smoking cigars to set a good example
>became jock dictator instead. Soldiers defect en mass
>loves milk so much he breeds a special breed of Coe to thrive in the heat
>builds a monument to the cow in downtown havana
>beloved by every spanish person but Cuban criminals

It hasn't been debunked and it would take a moment to prove you wrong.

You can't believe in Indo-European "Aryan" theory while saying Out of Africa is false, those are contradictory statements.

The ONLY homo sapiens sub group that developed both distinct chins and flat foreheads were modern human Africans.

You'd all look like Grug if your ancestors left Africa before Australian Aboriginals did. Neanderthals didn't have chins. Homo Erectus didn't have chins.

If you can prove whites had Chins before Africans did you might have a point.
Terrible bait Dinesh
Paleolithic Man
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>meanwhile the little asian dudes on horses
>Reminder that the history of the white man is
Not related to the Yamnaya culture.

>according to Heyd, et al. (2023), the specific paternal DNA haplogroup that is most commonly found in male Yamnaya specimens cannot be found in modern Western Europeans
Pretty sad to see that you "people" have been reduced to the sort of WE WUZ cope that you used to mock.
>What was the most /fit/ society in history
>and why was it the Scythians?
The Scythians were famously fat and effeminate according to Hippocrates because they lived in a cold, wet environment.

Source: Hippocrates, "On Airs, Waters, and Places"
Why are Americans so obsessed with mongols lmao. Really cringe.
I hope you ain't including Khokols
They lasted all of 100 years. Irrelevant.
There are both chinese and roman sources describing the scythians as blonde haired with blue eyes, this image is woke
>literal ukrainians from whom all white people are descended weren't white
>they were actually brown
Chinkcel hands. You can talk when half the languages in the world and half the pagan religions originate from one culture. Also reminder that aryans invented horseback riding and very likely invented the concept of "warrior" and warrior caste compared to the slave soldiers of the near east and tribal raiders. The impact of the Mongols is what exactly? A lot of chink rapebabies indistinguishable from the other chink rapebabies of steppe peoples?
Fucking kek why did you cut out the context of the wikipedia article you copy pasted Baljeet
>Genetic studies have found that Yamnaya autosomal characteristics are very close to the Corded Ware culture people, with up to 75% Yamnaya-like ancestry in the DNA of Corded Ware skeletons from Central and Eastern Europe.[79] Yamnaya–related ancestry is found in the DNA of modern Central, and Northern Europeans (c. 38.8–50.4 %), and is also found in lower levels in present-day Southern Europeans (c. 18.5–32.6 %), Sardinians (c. 2.4–7.1 %), and Sicilians (c. 5.9–11.6 %).[80][71][13]
>However, according to Heyd, et al. (2023), the specific paternal DNA haplogroup that is most commonly found in male Yamnaya specimens cannot be found in modern Western Europeans, or in males from the nearby Corded Ware culture. This makes it unlikely that the Corded Ware culture can be directly descended from the Yamnaya culture, at least along the paternal line.[81]
>Autosomal tests also indicate that the Yamnaya are the vector for "Ancient North Eurasian" admixture into Europe.[11] "Ancient North Eurasian" is the name given in literature to a genetic component that represents descent from the people of the Mal'ta–Buret' culture[11] or a population closely related to them. That genetic component is visible in tests of the Yamnaya people[11] as well as modern-day Europeans. [82]
He's clearly asian

>he fell for foreign cope anti-American clickbait

hope you enjoyed all the ads
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opinion discarded
what in the tricknology? Yakub created ALL R1b. Next you will say you have not read the oera linda or aren't doggerland-pilled.
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The Nation of Islam mythology where white people are a rampaging genetically-engineered warrior race that enslaves peaceful browns is shockingly accurate to reality
lel looks like a fusion of pepe's original illustrator and kentaro miura
Man I wish this was true. We would have a lot less trouble now
Horses that came from whites
And they did nothing lol and lasted a 100 years with no language or culture impact wow so great
westoids confirmed for not white. only slavs are white.
Ok ranjit
that's mr. ranjoslaw for you, brownoid.
Your brown bud
Fuckin white devils
nah, I'm 100% pure-bread slavshit. The epitome of aryaness.
>tragic, we can't turn it into another open-air museum and disposes the natives
Stop the larp ranjit it’s embarrassing whites are in your head rent free your woman literally import sperm from Slavic countries
Bro, if you aren't Bulgarian you're far from being aryan.
He’s thinking about sucking and licking those juicy pecs
lol. Mongol invasion of the middle east was fucking huge. By comparison, it was 1000% more important than the Crusaders or even the Sunni-Shia schism. It was a fucking huge deal. Mongols were transient, sure. But Tsunamis are also transient phenomena.

In terms of world shaking events from 1000-1500, Mongols were up there with the Black Death.

You're either a Han Chinese (read: part Mongol), Muslim, or one of their hand maidens.

[Based Mongols]
The Spartans, obviously
Sure thing chink your all the same to whites all the same little dick yellowoids with small slanted eyes and flat faces lolll also don’t type in on YouTube what men Mongolian woman want it will break your heart ahahaha
You can always tell someone's race based on what historical civilizations they get defensive about
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it's haploshit time.
only westoid = brownoid
oh look, another giganigger who has zero awareness of germanic history
It’s the defining Eastern European haplogroup. The Corded Ware Culture raped the Yamnaya so Western Europeans still have their DNA, but through maternal lineages.

In short, Yamnaya are Eastern European, Corded Ware/Yamnaya Hybrid are Northern and Western European
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Bleached south Asian woman love bwc Aryans completely cucked Indians
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>White men invented horseback riding and enslaved half the planet in prehistory
The way the Aryans ruled was not by slavery, that is for subhumans (i.e. kikes). They only demanded some amount of tribute and installed themselves as the legitimate ruling class. They founded the basis for the royal lineages we see in history and loosely controlled these areas until they were displaced over time.
You're retarded. Dasa literally means slave, they absolutely enslaved people and nearly all the aryan successor civilizations practiced some form of slavery. Fuck this wholesome chungus shit I hate when /pol/fags do this.
>"we wuz just chunguses n shieet"
>obligatory jew reference in rant
No sorry but the jews did not invent imperialism and force muh poor peaceful whites to engage in it you absolutely massive faggot. You're so far up your own ass and mindbroken. This is what happens when slave moralist retards engage in anti-semitism, suddenly everything great in the world was actually the jews' fault
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>"we wuz just chunguses n shieet"
You are just announcing to the whole thread that you have been online so much that you became completely mentally ill. Fact is Aryan rulership was benevolent, it was always a net positive wherever they went. Slavery carries a negative connotation and implies the people are mistreated somehow. I don't think assigning mentally disabled niggers to lower roles is cruel or unjust. Slave is also used as an insult, the Aryans looked at the deteriorating Persians with contempt. Yes they maintained an empire, but they didn't glorify actual slavery. There is a natural hierarchy. And you would be somewhere at the bottom, ideally. At least until you stop following twitter BAP clone accounts.
>Fact is Aryan rulership was benevolent, it was always a net positive wherever they went.
They literally killed the men and raped the women on massive skill nigger wtf are you even talking about? Are you indian? Cause one of the big Indian copes (if they're not claiming the aryans were somehow from India) is claiming that they were peaceful Europen immigrants that meshed with the dravidian natives peacefully
>the Aryans looked at the deteriorating Persians with contempt.
You have to be trolling
>Slavery carries a negative connotation and implies the people are mistreated somehow.
Yeah they were raped by superior whites, welcome to planet earth homo
>At least until you stop following twitter BAP clone accounts.
Nobody know wtf this is take this faggotry back to twitter.

In summation: you are a retard faggot
No, Indian nationalists seethe over the idea that Europeans/Aryans were there at all. Indians don't generally care about rape because thats just a normal shitskin thing. On the contrary, Aryans implemented a caste system for a reason and seperated the races. Mixing with them is the dumbest thing you can do. You are right about them butchering them in the thousands though on the field. Their descendants did the same thing. It absolutely wasn't peaceful.
>he doesn't know
>Unironically the Yamnayans.
they got btfo by the corded ware
>On the contrary, Aryans implemented a caste system for a reason and seperated the races. Mixing with them is the dumbest thing you can do.
Except they did mix with them some time between now and 3000 years ago but the caste system remained in place. The Kalash people of Pakistan may be pretty unmixed but the high caste indians are clearly no longer white. Aryans had a system of sending out (possibly even fully expelling) the young single men into "wolfpacks" to go raid and conquer and steal women. The founding of Rome by Romulus' warband and their kidnapping of the Sabine women is this depicted in oral history. Same thing with Sparta, their national god Apollo was originally wolf god, and just look at the name of the lawgiver Lycurgus
The mannerbund/koryos concept makes sense at least in relation with the hunting culture, they would not just be sent out to foreign lands but these were most likely young men that became ritualistic hunters who survived on their own. And the myths about werewolves or shapeshifting creatures probably came from stories about these men, who had felled dangerous wild animals in close combat and taken the aspect of that animal and wandered into various places. Its possible the tradition of bridenapping originated in this environment since they existed outside of society. If you are that accomplished, the woman will come willingly anyways.
>Except they did mix with them some time between now and 3000 years ago
Yes over time they did mix, I don't think it was their intention though. The result you can see, is not so desirable. Imagine what India could have been if it was still ruled by whites.

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